MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 92 i have a friend

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Didn't do anything that night, just lay down, Zhang Yingying fell into a warm embrace. After waiting for a moment, he noticed that the other party seemed to be motionless. She closed her eyes, gradually let go of her defenses, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Half asleep and half awake, the forehead seemed to be fainted by heat. She moved a little, and subconsciously burrowed into her warm embrace.

It was a long sleep, and when I woke up, there was no one around me.

She got up in a daze, opened the curtains, and the sun had already risen. There was a loud laugh downstairs, and I went to the balcony to follow the prestige.

In the back garden, Li Cen pushed Zhang's father for a walk, and he didn't know what he was talking about. Zhang's father was in full bloom.

The sunlight dazzled her for a moment, leaving a gentle smile on her brows and eyes.

Li Cen raised his head and waved: "Good morning."

She pursed her lips, turned and went downstairs. Breakfast is already set on the table, there are only three people in the family, and it is clear at a glance who made it.

Zhang's father passed by the door and said, "We have already eaten, let's reheat it when it's cold."

She took a sip of porridge, and when she looked up, she saw Li Cen standing behind Father Zhang smiling at her.

The four eyes met, she lowered her eyes and buried her head in eating, the temperature was just right.

In the morning, Li Cen suggested going out to play, Zhang's father readily agreed, and the three went to a nearby park.

The sun is out, the snowflakes that drifted last night have already melted, the air is clean and suitable for travel. There are not many people in the park, and occasionally people pass by. The most lively thing is a few boys playing on the basketball court.

Father Zhang said, "Xiao Cen, let's go over there and watch them play."


Zhang Yingying was completely ignored, but luckily she was wearing a pair of sunglasses to hide her jealous eyes.

As soon as he approached the court, a basketball bounced off the backboard. Seeing the ball approaching in a straight line, he stretched out a hand to stop it.

A little boy whistled: "Beauty, please throw it here."

Li Cen patted the ball, glanced back at Zhang Yingying, patted the ball recklessly, and then ran forward three steps for a layup.

"Cool!" Several male voices screamed, "Beauty, let's play."

Li Cen said: "What a beautiful girl, she is called sister. Let's compete, and if you lose, do me a favor."

"What's the matter? No, how did you know we would lose?"

"Try it, one-on-one?"

A little Maotou was eager to try: "No problem, I will come first!"

So the father and daughter of the Zhang family were left alone to watch their game. Zhang Yingying felt bored at first, and wanted to take her father back, but in a blink of an eye, she saw Zhang's father's eyes flickering with a faint light, staring intently at the changes on the field.

She had no choice but to turn her head and continue to accompany her. She didn't understand the rules of the game, and fought with a high school student for a ball.

bored enough...

The basketball was thrown into the air, landed on the basket and spun a few times, the speed gradually slowed down, and everyone was watching its movement closely.

Zhang Yingying swallowed unconsciously and clenched her fists. Moments later, the ball fell into the basket.

"Okay!" Zhang's father suddenly uttered a voice, which startled her, and hurriedly swallowed the sound that she almost shouted.

Li Cen turned his head and saluted them, then turned around and continued to compete with the boys. It didn't take long for her to sweat. She paused, ran to the sidelines, took off her outer coat, and threw it to Zhang Yingying: "Help me buy a bottle of water."

Zhang Yingying stared at her, Zhang's father also urged: "Yingying, go quickly."

Sadly, she went to a nearby convenience store to buy water, thought about it, and bought a few more bottles. As soon as he returned to the court, Li Cen ran over. He was wearing denim overalls and a belt around his waist. His body proportions were just right.

Li Cen asked: "Why buy so much?"

Zhang Yingying raised his chin to the high school students behind him.

Li Cen understood in seconds: "You are such a sweetheart."


She stood there and saw Li Cen handing the water to some boys, and she didn't know what to say. A group of people looked over and smiled very friendly. She nodded subconsciously, and suddenly felt that the picture was very familiar.

There is always a group of girls around the school court, giving water to the boys they like... and the players who want to attract the girls' attention by showing off their fancy ball skills.

Li Cen was a member of the women's basketball team at school, but he hadn't practiced for a long time, and his skills were inevitably rusty. In the end, he just lost a two-pointer. She wiped off her sweat and said with emotion: "A strong youth makes a country strong."

Boys: "???"

The boy who competed with her was happy: "Although you lost, we had a good time. Tell me, if you can do anything, we will help you."

Li Cen put his hands in his pockets: "This is what you said."

She said something in a low voice, and then there was a burst of screaming.

