MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 707 I, Chu Liang, voted for this project! 【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 707 I, Chu Liang, voted for this project! 【2 in 1】

   "Heh." Chu Liang smiled.

  The person in front of him is Hong Jufeng, the young master of Xingdao in Donghai Town.

  He is huge, sitting there like a small mountain of meat, and his brows are full of domineering and sturdy. Someone who dared to show such an arrogant expression on Shushan Mountain but has not been beaten yet naturally has some background.

   "How to add and how much to add is debatable." Lin Bei next to him suppressed his anger, spread his hands and said, "You can't keep silent like this, it's very difficult for us."

   "If it's difficult, then don't do it."

Hong Jufeng got up abruptly, without even looking at Lin Bei, he stared straight at Chu Liang: "We are here today to save face for you, and we will report to you any price increase, you don't want to add money, but also want to do something Is there such a good thing?"

  Chu Liang smiled and shook his head.

  Zhen Xingdao is a sect force, not just an island, they have at least nearly a hundred islands in the East China Sea, which is considered a huge scale.

   To say that they were also a branch of the Tianxing God Sect at the beginning, they belonged to the Zhenxing lineage, but after the Tianxing God Sect split... maybe before, the Zhenxing lineage hooked up with the Penglai Shangzong.

  After the Tianxing God Sect fell apart, the Zhenxing lineage quickly moved to the East China Sea, occupying a resource-rich island as the foundation of the cave. If there is no advance arrangement by Penglai, no one will believe it. As a typical example of "abandoning darkness and turning to light", Shangzong of Penglai gave all the greatest support to Zhenxing Island.

  Over hundreds of years, Zhenxing Island's sphere of influence has expanded to what it is now, and it can even be described as domineering in the East China Sea.

  But they turned to Penglai so unequivocally, and at the same time they recognized their new father, they would naturally annoy their old father.

The Tianwangzong, Tianshu Pavilion, and Haiwangzong, the top-ranking immortal sects that belonged to the Tianxing God Sect, spared no effort to suppress Zhenxing Island, but as long as Zhenxing's lineage does not leave the range of the East China Sea, there will be Penglai's strength Asylum, it's okay.

  So a strange phenomenon has been formed. Zhenxing Island is as deterrent as nine days and ten lands within the East China Sea, and no one dares to provoke it. But outside the range of the East China Sea, there is almost no such door.

  They have been dominating the East China Sea in this way, and originally they did not interfere with Shushan.

But there is a piece of Zhuoshan Islands under Zhenxing Island, where a kind of spiritual mine called "Zhenshan Stone" is produced, which has always been a necessary spiritual stone for Xianmen to build spiritual buildings. Zhenshan Shiling Mine.

  Originally, Zhuxianmen’s demand for spiritual buildings was not that high, and the price of Zhenshan Stone Mine has always been stable. Until a while ago, the phoenix-level buildings on Hongmian Peak were shining brightly, triggering a wave of reconstruction. The orders of Shushan Civil Engineering Hall have been out for several years. Seeing that they are making a lot of money, Zhen Xingdao can't sit still.

   Just when the Tumutang was about to shake off its arms and start working hard, there was a sudden news from Zhenxing Island that Zhenshan Shiling Mine needed to increase the price, and the increase was extremely outrageous, almost ten times the original price.

   This is no different from taking advantage of the fire.

  Chu Liang invited the other party to Hongmian Peak to negotiate, but he didn't expect that after the arrival of the young master of Xingdao, his attitude was quite unfriendly.

   "Young Master Hong don't need to get angry. You also know that you have raised the price of Zhenshan Shiling Mine so much. It is really difficult for us to accept it for a while." Chu Liang said slowly.

  Not to mention that Cotton Tree Peak is now a time when funds are tight, even if the money is generous, it is impossible to raise the price for him like this. Otherwise, the supply of every raw material will be robbed in the future, and the business will not be done.

   "If you must obtain profits from the business of Tumutang, we can also discuss other ways of cooperation." His tone was still gentle, "For example, capital injection and dividends."

"What do you mean?" Hong Jufeng sneered, and the fat on his jaw trembled, "You take our spirit stone mine, and we have to pay you? Chu Liang, let me tell you, I know how you started your business, and I also I know what happened to Hu Yanbin, the last one who cooperated with you. If you Shushan want Zhenshan stone, you can buy it according to the price, otherwise there is nothing to say!"

   After finishing speaking, he raised his legs and walked out of the house. Behind him, all the Xingdao disciples stood up and followed.

   "Actually, we can sit down and settle the account." Chu Liang smiled helplessly, still working hard.

   "I have nothing to do with you Shushan people!" Hong Jufeng let out a cold snort, and pushed open the door, "Waste of time!"


