MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1878 The tea element is almost gone

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"Sunday, your parents have to go to work, baby don't cry, mama will take you with me! Zhang Zhibo is not allowed to pull sister's arm!" When Zhang Fan and the others had a meeting, Shao Hua brought Zhibo and Zhao Yanfang daughter.

  Originally, Zhao Yanfang was embarrassed to send it here, but there was no other way, because the laboratory said it was going to release data on the weekend, and the couple went there.

  After Shao Hua heard about it, he went directly to take Zhao Yanfang's baby home, and not only Shao Hua was watching the baby alone, but Mrs. Lu also came.

  Sometimes, there is no way to talk about this matter. The little old lady and the old man Lu have been doctors for most of their lives, especially the little old lady, who has delivered an unknown number of children in the Jade Bird Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.

It turned out that their child was kept with his grandmother because the couple were busy with work. After growing up, although the son said he understood his parents, he went abroad after his grandmother passed away, and then came back only once in three or four years. leave now. I don't know if it was influenced by him in China or he went abroad to study. This guy does have a girlfriend, but he just doesn't get married and doesn't have children.

  Old man Lu and Mrs. Lu probably felt that they owed their children when they were young, and they never interfered in this matter. But seeing children, especially those who are close to others, Mrs. Lu's fondness makes people feel distressed.

  So, whenever he had time, Shao Hua took Zhang Zhibo to find the old lady, fearing that the old lady would be lonely.

  「Hua Zi, you can’t wear small gloves for your child. At this age, he needs to use his hands to feel and understand the world. If he is afraid of being scratched by the child, he cuts his nails frequently.

  In Zhang Fan's living room, since Zhang Zhibo came into existence, all the coffee tables and sofas have been removed, leaving only a large carpet to make room for Zhang Zhibo to drive his meaty four-wheel drive racing car.

The little boy has a playmate. At the beginning, he always bullied others, but after all, he has been younger for half a year, and he is no match in terms of physical strength. It is useless to find his mother, and it is useless to find his grandma. There is a dispute.

"Children still need to have companions. It doesn't matter if they are fighting or fighting. In fact, they are also learning at this time." After all, the old lady is an expert on women and children when she is old. When the baby is tired of playing, the old lady is like pinching chickens Similarly, grab the little ones while giving them from the tailbone to the cervical spine, pinching the child's skin and muscles like pushing the skin.

  This kind of massage can stimulate the child's neurodevelopment, and some data even say that it is helpful for the child's height.

   Just when the two little ones were living together peacefully, in the ICU teaching hall of Chasu Hospital, people looked at Ren Li's appearance and started talking about it.

"I'll go, it seems that Roujiamo has provoked Mr. Ren into a real fire! Such a good-tempered person is angry, and the Deputy Director Zhou of Roujiamo is a bit too much. We were begged by them to take over. Yes, it's all right now, Nima is starting to throw the blame.

The people in Chasu Hospital, especially the younger ones, have already begun to fight against indignation, but the older ones are very calm, because they are all in this line of work, and the conflict between the director and the deputy director is all Everyone understands the things on the desktop.

  If it weren't for the rapid development of Chasu Hospital in the past few years, it would be unthinkable to pay bonuses. The directors of each department are probably the same as other hospitals in other places. There are too many intrigues between the directors and deputy directors.

  Many people don’t know it, but doctors always feel that they earn a lot of money, and those who receive red envelopes are starting to have Parkinson’s disease.

  Actually, this is all misleading. The people who have made a fortune are the heads of the hospital, as well as the directors of various departments, the chiefs of the equipment department, the directors of the pharmacy, and the chiefs of purchasing.

   A slightly larger hospital, let alone a super big hospital, if you really have the courage to marry a sister-in-law who is seventeen or eighteen years younger, you can still get tens of millions of black money.

   Moreover, due to the development of the Internet in the past two years, some struggles can really be killed with one blow. For example, a certain director and a certain pharmaceutical agent, there are definitely shadows of competitors!

  Otherwise, not to mention the general drug substitution, even the discipline inspectors may not be able to check clearly. Repeated marriages and divorces and children going abroad, many times, some hospital directors look miserable

   Yes! No family, no savings, no fixed real estate, only the Mercedes-Benz driven by Nima belongs to his ex-wife.

   There are many masters here!

"This is the Ren Shu of Cha Su Hospital. I have heard it many times, but I have never seen it before. An internal medicine expert? But it is very loyal!" The doctor and professor who came to substitute but never served as a department director appreciated it. He looked at Ren Li.

   "How did Zhang Heizi subdue this young woman? You really wear a pair of pants! If my deputy is so hurtful, I probably have developed a cure for AIDS by now!"

   This is a person with a job. Looking at Ren Li and thinking about her handrails, I feel envious that my waist hurts.

   "Ouyuan, Roujiamo Hospital, Ren Shu is a little angry, and his face is not very good. Zhang Yuan is very calm, why don't you come over to press the ground?"

