MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1102 win

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So although the world still maintains peace on the surface, both the Holy See and the Empire are constantly investing resources to improve their armaments, preparing for wars that do not know when they will arrive.

All of the Knights College has been continuously expanded, and the number of places selected each year has been expanded. Even state elections and national elections have been changed to once a year.

A large number of soldiers have been continuously manufactured, and the industries related to minerals, forging, transportation, etc. have ushered in an unprecedented glory.

At this moment, the empire brought together the sand country, the grassland, and the original land of the Eight States. The wealth, resources, and population have reached a level of prosperity. The whole country is developing towards a flourishing fire.

If you continue for such a decade or two, it will not be surprising if the national strength catch up with the Holy See. Of course this is in the case of the exclusion of Urbian.

With the Prince and nine thousand returned to the palace, Fang Xingjian first came to see the four emperors, confirming the current situation of the empire.

Upon hearing the report of the Four Emperors, Fang Xingjian nodded: "You have done a good job. Between us and the Holy See, there will be a battle sooner or later."

Thinking of this, Fang Xingjian simply pointed out and sent the materials of various high-tech weapons he tried to manufacture in the martial arts world to the mind of the four emperors.

"It took too long to train the knights, and then the Empire concentrated resources to start mass-producing these mechanical weapons."

God level, even the **** level five, the **** level six, such a strong person, after all, requires a strong talent.

Even if Fang Xingjian can produce nine layers of genius in batches, if they are not qualified enough, it is still difficult to reach the peak, and the wealth and resources spent on them are enough to create technological weapons far beyond their strength.

Therefore, Fang Xingjian’s plan is to stop the production of knights in large quantities with national resources, and to select only a small number of qualified individuals for genius training.

The saved resources create a large-scale mechanized force to replace the lack of the lower-level combat power.

In this way, a military system with a high-level combat capability and a mechanized army as a lower-level combat force can be created.

The mechanized troops are not afraid of suffering, not afraid of being tired and not afraid of death. It is the best destructive force.

The knights are trained through elite education, and it is easier to cultivate top-ranking powerhouses.

As for ordinary knights and second-class knights, the resources cultivated far exceed the mechanized forces, and they also need to allocate their rights and wealth. It is both tired and troublesome and will be abandoned by Fang Xingjian.

Of course, it is just not supported by national resources. The civilians rely on themselves to cultivate the Knights' martial arts, and Fang Xingjian will not stop it.

There are a lot of god-level powers to work hard, and the process of building these high-tech armed forces will not take too much time.

So in the days that followed, a secret arsenal was set up in the empire, and Prince Philip, Tyrande, and Blue Moon each built an arsenal, ready to start producing a large number of mechanical soldiers.

These include robots equipped with electromagnetic rifles, mechanical cuttlefish equipped with plasma cannons, unmanned combat aircraft, and so on.

Obviously, after the mechanized army is produced, at least on the level of the lower war, the empire will have an absolute upper hand.

However, the upper echelons of the empire understand that the biggest problem that they need to face when they want to defeat the Holy See is Urbion. The second thing to consider is white, which is the attitude of the **** of truth.

Since talking to the four emperors, Fang Xingjian has closed his door and looked at the distance in the palace every day. It seems to be watching.

He is feeling the mystery of the combination of the seven levels of God and self-cultivation, the ability to manipulate time to accelerate, combined with his own high-dimensional sword world, let him have a special experience.

Knowing the half-world's Fangxing sword, the rolling dragon fell from the void and poured into his body.

The nine-life spiral has deepened into the group consciousness of the miracle world, and immediately felt that the depth of the world is much more difficult than the previous martial arts world.

On the one hand, the history of the world is longer, and on the other hand, because of the existence of etheric fans, it greatly increases the degree of confusion in group consciousness.

In this constant deepening, Fang Xingjian's eyes passed through a lot of voids. He seemed to see the choices of countless people and saw the future of the entire continent.

"I saw destruction and despair, doomsday and remorse." Fang Xingjian's eyes were micro-microwave, and he said with some surprise: "What do you want to do?"

Urbian's figure came out of the void: "You know what I want to do, even if it is only once, I will win him."

"The world thinks that there is a battle between the North and the South, and I am your biggest enemy." Fang Xingjian sighed: "But who can think of it, you have not put the world in your eyes, the only enemy in your mind, Only him."

Fang Xingjian raised his head and looked at the emptiness in the sky.

In fact, after he returned to the empire, Urbian contacted him.

Then he knows Urbian's goal, and he wants to take the whole miracle world out of the control of white, and get rid of the control of the most superior existence of the multiverse, and win the demon **** once.

But the more you reach the strength of Fang Xingjian, the more you understand how difficult it is to win the devil.

I have reached the realm of white, the will of the will, not knowing how many worlds have been affected, how many universes have been radiated.

Like the miracle world at the moment, it is almost certainly a white territory, and the history of the whole world is under his influence, just like the influence of Fang Xingjian on the world of martial arts.

Only events outside the white will are not controlled, such as the fourth impact, the fifth shock, and the seventh impact that is about to happen.

These shocks come from outside the world that White has mastered, and only they are not mastered by white.

As for everything in other worlds, it is in the grasp of white and operates with his will.

It can be said that the history, the situation, the distribution of forces, and the culture of each country on the miracle continent are all created by the White House.

Countless worlds are moving in the way he wants. This is just the place where his will radiates, expands the territory, seals opponents, and extracts strength.

And in the depths of the distant stars that do not know, the devils are really using violence to fight the position, and do not know how horrible, violent and splendid battles are taking place.

"All history, all past and future are developed according to his will. It is obviously beneficial to him, no matter good or bad." Fang Xingjian said: "Even if you and I talk at the moment, it is not in him. Within the influence."