  As the door opened, a domineering and glamorous face suddenly appeared outside.

  Hong Jufeng was startled, and before he had time to see the other person's face clearly, he was kicked on his chest.


  A mountain of meat passed through the banquet hall backwards, smashed through the window, flew across Sanjie Street, and crashed into the wall of a shop attic.

  The store has been hit hard, but still stands still. And Hong Jufeng, who had endured all the strength, fell unconscious after landing with a bang.

  This is the charm of Feng-level buildings.

  Following behind Hong Jufeng, a group of rather domineering Xingdao disciples, seeing the power of the woman in front of them, immediately thought of a terrible name. Looking around, no one dared to step forward.

  Finally, everyone chased them out of the window, shouting loudly: "Young master!", "Young master...", "Young master!"


   "What is such an eyesore?"

  The woman watched the group of people leave, and then she frowned and was about to come in, still cursing.

  That's right, she didn't know what happened just now, she just simply looked at the other party as an eyesore. This woman is naturally Feng, the princess of Silver Sword Peak.

  In Mt. Shu, she dared to beat those the headmaster dared not beat; she dared to touch those whom Chuliang dared not touch.

   "A... business partner." Chu Liang sneered, he had been upset with the fat man for a long time, but at least the master moved his hands, so he simply didn't try to appease him. Just winking at Lin Bei, Lin Bei took people to check the situation.

   And he himself hurriedly stood up to greet him, and asked with a smile: "Master, is it not in a good mood?"

  Not to mention him, even a blind person present could tell that when Emperor Nvfeng came in, her face was full of anger and anger, obviously she had a bad temper. So almost everyone followed Lin Bei when he left, for fear that staying here would become another punching bag for Emperor Feng's anger.

   "Hmph!" Di Nvfeng sat down, slapped the table, and shouted loudly: "Don't mention it, I'm so angry!"

   "What's the matter?" Chu Liang asked hurriedly.

   "I just helped Hongmian Peak to collect debts, and I met a very difficult guy." Emperor Nvfeng frowned and said, "I asked you to gather all the troops and kill me after I came back!"

   It turned out that funds were tight in recent days, so Chu Liang mobilized Master to carry out a new round of collection. There are still debts owed to others outside, so it is natural to take back the debts owed to myself first.

  Emperor Feng is a professional in this area. After she made a move, all the immortal sects who owed money to Hongmian Peak cried and howled, and no one dared not pay back the money.

  But just now, she encountered the first failure in her life on the road to pay.

  The one who owed this debt is the Yishan Talisman Sect, whose head teacher is Huan Leisheng, who is a new master who entered the Tao with Talismans.

  Although his qualifications in the seventh territory are still young, the way of talismans is ever-changing, and the mountains and mountains are complicated, so the empress Feng didn't catch him for a while.

   In a fit of rage, she almost burned the entire Yishan mountain, but still let Huan Leisheng run away, which is why there is such a big fire.

  When he came back to look for Chu Liang Yaoren, he bumped into Hong Jufeng and went out, with an ugly face, so he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and kicked him out.

   "Yishan Talisman Sect?"

  Chu Liang searched for information about this sect in his mind, but he didn't know much about it, but since Hongmian Peak gave the other party a loan, it should have been reviewed by Chu Yi at the beginning, and it must belong to a regular immortal sect with inheritance.

   is a decent person, we are not afraid of him.

   "To be able to escape from Master's hands, it seems that this person is quite capable." Chu Liang also slapped the table heavily, "I will order Qi Hongmian Peak's horses and eagle dogs, and follow Master to kill him!"

   "Yes!" Emperor Nv Feng gritted her teeth and said, "I'm going to call Yan Zi to see if he can still run!"

   "This..." Chu Liang quickly persuaded, "It's a bit overkill to use the eighth-level powerhouse, right? Why don't we try again first?"

   "Okay!" Empress Feng Dun shouted, "Then you call people now, the number of people doesn't matter... Bring a few more spirit dogs, I don't believe he can run all over the world!"

   A moment later, the emperor's daughter Feng, Chu Liang and Jin Maojiu went out together, and once again broke out of Shushan.

  Although Master Wen Yuan told Chu Liang not to leave Shushan for the time being in order to seek stability. But there are only those who can be thieves for a thousand days, and there are no those who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Chu Liang can't stay down the mountain for a lifetime.

   And when Chu Yi left a while ago, he was reminded. Although the real body cannot go down the mountain, it does not mean that the incarnation outside the body cannot walk.

  Now that Chu Liang goes out with his master, it is an incarnation outside his body.

  In fact, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, many great powers walk as clones unless they need to be present in person. The incarnation outside the body is no different from the real body in terms of realm, supernatural powers, etc., but some magic weapons are not convenient to carry on the body.