  Wang Hong bent over, tucked her head under the desk, and whispered on the phone.

  Although Zhang Fan didn't ask her to make this call, after hesitating for three seconds, she decided to call Ouyang on her own. Even if Zhang Fan pressed her to the ground to call afterwards, she would still make this call.

After all, she believes that Ren Li is not good enough in this kind of human-to-human struggle. She hasn't said anything yet, her face is already livid, and if she is provoked by someone again, when she is really angry, Zhang Fan will have to go up.

  Once Zhang Fan gets on it, this thing is no longer an ordinary thing. Moreover, Zhang Fan is still so young, he doesn't know where he will go in the future. Therefore, Wang Hong felt that since he had already entered this temple, he had to recite the scriptures of this temple and let Ouyang come, even if the time came, he would really lose his temper.

   It also made Ouyang go crazy, an old lady, what can you do to her, let alone your Minister of Health, even if the head of the United Nations comes, there is no good way. Neither can the hospital suffer, nor does Zhang Fan have to take off his clothes and go to work, so he can only call Ouyang.

  Others, not yet. As for Old Li, Li Cunhou, Wang Hong felt that Academician Li could just be a professor quietly.

  Things in the world are actually nothing more than studying history for three thousand years, but fame and fortune. People have selfishness, but it is understandable to control it within a certain range.

   Ouyang, who hung up the phone, glanced at the prickly pear on the edge of the windowsill without rolling his eyes, and probably understood what it meant.

She got up and took Xiao Chen towards the ICU. The old lady estimated that she had been sincerely serving Zhang Fan as a knife these years. As for Wang Hong's little thought, if it wasn't for Zhang Fan, she might have made Wang Hong Xianglin's wife.

  When Ren Li wanted to say something, the door of the Science and Education Hall opened, and Ouyang came in with Xiao Chen from the Medical Office and people from the Health and War Preparedness Department.

  Health and combat readiness, this thing does not mean that the streets are not clean, so hurry up and clean up the combat readiness. This department is only available in digital hospitals, and it is only available in digital central hospitals. There is only one province where they are stationed, and even smaller provinces do not have this department, such as the provinces where Tan sheep sales have been booming in the past two years.

  Whenever several provinces in the Northwest compete for which mutton is the best, other provinces will often say that you are a semi-disabled province, and you don’t even have a health and combat readiness department!

   As for Frontier, it used to be in Niaoshi, but later moved to Chasu. Because of this matter, Hua Guo’s diplomats went to several nearby Stans to explain it to others!

  In fact, the combat readiness department originally approached Zhang Fan to discuss with Zhang Fan whether the digital doctors and nurses in the hospital could participate in the summer exercise.

   As a result, Ouyang bumped into her. The old lady rolled her eyes and brought the chief of the military uniform to the hall.

  As soon as the door opens, everyone has a look.

   Roujiamo has a look in the video.

   "I'll go! Just a complaint from Nima, you brought everyone with guns. What are you going to do, uprising on the spot or shooting on the spot?"

  Deputy Director Zhou's expression on the side of Roujiamo is extremely ugly!

  Zhang Fan was stunned, but he also reacted instantly. He glanced at Wang Hong, who quickly lowered his head and pretended to take notes.

   "Time waits for no one, start changing treatments!" Ren Li looked at Ou

  After Yang came in, he was not so tough.

  At the beginning of the treatment, various drugs began to enter the body of the child continuously, and the venous blood and arterial blood were drawn out for testing one by one.

"The heart rate is a bit too fast, the dose is too large, the heart load is too high, and the diuretics are already sufficient!" Although Lao Huang in the ICU does not agree to change the doctor's order, he has passed the consultation plan. Even if he disagrees, he must Go all out to cooperate.

  The experts in the joint treatment team are almost all staring at the child.

   "Don't worry, it's time to observe, observe and observe again, the load is high, but there is no cardiac rhythm disorder, observe and observe again!" Sweat beads on Academician Liao's forehead have already hung a layer.

  The old man is not hot, but worried.

  The revised doctor's order is very dangerous. It can be said that one step ahead is poison. If the amount is too large, even big and normal children will have problems tolerating it, not to mention the case of such a large area of ​​burns.

  The skin is the largest organ of the human body. When this thing is in an uprising, it is actually the same as other organs.

  「Be prepared for those who are not children. Once the heart fails, they are ready to open their chests!」

  Zhang Fan explained lightly that in the system, he simulated it several times. This kind of medication sometimes succeeds and sometimes fails.

   Now it is up to the child himself.

   "Move the ambulance and send the child to his mother, hurry up!" Seeing the faster and faster heart rate, the old man Liao suddenly opened his mouth and said something.

   This is not some trick of the old man Liao, but there is really no other way, as long as there is hope, everyone is willing to give it a try!

  「The tea vegetarians are almost gone!」