MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 704 Heiankyo

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What did Pei Ziyun think, but Yamazaki Ichiro could not know.

"Ping An, as I know, does not have a city wall, but there are towering walls here. Once Yamazaki Ichiro has been to the Ping An, it is natural to remember it. This Ping An is unusual from the outside."

Pei Ziyun looked at Ping An Jing with a faint glance, and felt the unusual atmosphere inside.

"Well, as soon as I arrived, I became Yamada Shinichi."

"It is still the world's Nobuyuki Yamada. He lives in Izumi and has a family of 550 stones. It is a very respectable samurai family, although in this era, samurai are not as prominent as later generations."

In the Heian era, the status of the samurai was not high. One hundred and fifty years ago, the samurai was no different from the chaotic thief, and only recently became legalized.

In the future, the court relied more and more on samurai to settle local rebellions and fight against pirates, but now, it is only a tool for the Seki family and the emperor to compete for power.

It will not be until 150 years before the samurai becomes a decisive force in shaping the political situation, establishing the shogunate, and becoming the ruling class on the historical stage.

I came here somehow, directly as the owner of many Yamada families.

"Unlike the original Dongzhang, originally the Taoism and divine power were concentrated in the soul and could not interfere in this world, but now it is a powerful force that seals its own power."

"Not only that, but also memory coverage, which is really powerful."

If it wasn't for plum blossoms, I would immediately break the fog of memory, I'm afraid I really thought that there was a Yamada family in this era, and he was really the young master of this family.

"If this is the case, I am afraid that my eyes will be covered by false eyes, and my death will be unclear."

Thinking of his mission to Heianjing this time, and "Yamada Shinichi" 's respect and loyalty to the country secretary and Izumi Mori, this was Pei Ziyun's head shaking.

Not only did he arrange well, make his identity seamless, and his mission to Heianjing was also very specific-he was ordered by Hequan to guard the orange Taozhen, to inquire about the situation of his wife and Izumi-style Ministry in Heiankyo.

"Is it the same as in history, because of separation, the Izumi-style department had an affair?"

"He Quan Shou Orange Road Zhenzhen smelled the light of the blue hat, so I sent someone to inquire, but this task was given to me, it really makes sense!"

"But in history, I heard that my husband is the third prince of Emperor Lengquan as the prince, and Orange Daozhen can only be angry and divorce, but not to her."

Because of the sight of Heian Jing in front of him, there are some differences from his own memory, simply, Pei Ziyun does not think about the rumors of Hequan Department.

With the seal of power in hand, he intends to follow the identity of the other party and see what the other party is thinking.

"After all, in addition to strength, the sister-in-law has also been separated from me and must find her first."

"A force blocked my perception, but roughly it was the right direction."

Thinking of this, Pei Ziyun said to Yamazaki Ichiro, "Yamazaki, let's go faster, we must not be locked out of the city."

"Yes, Yamada Hall!" This proposal coincided with Yamazaki Ichiro's intentions. He straightened his chest, and supported the sword around his waist, guarding Pei Ziyun and moving forward. There was already a weed in his heart.

"Although Ichiro Yamazaki is a loyal warrior, he will not betray his superiors, but Yamada Den is too young and does not have much force. If I can see my wife, I will show my loyalty and talent, and I will appreciate it. Isn't it a great glory to yourself? "

"The Yamazaki family can also show their face in front of Lord Orange Dozhen, and it may not be just the lower-level samurai far behind the Yamada family."

"Ha!" Pei Ziyun glanced and ignored.

Many days along the way, Pei Ziyun actually knew this person's small abacus clearly, but this is not his world, and he will ignore it if it does not harm himself.

Or this caused Misaki Ichiro to misunderstand, although he did not dare to show disrespect, but thought that he was young, generous, and foolish, but unfortunately, Ichiro Yamazaki did not know that the Izumi-style Ministry had been derailed. This was not a letter delivery, but inspection information. "

"And this involves the light of the blue hat of Lord Koushou. Go back and report. Yamada's family may still have a chance to escape. Yamazaki Ichiro has only one way to go. He will die without getting into the water, or will he cut his belly?"

"This is really the sadness of the little man."

Both were wearing straw shoes, a layer of snow on the ground, and their feet were very cold. A strong man like Pei Ziyun also did not like this weather. When the city gate was near, the two speeded up and rushed in before the city gate was closed. Out of town.

Because it is winter, it gets dark quickly. After entering the city, the street is empty and there are no passers-by.

This puzzled Ichiro Yamazaki who had been to Heiankyo.

Although the right Beijing was deserted due to the site selection of Ping An Jing, they are now walking on the streets of Zuo Jing, which should not have been so inaccessible.

The shops or people on the road are basically closed and closed. I want to find someone who can't do it anywhere.

Although Yamazaki Ichiro has been to Heiankyo, he has never been to Orange House. If he didn't ask someone to ask, he wouldn't be able to find the address directly.

Yamazaki Ichiro still did not give up, rubbed his hands that had been frozen red, and proposed: "Yamada, we trek day and night, and finally arrived in Heianjing. Why not ask someone for their address and immediately go to Orange House to meet Mrs. Shibu? It also looks respectful! "

Pei Ziyun gave a smile and gave Yamazaki a guilty conscience.