  The reason why Chu Liang wanted to come in person was because he knew something about the way of runes, and with his current cultivation base, he should be able to help.

  Besides, if he didn't come to keep an eye on it, he was also worried that Master's temper would come up and the entire mountain that stretched for hundreds of miles would be flattened, and the impact would be too bad.

  Yuan Mountain is located in the middle of the Southern Region. There are several villages and towns around the mountain, and there are many people. However, there are few people in the high mountains and deep mountains, and there are many immortals in the four fields.

  Everyone in the cultivating world knows that Mount Yi is the cave of the Fulu Sect.

  When Chu Liang arrived, what he saw was no longer a lush and lush mountain, but a black, bare stretch of scorched earth.

"I knew it…"

  Looking at the mess, Chu Liang couldn't help but tremble with fear. Where the master wants to pay the bill, even a blade of grass is light.


  Both master and apprentice pressed down their heads and came to the mountain gate of the Talisman Sect.


  There is no mountain gate anymore.

  It can be vaguely seen here that there used to be a pavilion building, but now there is only a barren mountain wall left. The former buildings may have been built against the mountain, so now there is a huge black hole in the mountain.

   "It's here, that Huan Leisheng escaped with runes and merged into the mountain." Emperor Feng said: "Although I dug through the mountain wall, I still haven't found his trace."

   "Go and smell it." Chu Liang threw out the golden retriever.

   With a groaning sound from his big head, his body leaped vertically and jumped to the middle of the mountain wall, looking for traces of people in the burnt smell.

It can be regarded as a sixth-level spirit beast whose cultivation base is not weak. With the tip of its nose sniffing, it quickly found a clue, walked all the way through the hollow in the mountain, and led the master and apprentice through the mountain wall. One side sprang out, and there was a waterfall in the mountain falling.

   There was a constant rumbling sound, and Emperor Nvfeng glanced at it: "Did that guy hide in the water at that time?"

   "No..." Chu Liang took a few glances, but suddenly shook his head and said, "This is fake."

   After finishing speaking, he waved his hands again and again, and the waterfalls and rivers in front of him were actually deconstructed under the light of his hands, and scattered like inscriptions.

   "Is this an illusion?" Empress Feng frowned.

   "No, it's just a terrain derived from runes." Chu Liang said: "If it's a pure illusion, how can I hide it from you, Master? This person has a very high attainment in talismans, so he can escape like this."

  It turned out that Huan Leisheng could recreate the terrain with runes and cover himself from escaping at any time. No wonder he couldn't take it down even with his master's cultivation.

"This entire mountain is a large rune formation, as if it is his own secret realm." After looking around, Chu Liang finally came to a conclusion: "He almost has the ability to make good things here. Finding him, even the eighth-level powerhouse is unlikely."

   "Then what should we do?" Emperor Nv Feng asked.

"It is not easy to build this world successfully. He has spent so much time building this place, and he is definitely not willing to give up like this." Chu Liang said: "If we only destroy some peripheral terrain, he will not care, anyway. Evolving runes a little bit can regenerate. But if we destroy the foundation of his big formation, he probably won't be able to sit still."

   As he spoke, Chu Liang's eyes dimmed slightly. The spiritual consciousness followed the runes and spiritual veins here, and deconstructed the big formation all the way.

  After he got the metamorphosis talisman from the secret realm of the talisman master, although he didn't concentrate on practicing the talisman way, he also had a lot of influence on the profound meaning of this way. It is not difficult to break through this formation at this moment.

   Not long after, the master and apprentice followed the spiritual veins in the mountain and came to a mountain stream all the way.

   "The real core of the talisman formation is under this mountain stream." Chu Liang said: "Master only needs to cut off this stream to destroy his great formation."

   This rune formation is quite strong, and it is not easy to destroy the foundation of the spiritual veins. It's just that with the presence of the master, these efforts are naturally not a problem.

   "Hehe..." Empress Feng gave a grinning grin, and immediately rolled up her sleeves and was about to make a move.

   Then I heard a sudden begging for mercy not far away: "Two, two, please be merciful!"

   With a whoosh, the brilliance flickered.

  A middle-aged man in a toga with long sleeves emerged from the mountain stream. This man was wearing a black cloth hat, and his appearance was delicate and elegant, with a bit of a literati air. Looking at the master and apprentice who wanted to destroy everything here at this moment, his eyes were full of helplessness.

  At first, I thought that Empress Feng was domineering enough, and finally got rid of her. Unexpectedly, when she went back to Shushan, she could bring back a brain.

   Isn't this cheating?


  A moment later, the middle-aged man sat down on the ground with a dejected face.

"I am the head teacher of the Talisman Sect, Huan Leisheng." He muttered, "I know that the empress of Shushan, Feng, is coming to collect debts, and I have dismissed more than a dozen disciples from my school to hide. But I really can't give up this place. Shan Jiye stayed here alone."

