MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 248 Transfer of Prohibited Items

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Before entering Fishman Island, Qiubai met the unlucky Push City prisoner who escaped from the prison. After confiscating some of their organs, he let this group of people pass the news in the pirate industry, and some of them were tasked with contacting Whitebeard's remnant.

The phoenix Marco must have what Qiubai wants, and Qiubai probably has what he wants, so the basis for the transaction is established.

Facts have proved that the action efficiency of the person who is held by the heart is very high. During this period, the white-bearded remnants must be hiding everywhere, but after a few turns, they finally contacted them.

In the end, Qiubai's estimation was correct. He felt that Marco really wanted to get what the other party might want.

The time and place of the transaction are designated by Marco, so that they can slightly increase their sense of security - Marco is very strong, he can even fight against generals himself, but he can't bear the whole world to deal with him, in order not to let them. Whitebeard's flag fell completely, and they had to be careful.

In contrast, Qiubai didn't have such a high demand for the confidentiality of this matter. Even if the navy found out that he had been in contact with the remnants of Whitebeard's party, it didn't matter. Anyway, the identity of Qiwuhai didn't matter to him. It makes sense. Moreover, even in the worst case scenario, the navy would not directly take action against him—with the current tragic situation of the navy, you must carefully measure before doing anything.

"Come on, this ship is called the Balubatos?"

Qiubai's boat began to approach Greenbit. At this time, dorsal fins as sharp as knives also emerged from the sea. The betta fish who were used to the madness did not have the ability to recognize the pirate flag. Obviously, they also took this boat. Considering it to be idle, they are ready to overturn the broken ship that has broken into their own territory as they have done before.

However, no one takes this kind of "attack" seriously, and no one even pays attention to any fighting fish. No matter how crazy the attacks of this group of fish are, there are only two kinds of evaluations they can get in the end: good taste or bad taste, To fill the stomach or not to fill the stomach.

Bai Xing, who stayed in the cabin, did not see such a "cruel" scene. A sturdy body that appeared and disappeared on the sea swallowed the bettas clean with the wind and clouds.

It is said that the meat of the fighting fish is delicate, strong and delicious. However, Qiubai and his group have not had the chance to taste it. It is not because they all entered Linna's stomach, but the mermaid on the boat. Therefore, the recipe on this boat contains There is no such thing as fish.

Eating fish in front of a mermaid is probably the same as eating a human in front of a human. It's better to take care of Shirahoshi and Lily's feelings. No one wants to travel on a boat with Professor Hannibal.

The Balubatos stopped on the shore, Qiubai and Monet got off the boat, and were guided by a pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates into the jungle.

Among the abundant and lush plants, there is a temporary residence for Marko and others.

"Captain Marko... Should I be called Captain Marko? I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Qiu Bai said half-jokingly, he felt that the group seemed to be a little too serious.

However, it is normal for Marko to be serious. After losing the white beard, the pirate group has lost that fearless bearing, and the scene of this tough "father" is still vivid in my mind.

Qiubai was definitely not "friendly" to the group of people in front of him.

And his question is a bit redundant. Marco should always be the captain of the first team. It is difficult to imagine that he will have a day when he will call himself the captain. People with white beards are very persistent in certain things, but they do not pay due attention to some things, so the transaction of exchanging historical text information with black beard can be established.

The historical text of the road sign, compared to this top-level top-secret information, Marco's group cares more about the culprit that caused the collapse of the Whitebeard Pirates... For Qiubai, the historical text of the road sign is naturally more valuable. For Marko, the opposite is true.

Those who kill their companions will never forgive, and they are still practicing the rules left by Whitebeard.

"Where is Titch?" Marko didn't take Qiubai's words, and now he is more concerned about whether Qiubai can come up with the agreed chips.

Qiu Bai tilted his head towards Mo Nai, and after the latter understood it, he breathed through his teeth and made a long whistle. Then a spherical space spread out from the seaside, and stopped behind Qiu Bai in a measured manner, and then, Blackbeard was placed there.

Luo's ability scope did not continue to spread forward. This was to show Marco that there was no hostile consciousness here, and maintaining it meant that they could take Blackbeard back at any time...if the deal could not be established.

"He's still alive, but he's lost consciousness. He's not doing well these days..." Qiubai didn't abuse the prisoners... Well, at least he didn't plan to abuse Blackbeard any more, but Tickey couldn't get the fit anyway. Treated by the Geneva Conventions, it's not bad that he didn't starve to death these days.

Just saying that there is a sea tower stone bullet in the body of the capable person, it feels more painful and more painful.

Someone from Marco took the initiative to walk over, and he did not hesitate to walk into Luo's ability. After he confirmed Tic's identity and current physical condition, he first nodded to Marco, and then said I returned consciously, with a little extra action during the period.

This is very It shows that they have no plan to eat black, so Qiubai does not need to use black to eat black.

Everything went according to the procedure of the transaction, which could not be better. The three tents behind Marko were taken apart one by one, revealing three huge, red square stones.

The historical text of the road sign, the authenticity of this thing is very certain, and the things recorded on it cannot be changed, so Marco will not and cannot do anything on it, and he is not that stupid.

Monet stepped forward, put on thick glasses and checked the stone a little, then took out a notebook and quickly recorded the contents on it... It is impossible for Marco to copy the original text of the road sign history. By handing it over to others like this, Qiu Bai can only copy or rub the above information.

But this is enough, the valuable is the text and intelligence, as for the carrier of the historical text is not so important.

The process was neat and tidy, the result was a happy one, and both parties got what they wanted, which is the best.

As for what the "Whitebeard Pirates" will do with Blackbeard in the future... that's not about Qiubai, the value of Blackbeard to him only ends there.

Read The Duke's Passion