MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 10 Insured

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After a while, Zhang Yun said, "I don't read much, but as far as I can see, my essay is already in full swing. This government test will certainly come to fruition. Let's go to Mr.'s home first, and Mr. Hu was urging last night, saying let I came here early today to pick up my brother and said that I have something to tell my brother. "

He said, just pick up the article on the table and drag Pei Ziyun to go to Mongolia Museum.

Pei Ziyun couldn't help but secretly delighted that this person was not familiar with himself in the previous life, but later learned that this person was a reincarnation. Although he failed to reach the height before the reincarnation, he also became an elder in the door, but he did not know him. I thought that I would associate with Xiucai. I didn't expect to be here early in the morning. How much appreciation do I have?

Hurrying all the way, Zhao Ning's family arrived just a moment. At this moment, Chaoyang appeared, shining in the bamboo forest, and shining in the courtyard. It looked bright and clear. The two came to the courtyard door and saw Zhao Ning in the courtyard, holding a sword. , Holding the sword tactic in one hand, practicing the sword trick.

When the two met, they were waiting to be on the side and did not dare to bother. When they learned in the previous life, they knew that the gentleman knew swordsmanship. They had to get up every morning to practice swords. They thought that the scholars admired the swordsman. Then they met again. fencing.

Looking at one side at this time, I came to understand: "It is the Songfeng swordsmanship and the Songyunmen entry swordsmanship. I have learned the original master's memory and system."

"By the way, I have the memory of the original owner, and there are more than ten Taoist methods. Although most of them are Sanxiu and Songyunmen middle and lower Taoist methods, they can also be tried."

"I just came to this world for two or three days. Why can't I remember this important thing?"

"I have to see Mr. Swordsmanship before I remember?"

For a time, Pei Ziyun couldn't help but have a bit of a cloud. At this time, after a set of sword dances, Zhao Ning turned back and saw the two students he had accepted waiting on one side. When he saw Pei Ziyun also, he asked: "Ziyun Why is it so early today? "

Pei Ziyun asked: "Isn't the gentleman telling my brother to call me? He ordered me to come early. The sky is slightly bright this morning. The brother has arrived at home and dragged me here."

Zhang Yunjian's eyebrows shook, and he hurried to answer: "It's better to go to the government sooner rather than later. Last night I listened to my husband's instructions. I went hunting for a pheasant on the mountain early in the morning. I saw that the sky was already bright and I was worried about the mistake. When the brothers' house was tested, they hurried to pick up the brothers. "

"Haha!" I saw Zhao Ning haha ​​laughed: "Zhang Yun, Zhang Yun, I teach you to ask your brother to come in the morning. It was unthinkable, you are so early, you are impatient."

After speaking, he pretended to hit, Zhang Yun avoided, flashed over, and groaned while touching his head.

Zhao Ning turned his head and said to Pei Ziyun, "Since you are here so early, you have used breakfast together to test your knowledge for the teacher.

Zhang Yun quickly took the manuscript made by Pei Ziyun in the morning and stepped forward and put it in front of the gentleman: "Sir, I don't think my brother's literary talents need to be tested. This morning, I went to the brother's house and saw the brother doing the article. After studying for a copy, I just feel that I have the style of a gentleman.

"Oh, really?" Zhang Yun wasn't going to test the name, but he also had to study, and asked himself that in fact the text was not under Pei Ziyun, but it was not a subject. At this moment, Zhao Ning couldn't help but wonder, picked up the article and carefully If you look down, you will be surprised.

However, for two days, Jingyi has been connected in series, determined to be correct, and adjusted to form a whole. He has more talents than before at this moment, but he cannot help but doubt. The day before, my Dao brother saw this son and borrowed it. The book is a blessing of blessing. It seems that this book is really where the blessing of this son lies. Is this the reincarnation of the master? So good fortune? My doubts a little bit more.

At the moment, Zhao Ning couldn't help asking: "What you did today is very different from the previous two days. Why?"

Pei Ziyun had already prepared, and answered with an arched hand: "The day before yesterday, Mr. Zi borrowed the anthology, and when I went back and read it, I only felt that my mind was clear. When I write again today, I don't know why I feel that I have taken it to the next level!"

Zhao Ning thought about it: "It seems that the book has been deposited by Ziyun. This book is a wedge. If you get it, it will be integrated."

He said, no longer mention this matter, and another question was said: "I will do another question, test you."

Pei Ziyun faced the question, but after thinking about it for a while, he started to write the article. He felt that this question was not difficult, and he wrote it in a split second.

In the dream, Lao Xiu didn't know how many articles he had written. At the moment, Zhao Ning looked at the work and praised it, sighing: "You have this talent, you are so good, you are so good. Zhongli. "

Zhao Ning instructed Zhang Yun and Pei Ziyun to sit down and eat vegetables and wine. The three were happy. When they said goodbye, Zhao Ning entered the room and came out after a while. He ordered: "This is the certificate of guarantee. With this letter, I have a few close friends in the city. If anything, you can just hold this letter and they will help you. "

Seeing this, Pei Ziyun couldn't help exulting: "Thank you, Mr."

"Go ahead!"

