MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 93 sujia

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After saying hello to Su Qibai, the two of them sat in the back row, and Yu Shu had time to ask secretly: "Do your parents know about our relationship?"

Zhao Qingying said: "I know we are very close, but I haven't found a chance to talk about it yet, should I confess it?"

Yu Shu was surprised: "Don't they know?"

Zhao Qingying glanced at her meaningfully: "If they knew, we wouldn't be here to pick you up now—"

Yu Shu was startled suddenly.

"It's the eighth sedan chair that brought you into the house." Zhao Qingying joked.


Zhao Qingying took her hand on her knee and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, they are very nice."

Yu Shu nodded in understanding.

Su Qibai raised his eyes and took a look in the rearview mirror. The two of them buried their heads in murmurs and didn't know what they were discussing, and reminded: "Restrain yourself when you get home, and don't let your parents experience the mental shock I had last time."

The corners of Yu Shu's mouth curved slightly, and Zhao Qingying rolled her eyes at him with a whimper, turned around, and fell directly on Yu Shu's lap, saying, "Then let's do it here, so that he won't blah blah blah. .”

Su Qibai was speechless, suddenly accelerated and made a sharp turn, trying to throw her off her seat. Yu Shu's first reaction was to hug the person with both hands, she lost her center of gravity and fell forward, her head hit the back of the driver's seat.

After the car stabilized, Zhao Qingying raised her head and kissed her, and said with a smile, "Brother, you are really my brother!"

Yu Shu sat up straight: "Get up and sit down."

Zhao Qingying turned over, faced her side, hugged her waist and did not move: "It will be fine in a while, and I will not be able to eat as soon as I get home."

Su Qibai: "..." Do not see evil and do not listen to evil.

Half an hour later, the car drove into Jinshan Mingyuan. As the most expensive villa area in the local area, Jinshan Mingyuan occupies a large area, but there are few residents. It is very safe and concealed. It is impossible for outsiders to enter, so the reporter last time could only chase after the gate.

After entering the gate, turn left and go right to bypass the green area. Ten minutes later, a wrought iron gate in front blocked the way.

Su Qibai honked the horn, and soon someone came to open the door. The car accelerated, and a lot of vegetation and flowers were planted on both sides, and there were four parasols, with white lounge chairs and round tables under the umbrellas.

And these green plants are very similar to those in Zhao Qingying's house. Yu Shu reasonably suspected that Zhao Qingying had just copied and raised her.

"Here we are." Su Qibai stopped the car next to the fountain, and looked back at Yu Shu, "This is the first time Xiao Zhao brings friends to play, parents may be overly enthusiastic, you should be mentally prepared."

Yu Shu knew that he was paving the way for herself, so she nodded, "Okay."

Zhao Qingying got up, straightened her hair, took off her sunglasses and got out of the car first, then stretched out a hand.

Yu Shu got on it without hesitation, and only after getting off did she realize that this family is really aggressive. In addition to the huge garden, there is a row of villas directly in front. The middle one is wide, and the two sides are slightly narrower, but it is two floors higher.

Su Qibai walked in front, and a servant came out of the door, wearing a uniform uniform: "Master, miss, you are back."

"Well, where are my parents?"

"Waiting in the living room."

The three of them stepped up the white jade steps, and Yu Shu looked up at the arched top of the door, which was carved with relief patterns, and the details were evident.

Zhao Qingying asked from the side: "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel that I'm too stingy." She smiled softly, then stepped into the living room, her expression had already adjusted.

There were two people sitting on the spacious European-style sofa, Su Tangqing, who was sitting upright, and Zhao Yuyan, who was sitting upright and reading a newspaper.

Is this overzealous?

Yu Shu gave Su Qibai a funny look, and then was walked in by Zhao Qingying's arm.

Zhao Qingying began to introduce: "Dad, Mom, this is my friend, Yu Shu."

"Happy New Year, Uncle and Auntie." Yu Shu smiled and nodded.

Zhao Yuyan didn't say a word, his eyes couldn't stop looking at him, he still held the newspaper firmly in his hand, and secretly bumped Su Tangqing with his elbow.

Su Tangqing coughed lightly: "Happy Chinese New Year, come on, Xiao Yu, sit down."

Yu Shu calmly sat down on the sofa next to her, followed by Zhao Qingying.

Yu Shu took out several gifts from her bag. One was packaged in a blue gift box with a dark blue ribbon on it. The box was printed with exquisite silver fancy English fonts. It was a high-end jewelry brand from Paris.

