MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 708 feelings! 【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 708 Feelings! 【2 in 1】

"money is not a problem."

   "Resources are not a problem."

   "What is the most important thing in this era? Talent. Master, Mr. Huan is the talent we need."


  In the hidden crypt of the Talisman Sect, Chu Liang invited Huan Leisheng to the seat, completely changing his face. In the rhetoric with Emperor Nvfeng, Huan Leisheng also began to be highly praised.

  As the inheritor of the celestial master, if he still can't see the mystery of the celestial disk, he can really clean up and hang himself to death.

  As Huan Leisheng said, the talismans on the market today are all hand-painted. Even if you are a skilled hand, you can draw dozens of ordinary five-element talismans a day. Not to mention the slightly more complex combination of talismans, which requires more concentration and calmness, and there is a risk of failure at every turn.

   And the power of this talisman disk is that it disassembles commonly used runes and then reassembles them, so that they can be spontaneously formed into talismans. In this way, new talismans can be quickly created by simply selecting different rune combinations. Although some difficult talismans cannot be made, the speed of making ordinary talismans will be thousands of times faster.

   This is simply the printing technique of the talisman world.

   It can only be said that Huan Leisheng is indeed a rare genius.

  If several talisman disks are built, they can keep producing talismans continuously, and it is estimated that the entire talisman market in the world of cultivating immortals can be quickly occupied.

  Who will still use traditional talismans?

  The whole world has to use our talismans!

   "Chu Shaoxia is indeed knowledgeable..." Huan Leisheng smiled and said: "Since you can see the huge potential of my talisman disk, you must be willing to add some more resources."

   "Of course I am willing to do this, but we have to discuss the conditions clearly." Chu Liang said with a smile: "Mr. Huan's talisman disk, the most lacking part at present, should be stability?"

  Huan Leisheng's expression froze slightly upon hearing this.

  Chu Liangzheng hit his point.

  Just like what he demonstrated before, the speed at which Fu Tianpan made the talismans was miraculous, without any problems. But the reason why it has not come out so far is because once the task load increases, Fu Tianpan will collapse.

   It’s okay to make a few talismans in this way, but if you make hundreds of talismans, the original shape may be exposed.

   I didn't expect Chu Liang's eyes to be so sharp. He didn't need to observe too much, and he saw the biggest problem at a glance.

"It will be very difficult to find a stable material to refine such an epoch-making magic weapon, and it will take a lot of trials." Chu Liang touched his chin, and the old **** said: "Although I believe that Mr. Huan, you must It will be successful, but how many resources will be consumed and how many Lingshi coins will be spent in this process, you must not be confident, right?"

   "This..." Huan Lei felt guilty for a while.

  If he had confidence, he wouldn't have to hide.

"But I can give you unlimited resources, and I can also find the best craftsmen in Shushan and even the whole world to help you find materials to create a real talisman disk." Chu Liang's voice was full of confusion, "How about it? "

   "Infinity?" Huan Leisheng's pupils shrank a few times, although he was ecstatic, but after all he still had reason, "Then what percentage of the future profits from Fu Tianpan will you share?"

  Chu Liang is not doing charity. All the investment is for return. The more you get, the more you get. Huan Leisheng also understands this truth.

  With this kind of unlimited devotion, even if Chu Liang made a nine one gesture, he would not be surprised at all.

   It was just beyond his expectation, Chu Liang shook his head: "I don't want Fu Tianpan."

   "Huh?" Huan Leisheng was surprised.

  But before he could ask, Chu Liang continued: "I want the Talisman Sect."


"The elimination of Taotie City is a certainty, and I heard that the immortal sects are preparing to re-elect the ten sects." Chu Yi looked at the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance, and said leisurely: "Even if you go back, everything should be too late .”

   "As long as the Taotie City can be as large as it used to be, it will be enough to support my Huyan family to survive." Hu Yandong replied lightly.

  A fairy gate may make a comeback, but a market that was breached by the Mang Shantus can no longer return to its former state, which he himself has a clear understanding of. Even if they go back to revive Taotie City now, it is still impossible for those shops and customers to gather again.

   "It would be great if City Lord Huyan had such an awareness." Chu Yi smiled and said, "But I actually have another proposal, we can cooperate."

   "With you?" Hu Yandong's expression was subtle.