Zhang's father watched the game with a lot of enthusiasm, applauded, and saw Li Cen walking over, with the basketball tucked between his arms and waist, his hands dangling. Followed by a few boys, there is a kind of big sister's momentum.

Zhang Yingying took two steps back, turned sideways, and buried her chin in the scarf so as not to be discovered.

Father Zhang said strangely: "Xiao Cen, you are..."

"Uncle, are you playing?" After asking, Li Cen lightly threw the ball into Father Zhang's arms, "They happen to have nothing to do, so I'll give you some exercise."

Father Zhang's expression changed a few times: "Me? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not, go try it and **** them."

Several boys also echoed: "Yes, uncle, come, we will take you."

Father Zhang looked down at the ball, and tightly clenched his hand on the handlebar. Suddenly, the wheelchair moved forward, and he looked back at Zhang Yingying.

Zhang Yingying smiled shallowly: "Go, Dad, I want to watch you play."

Father Zhang's eyelids trembled slightly, he turned his head and gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

A group of young people hugged him and went to the court. Zhang's father shot the ball nervously, only hit the backboard, and started to wipe the edge of the basket the second time.

Zhang Yingying watched him suddenly regain his anger and was happy for him. In recent years, my father has always been afraid to go out, even if he did go out, he would not dare to engage in other recreational activities.

She glanced at Li Cen, who looked sideways and raised the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a boy ran up to Zhang Yingying and said solemnly: "This young lady, a friend wants me to tell you that you are very nice and she wants to pursue you." Then he slipped away.

Zhang Yingying was stunned for a moment, before she had time to think, the next boy rushed up to her: "You are so beautiful, so gentle, so cute, and you really like her!"

Zhang Yingying was slightly embarrassed, as if he had guessed something, he glanced at Li Cen who was snickering beside him from the corner of his eye.

The third boy came up: "She said, she lived half her life, and it was the first time she wanted to seriously pursue someone. Oh, and I forgot one more thing, from the first time she saw you, she was completely attracted by you !"

"The karma is immeasurable, she wants to visit home every night."

Zhang Yingying blushed so much that she was about to bleed, and seeing that the next person was about to come running again, she ran away first. After running for a while, I stopped by the lake and sat on a bench to enjoy the cool breeze.

Someone came after her and sat down next to her, without making a sound for a long time.

After a long time, she said angrily, "Why don't you speak?"

Li Cen said: "I'm afraid you'll reject me. This is the first time I've confessed. I'm not sure if I can accept the result of failure. Maybe I'll just jump into this lake and go swimming."

"Are you still afraid of being rejected? It's not like you haven't been in a relationship before, so why pretend?" She snorted.

"But that's me being chased by others. I just need to nod and say yes."

The two were silent for a while, and Li Cen suddenly laughed: "You don't know how to reject me in organizing language?"

Zhang Yingying curled her lips, wanting to say something, but always felt embarrassed to say it.

After a moment of deliberation, she opened her mouth: "Li..."

"Li Cen?!" A voice behind her interrupted her.

The two looked back at the same time, and a very stylishly dressed woman appeared behind her. She looked beautiful and couldn't tell her age, and she was holding a five or six-year-old boy by the hand.

Li Cen was surprised: "Jia Jia? Why are you here?"

The woman brushed her long hair around her ears and said, "We came to visit relatives, and the child said he wanted to come out for a walk... I met you unexpectedly, how are you?"

Li Cen glanced at Zhang Yingying, got up and walked away with her and the child, saying, "I'm fine."

Jiajia looked at her, then looked back at the woman on the bench, and twitched her lips: "Girlfriend?"

Li Cen smiled: "Not yet."

Not yet... that's interesting.

"It's pretty good." Jiajia smiled, but didn't know what to say, she was silent for a moment, and then said: "We didn't have a good chat at the last meeting, you are very busy now."

"I'm a bit busy at work." Li Cen suddenly laughed, "I'm even busier emotionally."

Jiajia's face froze slightly: "I haven't had a chance to chat, how is the situation with you and your family?"

Li Cen shrugged: "It's much better. My mother urged me to go on a blind date this year, girl. And you, have you had a good few years?"

"I'm divorced." Jiajia said suddenly.

The atmosphere was suddenly quiet, Li Cen pursed his lips, not knowing how to comfort him.

Jia Jia asked again: "Why are you still on a blind date? That girl is your blind date?"

"No, it's the one I'm pursuing." Li Cen said, looking away, just in time to see Zhang Yingying looking this way, and smiled at her.

Zhang Yingying didn't know the relationship between the two, but judging from the strange woman's reaction, it was a bit strange. Especially the eyes, too much like her eyes when she had a crush on her.

She enjoyed the scenery as if nothing had happened, but a leaf under her feet was crushed by her feet.