Handing the box to Zhao Yuyan, he said with a smile, "I came in a hurry, and I don't know if the gift is suitable. I hope you like it."

No matter how old they are, women always love beauty, and Zhao Yuyan is no exception. She finally put down the newspaper and gracefully opened the gift box. Inside lay a pair of feather-shaped earrings and a corresponding necklace, which were both beautiful and luxurious.

"Come here as you say, and bring any gifts." Zhao Yuyan broke his work in a second, smiling brows and eyes, completely forgetting the custom task of pretending to be a shrewd and capable scary mother-in-law just now.

Seeing her like this, Yu Shu smiled even more, and turned her head to look at Zhao Qingying, who was also smiling happily. The mother and daughter seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

Su Qibai, who was sitting opposite, saw the two flirting again, and coughed suddenly.

Yu Shu regained her senses and restrained herself a little.

Zhao Yuyan's alarm bell sounded, and his eyes wandered around between Yu Shu and Su Qibai, as if he could see through their adultery at a glance, and looked at Su Tangqing proudly.

Su Tangqing was busy receiving the gift, but didn't receive her eyes. He looked at the glass jar in his hand in a good mood: "This is it?"

"This is my grandfather's own fried tea. He planted, picked and fried tea himself, so it is safe and healthy." Yu Shu said.

Su Tangqing has never seen such a person before, no matter how expensive a luxury item is, it is just a commodity in his eyes. Therefore, sincerity is the key to presenting gifts, after thinking about it, only the tea made by her grandfather is more suitable, practical and full of heart.

Sure enough, Su Tangqing was very satisfied with the gift, and raised his eyebrows: "The old man has a good handicraft. Well, this word is...?"

A short hemp rope hangs from the revolving opening of the glass jar, and a rolled up paper hangs from the end of the rope. When you unfold it, you can see that there are eight big characters written with a fine brush on it—happiness and wishfulness, auspiciousness and well-being.

The handwriting of the previous sentence and the next sentence are not quite the same, so I have this question.

Yu Shu explained: "After seeing my handwriting, Grandpa thought it was not good-looking, so he took the pen and added it himself, making you laugh."

Su Tangqing appreciates it even more, the two handwritings have their own advantages and disadvantages, the former has the style of complexion and willow bones, while the latter has more strength and sharpness, like a dragon and a snake.

Su Qibai looked down at Yu Shu, who was trying hard to win his liking, and suddenly smiled. Unexpectedly, something would happen, so he asked, "Is there no gift from me?"

Several people looked at him at the same time, Zhao Yuyan took the opportunity to pinch Su Tangqing's thigh, Su Tangqing endured it calmly.

Yu Shu took out a small box from her bag and handed it to him without any extra introduction. Everyone watched Su Qibai open the box together, all curious.

Su Qibai took out a pair of cufflinks: "Give me this?"

"Yeah." I didn't have time to cover everything, so I embezzled the adult gift that I kept for Yu Zhao, and I'll make it up later. She made up an impromptu reason: "I see you often wear a suit, this suits you very well."

Zhao Yuyan gave Su Tangqing another look: There is a play!

Su Tangqing returned a comforting look, and with the intention of being funny again, he pouted at the newspaper.

Zhao Yuyan immediately picked up the newspaper to put on airs. When Zhao Qingying asked her what the gift was, she ordered, "What gift do you want? Just tell me what you need. Go to the kitchen and see how the lunch is doing?"

Zhao Qingying protested: "Aren't I worthy of having gifts?"

Zhao Yuyan shook the newspaper and said expressionlessly, "Go to the kitchen and have a look, I always feel that Aunt Wang is stealing food."

Aunt Wang, who just passed behind with the ingredients: "...?"

Zhao Qingying pouted, got up and reluctantly went to the kitchen. Then quietly sent a message to Su Qibai: Is our mother bewitched? She was so happy to tap dance before going out.

Su Qibai replied in seconds: I guess he wants to show off?

Little Fairy of the Zhao family: Why do you want to give him power? Just a friend, as for?

Su family's big hunk: I don't understand this, it's really hard to guess a woman's mind.

Su family's big hunk: Oh, mom is asking about Yu Shu's company. According to the procedure, the next step is to ask about her relationship status.

The little fairy from the Zhao family ran to the door of the kitchen to have a look, she really wanted to go out and listen, but she was afraid of showing signs accidentally, so she had to ask the spy Su.

Little fairy from the Zhao family: What are you talking about now?

Su family's big hunk: Feelings. Mom asked, are you in love? She replied, in love. Then my mother gave her a very relieved look and said, you are doing well.

