MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1879 I didn't mean to, really, I was wrong

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   "The last hormone shock..." After the child was pushed into the mother's ward, Academician Liao said something, but he didn't finish.

  Actually, all the doctors at the scene knew that Lao Liao didn't recruit. This is the case with medical care. There are many times when life and death are on the line, especially accidental injuries. After arriving at the hospital, doctors have a lot of doubts.

   Moreover, when there are external factors during the rescue, most of them are not good things.

   Often many things are bad because they are influenced maliciously or unintentionally by others. For example, if you find a partner, someone will say: Oh my god, how did you find him? Look at his family’s conditions are not good, his face is burnt black, he looks like a poor and lower-middle peasant passed down from generation to generation, don’t you want to Do you want to feel the sense of accomplishment of climbing from the bottom to the top?

Then, as long as the mind is not particularly mature, it will be shaken in the heart. This is also in the early years. When the daughter-in-law is looking for a partner, the people in the man’s and woman’s families are very secretive. It is the same as the underground party joint. This is passed down The trick is to prevent gossip.

   Not only does this kind of thing exist, almost as long as you want to do something, there are people who are enthusiastic to act as military advisers or professional commentators for you. "Just because you are an academician, you can't execute all orders regardless of right or wrong. This is completely stupid personal adventurism.

  Originally, the conservative treatment of tea element was quite remarkable, but they activated the treatment for some shit, and the amount of fluid supplementation exceeded the drug dosage of three children.

  Is this still at the level of an academician? This **** is a reckless disregard for human life! "

  Deputy Director Zhou on the Roujiamo side not only began to speak out in the video, but also applied to the Ministry of Health for a review of the treatment plan.

  Since he offended someone, he might as well get a big one. If he wins, he will be Director Zhou, and if he loses, he will be Doctor Zhou. In fact, to be honest, if he did not apply for reconsideration and review of the treatment plan.

According to Academician Liao and Zhang Fan's personality, this matter will not be taken to heart at all, let alone a few complaints, even if they pat their **** and jump their feet and scold them, they are not in the same unit. Just a joke or two.

  But according to his mentality, Deputy Director Zhou felt that this matter could not be done well, so he simply became a gambler.

   This guy is an expert in the provincial expert database. Once he applies for reconsideration, the Ministry must give an answer. This matter is not something to be laughed off.

  In the video, Deputy Director Zhou pointed fiercely, just like a few old men playing chess, and the one standing beside was so excited that he wanted to go up and play by himself.

Zhang Fan frowned, and turned his head to look at the monitor in the ward. The faces of the people around him were not very good, especially Lao Ju, whose face flushed as if he had drunk too much kumiss. Appropriate, this product is definitely going to be torn up.

   But Academician Liao acted as if he didn't hear it, and didn't even blink his eyelids.

  Seeing Zhang Fan turning his head, Wang Hong picked up the remote control and muted the sound of the video. She knew that if she turned off the video now, any words would come from Roujiamo later, but the video couldn't be turned off, the sound was fine, and academicians and professors could get whatever they wanted.

  If they still need to give advice, and if they can still give advice, they would not have applied for provincial transfer in the first place.

The agile Wang Hong, after turning off the sound, turned her head slightly to look at her. As a result, she was greeted by many people, and the woman puffed out her chest unconsciously. She didn't know when it started. She also became a young woman, just like that sentence, Liu Guang is easy to throw people away, the cherry is red, and the plantain is green!

Wang Hong doesn't know why now, but the direction of dressing is slightly in line with Ouyang's posture. The black skirt under the white coat, and the extremely transparent flesh-colored breasts, and the small black leather shoes that leak out of the instep, there is always a kind of look like when I was a child. Movies, the feeling of a female dean of Hong Kong movies.

  When she is meticulous, she really has the posture of a female cadre, and she is no longer the girl who looks up to the sky and plays narrow-minded all day long.

  The mother who was wrapped into a plastic mummy looked at the tubes all over her body, and the dying child was able to raise her head, and even had a tendency to sit up.

   "Don't move, don't move,

  The child is no longer in danger, so don’t get excited, it’s just to help you and the child recover faster, we’re bringing him to see you, pet him! "

The child's mother, because she was wrapped and burned by the smoke, could not speak, but her struggling body, the tears slowly flowing from her eyes, and the endless love in the eyes looking at the child, she could feel her without even speaking. My heart hurts more than my body.

  After inquiring about Li Cunhou, the head nurse said softly to the patient's mother: "You can pat him, or you can go to him on the first floor, but you have to control your emotions, can you?"

  The burnt skin was packed in elastic clothing, but what surprised everyone was that the woman struggled and actually put her hands and arms around her child.

