MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 705 God should be God

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Pei Ziyun came out at Abe Harumi, it was evening, and the snow had stopped in the sky. The last line of sunshine was fading, and the moonlight rose.

The road was snow-capped, white and flawless, the traces of passersby had been covered by snow, the cold wind blew through, and the snow was scattered towards the still flowing river, disappearing into it silently.

"The enchantment is still there, just a thousand holes."

After 794 AD, Heianjing became the capital. According to the geography of divination of Yinyang Road, Heianjing is the "holy place for the four gods", with mountains (Funaokayama) to the north, rivers (Kamogawa) to the east, and lakes to the south. (Juyu Pond), Xitong Avenue (Sanyang Road)-are matched with the four gods of Xuanwu, Qinglong, Suzaku, and White Tiger to pray for protection.

In order to match the natural topography, the Emperor built the Yanli Temple (Guimen), the East Temple, the Nishi Temple (the Forbidden City), and the Luo Chengmen (the south side) in Kyoto to prevent evil spirits.

Feng Shui's enchantment is like this, and it is where the Japanese court is. It should have been evil, but now I dare not say that there is a dark and dark atmosphere everywhere, and I am a little bit together, and I have a **** faintness. No wonder it is night. The pedestrians were gone, and the people close to the river closed the door even when the sun was still hanging.

Noble adults don't care about cheap lives. People living nearby don't even dare to discuss more than usual in order to avoid evil things, and only pass secrets in their eyes.

This is a taboo for the people living in the lowest level of Heianjing.


Pei Ziyun returned at this moment.

There is a thick layer of snow on the road. Under the floating snow is an old layer of snow that has become hardened. If you walk on it a little carelessly, you may slip to the ground. At the feet of Pei Ziyun, the road is smooth, and you can tread snow all the way. Smooth and steady.

Coupled with the superior temperament, unlike the lower-level warriors, some people who heard the movement looking out through the door slit had awe in their eyes.

"Father, is this samurai coming to get rid of evil spirits ... um ..." In the cold wind, the child's innocent voice suddenly sounded, but was subsequently covered up.

Pei Ziyun didn't go and watched straight, and reached a stone bridge.

It ’s different from passing by ox cart during the day. At this time, I went to this stone bridge and found that the scenery here is still elegant. Although the river under the bridge is dark in color, it is calming in the moonlight, even ordinary people can feel wrong. But standing on the stone bridge, you can look far away.

There are still some trees on the river side. At this time it is winter, and you can't see the green, but the dense branches are covered with light snow. Under the moonlight, the pear tree is full of flowers, which is very beautiful.

It's just a pity that such a place has been polluted ...

"Master Samurai, are you waiting for your body?" Just as Pei Ziyun thought, a female voice came quietly.

Pei Ziyun turned around and saw the bridgehead. The woman in the twelve singles, who did not know when it appeared, was walking slowly.

She is graceful and slender, as if she is not walking on a stone bridge road, but on the road of lovers covered with flowers. There is a kind of joy in her frown.

The black hair and pale skin form a kind of beauty, and they all say that the beauty under the moon is the right thing to put on her.

Pei Ziyun didn't pay much attention to her morbid beauty, but looked directly into her eyes and said, "Wait for you?"

"Adult came to the place where the corpse lives at night, and stared at the corpse like this. Isn't it waiting for the corpse, is it waiting for other women?"

The woman covered her face with a folding fan and smiled. This seductive, contrasting with her conservative cold tone, formed a great contrast, adding a bit of temptation.

Pei Ziyun turned a blind eye, as if it wasn't the beautiful woman standing in front of him, but the skeleton-not really looking at the red face like dead bones, but a lot of outstanding young girls she had seen.

Can be called the last beauty, none of them inferior to this woman, not to mention, the woman in front of her is resentful.

God's desire to be immaculate is not to say that God's mind is pure, nor does he dislike the love of men and women, but that once he arrives at the god, his character is high. This resentment is like a woman smeared with feces. desire?

It's possible that people and ghosts fall in love, because people can't see through and can't smell, and gods and ghosts have never heard of it, and that's it.

"You said this is your residence?" Pei Ziyun swept around and asked knowingly: "There is only a river and a bridge. Where is your house? Are you living in the open air?"

"That's because the body is covered by the bridge and the river is the bed. If the adult doesn't believe it, the body can demonstrate with you."

The woman said with a smile, staring at Pei Ziyun, reaching out to undress her clothes, Pei Ziyun frowned, just a flash of people.

I only heard the sound of "噗", and the same woman behind was sneer and sneered, trying to pinch back and forth, but she emptied.

Then the moonlight flashed.

"Ah-" The scream came from the woman's mouth in front, and a knife mark penetrated three inches deep, and in the back, the same woman could not even scream, fell to the ground, and cut open the chest and abdomen without internal organs, only Grey and black.