The little fairy of the Zhao family:? ? ? What do you mean?

Su family's big hunk: Don't ask, I don't even understand women's minds. Oh ho! Mom said that she would like to see her partner if she has the opportunity, would she like to bring her to meet her?

Zhao Qingying felt weird, this old mother was too enthusiastic, why did she even have to look at her partner. She glanced at the living room again, the old mother was still holding the newspaper in her hand, but the newspaper had been squeezed into a ball of paper and became a toy in her hand.

Little Fairy of the Zhao Family: Where are we talking now?

Su family's big hunk: Mom told you not to eavesdrop or peep.

The little fairy of the Zhao family:! How did she find out.

Su family's big hunk: Mom found out because someone looked into the kitchen a few times.

Zhao Qingying happily put away her mobile phone, and pretended to start patrolling in her pocket. The three people in the kitchen were busy at the same time. She looked at the western dessert made by this chef, looked at the stir-fried dishes made by that chef, and finally walked to the chef who made the soup, and smelled it: "Lamb?"


"Ah, I forgot to say, Yu Shu doesn't like to eat mutton, can I change it?"

"Yes, there is still pork rib soup next to it. This one was just put in, so there is still time to change it."

"Thank you, Uncle Yu!" She said cheerfully, and after a sudden pause, when she realized that she was called Uncle Yu, she immediately thought of another person, and her smile deepened a little.

After the dishes were served, Yu Shu looked at the long table full of feasts, and looked at the two parents flattered: "Is it too grand?"

Zhao Yuyan smiled and waved his hands: "It's not grand, and we can have more grand wine... dinner in the future."

Su Tangqing sat in the main seat and raised his cup: "Welcome Xiaoyu to come to our house as a guest. This is the first time Qingying has brought someone to play at home, and Su Qibai too... Cough, Happy New Year."

Several people raised their glasses one after another, Zhao Yuyan put away the feet under the table, and said to himself: These two are still having an underground affair, so we can't just poke it open, so as not to embarrass the young people.

Zhao Qingying and Yu Shu sat aside, enthusiastically bringing food to Yu Shu. Yu Shu winked and glanced at the two elders.

She understood immediately, turned her head to get some food for her parents, and then started to eat.

Su Qibai was displeased: "Just ignore me, right?"

Zhao Qingying was proud: "I don't know how to pinch."

Su Qibai had no choice but to reach out to grab the beef in front of Yushu. Yu Shu took the initiative to hand over the plate, and he didn't refuse, taking it and putting it in front of him.

The two performed the handover ceremony in silence, but they were actually too lazy to talk nonsense. But in Zhao Yuyan's eyes, this is a tacit understanding! Ten to ten tacit understanding!

After a hearty meal, the family took a walk outside, and after returning from the battle, Su Tangqing accidentally chatted with Yu Shu about the company's management.

If Yu Shu met a nobleman, she took the opportunity to ask a few questions. Su Tangqing answered the current situation in a critical way, and put forward a few feasible suggestions, and Yu Shu was taught humbly.

Su Qibai also joined the topic, and Su Tangqing chatted with the two about the international economic situation and national policies, company management and employment system.

Zhao Yuyan looked back and forth between Yu Shu and Su Qibai. Whenever Yu Shu spoke, she couldn't help nodding her head, feeling more and more satisfied. Calm and calm, with opinions and opinions, not flattering or flattering, not bad.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Zhao Qingying, who was sitting next to her, asked.

Zhao Yuyan motioned her to keep her voice down, raised her chin at Yu Shu, and lowered her voice, "What do you think of Yu Shu?"

of course?

Zhao Qingying complacently said, "That's too good to say. If you are free, I can tell you about it for three days and three nights."

"You are young and poor." Zhao Yuyan smiled, "Do you like her?"

Zhao Qingying was startled, and looked at her in amazement, not sure what it meant, her mind wandered back and forth, and said nervously and expectantly: "I like it."

"That's good." Zhao Yuyan smiled, and felt that he had to ask more, these two are girlfriends, can they have a good relationship?

Oh my god, don't worry about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or sister-in-law. This Yu Shu is simply a tailor-made daughter-in-law.

She patted Yu Shu's hand in relief: "You did a good job."

Zhao Qingying was confused, and tentatively said, "Mom, what do you mean?"

Zhao Yuyan covered his mouth with his hands, leaned close to her ear, his eyes still stayed on Yu Shu, and asked in a low voice, "Say, how about making Yu Shu and us a family?"

Zhao Qingying trembled all over, and immediately said: "Okay."

Read The Duke's Passion