MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 82

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someone? who?

Neuer looked at him suspiciously, and Hawkeye continued, "When I found the description on the stone wall, I also wanted to find Neutem."

"However, at that time, I was blocked by a group of people. It is estimated that it should be Neutem's survivor organization..."

Neuer had a bitter face, saying this was tantamount to not saying it. Finding someone is much more difficult than finding a place.

In a place as big as the Great Airway, where can Neuer find a group of remnants from more than 20 years ago?

Impossible, those people will come to find Neuer by themselves...

Don't tell me, what Neuer doesn't know is that this really hit the spot...

On the great route to the outside world, the navy is frantically chasing Neuer's trail, and reward orders are flying all over the sky.

And in a hidden corner, a strong man held a reward order in his hand and muttered happily:

"Farewell to the capital of water, I finally found the trace of His Highness!"

"The navy wants to move His Highness, don't even think about it!"

Chapter 129

Mihawk was taken to the castle to entertain him well. When Ace and his gang heard that this was a Shichibukai, their jaws almost dropped in shock.

Ace strikes up a conversation with Mihawk with great interest, and he is so annoying that his brain is about to explode.

This kind of noisy person, he knew someone before...

A new day of peace began, and Neuer also began to think about everyone's future plans.

With nearly 2,000 people, the huge old castle can be accommodated. The most troublesome thing is the food problem. Neuer can only send people to go fishing and eat seafood.

Elbaf's two giant warriors, Nilf and Marv, stayed on board to help everyone with some infrastructure activities.

Neuer watched with great interest as they were busy, and suddenly, his eyes fell on the position below the giant's neck.

The bright red dragon's hoof imprint, Neuer recognized this mark, the Tianxiang dragon's hoof imprint.

All Draconian slaves must bear this mark, and it is extremely difficult to erase.

Even the slaves rescued by Tiger were just covered by another mark to cover it up.

Neuer scratched his hair in distress, should he also find a mark to help them cover it?

But that will still leave traces, and Neuer wants these marks to "disappear" rather than "cover up".

Neuer had an idea, it seems that he really has a skill that can help.

A special skill obtained from Chopper before is a healing skill called restoration.

However, Neuer didn't use this ability much after experimenting a few times.

Because he found that the effect of prosthesis is not a cure, but only some effect on the trauma.

Pretty much the equivalent of a fancy over-the-top cosmetology…

Neuer waved at Nelf and shouted, "Brother, come here!"

Nelf, a giant, came over and said in a muffled voice, "What's the matter, benefactor?"

Neuer tapped his toes lightly, jumped onto Nelf's shoulder, and said, "Relax, I'll try an ability."

Nelf remained motionless obediently, and Neuer smoothly faced his neck and silently launched the repair operation.

The green light with a natural style is faintly lit up, and the bright red on the Tianxiang dragon's hoofprint is gradually fading.

Nelf couldn't see behind him, and said in amazement, "Grandpa, my neck feels a little hot."

Neuer smiled with satisfaction, and the compatriots who came out of Mary Joa also watched this scene in disbelief.

Tianxianglong's hoofprint is so difficult to remove, but Engong can easily erase it? !

Seeing that there were no traces on Nelf's neck, Neuer jumped off his body and shouted to everyone, "Come here, I'll wipe off the marks for everyone!"

Everyone roared in unison, and came forward with gratitude, waiting for their benefactor to erase the mark of shame for them.

They thought that even if they ran away from Marie Gioia, the slave mark would follow them for the rest of their lives.

For this reason, they even made psychological preparations to carry this darkness forever.

Who knew that the omnipotent benefactor is so powerful, what else in the world can't be done by him? !

As one compatriot after another was erased from their marks, they ran around excitedly, with sunny expressions on their faces, and the depression in everyone's hearts was swept away.

Now, they have no burden at all, but they have another boss to entrust their whole life to!

It wasn't until night fell that Neuer, who had been busy all day, erased all the hoofprints of the Tianxiang dragon, and no one was missed.

After dinner, Neuer looked at the brothers and sisters who were no longer hazy, and smiled contentedly.

Sitting opposite him, Mihawk said lightly, "Do you really care about your subordinates?"

Neuer stretched his waist, lay on the sofa and said: "How much you put in, your partner is willing to put in the corresponding effort. It's worth the effort."

Mihawk curled his lips and said, "That's why I don't want to form a pirate group..."

Next to Mihawk, Ace twirled his hat boredly, and suddenly asked, "Then Neuer, are you really going to be a pirate?"

Neuer spread his hands helplessly, and said with a smile: "The government and the navy have decided that I am a pirate, and public opinion is in their hands. It is useless for me to object."

"I used to be a pirate hunter for the convenience of movement, but now, I don't care about that little trouble..."

Ace slapped the table excitedly and shouted, "That! Do you want to be my partner?"

Neuer decisively refused: "Dah!"

Eston languished for a moment, and asked dejectedly, "Why?"

Because I don't want to join the white group with you...

Whitebeard can give Ace the fatherly love he was looking forward to, Neuer...

