MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 81

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Ace and his gang teased those clumsy zombies curiously, and couldn't help laughing when they watched them put vegetables on their heads.

Everyone who escaped from Marie Joya happily shared the food they ate with others, while calling for everyone who was busy to sit down.

Enilo and Weber had **** again. In order to **** a huge plate of Neptune cooked meat, they rolled up their sleeves arguing and had to fight for life and death again.

Gabra, Bruno and the others clapped and sat in rows watching the excitement.

Lu Qi elegantly held the knife and fork, while enjoying the steak, while despising these vulgar people.

After a while, a plate of salad was thrown out by Weber, and it was directly on Lu Qi's face.

A few people from the original CP9 team shouted, it's over...

The dirty Lu Qi was no longer calm, and turned into a leopard, roaring and jumping into the battle, fighting with the predatory duo with punches and kicks.

On the other side of the girls group, Conis and Kalifa had stars in their eyes, and other rescued girls were chattering around Robin, whispering something.

In the pleasant environment, Neuer and Ace hugged each other, clinked glasses and chatted.

In men's chats, there are always a few topics that never change.

Neuer said thoughtfully: "So, there is a navy girl named Iska who has been chasing you?"

Ace shook his hand quickly, and said distressedly: "It's a literal chase. Although she can't beat us, it's very annoying."

Seeing that there was no sound, Ace turned his head to look, and saw that Neuer's eyes were bent into crescents, looking at Ace gossipingly.

Ace ignored him depressedly, and Neuer whispered in his ear with an inscrutable look, " you like that girl?"

Ace was even more excited, stepped on the table and blushed and said, "How is it possible?! I am a free pirate!"

Neuer acted like a dog-headed military adviser, and persuaded: "Love has no status, as a man, you have to be brave, seize the opportunity, and don't leave regrets..."

Ace gave him a strange look, and said, "So, you're very brave..."

Neuer nodded decisively and confidently, and Ace immediately pointed to Robin not far away, looking at him jokingly.

At this moment, silence speaks louder than words, Neuer scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "This... the situation is a little different."

Ace laughed, and finally pulled him to talk about the business: "Sabo and the others have already arranged our share of the heavenly gold, and they are waiting for you to see."

Neuer was overjoyed. After the gold mission in the sky, he went to Mary Joya temporarily, so Ace helped Neuer hold the resource.

Ace is also very reliable this time, putting a large number of golden and various resources in the castle.

Neuer didn't bother to check how much he had harvested, since he had someone to do it anyway.

Ace patted his head, took out a phone bug from his pocket, and said, "This is from Sabo. If you want to cooperate in the future, just call him directly."

Neuer took the phone bug and put it away, and said with a smile, "Understood."

After drinking for three rounds, the quiet horror ship became more and more quiet, and even the tireless zombies hid in the cemetery.

At the banquet, there were people lying all over the floor in disorder, and everyone was sleeping peacefully, snoring one after another.

Enilo Weber and Lu Qi, the three of them were lying on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces. They didn't know if they were asleep or were knocked out...

Ace fell asleep with his arms around Neuer's feet, and Neuer fell into a sweet dreamland with his beautiful legs on his pillow.

Robin's beautiful eyes were like water, looking at Neuer who was sleeping soundly on the knee pillow, gently brushing his black hair with bare hands, and stroking his cheek.

Then with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she also slowly entered into a peaceful dream.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen tranquility, and Neuer hasn't slept so peacefully for a long time.

Scary bark, not scary tonight.

On the edge of the sea in the Devil's Triangle, a light boat was washed by the waves, and a young **** board commanded a fat man to row the boat.

These two people were exactly Perona and Hobak who had gone around for several days and finally found a way to get out of the sea after escaping.

Hobak was rowing the boat hard, and Perona urged anxiously: "Hurry up, Hobak, we are going to escape soon!"

With strong hatred on Perona's face, she gritted her teeth and said, "Master Moria was killed by that evil spirit! We must find a chance to take revenge!"

Hobak rowed hard, hesitantly said: "But Master Moria is no match for him, it's up to us..."

Perona yelled at Hobak: "I know, you don't need to say it!"

Just as the two were arguing, there was a clear sound of water waves sliding in front of the boat.

Perona immediately became nervous. Could it be that the devil's men are chasing her? !

Hobak raised his hand tremblingly, and Perona also summoned the ghost, ready to fight.

In the dense fog, a black cross loomed.

A hot man with a black knife as an oar, stepping on the shocking BGM, once again makes an impressive appearance!

The golden pupils looked at Perona and the two coldly, and asked lightly: "Who are you?"

Hobak looked at the bright crossed black knife, pointed at him and said tremblingly: "World... the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!"

Their former Moria said that in the Seven Martial Seas, the person in front of him is enough to aspire to be the strongest in terms of killing power alone!

Perona whispered to Hobak: "Unexpectedly, just after I came out of the devil, I ran into another scary guy."

The eagle-eyed golden pupils with well-developed hearing lit up and asked, "Do you know Neuer?"

Perona and Hobak were taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized that a ghost idea suddenly appeared in Perona's mind.

Perona said anxiously: "That's right, Lord Hawkeye! That demon man is on Lord Moria's boat, clamoring to teach you a lesson!"

Hawkeye looked at her speechlessly.

On board Moriah, challenge yourself?

His ability to lie is so bad, why should he still treat him as an idiot? !

And isn't this woman one of Moria's subordinates? How did she become like this?