   This kind of injury, lying quietly on the bed, already hurts so much that it needs an injection of strong pain medication, but the woman actually hugged the child as if it didn't hurt at all.

   There was a sound like a ballad in his mouth and throat. Unknowingly, the ugly voice made many female doctors and nurses have red eyes.

  Although I am used to seeing life and death, but.

  Zhang Fan endured it, then looked at Academician Liao, Academician Liao nodded, then gritted his teeth, "Start rushing!"

   After speaking, the mother of the patient seemed to understand something, raised her head with difficulty, and looked at the crowd, her eyes were full of prayers!

  Pharmaceutical liquid, like a flood that has opened the gate, the speed of the dropper is obviously much faster.

  For a while, there was only the sound of ticking instruments working in the ward. All the people stared at the life detector quietly, "The heart rate will soon exceed 160, and it will break out of atrial fibrillation."

  Director Huang's voice in the ICU was trembling.

  However, Zhang Fan, Academician Liao, Ren Li, and Lao Ju looked at the detector firmly, as if they didn't know the consequences of atrial fibrillation.

   It looks like it’s going to be 200, this is another murderer, butcher, a group of butchers, what kind of academician, what kind of young talent, Du Nima..."

  Deputy Director Zhou was about to explode on the spot, and when he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call on the spot.

  The heart rate on the life detector suddenly began to drop, 160, 140, 120, 90, "effective, effective, effective, the medicine is working, the child is saved, the child is saved."

  Director Huang immediately broke his voice. When he saw that the medicine was effective, Lao Huang was more excited than anyone else. It felt like he was leading the rescue team.

  The excited old yellow eyes feel watery.

  To be honest, you can have objections to treatment methods and rescue measures, but you can't bring personal grievances, let alone achieve personal selfish goals through rescue or treatment.

   This is crime.

  Because the patient is innocent, you cannot justify cannibalism just because the patient has no owner.


  The child came to the rescue, Zhang Fan let out a long breath, feeling a little sore in his calves, and he was bragging if he said he wasn't nervous. In the system, there were many simulations, almost half died and half succeeded.

  Really, Zhang Fan also gritted his teeth.

  Now, Zhang Fan and the others are better, after all, they are still young, and old man Liao seems to have completely entered a permanent refractory period, so exhausted that he can be supported.

   "Yuan Zhang, I have to take two or three days off. I have heart palpitations, just rest and rest."

   Zhang Fan only reacted at this time. The old man's face was pale and pale. Zhang Fan hurried over and ripped off the old man's mask.

   At first glance, her lips were purple.

   "Quick, oxygen mask! What are you doing standing there, push the wheelchair over here!" Zhang Fan's originally relaxed spirit, at this moment, was so tense that the blue veins on his head were throbbing non-stop.

  Old man Liao was sitting in a wheelchair, with his head crookedly leaning behind him.

  The head nurse rushed over with the scissors in hand. Zhang Fan took the scissors, and as soon as the scissors went down, the old man took off his upper body.

  Ren Li in her heart put the stethoscope on the lower edge of her left breast immediately.

   Immediately afterwards, he took out the stethoscope custom-made for Laoju by the equipment manufacturer in the high-tech zone and put it on the old man's back.


  「A little wheezing sound!」

   "Too tired, long-term nervous tension leads to autonomic disorder, first hospitalized to rest, can't do this again, if this happens a few times, Liao Yuan will suffer from heart failure."

  Hearing this, Zhang Fan really collapsed.

  Nima, let alone the old man’s heart failure, he’s going to have heart failure a few times like this, it’s too scary.

  Not to mention other things, if the old man is really hanging in Chasu Hospital, probably a moderate person can sue Zhang Fan to Nanhai.

   At this time, Zhang Fan was actually not the most afraid or worried.

   It was Deputy Director Zhou of Roujiamo who was really worried.

  When he saw the child's heart rate drop, he looked ashamed. He knew that he was hopeless, but when the old man was about to fall down, he looked at the tense expression on the old man's face.

  He was really scared, so scared that he almost couldn't hold his urine.

  This shit, it’s great to find trouble and go to a private hospital to become the director and dean. Although there is no future in politics, it is still very good to have money to change your wife.

  Konima, if you scold an academician to death.

  He didn't dare to think, really didn't dare to think.

  When I was so worried that I didn't know what to do.

The director of Roujiamo immediately turned on the microphone and said into the microphone: "How is Academician Liao? Those who are able to manage the department well make the population of the department outstanding, Academician Liao!"

  As soon as he said this, Deputy Director Zhou almost knelt down.

  「I, I, I didn't mean to, really, really, I really didn't mean to.」

Read The Duke's Passion