MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1773 I am still alive

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In Fang Xiaomei's heart, it always seems to have a shadow, lingering, anxious to find a thousand and ask questions!

The sea of ​​chaos smashed the person of the protoss, the person who drank the sorrows of the five ancestors, who was originally a stranger, but in Fang Xiaomei’s heart, but Mo Ming’s connection, she also thought I always feel that it is impossible for someone to be so fast. I have been rushing through the fasting of snakes. It is already rare in the world, and there is no delay on the road. How can anyone rush in their heads?

But the thought in my heart, but it is always difficult to erase, or eager to rush to Bai Qianzhang to see it!

Coupled with Bai Qianzhang, she has also seen it. It is very important for her to go to the meeting and ask for good voices!

Lingshan Temple is located in the area of ​​Beishen Mountain. At the time of the coming of the Protoss, there were many heroes of the ancestors who had resisted the Protoss in Lingshan Temple. Even the first master of the Lingshan Temple was killed by the protoss of the Protoss. Later, when Tianyuan’s strength gradually increased and the advantage was established in the war with the protoss, the monks of the Lingshan Temple began to retreat, and they did not care for any power in the world. This also made Lingshan Temple a detached one. A quiet place to be respected!

Fang Xiaomei used a day to hurry. On the second day, Chaoyang began to come to the temple. It couldn’t be like a big snowy mountain. It fell into the mountains and went up the mountain along the small steps of the moss. He came to the ancient mountain gate. Before, I reorganized my clothes and told the little Shami who was in front of the mountain gate. The woman who said that she was going to visit the master of the wine and meat, would like to pray!

"There is a trip to the mortal world, not yet returned!"

Xiao Shami’s gracious answer, the wine master is not in the mountains.

When Fang Xiaomei frowned, he bluntly asked: "Don't you ask if Bai Grandpa is in the temple?"

Xiao Sha Mi is honest, and he replied: "The white ancestors have been buried in the temple for 28 years!"

Fang Xiaomei was overjoyed and said: "Then you take me in, I want to meet Bai Shishu!"

Xiao Shami went back to the temple first. After a fragrant time, he said, "Bai Shishu is now having something important. It is not convenient to see the guest. It is only the meaning of the female donor. He already knows, let you go back first. Going to the Bohai State, by the time, someone has come forward to solve it!"

"White Grandpa already knows?"

Fang Xiaomei was shocked and frowned. He thought that this white grandfather had the skills of an unknown prophet?

I have to know that even she just knew that Grandpa Bai was hiding in Lingshan Temple, then no one could pass a letter to him, and after he learned it, he immediately rushed over. No one can hurry in the snowy mountains. How do he know in his own head?

My heart moved slightly, looked up at the low wall of Lingshan Temple, and I wanted to jump over and go in, but at the end, my heart was hesitant, quietly standing for a long time, or gently sighed. The tone finally dispelled this bold thought, but just honestly beheaded outside the temple, and then with a slight joy and smile on his face, driving the snake far away!

In this Lingshan Temple, the green hills and green waters of ancient temples, quiet and peaceful, on a sunny hillside, under the long live ancient pine trees, is holding a chessboard, and on the left side of the chessboard, just said that there are important things. However, he is calmly playing against people. On the other side of him, he is a rough-looking black-haired old man. He is frowning and thinking. Bai Qianzhang obviously has more chess skills than his opponents. The old-fashioned blacks will all think of the sea for a long time, Rao is now, and gradually fell into the tide!

After losing another game, he was already losing three times. He was upset and awkward. He shouted and shouted at the side of the slope: "Wine, little monk, send some wine, old man." Have a good time, you have to pull back a game!"

Bai Qianzhang laughed and said nothing, obviously did not think he could win himself.

Under the mountain, the little monk has not sent the wine. After Gusong, I don’t know when a figure appeared. It is a young man with a dark-haired shawl. Silently put a green skin gourd on the chessboard. The black-haired old man also Undoubtedly, he took it and poured it into his mouth. He took a few mouthfuls and sighed with a sigh of relief. He said: "This wine is good, it will definitely win you!"

Said to put on the battle and continue to fall, killing is terrible!

And the man with the black shawl did not leave, still standing on one side and watching the battle quietly.

However, it is not so much a gaze. It is better to say that the two people who are watching the game have been watching for a long time. The calm face has already been somewhat distracted, and even the eyes are red, and he stands clearly. Here, the white hair that is full of white hair, but the face of a young man’s face, and the old man who looks old with the black hair, are also like seeing him, playing chess from his own self, it seems like there is a kind of Invisible conventions generally, no one has an opening, just a heart and soul to do their own things...

The two played against each other, and the man was responsible for adding alcohol to the tea. All three did not speak, nor looked at each other!

Until the old man of this game of black hair won, he laughed and wiped his face. He turned to look at the man who was pouring tea next to him. He laughed and said: "Small quail, you are not strange. Every time you appear, I can always win him a game..."

The alcoholic man poured the tea into a cup and then looked calm and he suddenly became angry. He kicked the chessboard in front of him and lost his hand. He took the cup of tea in his hand and then slightly Turned around, looking at the black robe man standing there and yelling at the waist and yelling: "You can't kill the old king, why can you stand here and drink and play chess? I am not killing you with one arrow." Are you? How do you survive, why don't you tell me?"

While squatting, the more you get angry, the more you put the white ones inside: "You are not a good thing. When I left Tianyuan, I thought you were dead. As a result, you are all alive, you are not willing to tell me. Worried about my vain..."

The two men were also awkward, and they looked at the angry man with some movement, but they were laughing!

Straight after a long time, the black robe man was a little tired, the old man said: "When the old man successfully reshaped the flesh, you are no longer in Tianyuan, how can you tell you? But you don't hurry to swear, you Say that both of us have lied to you, then you can say, which of the three corners have you been hiding in? In this way, how did you survive?"

"Why tell you what?"

The man with a black shawl sat on the tree stump and said with a sigh of relief: "I haven't lost it yet!"

"No matter what, just be alive..."

In the distance, another voice sounded, and a resolutely sultry gentleman walked slowly and laughed slowly, but it was just the little Shami’s words, the first wine-and-blood monk of Lingshan Temple who went out to travel, beside him, followed by one The old man of Baishou, who saw this person in madness, got up and called out "Shi Shu", the man who looked at the black-haired shawl far away from the wine and the white-haired old man, smiled softly: "You want to That problem has disappeared for three hundred years, and now it finally appears, can you have an answer?"

The man with the black shawl turned his head and looked at the wine and meat monk. He smiled and said, "Do you care about that answer?"

The wine and meat monk whispered a whisper and said: "Now the sects of the princes have only defeated the gods, and deterred all the fairy tales, and they have gained an advantage in front of the sects of the three parties, Xianxian and Xianshuai, even three celestial beings. The emperor has not yet gone through the customs, but all the internal differences have already appeared. The chaos of the Bohai Kingdom is also affected by the disputes of the Taoist temples. Oh, my Lingshan Temple is aware of the dispute and is unwilling. Involved, this is timely withdrawal, but who can really ignore this question?"

The man in black lowered his eyes: "With the wisdom of your Lingshan Temple, can you think of a solution?"

The wine and meat monk faintly said: "The big robbery is in the hearts of the people. I am waiting for people outside the country. I couldn’t think of a broken book!"

"This is really not a good solution..."

The man in black sighed softly and said: "I have thought about it for three hundred years!"

Everyone in the field looked at him: "Is that the answer?"

The man in black said faintly: "I am still alive!" chaptererror;

Read The Duke's Passion