MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 11 Fucheng

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Pei Ziyun was about to knock on the door and suddenly heard: "Brother Pei!"

不 Isn't this voice Ye Suer, just turned around, and saw a figure fluttering into his arms, a closer look, it is Ye Suer.

At this time, the little boy held a peach flower in his hand and chased him. He saw Su Er pounce into the arms of a man, and he couldn't help but blushing. Looking carefully, this man was the one who sent Su Er's sister last time. juvenile.

"Suer, Mr. Today sent me there, and when I saw the article, I was asked to go to Fucheng, take the government test, and say goodbye today. After ten days, the government has finished the test and won the show. I will pick you up."

Ye Suer was blushing. At this time, Xiao Daotong said: "What a lover, please look at the location. In front of our woman, I still hugged like this. I don't know we thought we were hiding dirt. The place!"

Aunt Xiaodao is very sharp-edged.

At this time, Ye Suer realized that he was hugging the man in a women's crown and had rude manners. He couldn't help but be separated from Pei Ziyun. The two just looked at each other.

Pei Ziyun was thick-skinned and smiled: "It's really a girl with a big ghost, so small and so sharp-edged. If you don't know who will marry you, you'll suffer."

Xiao Xiaodao Tong gave a fierce glance at Pei Ziyun and said, "I am a Taoist, but I will not marry you. You layman, my family Daoguan has accepted your little daughter-in-law, and you still use me to brush, not a good person."

I left after speaking, and then Pei Ziyun realized that she had said something wrong and wanted to apologize.

Ye Ye'er said aside, "Xiuer is a monk, Brother Pei, but don't say that, the Lord knows, but she will be angry."

At this time, Ye Suer seemed to remember something, and said to Pei Ziyun, "Brother Pei, wait a minute, I'll be right here!"

After talking, she went into the view. Pei Ziyun smiled and waited in front of the door. When she saw the peach blossom in full bloom, she approached a plant and saw that the peach tree was in full bloom.

The young boy in the room, blushing, bounced on the bed, holding the quilt, his two little feet swayed, holding his face, and was angry.

At this moment, Ye Suer pushed the door and came in. As soon as he entered the door, he found it, turned it around for a while, but couldn't find it. He anxiously stomped his feet in place, and said in his mouth: "The sign I asked for It's gone. I've collected it here clearly. Why can't I find it? "

Xi Zheng said, looking for it again, thinking for a moment, just now the little boy was angry, and asked, "Xiuer, have you hidden my charm?"

Xiaodao aunt said angrily: "Who hid, I don't know who was in the evening, holding this prayer sign in his hand, and said to his brother Pei that he lost it at night, and blame others Take it. "

He said that he wouldn't go to see Ye Suer, and twisted it. Two little eyes rose a little because of grievances.

At this time, Ye Suer reacted and touched the bed. She fell into the bed and found that she was wrong. She quickly held Xiu'er: "Sister Xiuer, your sister is wrong against you, don't get angry, my sister will pay you a crime, next I will catch seven or eight big butterflies, OK? "

Seeing Xiu'er still turning his head to ignore, Ye Su'er kissed Xiu'er's face fiercely and ran out, leaving a little annoyed Xiaodao aunt angry on the bed.


The sun was shining, and Pei Ziyun looked at Taohua quietly in front of the peach tree, thinking: "If there is no time on the road, find an opportunity to practice the next method. How can I forget this thing these days?"

看看 "Look what's wrong!"

I was thinking, hearing the sound, looking back, seeing Ye Suer rush out.

Ye Suer ran outside. Because he was running fast, he was almost tripped by the threshold of the Taoist entrance. Fortunately, he walked in front of Pei Ziyun and sent a prayer sign, saying, "Brother Pei, you I wanted to test for the talent, I heard the Yinlong Temple's enlightenment, and specifically asked for it. I also hoped that Brother Pei would not lose the charm, and waited until the day when the talent was won.

Pei Ziyun answered, "Okay!"

Uh ...

Fufu City

Shexian County is not far from Dong'an Prefecture, and it will be here in two or three days. The city walls of the town are stretched away, and the gate of the city swallows any passing pedestrians and vehicles.

If the county town is still in ruins with soldiers, horses, and horses, the county is already prosperous, and the gatekeepers who collect the entrance fees are all too busy. If several people are busy at the same time, this can be relieved.

Zhang Yun sent Pei Ziyun to the city gate, and he was about to leave. At this time, Pei Ziyun would have Zhang Yun rest for a night, and then leave tomorrow morning. Zhang Yun refused to say, "My brother can do it by myself. I ’ll go first." gone back."

I laughed as I finished speaking, carrying a bow and arrow, and striding away in the setting sun.

"It's really amazing!" Pei Ziyun thought secretly, but this man was arrogant and later died after being broken in Songyun Gate. Although he has some relationship now, he is afraid that he won't get his heart.

For a moment, I saw a few guys, even during the day, they all came up with a lantern in their hands. The words "Lijia Inn", "Guandao Shunfeng" and "Baiyun Restaurant" were written on the lights. Pei Ziyun looked like a scholar, and several people embraced him.

Pei Ziyun is not a stranger. The original owner has come many times, pointing at one, and saying, "I live in this house-Guandao Shunfeng!"

My buddy heard the Lord, and hurried away in search of other guests.