   "This large array of runes in Yishan Mountain is really exquisite, and Huan Leisheng is a master in this field." Chu Liang praised.

   "I just don't want to meet Chu Shaoxia. As expected, I got the inheritance from Fu Tianshi's secret realm." Huan Leisheng said enviously.

  It turned out that when a secret realm appeared in the former site of Fuxianmen, their Fulu Sect also wanted to get a share.

  If you count it seriously, the ancestors of the Fulu Sect can only be regarded as a small side branch of the ancient Fuxianmen. However, in the case where the inheritance of Fuxianmen's main sect is almost cut off, they are already the most complete orthodoxy.

  But the Fulu Sect is small and small, so they don't have the right to speak.

  In the end, the secret realm of Fu Tianshi was controlled by several immortal sects of nine heavens and ten earths, and it became a place for young people to experience their own sect. Chu Liang also obtained the inheritance of transformation and life talisman from it.

  Huan Leisheng had also heard about this.

   "It's just a fluke." Chu Liang smiled and waved his hands.

   "Chu Shaoxia is extremely talented, so you don't need to be too modest." Huan Leisheng complimented with a smile.

   "Laugh again!" Empress Feng, who was watching by the side, was unhappy, and suddenly shouted.

  Huan Leisheng immediately froze his face, not daring to show a smile again.

   "Have we come to chat with you?" Di Nvfeng said sharply: "It took us so much effort, you should add 30% interest on the debt you owe!"

  Hearing this, Huan Leisheng immediately wept, "Fengfeng Master, Chu Shaoxia, let alone a few percent, our Talisman Sect really has no food at all..."

"Mr. Huan, the amount of debt you owe is not small." Chu Liang said helplessly, "If it is ordinary small money, we don't care whether we want it or not. But you owe such a large amount of debt for three months overdue, and you will cry poorly with us , but it's a little too much."

   "But this is also the truth, Chu Shaoxia, let me tell you the truth, I have a reason why I owe so much money." Huan Leisheng said.

   "Nonsense!" Di Nvfeng glared, "Whoever owes money has no reason, I don't want to hear it!"

"Master, listen to me." Chu Liang persuaded from the side, "Calm your anger for now, I don't think Mr. Huan is an unreasonable person, even if he can't get the spirit stone coins, he must be able to get some Pay off the debt with something else."

   "He looks so poor, what can he have?" Emperor Nvfeng said loudly: "Don't stop me, let me kill his whole family!"

   "Master! We are asking for money, try not to kill yourself!" Chu Liang said loudly.


   "Oh!" Seeing the two of them singing together, Huan Leisheng finally let out a long sigh: "You two, please follow me."

   Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he separated the two sides of the mountain stream in front of him, revealing a deep cave, and led the two of them down.

  Going all the way down the cave to the depths, there is a place of radiance at the very bottom, and a roulette-shaped jade round table is placed during the period, with various runes engraved on it.

"Chu Shaoxia, this is the artifact that I have spent twenty years building... the Fu Tianpan!" Huan Leisheng pointed at the roulette with a proud face, "If it wasn't for building this thing, how could I have spent so much money on it?" Resources, huge debts?"

   "What is this?" Chu Liang looked at the mysterious thing, and asked aloud.

   "The existing talismans in the world are all hand-drawn and inspired by spiritual power. How slow?" Huan Leisheng raised his hand and explained to Chu Liang: "As long as I successfully create this talisman disk..."

   While speaking, he pulled out a blank yellow talisman paper with one hand, and placed it on the roulette with shaking hands.


  The roulette turned, and the talisman inscription was instantly engraved on the talisman paper, and a bright red talisman was formed in an instant.

"It takes a while to create a talisman, and it can form different effects according to different combinations of runes. At that time, only one person needs to guard the talisman disk, and the speed of refining talismans can rival a thousand people! Chu Shaoxia, how dare you Can you imagine that scene?"

   "Are you going to use this **** to pay off the debt?" Di Nvfeng looked at the Fu Tianpan in front of her and asked aloud.

   "This thing can't be given to you!" Huan Leisheng said: "This is my lifeline! But... if you lend me a little more money, I can transfer part of the proceeds from Fu Tianpan to you."

   "Do you still dare to ask for conditions?" Emperor Nvfeng didn't like this old boy, but seeing him still chattering, she couldn't suppress it anymore.

   Just as she was about to erupt, Huan Leisheng saw Tai Nai standing beside a yellow spring and waving at him.

  Chu Liang thought for a while, with the radiance of the talisman in his eyes, he suddenly said firmly:

   "This project...I voted for it!"

good evening.

   This illness is almost healed, so try to be early tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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