At this time, Zhang Yun also said to the gentleman, "Sir, I went to the village this morning, listening to the villagers saying that the village has not been peaceful recently. Heirs have been attacking the village by robbers. Sir, my brother is unable to use force. "

Zhao Ning looked up at his two disciples and saw that there was some intimacy between them. One of the two must be the reincarnation of the uncle. The closeness of the two was more in line with their intentions, and they could not help but praise: "It should be, you two Go away, Zhang Yun, you have martial arts, you should protect your brother. "

Zhang Yun Ying said: "Nobel"

Pei Ziyun glanced at Zhang Yun, and he was secretly pleased that this person had martial arts when he was not found to be a reincarnation in the past. In fact, literary talents are also good, but he does n’t think of his name.

At this moment, I remembered that Ye Suer had been sent to Taohuaguan the day before yesterday. He had to go to the county seat to take the government test. He should visit him. When he was a good candidate, he would return Su Er.

Xu and his brother were walking along the road. When they reached an intersection, toward the side of the intersection, Zhang Yun met and quickly held Pei Ziyun: "Brother, wrong, wrong, this is the way back to the village."

As soon as Pei Ziyun patted his head, he remembered that he had forgotten to say to this master, "Master, I'm going to Taohuaguan. I forgot to tell you. Wait a minute, I'll go back."

Zhang Yun looked at Zhang Ziyun and hummed twice: "Peach Blossom View is the women's crown residence, and the master is a friend of Mr., what did you do as a man? Don't you feel good about Tao Blossom View?"

Pei Ziyun sighed, "Master, you are so terrified. I waited for the reader. A courtesy is at the core. Why don't I know that I went to Taoyuan Garden because of the black wind theft."

Zhang Yun heard this, and became curious. Two horizontal Jianmei raised his question and asked, "What does this have to do with Heifeng Pirates?"

Pei Ziyun said, "The first two days, Heifeng Pirates came to the village to ask for grain and people, and the women and children in the village forced Ye Suer to send Ye Suer out."

When Zhang Yun heard it, his eyes flashed coldly, and he was furious: "What, but also persecuted Ye Suer? The village head is confused? With the earth wall in the village, the court is gradually settled. Does this black wind thief still dare to take the risk? Great, isn't it a blatant attack on the countryside? "

"For the safety of the village, even if you compromise, you just hand in some food. How can you hand it over?"

"It's so weak that the villages elsewhere can't get any money. The mountain bandits will double their extortion in the coming year, so they will not be able to pay it again. What will happen to the tax?"

"After three or four years, the village is going to die. This is a mess!"

Pei Ziyun breathed out and didn't speak. The majority of the surnamed cattle village was Zhang, a clan. She and Ye Suer were just outsiders. Fortunately, she was a child, so she was not bullied.

I glanced again. This situation was a glimpse to myself. I didn't want this person to understand it. Those who can cultivate the immortals are not foolish.

I heard Zhang Yun hate: "I went back to the village this morning and listened to Uncle Dashan at the door saying that a thief came to ask for food beauties two days ago, and I died the next day. I felt decisive and could not think that the village guy was scared and prepared to send beautiful women food to the mountain thief.

Zhang Yun said here, only feeling a little stunned, and suddenly patted his head: "The village is sending Ye Suer, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com. Isn't that your brother-in-law's beauty? The first beauty in Woniu Village, the villagers are really confused. Do n’t you know that, you have offended your brother to the end. "

Zhang Yun knew that Ye Suer had a close relationship with his elder brother. It was a sweetheart. The villagers did not cold the elder brother's heart. The elder brother must be a talented person in the future. Everything he did in the village was bad. fate.

Pei Ziyun lost himself, sighing, and said, "Yeah, the village wants to give Ye Suer away. I can't accept it. I took Ye Suer to escape at night. No one found it, so I asked for help. Recommendation I sent Ye Suer to the Taoyuan Garden. Today, my husband said that I could take the test and let me go. I just wanted to come and leave with Su Er, and then I went to Su Er to go back, so the villagers would n’t How dare it happen. "

Zhang Yun then understood the reason, and quickly said, "Brother, rest assured, I will keep this secret for my brother, and I will not leak a sentence. Brother is going to the government to try."

Pei Ziyun thanked him again and again: "Thank you, brother."

The two talked each other along the way. I didn't know that the two hadn't said much in the previous life. They talked very well in this life. During the talks, time passed quickly. The two only felt that they talked for a while and saw the peach blossom forest.

Zhang Yun pointed at this peach blossom forest and said, "Brother, the view of peach blossom is right in front. Brother can go by himself."

He said that he was staying at the intersection and didn't follow up, because he wanted to wind up for Pei Ziyun.

Pei Ziyun gave a gift to his son Zhang Yun: "Thank you very much."

He said that he entered the peach forest along the road and headed for Taoism.

The peach blossoms in the forest were only seen for two days, and it was even more prosperous. Butterflies and bees were flying in the forest, collecting pollen, and flying along with each other.

I approached the Taoist temple. The Taoist temple was the same as before. Only the door plaque was changed. The original one was "Peach Garden" and it was replaced by "Peach Blossom Source".

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