  If it wasn't for Chu Yi instigating the Mangshan disciples, how could they have fallen to this point? I didn't expect him to open his mouth to invite himself to cooperate.

  This kid doesn't think he doesn't have any grievances, does he?

"Based on the situation of your father and son, it will be difficult to revive Gluttonous City even if you go back. But if you cooperate with me, I can help you make a comeback." Chu Yi looked confident, "I don't think there are many people who are willing to help you. Just as there are not many people who are willing to help me."

   After Hu Yandong thought about it for a while, it wasn't hard to think why the kid asked him to cooperate.

  It’s nothing more than wanting to be like Nalu Jiangtong, let himself be a spokesperson at some level. After all, I have spent so many years in the upper echelons of the world of cultivating immortals, and I am well-connected and well versed in the rules. And he is a child with a face, no matter how strong he is, there are some things he can't do.

  And with his support, it might indeed be easier for him to revive Taotie City.

  His thinking is clear and clear. Don't care who made you like this, just see who can help you and you're done.

   This logic makes Hu Yandong feel a little unbelievable. How did this person develop such a set of pure thinking that only looks at benefits at such a young age.

  A child who grew up in Shushan has this kind of brain, and when he thinks about his own son, the loss of Taotie City is really not wronged at all.

But he still chuckled, "Don't be too naive, not everything will go as you think. If you can seek the protection of Venerable Wanfa today, then everything is fine. If you can't, then you and Mang The Shantu will be destroyed in a few days, so what can we do to cooperate with us?"

   "That's it." Chu Yi suddenly said: "If I can win Venerable Wanfa over, how about you cooperating with me?"

  Looking at his confident face, Hu Yandong felt dazed for a while, but he couldn't reject it categorically. After thinking for a while, he replied: "Let's wait until you come down from the holy mountain. Not everyone can see the Venerable."

   "Heh." Chu Yi smiled, "If the Venerable is really as magical as the legend says, then he will meet me."

  A line of black dots in twos and threes walked up the vast pure white snow mountain, gradually approached the high position, and finally stopped outside the temple on the top of the snow mountain.

  A middle-aged monk dressed in a coarse cloth monk robe came out. His clothes were different from those of the monks in Yunque Temple, with half of his arms exposed, wimpy hair on his head, and a slightly bald head.

   It is the disciple of Venerable Wanfa, Chan Master Wu'er.

   It was his appearance that day that made the suzerain of Pluto flee in panic.

  Looking at the three guests who visited the holy mountain in front of him, Wu'e first nodded slightly to Hu Yandong: "City Lord Huyan, long time no see, don't come here in good health."

  When he saw Chu Yi, there was a little curiosity in his eyes. When he looked at Lu Jiangtong behind him, Zen Master Wu'e's eyes showed disgust, and he wondered if he could sense the **** aura of killing and killing on his body.

  Hu Yandong smiled wryly, "The Zen master must have heard about the Taotie City, so how could he say he was safe? It was just a fluke."

   "Since we have reached the holy mountain today, we are naturally safe." Chan Master Wu'e replied, then looked at Chu Yi, and said, "My lord, invite the young emperor to climb to the top."


  This title made several people startled at the same time. Although Hu Yandong knew that Chu Yi's identity was mysterious, he didn't expect this to be said, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

  Including Lu Jiangtong, who has been following closely all this time, looked at Chu Yi thoughtfully.

  Identity has always been Chu Yi's deepest secret. No one knows except Chu Liang. Even he himself only found out after several years of exploration. I never wanted to come here, and I was pointed out by Venerable Wanfa before I met.

  But he didn't show the slightest displeasure. Instead, he smiled, bowed respectfully to Zen Master Wu'e, and then walked up alone.

  For the back view of a child, the top of the snow mountain in front looks so majestic and grand.

   But his footsteps are so firm.


   On the way back to Shushan, the emperor's daughter Feng questioned Chu Liang.

   "I burned down even the mountain gate of his Talisman Breaking Sect, why do you spend so much money to collect... buy it?" Her mind was full of doubts.

   Just now, when Chu Liang said that he wanted the Talisman Sect, both Emperor Feng and Huan Leisheng were shocked.

   Huan Leisheng was astonished, I just wanted to borrow some money, but you actually want my roots?

  Emperor Feng was surprised, what's the use of this crap?

