MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 705 Omen

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"Please use slowly." At this time, the boss delivered the meal.

Pickles, radishes, a rice ball, a piece of Chinese cake.

Although I don't know, the "Yamada Palace" that Yamazaki Ichiro slaughtered was simply a fabricated identity out of thin air, but when he saw this rich dinner, he showed satisfaction.

Pei Ziyun absently nodded slightly, desperate for the diet of this era. At that time, the daily menu of the secretary-general was actually the above. Adding salted fish, and then having a cup of tea and a few snacks after a meal was already a luxurious meal .

"Be patient!" Pei Ziyun drank slowly, and after a while, he had a general understanding of the identity of the person sitting here.

They are all samurai who have recently come to work in Heianjing. Most of the warriors below the ranks are supposed to be fierce warriors. Their courage is different from ordinary people, but now they are alert and careful.

"It is not uncommon for these warriors to pour in. In the early Heian period, thieves had run rampant, frequently attacking the government, ambushing and transporting, and even poured into Kyoto and burned the palace."

"In the first year of Kuan Ping (889), the group thief led by the thief Bukit Wing rioted in Kanto and it was suppressed for more than ten years."

"Then the East Malaysian Party is in chaos."

"Followed by layoffs in Weifu people, they rioted, attacked the Beijing ship by boat, forcibly took rice, cloth, and stretched across the South China Sea. This is the western pirate."

"To make matters worse, the prisoners of the Yi people have rioted again."

"The so-called night walk of a hundred ghosts is, in real history, synonymous with thieves or robbers, stigmatized by the court into ghosts, and even the prototype of a swallow boy is actually a riot."

"Interesting power and propaganda, if the people knew that the uprising was the same person as themselves, they would imitate it, but now that the uprising is full of evil spirits, they will not only fail to imitate it, but also avoid it, which isolates those Evil. "

"Japan can maintain a 1,500-year dynasty, it is a trick, let alone say that in order to deal with these evil spirits, the court had to rely on samurai, which is why the samurai rose."

"Now the local sheriff and the transport team are all warriors, and it is normal to come to Heianjing."

"But it's clear that in my world, a hundred ghosts are not necessarily thieves or robbers, at least not a drunk boy."

"Although these warriors talked about many things, they were all daytime things, and they avoided the night. They avoided even the things at night, which made these warriors jealous. The legend of the night is not necessarily a talk. "

"If I use force, I don't need to hesitate and do it directly, but now I have to detour a little bit and have to understand the intentions of the black hand-specific news, or I can give Yamazaki a try."

Pei Ziyun does not like to talk with strangers. In addition, his temperament is quite different from these lower-level samurai, and it is difficult to make these people care.

It was Yamazaki Ichiro. Although he was not a brave man, his appearance was bluffing, and with the rudeness unique to the lower-ranking samurai, they were very reassuring.

No, I just drank some wine, and there was a samurai sitting next to him, shaking it slightly and talking to Ichiro Yamazaki.

When facing Pei Ziyun, the other party was somewhat restrained, especially when they learned that the other party was the master of the Yamada family who served Orange Daozhen, his face was humble.

But turning to Yamazaki Ichiro, there is no such uneasiness.

The samurai smiled: "Yamazaki, Izumi from Hequan country, it must be **** the road?"

Izumi is very close to Heianjing, but in the Heian era, it was already considered a remote country.

Yamazaki Ichiro's spirit shook, and his gloom swept away. Haha smiled, and was quite proud: "You're right, you just met two robbers along the way! Those people are really abominable. They are all dalits. To the samurai, he dared to pull his sword. "

"But even these pariahs, even if they grabbed a knife or two, they were just muddy legs, and I cut them three on the spot."

Yamazaki Ichiro picked his own story and said a few things, causing everyone around him to stop talking and listen carefully.

Pei Ziyun also listened curiously. After all, this "Yamada Shinichi" was directly "airborne" to a place not far from Ping An Jing. Those previous things were not related to himself. He also planned to listen and see if he could find clues.

As a result, I heard Yamazaki touting his high-powered words, and he felt boring.

Obviously, the focus of the samurai questioning is not this: "... This is really amazing, but apart from these, haven't we encountered any strange things?"

Is it to inquire about the monsters on the way, to determine whether the journey back is safe?

"Speaking of which, after entering the city, we encountered a strange thing." Without wanting to continue to listen to nonsense, Pei Ziyun suddenly spoke, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

Speaking of his pride, Ichiro Yamazaki, he couldn't help taking a nap when he heard about it.

Immediately someone discovered this, and asked with a little anxiety, "Oh, Yamada-don, Yamazaki-kun, I'm sorry to ask, can you tell me?"