"Not right, after all, it's a female family member. I saw it at night, and it was rude."

Although Yamazaki Ichiro wanted to refute, but he was just a lower-level samurai. If he wanted to please the Orange family, he could not reach it. He could only bear the dissatisfaction and nodded.

"There is no one on the road here, I don't know what the situation is, or I'll find a hotel quickly." Pei Ziyun said again, squinting and glancing around.

I have never seen it in a capital city.

Yamazaki Ichiro also had to admit that at this time, Ping An Jing at night was a little scary to be quiet.

Even if he didn't want to think more, Ichiro Yamazaki couldn't help but think of the stories told by others when he came to Heianjing a few years ago, only to think that a cold wind blew and he shivered.

"Ah, there is a noodle stall in front of it, Yamada Hall. It is better to eat a bowl of noodles and then go to the hotel! We just went to ask the stall owner where there is a hotel!"

At this time, Yamazaki Ichiro saw a lantern with "buckwheat noodles" in the distance and said with surprise.

This is a commonly used street sign. When Yamazaki thought of his warm face running down his throat, he couldn't take a step, and his stomach screamed.

Pei Ziyun has nothing to do with it. Anyway, the cold weather has done little harm to him. The other party is willing to risk staying on this conflicting street, and is too lazy to oppose it.


"Then come with a bowl of soba noodles, it must be very good ..."

Yamazaki Ichiro swept away the depressed offer, and walked a few steps quickly to the lantern.

But when you look at the lantern clearly, you can't help but look at it and stop talking.

Here is a noodle stand. There are a few tableware and radishes on the little table. The pot is gruntingly hot, but the water is boiling, but the noodles are not seen, let alone the person who cooks the noodles.

"How about people? What about people?" Yamazaki said a little uneasily in his heart, but he shouted a few words.

Only cold wind blew around, rolling up the snow on the ground, and no one answered.

Yamazaki Ichiro had expected, and suddenly turned into a rage. If it wasn't for fear of Yamada Hall on the side, if it was 200 years after the warrior dominated, I was afraid that he would directly hit the noodle booth.

Even so, I still couldn't help swearing: "Do you want to play tricks on Bage?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no wind and no one, and the bright lantern suddenly burst out, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness. Not only that, but there seemed to be a grieving cry.

Yamazaki Ichiro stayed straight, his teeth were a little trembling, and he woke up in a few seconds, yelling, and jumping away in front of the noodle booth.

"Yamada, this ... weird here!"

"It's really weird here, it's better to leave." Pei Ziyun raised his eyebrows and said.

Yamazaki Ichiro found nothing wrong, now feeling deep in the darkness, as if there were countless strange things looking at himself, and his heart was cold and he could not wait to leave immediately.

Yamada-den had already spoken, so naturally he was anxious.

The two men quickly left in front of their stalls and walked another distance before they saw an inn.

The lantern at the entrance of the hotel was also on. It was shaking slightly under the wind.

Yamazaki Ichiro could not help but took a nap, subconsciously did not want to go, but fortunately, after seeing the light and figure inside, he was relieved.

"Why are the two adults still outside at this time?"

A thin old man was about to close the door opened by the wind, and saw Pei Ziyun approaching Yamazaki Ichiro at a glance, screaming in surprise, quickly bowing, and not caring about the indifference of the guests, asking them to go inside, and saying: How dare you have the courage to walk in the night, please come in quickly! "

The door closed, and the warmth suddenly wrapped the two people, and Yamazaki's frozen body was recovering.

"Is there a wine and a rice ball?" Yamazaki Ichiro asked without thinking.

"Master, rest assured, nothing else, good sake and rice balls!" The hotel owner answered with a smile.

Pei Ziyun found Zhang's empty table and could hear the whispers of the guests at the table next to him.

Looking around, I found that there were still some warriors sitting in the lobby of the hotel at this time. Putting knives on the table, drinking and eating, he also kept watching.

Pei Ziyun thoughtfully sat down and put the knife on the table. This was far from clear. The light was clearly a wooden knife near the light. When he cast some eyes, he brought a bit of subtlety.

Ichiro Yamazaki discovered the curious eyes of those people, but felt that his face had a fever and his heart was depressed.

Although the Yamada Hall is a generous person ~ ~ You do n’t have to pay for food and drink along the way. There are rice **** (although not necessarily white rice). You know, ordinary warriors only have bran, Wild vegetables, brown rice, only the public official eat white rice, fish, shellfish.

This kind of treatment is really rare and should be appreciated, but the other party is an embroidered pillow!

It is a shameful thing for a samurai to go out and travel with only a wooden knife.

The other person is young and incapable, and can still enjoy 550 stone of knowing and doing. How can this not make him jealous?

"But I was born in a better family. If you replaced me, I would have already received the attention of Lord Orange Taozhen!"

Yamazaki Ichiro had confidence in his martial arts. He went to Heianjing that year, but encountered a thief, but he hacked three and successfully completed the task.

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