  The entire Yishan Mountain was almost burned down by her fire, so what can be done even if it is repaired later? This area is too remote to build a grave.

   What Chu Liang said next moved Huan Leisheng.

  He said that if I control you to get the share of Fu Tianpan, no matter how much I share, I will do it for profit. But as a person who has received the inheritance of the talisman master in the ancient Fuxianmen secret realm, I have the obligation to contribute to the development of the world's Dao of Talismans.

  No matter how many resources are spent, I will resolutely help you build the talisman disk, even if it ends up bankrupt.


  This firm feeling moved Huan Leisheng. Having risen to the height of the Dao of Fulu, if he cares about money again, he will be petty.

  But one yard counts for one yard. Even if he has feelings for Fulu Dao, Huan Leisheng can't just waive the money he owes to Hongmian Peak, not to mention that there will be a lot of resource expenditure in the future. So after thinking about it, Chu Liang felt that the safest way was to make the Talisman Sect his sect.

   "Of course, I will not interfere with all the inheritance of the Talisman Sect, nor will I interfere in the internal affairs of the Sect." He said, "Even Mr. Huan's position as the head teacher will not be shaken."

   "I'm still the head teacher?" Huan Leisheng was taken aback by his new idea, "Then why do you decide the Talisman Sect?"

   "You will be the head teacher, and I will be the head teacher." Chu Liang was serious.

   "I don't meddle in any affairs on weekdays, but I have a veto power on key matters. Only in this way can I devote myself to the Talisman Sect without leaving any room."

  After his patient explanation, Huan Leisheng finally understood the meaning of "chief teacher".

   It means that Chu Liang does not interfere with any daily affairs of the Fulu Sect. In fact, if you ask him to manage him, he doesn't have the energy. The stall is as big as Hongmianfeng. Resources and money needed can be withdrawn from the head teacher at any time, as long as the purpose is compliant.

  But correspondingly, if the Talisman Sect generates income in the future, Chu Liang also has the power to distribute it. Whenever there is a need, the Fulu Sect must obey Chu Liang's orders.

   To put it bluntly, he found a rich father for the Fulu faction.

  Now all the debts owed by the Fulu faction to Hongmianfeng can be counted as "acquisition" expenses, and they will be written off. From now on, not only do not have to owe debts, but they can also receive money generously from Hongmian Peak.

  After some hesitation, Huan Leisheng finally chose to accept the airborne "chief teacher".

  No way, apart from Chu Liang, it is really difficult for anyone in the world to support his Fu Tianpan and be so powerful.

  Now the Fulu Sect has reached the end of its rope, as long as he wants to successfully refine the Futian Pan, he must rely on Chu Liang's help.

  As for the power of the Talisman Sect...Huan Leisheng wasn't worried at all.

  I will give it to you if you want it.

   This is the least valuable.

  He is the leader of Hongmian Peak, someone who may be in charge of Mount Shu in the future, come to plot against your little Talisman Sect?

  Not to mention Chu Liang, Huan Leisheng himself felt that there was no need for that.

   In other words, if Shushan wants to annex the Talisman Sect at this moment, Huan Leisheng will definitely shout a double happiness.

   What kind of money will be returned, isn’t it just a matter of saying hello?

   As far as the uneven group of disciples under his sect, if there is a chance to enter the Nine Heavens Immortal Sect, who will come to the Talisman Sect?

  After figuring it out, Huan Leisheng immediately put on a happy face with his thighs on his face, and assured "President Chu" that he would create a real talisman disk as soon as possible.

   "Don't be so awkward, just call me Mr. Chu from now on." Chu Liang waved his hand and smiled very kindly.

  After leaving the Talisman Sect, Chu Liang could only explain with a smile when faced with Master's confusion.

"A hen is already starving to death. Even if we kill it, we won't have much meat to eat. But if we revive it and feed it to grow up, let it lay eggs for us. We can have many eggs, eggs And a lot of chickens can be hatched, so there is a lot of meat to eat, and it will continue to flow.”

  Empress Feng nodded after listening, looking thoughtful.

  Silence for a long time, until the master and apprentice returned to Yinjian Peak, she suddenly let out a strange cry and looked at Chu Liang, "Oh! You mean that the Fulu Sect is that hen!"

   "..." Chu Liang was silent for a while, and then smiled admiringly, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Master."

   "Hey." The emperor Feng Xie smiled charmingly, "I'll know at a guess."

