MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 249 small tasks

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"I feel that it is difficult for people like Marco to keep these stones forever, but not everyone can leave with peace of mind after getting a copy like us..." Qiubai and Monet said on their way back to the ship.

The historical text of the road sign should be the biggest "legacy" left by Whitebeard, which is bound to cause disputes. As a great pirate who has survived from Roger's time, if Whitebeard doesn't have the historical text of the road signs in his hands... Who will believe this?

In the first half of the Great Route, it was just an illusion to find ONE`PIECE. How many of the ten pirates really believed in the existence of the Great Secret Treasure? However, the new world is different. In the new world, a large proportion of pirates focus on finding ONE`PIECE. The historical text is the key to the great treasure, and no one will turn a blind eye to it.

Qiu Bai's idea is also very representative. Compared with collecting pieces by himself, or fighting for stones from the hands of the current Four Emperors, it is undoubtedly much simpler to get things from the "Original Four Emperors" pirate group.

Of course, for Qiu Bai, it is unavoidable to have a conflict with the Four Emperors anyway... because he only has three pieces of stone information.

"Either it will fall into the hands of the other four emperors, or it will fall into the hands of the navy, or it will fall into the hands of other pirates, and the historical text in Marco's hands will either be long or short, and it will definitely spread out again. "Monet and Qiubai have the same idea.

Marco will always be hunted down, and he can't hold the historical text for a long time. But those things have nothing to do with Qiu Bai.

"Where do you think the remaining stone is?" This is the question Qiubai should be concerned about now.

"...Does the captain have any clues?" Monet obviously couldn't have any clues about the whereabouts of the next historical text.

"Or in Peipo's hometown, or in Wano, or in the hands of... Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks," he said.

Qiubai's luck has always been "exploding", but it is the lower limit, so in fact, there is no need to say the first two or, so this means that they will soon compete with the Four Emperor Pirates... This kind of The confrontation must be the same as when they blocked Shanks earlier.

In terms of possibility, the remaining piece of the historical text of the road sign should be hidden in Wano Kingdom, which has been closed off for a long time. After all, there are also the Koyuki clan who made the historical text, but Qiubai always felt that the stone would not be so easy to get. of.

This is just like drawing cards and collecting symbols. The final puzzle is often the hardest to get.

"Captain, are you a little too anxious?" Monet felt a little anxious when confronting the Four Emperors.

"The weakness of the navy is an opportunity that must be seized. I just want to get to the destination while the pain left by the war on the navy has not yet healed, otherwise the meaning of this war will be greatly reduced."

The best time to go to the "Island of the End" is when the resistance from the navy has largely disappeared. Otherwise, once the navy is relieved, Qiubai's future will naturally be difficult.

"The war at the top will not make the navy to the level of 'rout'. Even if it is really rout, defeating the navy is not the same as defeating any pirate group. The world government stands behind the navy, and the loss of combat power will soon be lost. It can be compensated, so we have to move faster.”

There are countless hidden powerhouses in the world. How many of them have general-level combat power? 5-people? 10 people? 50 people? No one knows, anyway, as long as the world recruits soldiers and cuddles the grass, they can get them out.

The resources that the world government can allocate far surpasses the existence of the "state". It is the most powerful organization on the planet. This is why the revolutionary army has existed for so many years, but it can still only fight guerrillas... Revolutionary Road , a long way to go.

"Don't worry too much, I'm not a person who likes to mess around, I have to act according to our preparations." After noticing Monet's face, Qiu Bai explained again.

Monet raised his eyes and took a peek at Qiubai's expression, thinking how he had the guts to say this... Think about it carefully, or maybe the captain is really not that kind of mess, but he does things very well. Proper person?

Well, it's not impossible, it's just that his measured side is well hidden.


"Next, we'll turn to Peibo's hometown. I'm going to conduct research on special biological samples. By the way, I'll check a little secret hidden there." After returning to the boat, Qiubai announced the location of his next destination.

Peipo was supposed to be a Fur Bearman who was born on the back of an elephant, grew up on it, lived a carefree life on it, and eventually died here, but unfortunately he fell from it, I have never had the chance to return to my hometown for N years, and now my chance has finally come.

But while he was happy, he was a little worried. God knows what Qiubai is going to do there?

——He was worried that Qiubai would kill the elephant who didn’t know how many thousand years he had lived. Couldn’t Qiubai do such a thing? He was too good at it, and even the reason for killing the elephant was not just to see if the creature that had lived for so long was eating like bacon...

Therefore, it is estimated that few people like Qiubai to go to their hometown for a walk, unless they are the kind of people who want to destroy their hometown.

And what is Zou's little secret? Why doesn't Pebble know anything by himself?

But in any case, the duty of the navigator is to bring the captain to where he wants to go, not to obstruct it. During the voyage, what the navigator says is absolute. In many cases, even the captain has to obey his instructions~www But before sailing, the only person who decides the purpose of the ship is the captain.

The problem is that Zou is not easy to find, there is no record that the pointer will point there, because the "island" is just like the name, it is just an elephant, and it will wander around on the sea, and its position is not fixed.

Fortunately, fortunately, it still has a general range of activities, as long as it is searched in that sea area. Otherwise, unless there is eyewitness information, it is easier to find this elephant than to find ONE`PIECE.

But this time everyone is not acting collectively. Qiu Bai is going to send his omnipotent assistant a small task... Luo needs to leave the ship for a while.

In order to prevent him from drowning in the sea of ​​the new world, there is also a small partner with good water quality who will form a two-person team with him. Although it is young, it is very strong. The thick and thick waist of the water snake is its most powerful. Beautiful logo.

Originally, it was the most appropriate thing to leave this kind of thing to Monet, but now Monet has more important and most important things to do. She has to deal with and decipher the historical text of the road sign that she just got, so she can stay away from chatterboxes This rare chance of physical pollution and some mental pollution is cheap... He finally encountered one of the few good things.

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