Some people resisted the move towards this place and sat back again, obviously a little nervous.

Pei Ziyun saw the reactions of these people in his eyes, and said lightly: "The two of us found a lantern with the words" soba soba ". When I walked over, I found that there was no one in front of the noodle booth. In a word, the lantern actually ... was gone. "

"There was no wind at the time, and a woman's whimper came ..."

The oil lamp in the room glowed green with a faint light, and it seemed a little bit sensational. When he said this, he was suddenly blown by the wind, and he shook it slightly, almost extinguished, and the wind outside was also louder, making a whine. , Seems to be speaking with Pei Ziyun.

"..." Everyone present was silent for a while. The samurai who had just come over to laugh and say to Yamazaki Ichiro turned white and went back to his original seat without talking.

"Zhujun, what's wrong with you?" Yamazaki Ichiro was uneasy and smiled reluctantly.

No one answered, and after a long silence, someone whispered, "This is a fire lantern, it is a bad omen."

Yamazaki Ichiro couldn't stand the depressive atmosphere. After hearing this, his face was ugly, and he threw the bowl on the table and stood up.

"But there is no one for the time being, is there anything weird? What a bad omen, Hugh to talk nonsense!" He was faint in heart and even more stubborn in his mouth, but even then, the people around him didn't talk anymore, just watching Yamazaki Ichiro stunned. Standing.

Pei Ziyun was drinking slowly, and his expression was calm and unaffected. But in this case, it was very unlikely to ask anything.

"Turn off the lights, there is no buckwheat in the lights. I saw lanterns and buckwheat stalls in the middle of the night in the cold winter, but no one came near, and this kind of murder happened."

"These people are obviously scared. Even the samurai are scared. It's no wonder that they can't see the people going out."

"After all, relative to the warrior who has the force to kill the ghosts, ordinary people face the ghosts, which is the weakest one, and can only wait to die."

"Heianjing, this name is really ironic."

"Or is it because of praying for peace?"

Pei Ziyun narrowed his eyes: "Well, as long as I kill two more monsters, I can push the boundaries in this world."

"No matter what the seal is then, it will not help."

"As of now, there are no big fish, and shrimp is fine.

"Can anyone think that I can gain power through killing and refining?"

"Omens? It's just here. It's the least effort to keep the rabbits alive."

Thinking of this, Pei Ziyun called the owner and asked about the room.

"Sir, there are only three rooms left. Two are up and one is down. Which one do you want to book?"

"Yamazaki, you have worked hard all the way. Once you arrive in Heianjing, let's book two rooms. Take a good rest and visit your wife tomorrow."

Pei Ziyun said, and this made Sasaki Yamazaki satisfied: "Yamada, I'll go and see now, and I'll call you hot water."

Seeing Yamazaki Ichiro past, Pei Ziyun glanced around and found that there were still some people just now, and there were only a few two or three left.

This shows the power of what I just said.

"Boss, Heianjing, is it dangerous at night?" Pei Ziyun asked curiously after paying the deposit.

The boss's face changed, but he had to be polite and considerate when he did business. He already knew the identity of the "Master Yamada" and was afraid to say nothing. After a lot of people, the two adults had good luck. Although we encountered strange things, nothing happened. "

That may not be so.

Seeing the boss refused to say more, only cited the past, this is a small old room, two are in the same place, almost the same, you can see a lot of black and dirty, and the pane is very thin, vaguely white , And the inside is actually just a straw mat and a quilt.

The boss's own room was also in this corridor, not too far away, and he opened the door and bowed: "Two adults, if there is anything in the night, you can always find me."

"Got it!" Ichiro Yamazaki waved and let him go.

Pei Ziyun saw Yamazaki Ichiro go in, and said abruptly, "Yamazaki, you can't sleep too much tonight, be careful about everything."

Even if Pingshui meets and knows one day, it should be reminded.

Yamazaki Ichiro thought that Yamaichi Shinichi was scared and slap his chest: "Yamada, rest assured, if there is danger, I will protect you immediately!"

"And, the thought of seeing Mrs. Shibu tomorrow, I was a little nervous, I was a bit hard to fall asleep, and I can definitely help you stay vigil."

Pei Ziyun was stunned by this expression ~ ~ I really didn't want to understand what Yamazaki Ichiro was thinking, just smiled.

However, I'm actually a bit curious about what the Izumi style department I will see tomorrow look like.

"Is it the three geniuses of the Heian style? Is the whereabouts of Xunzi related to her?"

"Is the black hand to arrange my identity and get involved in the famous derailment incident in the Heian era, just to help Orange Daozhen deal with me?"

"Anyway, I'll know tomorrow."

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Chapter 705 Omen (Page 1/1)

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