  Looking at the bustling scene of Hongmian Peak not far away, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion from the bottom of her heart: "It's still you who make money hard."



  In Xingdao, Donghai Town, in a luxurious palace, Hong Jufeng was lying surrounded by several attendants, howling constantly.

   "Who is so bold to hurt my child!" Angry voices filled the hall: "I will not skin him, stretch his tendons, and grind his bones!"

  It turned out that a giant man with thunderous footsteps walked into the hall at this moment. Compared with this person's size, Hong Jufeng was just a small mountain of flesh.

  This person looks somewhat similar to Hong Jufeng, but his power is more intimidating, as soon as he steps into the hall, he will bring a heavy cloud.

   It is the Lord of Zhenxing Island, Hong Zhenyuan.

   "Father!" Seeing him coming, Hong Jufeng cried even louder, "It's the Shushan Empress Feng! Father, you must make the decision for me—"


  Hong Zhenyuan's anger stopped visibly with the naked eye, just like the snow in spring, melting instantly with the sunshine.

   "Father?" Hong Jufeng cried for a long while, seeing that there was no response, he asked again tentatively.

   "Why do you say you provoked her..." Hong Zhenyuan's voice was low, with a little helplessness.

   "People from Penglai told me to be tougher with Shushan." Hong Jufeng said aggrievedly: "Otherwise we'll be fine, what are we going to do to provoke Nine Heavens Immortal Sect?"

"The Penglai gang..." Hong Zhenyuan looked around, paused, and said: "The Penglai gang had conflicts with Shushan not long ago, so they wanted to use our strength to trip Shushan. Our Xingdao town is caught in the middle , it’s really hard to be a human being.”

   "Hmph!" Hong Jufeng snorted angrily, "Then let's ignore anyone this time and let them fight on their own."

   "But it doesn't work..." Hong Zhenyuan sighed, "The selection of the ten sects is coming soon. If we want to be shortlisted, we may have to rely on the power of the Penglai and Wuyin two Eastern Sea fairy sects."

   "Are you coming?" Hong Jufeng suddenly became energetic.

  He is usually in charge of the affairs of those Lingshi mines, and he is already tired of dominating the East China Sea. If Zhen Xingdao can rank among the top ten sects, then his status and prospects as a young master will be different.

   "It's not that simple, but Xuanlu Taoist said that this time Penglai will push us." Hong Zhenyuan said: "They don't have many chess pieces in their hands."

   "Hey, there must be no other sect whose strength can compare with ours." Hong Jufeng said with a smile.

  The Taotie City was destroyed, and one of the sects of the ten lands was vacant, and many pairs of eyes were fixed on this position in an instant.

  If it is the Nine Heavens Immortal Sect, there may not be so many people who are aiming at it. After all, if you want to be Nine Heavens, you must have at least ten top strengths. But for the level below the sects of the ten lands, there are too many candidates.

   For a time, tigers and wolves were waiting.

  As long as one can join the top ten sects, no matter in terms of status, resources, right to speak, or influence, they will step up to a higher level. Even if there is some hope, those sects will not mind giving it a go.

"It's not that simple." Hong Zhenyuan shook his head, and said: "I heard that the Endless Sword Sect and the Taiyin Church in the Northern Territory are the main advocates of the Ice Soul Sword Sect; Yushan Academy; Yunque Temple and Chonglou Temple will mainly promote the Buddhist Xuantian Temple..."

   "So much?" Hong Jufeng said in surprise, "You want to fight with us?"

   These mentioned by Hong Zhenyuan are all big forces below the sects of the ten lands. Many of them have not shown any ambitions on weekdays, and they are like wild cranes. Unexpectedly, one after another came out of the mountain at this moment, and they all came out to fight for it.

   "After all, it is an excellent opportunity to strengthen our own voice. Who would let it go? Even the seemingly stupid Tiangang Sect knows to launch a Zhanling Mountain..."

Hong Zhenyuan condensed his eyebrows and said carefully: "These are extremely powerful competitors. It is not only us who are fighting against them, but the most important thing is that the forces behind them are also fighting. Even Penglai cannot guarantee our success. It's a game of dragon and tiger!"

good evening.

   Recommend a book "I am the Immortal", which is on the shelves today. If you are interested, you can go for a walk.



  (end of this chapter)