But the gray and black gas had not yet emerged, and two clusters of white flames burst into the wounds of the two women at the same time, banging all over the body, and both of them became a fireman at once.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the woman since it burned, it turned into ashes, while the woman in front showed a horror as soon as the flames came up, screaming and rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the body and burn it. Flame of the ghost body.

I don't know if she saved herself in time or for other reasons. The speed at which the woman was burned in front of her eyes slowed down.

"Well, it seems that her karma is much lighter than the incarnation." Pei Ziyun staring at them, wondering slightly.

The flame used here contains divine power, and the grieving ghosts will be burned very fast, while the light grudges will burn slowly.

This lingering and suffocating woman obviously has some essential differences from her avatar.

"Perhaps, she is not a simple ghost." Thinking of a legend about a ghost like Qiao Ji, Pei Ziyun had a guess.

Only thinking, seeing the incarnation instantly turned into a pool of black ash, the woman's heart was like death ash, full of fear, although the flame was slow, but showed no mercy, step by step decomposing her spiritual power and body.

She knew that although she was struggling to survive, she could not escape.

But just die like this, she is not willing!

Staring at her young warrior standing not far away, her hatred filled her eyes and her eyes turned red.

"I hate it!" She lay on the ground and rolled, her fingernails slammed into the stone seams. It seems that this is the only way to reduce the pain of being burned.

"Why ... why did you do this to me ..."

"You ask why?" Pei Ziyun, who had been silent, began to speak, and his voice was even more ridiculed in the cold wind: "You are a ghost, disguised as a human to approach me. Isn't it to swallow my flesh and strengthen your strength? At this time, why bother Call yourself innocent again? "

"What's more, you're entangled here, and have killed a lot of people, right? People in this neighborhood, scared by you, have closed their doors before it gets dark, and the bones under the stone bridge are afraid that they are already covered with river beds?"

"Oh, that's because you are all negative people!" The flame on the woman is getting smaller and smaller, but this is not going out, but her body is getting thinner and thinner. She knows that she will soon die, and tries to raise her head, using Peer Ziyun's eyes filled with resentment and hatred seemed to look not at a stranger who suddenly visited in the moonlight, but at the man he was thinking of.

"I've been waiting for you, sir, you said you would come to me, why ... why would you say something wrong ... why ..."

"Haha! You all abandoned me like grass, I'm going to kill you, kill you like-minded people ..."

"Kill you all ..."

In extreme agony, it was clear that the woman was sane and her speech incoherent.

Pei Ziyun stood and looked down at her. This look made the woman even more angry, but when she wanted to speak again, her body became transparent.

"I'm dying?" With this realization, a tear fell down the corner of her eyes, and at the last moment of sinking into the darkness, she suddenly became confused, staring at Pei Ziyun, as if watching her all her life. When a man came, as if many faces overlapped her, the door opened respectfully, and a gentle smile was revealed: "You ... finally came ..."

There was silence again on the stone bridge.

Pei Ziyun didn't move, stood quietly, and looked at the two piles of ashes.

Just a few minutes, the nearest ash, invisible floating, spinning.

Under the moonlight, a faint ghost appeared on the black ashes.

This phantom was lying on the ashes, blown by the wind, his clothes fluttered, and a black hair poured down. Although the figure was transparent, reflecting the water and moonlight, it was completely different from what it was just now.

It seems to be a beautiful glass wrapped in layers of dirt, rid of all ugliness, and finally reveals the inner light.

"Sure enough, although it was the Heian era, in fact, there are many legends, not just now." Pei Ziyun stood, letting this scene happen, surely guessing before.

Hashihime (は し ひ め), the goddess of Ujigawa, and the Hachiman God of Ligong are lovers, but in the Heian period, it is a visit to the wife system. The wife cannot live with her husband, only staying at her maid's house, expecting her husband to come all night.

The goddess drew her neck and looked at the distance from the river. In line with the times, it stimulated the imagination of many singers, leaving many famous Japanese songs, but gradually, waiting wholeheartedly, in each lonely night, it became sorrow and hatred. Italian ~ ~ The women who constantly commit suicide by diving, gradually become infected with the spirit of ghosts.

Although both of them can be regarded as bridge-hime just now, it is clear that not all bridge-hime has a deity, and the cocoon rebirth is regarded as the last shrine recognized by this bridge of the river.

Kill her and gain some divine power, but Pei Ziyun has no intention.

Pei Ziyun looked into the sky, and another snow drifted down. He lay on the bridge, slowly re-aggregated the entity's bridge concubine, and turned to leave.

"Stop pitying and accept the resentment of those women, though they are also pitiful."

"God should be God."

Hashiki gradually awakened and opened her eyes for a moment, all she saw was the figure of a young warrior who had gone away, and the words he had left behind.

"I ... didn't die?" Confused blinked, she murmured.

On the Ujigawa Bridge, the snow was getting bigger.