Although he wants to give it, but he can't...

It is said that Garp treats Ace as his grandson, how much advantage does Whitebeard and Roger have.

Ace didn't notice that Neuer was wandering in the sky, and continued: "Forget it, you also have your own partner, so what's the name of your pirate group?"

Neuer was taken aback, and said, "I didn't think about it..."

Ace's expression froze, and he asked, "Then, the Pirate Flag hasn't been finished yet?"

Neuer smiled embarrassedly and said, "No."

Ace looked at Neuer with the eyes of a monster, and said, "How can you be a pirate if you have nothing."

"The skull flag is the soul and spiritual guide of a pirate group! The name of the pirate group is a code name of glory!"

"This can't be careless."

Looking at Ace who suddenly became serious, Neuer also felt that this matter should be resolved quickly.

He is different from Ace, he didn't take the initiative to be a pirate.

It is the world government that recognizes them as pirates. This is not just a few words of protest from Neuer.

But Neuer is not afraid. They regard themselves as pirates and simply form a pirate group. Anyway, the government has long since distrusted the identity of hunters.

It just so happens that Neuer can make a good design while he is free now.

Afterwards, Neuer quickly called everyone together and held a meeting in the courtyard.

The name of the meeting is "Preparation for the Pirates on the Eve of the Establishment, General Assembly of All Members", or "The Redemption of Abandoned Neuer" for short.

The courtyard was full of people, all of them were sitting upright with solemn faces, as if they were about to fight a tough battle.

Many people even took out small notebooks to record.

There are also special guests, Mihawk and Ace

Ace looked serious, as if he was performing some sacred ceremony.

Mihawk has black question marks all over his face, are they children, why do they count themselves?

Neuer stood at the highest point, coughed softly, and said with a loudspeaker:

"The first item of the meeting is to determine the number of pirates."

As soon as the words were uttered, the audience below started chattering like a frying pan.

Mihawk was dumbfounded when he saw it, this...

Are you all cheering on your captain like this?

And that one named Ace, why are you so excited?

People who don't know think that such a fierce meeting is to overthrow the world...

Chapter 130 Establishment of Pirates

Although Neuer rescued many people from Marie Gioia, few of them could join the Pirates.

The intertwining of blood and evil, they have seen all kinds of cruelty, and now, most people just want to be ordinary people and live a peaceful life.

Of course Neuer won't force them to do things they don't like. In life, everyone has their own ambitions...

After very simple statistics, many people were screened out at once.

Young children cannot join, and most weak women do not want to join, and some have their own families who want to go back. Neuer will arrange to help them find their families in the future.

So picking and picking, only about 500 people joined for the time being.

But this is not bad, Neuer is very satisfied, the strength of more people will always be greater.

Don't think that the strong don't need younger brothers, it's just that they are strong enough, like Hawkeye, they don't need help in battle at all.

But many things will be very inconvenient, just like in the original book, the eagle hits the hall and the kitchen is forced out by the lonely life...

The crews of Red Hair and Straw Hats are also elite, but they still have a lot of younger brothers who can play a special role at critical times.

Someone handed over the list of people willing to join, and Neuer glanced at it, and he roughly got the number.

A pair of brothers and sisters, Nelf and Manlf, joined as expected. Many other people have also been pirates, and some of them even have bounties.

This discovery made Enilo very jealous. After all, with his strength, he has not yet offered a reward of one dollar...

There are still a few people who have eaten devil fruits.

However, most of them are of the animal type, and a few have superhuman abilities, all of which are grotesque abilities.

After roughly confirming the members, Neuer also officially started the core content of the meeting, saying: "So, what do you think our pirate group should be called?"

As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent. After a long time, Conis said coyly, "Can't we just call it the Neuer Pirates..."

Neuer said he wanted to do the same, because he also thought of such a name.

But soon, Enilo resolutely denied it, and said excitedly: "No way! How can the pirates call people by name?"

"If you want me to say, it's better to call the Thunder God Pirates."

Weber glanced at him blankly, and thought: "Can't it be called the Bloody Pirates?"

"It's too vulgar." Lu Qi objected: "I think it's better to call the Justice Pirates."

Enel refused to accept: "The pirate group is called justice, no matter how you think about it, it's awkward, it's better for me!"

Wei Bo said angrily: "Your name is clearly talking about yourself, don't make trouble here!"

Enil looked at him in surprise, and said, "Do you think I'm Thor, too?"

Webb: I think you're crazy.

As Enilo and the others slowly opened up the topic, everyone present also began to express their opinions.

Seeing the increasingly heated scene, Konis nodded aggrievedly and said in a low voice, "I think it would be nice to have a simpler name?"

Khalifa comforted her and said, "We don't understand the so-called romance of men."

Not far away, Neuer walked up to Robin, wanting to ask her opinion.

Robin stroked his smooth chin and thought for a while, then said a little proudly, "Why don't you call them the Dark Ghost Pirates!"

Kalifa and Konis were stunned, and shouted, "Why is the painting style suddenly so evil!"