Not far away came an old man selling candied haws. The little boy saw that he wanted to eat it, so Li Cen took the initiative to buy two bunches of candied haws.

Zhang Yingying got up and left. When she passed by the two, she heard Jiajia say politely: "One skewer is enough, too much will cause tooth decay."

Li Cen smiled and said, "The other string is for my little friend."

Zhang Yingying's footsteps paused slightly, and after walking not far, she suddenly turned around and shouted: "Are you cold? You're going to die of cold!"

Li Cen responded: "Come right away, wait for me."

"I won't wait." Zhang Yingying muttered as she walked forward.

After paying the bill, Li Cen hurriedly said, "I wish you happiness, I'm going to chase the kids."

Jiajia was stunned, watching her wearing thin clothes, striding forward, fearless. Just like many years ago, she bravely ran into her dormitory with injuries all over her body. She grinned and said that she and her family came out of the closet, and they can walk in the sun now.

The little boy tore off the candy wrapper and asked, "Mom, who is that pretty sister?"

She took the child and walked in the opposite direction: "It's the one I didn't catch."

Li Cen thought that he had gone far away, but he saw the figure in front of him after a few steps, and his small steps were slower than a snail.

She lowered her head and smiled, chased after her and hugged her shoulders, and handed the candied haws to her: "Here, do you want to eat?"

"I do not want to eat!"

Li Cen tilted his head and put his face in front of her, pouted: "Here, do you want to eat?"

"I do not want to eat!"

"But I want to eat." After speaking, Li Cen quickly pecked her on the face. After being punched a few times, he felt soft and comfortable.

After a while, Zhang Yingying asked, "Who is that man?"

"Hey, my first love. After the breakup, she got married, had children and divorced."

Zhang Yingying had just suppressed a fire in her heart when she said, "It's none of my business."

Crack, the fire went out.

The candy wrapper was peeled off, and the hawthorn was wrapped in red sugar coating, which inexplicably aroused a bit of greed. Li Cen handed it to her mouth and said temptingly, "Have one."

She opened her mouth and bit one, and Li Cen said, "If you eat my candied haws, you have to be mine."

Zhang Yingying glared at her in embarrassment, chewed loudly, and looked at her fiercely.

Seeing her fierce look, Li Cen was delighted: "You are so cute, if you didn't agree, you would have vomited it out a long time ago. You are really beautiful in your heart."

Zhang Yingying: "..." Humph!

Back on the court, Zhang's father was still throwing the ball persistently.

Li Cen asked in a low voice, "Do you have an answer to what those handsome guys just said?"

Zhang Yingying patted the hands on the shoulders, picked up the coat on the chair, and threw it to her: "Put it on."

Li Cen put it on obediently, and fed her another candied haws: "You're going to finish eating this, so you must belong to me, right?"

Zhang Yingying ignored her, and ate candied haws on her own, with a small lump bulging on her cheek.

Li Cen thought it was funny, so he stretched out his hand to poke it, and then poked it again, as if he had hit his own point of laughter, he couldn't stop laughing.

Zhang Yingying suddenly turned to look at her and said, "I have a friend."


"She said she wanted to try with you."

At the same time, Yu Shu got off the plane. As soon as he walked to the exit, he spotted the girl in a fashionable dress and a hat, sunglasses and scarf from the crowd, holding a silly sign in her hand.

—Warmly welcome Ms. Yu Shu to visit our city.

"Yu Shu!" Zhao Qingying waved her hand and ran forward along the cordon while laughing.

Yu Shu quickened her pace and trotted for the last few steps. The two ran into her arms at the end of the cordon.

There are too many people meeting, and no one notices the two people here.

Yu Shu rubbed her head: "Happy New Year."

Zhao Qingying rolled her eyes with a smile, took her hand and walked outside, folded the sign and put it in her bag.

She rubbed Yu Shu's hand: "Is it cold?"

"Fortunately, it's not too cold in the south."

Zhao Qingying walked up and down and jumped up: "My parents welcome you. I will prepare meals with the nannies early in the morning. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Yu Shu was slightly panicked, and asked, "Your parents know about us..."

"Brother!" Zhao Qingying shouted suddenly.

She followed her gaze and saw Su Qibai standing outside the door, leaning on a Porsche, waiting lazily for someone.

"Why is your brother here?"

Zhao Qingying said: "My mother asked him to be a coachman, saying that he was too free, so find something for him to do."

She asked, "Then why don't you pick up your sister-in-law?"

Zhao Qingying also wondered: "Maybe it's not an appointment? It's good to come in batches."

Yu Shu: "That's it..." Suddenly relieved.

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