MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 704 Make a decision

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When Pei Ziyun's footsteps stepped into the inner courtyard, the light visible to the naked eye flashed in front of him, and then he appeared in a dense forest himself.

The towering trees, the sky obscured by the trees, the dim light, and ... a group of wild beasts surrounded by cruelty, with a touch of wickedness, is it a half-demon?

"..." Pei Ziyun looked around, a little speechless, and suddenly, a few half-monsters rushed up.

"Well," although I knew these were phantoms, I didn't ignore them either. The sword flashed down and several monsters rushed up to be killed immediately, while the remaining half-demons were afraid of cruelty, and couldn't help slowly when they looked at them. Go back and make a whine.

The next moment, they fled and fled as if they were real creatures.

Not only that, the **** smell in the air is so real, the people who make this magic array are really amazing, and they can also adjust the difficulty.

"Great illusion, if it wasn't for God's spiritual consciousness, it wouldn't be felt like a fantasy array." When I reached out my hand, I could really feel the wind blowing from the forest, with a slight coolness, and the experience of becoming a god, which made Pei Ziyun far superior. Past experience and opinions.

Immortal Tao's real-life level is a bit worse. In a broader sense, it is between humans and gods, and a little more gods. There is no need for so-called exercises, and self-generating true eyes-illusion is meaningless.

But for mortals, this life may not go out.

"If it's not hostile, I'd like to discuss it with Abe Harumi."

"Unfortunately, even if Abe Harumi is not one of the black hands behind the scenes, in this world, it is difficult to stand on my side."

"The best result is that you don't have to be really against each other." Pei Ziyun thought clearly. The next moment, the wooden sword flickered and he closed it again.

A crack appeared in the air, and then in the sound of a click, the entire space cracked into a spider web, and "Boom" broke.

The surrounding scene was restored to its original appearance. It was originally in the courtyard and saw a rockery not far away.

"Yamada-kun!" The boy finally caught up, touched a non-existent cold sweat, and said to Pei Ziyun, "You walked so fast, you almost didn't keep up!"

Seeing Pei Ziyun staring at one place, he was busy and explained: "Please do n’t misunderstand. Just now the fantasy world is automatically excited. You also know that recently, there are more and more night ghosts in Ping An Beijing. Many officials and nobles want to invite the Lord. I'm so annoyed that I have this illusionary array, just to stop people and get a little quiet. "

"I understand, is Baigui night walking more and more recently?" Pei Ziyun asked a little curiously.

"Yeah, there weren't many such things before. It happened by accident, but in recent decades, all kinds of monsters and ghosts have been increasing, and the work of the Lord has increased greatly." The teenager scratched his face, distressed Talking, walking through the rockery at will, arriving at one place, saying, "Here it is, the Lord is ahead."

Before his eyes lighted up, Pei Ziyun saw himself under an eaves.

Japanese-style buildings are mostly wooden, with long eaves, and the floor runs down to the eaves, forming a semi-covered platform that leans against the room and opens to the courtyard. This is the eaves-at this time, one person is making tea in front of the courtyard. Under the snow, the sun was very bright, and a quail flew to the flowering branch, leisurely foraging.

The man sat down on his knees, looked at Pei Ziyun, smiled with his eyes, and said, "Yamada, I'm sorry to miss you. I'm sorry, please sit down."

Pei Ziyun said: "I'm right in saying this. As soon as you enter the door, you will break one of your formations. It is really rude."

Then, Pei Ziyun sat on his knees opposite Abe Qingming, and the two eyes collided with a smile.

"No wonder they all say they are the descendants of the fox demon. They laugh like a fox." Pei Ziyun thought secretly, defamating the other person's personality, and asked a little politely: "I wonder if Qingminggong has any opinions on me?"

"It's clear that Yamada has some opinions on me." Abe Qingming poured a cup of tea and offered a smile, "Otherwise, you won't refuse to lead the way and choose to break in."

Pei Ziyun shook his head and smelled the fragrance of tea: "I just don't understand Qingminggong asking me to be a guest. I think Qingminggong or I want to test my ability. It's better to be straightforward."

"Oh? Isn't it that I heard about you, and I'm curious in your heart, would you like to be a guest?" Abe Qingming showed a sly expression.

"Still, you believe some people outside and say that I am the son of Baihu, I am cruel, even the guests who come to you will be treated rudely?"

If you change to someone else, you will probably feel guilty if you are questioned by the host. Pei Ziyun only raised her eyebrows, and smiled back and said, "Will you not?"

"Does Yamada think that way?" Abe Qingming also returned a mysterious smile, but said, "The temperature of the tea is appropriate, please drink tea. This is still the tea from Tang Guoyun. I have no choice but to ask big advice. Bring it from an adult. "

Pei Ziyun listened, tasted the product, and felt that it was nothing rare, but this was normal. There was no tea in Japan, and it was only introduced by Tang Dezong. Later, although the Royal Tea Garden was opened, but the quality was low, everyone did not like to drink, and had to import it to the mainland. The variety was not improved until after the Song Dynasty.

Japanese tea was not good in this era, which is common sense.

However, taking advantage of this, the two broke up the topic and talked about the recent events of Ping An Jing.

Listening to Abe's humorous tone, commenting on some nobles, Pei Ziyun also said a few words.

"Qingminggong's divination technique should be very powerful, right?" Pei Ziyun asked when the other party talked about divination.