Pei Ziyun followed to the south and turned a corner. When there was an inn, there was a big lamp hanging in front of the door, which read: 100-year-old shop official Daofeng!

名字 The name of this shop is auspicious and not expensive. The original owner has stayed in this shop many times and thought about it when he went in: "Man, when I opened the room, he brought me water."

"Okay, the guest officer will wait."

At this moment, Pei Ziyun suddenly heard someone whisper and said, "This isn't Ziwen Brother? Why is he here?"

Looking back, I saw a few acquaintances who were friends during the last boy test, so he stood up and made a slap, "It turned out to be Brother Li, Wang and Tang. This time the government test was only due to the Mongolian School of Mongolian Studies, only When I come to take the test alone, I have to be alone. "

Another feminine voice at this time: "Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, this is not the king of Jiangping County, the three talents of Li and Tang? Do you also go to the banquet? Unfortunately, this time you will be Jiangshan County in the poem society!"

After speaking, I walked by, and didn't look at the four of them. The books that followed me laughed too!

"You!" The three saw the man's arrogance and couldn't help anger.

Pei Ziyun looked over and saw the scholar, dressed in a smart suit, holding a folding fan, and walked away, leaving three men and six eyes to look at each other, with a big hate and scolding: "Really arrogant."

伙 At this time, the man sent Pei Ziyun to order, accompanied by a bowl of soup. There were a few onion leaves on the soup, and there was some meat in it. It turned out that I saw Pei Ziyun as a scholar and added it.

Just now, Pei Ziyun didn't know the reason and didn't want to go to the fight. He sat down and was about to enter. I saw three of them, the scholar Tang surnamed, complaining with the two: "Also, our Jiangping County has not been successful in government examinations for many years. It ’s not good enough to be underestimated. I'll wait to shave their faces tonight. "

A few people also agreed: "If you go there, you will have to peel off their skins before you know that we have talents in Jiangping County."

I was about to go. When I saw Pei Ziyun's face calm, I wanted to eat this cake with soup. I couldn't help thinking of the magistrate praised Pei Ziyun for his talents at the boy's test banquet, and his heart moved.

The student Tang surnamed quickly and said, "Ziyun, what is delicious about this cake. A few of us will take you to a banquet. I know Ziyun is talented. This time we have to teach them a lesson at this banquet. Hurry, hurry! "

He said, reaching out and pulling Pei Ziyun to go. Pei Ziyun quit, and a few people refused, but they dragged on, but they had no choice but to go.

It ’s not too far away, and after a while, Pei Ziyun saw that if I saw a wine shop in front of it, leaning on the waterway and leaning on the post, the post had a postman. It was safe, but there were people standing by the water. I thought the owner was a little bit Vision, and the black plaque reads "Lake Mirror Tower".

书 Student with surname Tang can not help but said, "Good word!"

"The word is not bad, but there is no bone in the brushstroke, and the charm is not good enough." Pei Ziyun inherited the old show and glanced at it.

On the one hand, as people flowed in, they saw people coming and going, and a guy greeted him. The scholar Tang gave the invitation in his hand, and when the guy took the invitation, he asked four people: "On the third floor, it's all contracted, and everyone is invited to go up."

At noon, the floor shines with sunlight, the lake is rippling, the willows are spring breeze, and there is a pipa woman singing carefully. This building is not the best restaurant in the house, but it is in a proper and prosperous area and covers a large area. The women serving in the house are all young girls, and some older ones are in charge.

When the four walked upstairs, I saw the entire third floor, using a small screen, which is separated and can see each other. There are more than a dozen tables lined up at UU Kanshu, and the dishes have been served on the west side. Still empty table.

Seventy or eighty children who participated in the government examination have already entered the table. Seeing this scene, the scholar Tang surnamed forward, found a table, and opened his seat to take a seat.

The scholar named Tang Zhen, named Tang Zhen, is a child of a wine merchant in the county. He loves reading and is famous in the county. He is good at painting and rich in knowledge, but he is easily impulsive.

The two did not remember their names, but knew that Wencai was okay.

Not far away, a few scholars who challenged the four in the hotel are at the same time as the scholar in the middle, speaking at a low voice. A scholar glanced down and said something with a low voice. He only read when he listened to the son Come over and burst into laughter.

府 This government test jumps the dragon gate with the carp, the number is limited, you get it, others are gone, every time the government test, this private means does not stop.

The three of them watched, and they were all furious.

Pei Ziyun remained calm and thought, "Is this the stable that I have tried to raise in the past?"

This man was in the previous life of the original owner, a government official's son in Fucheng, and looked down upon the country people in the county seat. When he saw it, he would be sarcastic, but he did have good literary talents. He died at the age.

Why does it seem a bit contradictory?

At the banquet, Pei Ziyun looked at the table and saw that there were a lot of food on the table. In front of it was a bowl of abalone porridge, tender fish and porridge, sprinkled with some fine onions, exuding a faint Scent, smelling, it will be hungry.

There is also a boiled black chicken on the side, sprinkled with some herbs, and the soup is red. Tang Zhen didn't care about these foods, and his family was considered rich. Then he looked down and saw the chicken and screamed: "This is Shiquan Dabu chicken, everyone can use it!"

I picked up chopsticks and ate.

Read The Duke's Passion