Chapter 128 News from Neutem

Early in the morning, a distinguished guest was welcomed on board the horror ship.

Neuer walked out of the room with sleepy eyes, looked at the man standing in front of him, and suddenly became refreshed.

"Eagle smash! Why are you here?"

Neuer said in surprise, Mihawk almost couldn't hold back and stabbed him: "I was passing by, but I heard that you are here, so I went to have a look."

Mihawk's golden pupils swept to Neuer's side. Except for Robin, he had seen all the new faces.

"It seems that you have also developed your own power."

Neuer smiled triumphantly. He was Hawkeye who he met before going to Sky Island. Back then, only Robin was with him.

Mihawk suddenly pointed behind him and said, "I met two people on the road and said they ran away from you."

Neuer tilted his head and was immediately amused. Isn't this Perona and Hobak?

According to Gabra's report, at that time the escape of the two men was purely his own playfulness.

After all, Neuer's order at the time was to put them under house arrest, and Gabra and the others couldn't control them so strictly.

Unexpectedly, the two were captured by Mihawk.

Perona spat and scolded: "You are in the same boat! You are not good people!"

Huoba Ke quickly grabbed him, not to let her be impulsive.

One Neuer is difficult enough to deal with, let alone Hawkeye.

Neuer looked at her and smiled, "Are you going to avenge Moria? Do you think you can do it?"

Perona's eyes were red, and she looked at Neuer fiercely, unable to say anything.

The gap in strength is like a moat, and Perona is not a group of practitioners from the extremely evil generation, who will never catch up with Neuer in her life.

Mihawk heard something, and frowned, "Did you kill Moria?"

Neuer nodded and said, "Kill him, and his territory will be vacated."

Mihawk nodded thoughtfully, and said, "No wonder, I heard that the navy is looking for a candidate for Shichibukai."

Neuer said curiously: "Find a substitute so quickly? Who is it?"

Mihawk said lightly: "There are two, one is Fire Fist Ace, and the other..."

Seeing Mihawk looking at him, Neuer asked in surprise: "Me?"

Mihawk chuckled, and said, "But that's enough for now. You and Fire Fist did it to steal the gold from the sky, right?"

Neuer froze for a moment, and said, "You know all this?"

"I can't hide it." Mihawk said: "You guys have done a big thing together, I'm afraid you won't be considered."

Neuer laughed jokingly, and said: "That's not necessarily true, I have done another big thing, and I can force them to think about it."

Hawkeye looked at him suspiciously, but said nothing.

Neuer was a little surprised and asked, "You don't know about Marie Gioia?"

Mihawk shook his head and said, "What's the matter?"

The burning of Marie Gioia was such a big thing, and it wasn't leaked?

Impossible, even if the liberated slaves were not taken away by himself like Tiger, there were still so many people present that day!

Neuer briefly narrated what he did earlier with Mihawk. After hearing this, Mihawk said calmly:

"It's normal for the government to cover up this matter. After all, Mary Joya's being burned again will give the world a bully image. Even the World Economic News dare not publish such a thing."

"But when your bounty increases in the future, you will definitely not be able to hide it from those people with a good sense of smell in the sea."

"After all, there are mixed fish and dragons in the Chambord Islands, and even the government can't solve it completely."

Now that he has learned a lot, Neuer scratched his head and said, "I still thought that after doing this job, I would be completely famous."

Mihawk and Neuer entered the castle, saw the wine cabinet at a glance, walked away with two bottles of red wine very naturally, and said:

"You are already famous enough, at least in Qiwuhai, except for me alone, other people should know more or less about the situation."

The people who woke up from the dream cleaned up the house and served Mihawk with good wine and food.

Mihawk gracefully picked up the wine glass and took a few sips, Neuer looked a little dumbfounded.

Drinking early in the morning always feels a little...

Mihawk looked at Neuer and asked, "So, do you want to treat this place as your own?"

Neuer shook his head and said distressedly: "It can only be regarded as a temporary base. I want to find a local site on an island in the New World."

Mihawk glanced at him and said, "It seems that you have a goal?"

Neuer nodded and said, "I'm looking for a place called Neutem Kingdom."

Mihawk was taken aback, and said, "D's surname is Daguo, Neuertem?"

Neuer was also dazed for a while, and quickly asked, "Do you know this place?"

Mihawk seemed to be trapped in a distant memory, and said: "When I was practicing swordsmanship in the sea, I saw something related to Neutum."

Neuer was overjoyed, Yingzai is really a treasure boy!

The last time he met Mihawk, he gave himself a permanent pointer and let himself go to the empty island.

This time Mihawk came to him and brought him good news.

Neuer hurriedly asked, "What did you find?"

Mihawk shook his head and said, "It's a stone wall with characters carved on it, which records some history of Neutem."

"It is said that the Kingdom of Neutem was established by people surnamed D. The most special thing about this country is that they raise a creature called a dragon."

"Every nobleman in the Kingdom of Neuertem must accept a ceremony when they become adults, choose a dragon-shaped creature, and then become a companion for a lifetime, which can never be replaced."

"It is also for this reason that Neutem is also known as the 'Ancient Dragon Raising Country', and its national power is very strong."

After listening to Neuer, he questioned: "Since Neutem is so strong, why is the country still destroyed?"

Mihawk shook his head and said with a sneer: "I don't know, but it can do this kind of thing. There is only the world government."

Neuer sighed regretfully, and then asked, "Then do you know where Neutem is?"

Mihawk narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't know, but someone should know."

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