"Just entertaining yourself." Abe Haruaki smiled.

"Then you asked me to come over, but ... what did you figure out?" Pei Ziyun took the cup in his hand, looked at the pattern casually, and asked slowly.

Abe Harumi smiled, took a seat, and said frankly, "Yamada-kun, I ask you to come over because Yamada-kun is an amazing samurai. I do have some things and want to trouble you."

"Is it related to the monster?" Pei Ziyun took a sip of tea and lowered the cup.

"Yamada Jun is really smart." Abe Qingming smiled Yingying with a fan handle, his eyes narrowed and narrowed: "It is indeed related to the monster."

Abe Qingming glanced at the courtyard, although he seemed to have nothing, but with a touch of comfort.

Pei Ziyun knows that in this house, there are many weak monsters following the gods, and the boy who leads the way should be one of the gods.

Abe Qingming looked back at this time, and found that Pei Ziyun was not a person who likes to circle. He didn't talk about other topics, and opened his eyes: "I don't know Yamada-kun, what do you think of monsters?"

"Monster?" Pei Ziyun said casually, "Although a little bit extreme, most of the monsters are killable."

As soon as this sentence fell, the surrounding atmosphere was obviously felt sluggish.

Abe Harumi didn't show irritation, and continued to ask, "Oh? Does Yamada-kun treat the monster like this? But it's a pity that a monster can't repair an adult and kill him directly."

"In fact, I don't discriminate too much against monsters, but most of them have a lot of blood on their hands, which hurts a lot of people." Pei Ziyun said seriously, glancing around, with a smile on his face: "No My race must have a different heart. Many people think that this is extreme, but everyone conflicts with each other, not to mention people and monsters. "

"The monster cannibalism, or the same as human pigs and cows, is considered normal, but in turn, as a human, what a pity to kill the monster?"

Many people like monsters, but unfortunately they are cute monsters, and real monsters are hardly cannibalistic.

Abe nodded sharply, and continued to ask, "I really understand what Yamada's mind is-what about a monster that is not harmful and cannibal?"

Pei Ziyun said lightly, "Then don't kill."

Abe Qingming got the answer, his smile cut a bit, narrowed his eyes, and nodded again and again: "Yamada is really a righteous man, an amazing samurai."

"However, it's a pity that your trip to Ping'an this year has caused great trouble."

"But there is no way to crack it. If you stay and don't go out, you can spend it safely. I wonder if you would like to be a guest here and drink tea with me?"

Abe Qingming instructed Pei Ziyun to look at this house: "Look, I'm very big here and the environment is quiet, just to discuss with you the yin and yang technique-I have a new book" A Brief Decision ", and I ask Yamada to give directions.

Once the four words came out, there was silence in the courtyard immediately, and the teenager not far away was astonished. This was Abe Qingming ’s lifelong yin and Yang practice experience, and even Abe Changhao did n’t pass it down. How can he give it? Outsider flipping through?

The teenager was about to speak, but Abe Qingming's glanced sideways, stepped back immediately, and dare not speak.

Pei Ziyun glanced at it, but refused completely: "Thank you Qingming for reminding me, but I'm not a person who can't avoid the trouble. If it comes, it will be fine. I'll wait any time!"

Then he said goodbye, and did n’t even mention “A Brief Decision”, but took a few steps, stopped, and asked the grinning fox: "Yes, Qingminggong, before I came, I heard about you. . "

"Oh?" Abe Qingming raised an eyebrow.

"I heard that you were subordinated to one by the court?" Pei Ziyun looked at and asked.

Abe Harumi stunned first, then smiled: "How is this possible, I am not Fujiwara, not Gen, Hei, Tachibana, etc., how can I win one?"

"Blessed with the favor of the Lord, Minister Zuo (Fujiwara Minister) brought it along, and worshiped the four, adding to the ranks of courtiers and enjoying 500 stones."

"That was the case." Pei Ziyun listened, bowed to thank him, and went out of Abe's house, only to go out, his expression suddenly cooled down.

"Abe Haru is well-deserved (Note 1), and this has been tentatively tested."

In fact, what is the attitude towards the monster? It is a test of Pei Ziyun's reaction. But Pei Ziyun cut off the fantasy world with a stab, in fact, he showed his attitude.

Asked if she lived in seclusion, just Abe's ultimatum.

"The so-called calamity is not that the life of the Prince is not long? Once this person dies ~ ~ the black pot will be buckled on me, and the entire court will be siege by that time."

"If I become a source family or a de facto family member of Abe Haruaki, this blackpot may not be remembered, but once accepted, it is equivalent to an oath and gradually assimilated by this world."

"If I don't accept it, I'm going to be the enemy, and I won't give me much respite. I must quickly strengthen myself--"

Pei Ziyun looked around for a week. The original task was to kill the four monsters. According to Pei Ziyun's hunch, he could be a **** in this world, just like the world of Daxu and Greece.

However, with the evolution of power, it will not be too restrictive. It will not be restricted to the demon.

"It's relatively difficult to slay the demon, but it's perfectly fine to kill more demon. I have to find a target."

After all, even if you kill the little demon, you don't have to start with the monster that is not negligent and too weak. Pei Ziyun's gaze turns to look at one place, there is a bridge over there, and there is a well-known monster under the bridge-Hashiki.

"She might be suitable."
