MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1101 God's door reversal

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The invisible man was a little embarrassed, and the next moment he laughed: "Good boy, actually fled in front of me? With the power of white back to the original world?"

At this time, he suddenly regretted only awakening such a little consciousness and strength.

If you know that the other person is so embarrassed, he will try his best to leave it when he comes up.

"But..." The invisible man sneered and said: "Zuo Qingcang is also on the white side... I hope you will like this gift..."

As he said, he saw the invisible man pointing to the sky, and an invisible wave of moments rushed toward the unknown void.


On the other side, the miracle of the mainland, three figures appeared in this abruptly, it is the return of Fang Xingjian, Prince and...

"How come this woman is coming? You brought her over?" The Prince looked at the man-made girl next to him, nine thousand, frowned and said.

"She spent a lot of my efforts, and it was too wasteful to stay there." Fang Xingjian smiled and looked at the nine thousand and touched the other's head: "And her potential has not fully played out."

Nine thousand is still a confused and ignorant look. It seems that I haven't understood what has just happened. It is like a kitten looking at the world with curiosity.

The miracle world is too different in her eyes from the world of martial arts, especially the undulations in the void, which contain a lot of information and energy.

"That's an etheric geek." Seems to know that Jiuqian is wondering what, Fang Xingjian smiled and said.

At the same time, Jiu Qian’s mind immediately read the contents of the information about the etheric fans that Fang Xingjian had stored in advance.

Just as they passed through the Heavenly Palace and returned to the miracle world, Fang Xingjian and Prince also felt their own differences.

This time through the Temple of Heaven, they not only have a qualitative change in the strength of the martial arts continent, but also broke through the six-level Shenzhou after returning, reaching the level of God.

The prince's gaze swept over nine thousand. It seemed to directly see that nine thousand were constantly degraded, deformed, changed from a complete man-made person to a piece of parts, and then to various raw materials, various ores and vegetation.

She seems to be able to directly see the past nine thousand.

The prince touched his own eyes, and there was a hint of excitement in his sight: "Sure enough, starting from the seventh level of the gods, the road to space has come to an end, and we can begin to interfere with time."

Time and space, time and space are one, at this moment the Prince feels the change of time, and immediately there are all kinds of mysterious realizations in the heart.

"God is seven... I can..."

The Prince only felt that his high-dimensional perception also seemed to rise and he saw his past and future.

The next moment her body time is accelerated, the energy consumption is doubling, the energy throughput is doubled, and the surrounding light system is also distorted, as if swallowed by a black hole.

"The **** level is seven, can speed up the time." Fang Xingjian looked at the change of the Prince, gently sighed.

When the space changes to the extreme, it can cause changes in time. From the seventh level of the gods, various illusion phenomena, negative energy states, and even super-light speed phenomena will appear. The combat power is not as strong as the six-level god. How many.

The other party's star sword, the most intuitive is that his martial arts projection has become stronger.

I saw Fang Xingjian swinging his arm. As his time accelerated, his arm was able to swing at the speed of light, but because it was only time to accelerate, the kinetic energy contained in the palm did not change much.

Although he broke through the shackles of the Knights' martial arts, he was still able to manipulate the martial arts projections to accept the harvest.

But when the Prince and Fang Xingjian felt the mystery of the seven levels of God, an invisible wave seemed to be chasing across the air and directly shot into the eyebrows of Fang Xingjian.

The Prince's brow was picked, and the emperor's sword was launched. The time-acceleration ability that he had just learned was directly applied and perfectly combined with the space. A sword was exhibited, and the sword gas has surpassed the speed of light.

However, when the sword gas collided with the wave, it was actually worn directly, and no interference could be made at all.

"Don't worry, it's just a message."

I saw that Fang Xingjian did not carry out any counterattacks, and he was allowed to fluctuate into his own sea of ​​knowledge. In a moment, a lot of information was exposed to his eyes. Even after the repair of Fang Xingjian, it took a few minutes to receive it. Come down.

"Palosas?" Fang Xingjian's eyes flashed brightly, reading the contents of this message.

This is obviously the giant who is composed of countless worlds, that is, the information sent by the invisible man who appeared last.

This person's cultivation is indeed unfathomable. Even with this opportunity of white play, he even found it and sent a message.

"My name is Palosas, the first in the Star River Devils list, the strongest fighter in the universe."

The first sentence of the message is such a simple sentence. Although I did not see the true appearance of the other party, the domineering in the discourse still came to me. The absolute power and absolute confidence seemed to be engraved. Every cell of the other, every nerve.

Next is the content of the theory, cultivation, and practice of the large section, describing a martial art called the reversal of the Shenmen.

"The reversal of the Shenmen is the ultimate martial art created by me to travel through the multiverse, observing countless martial arts exercises, specifically to restrain the four turns of the left gate of the gods. It is also the fundamental theory of the infinite shell that I have now created... ”

This is called Parosas. He seems to be dealing with an enemy called Zuo Qingcang. The restrained martial arts developed according to the other's Shenmen four turns is also the basis for the other party to build the giant's body.

When reading here, Fang Xingjian has already felt the doubt.

Why did the ultimate martial arts created by Parosus pass on to himself? Are there any loopholes and what are the pitfalls?

Fang Xingjian can't judge now. He intends to reinvent this Shenmen door thoroughly before thoroughly studying it.

Temporarily put down the reversal of the Shenmen, Fang Xingjian returned to the Imperial City with nine thousand and Prince.

The entire miracle continent has temporarily entered a state of peace since the last battle with the seven sons of the whole.

The empire and the Holy See are one of the forces on the mainland of the rulers of the South and the North.

However, it is precisely because there are only two forces left in the entire continent, but under the peace is undercurrent.

The so-called one mountain can not be two tigers. When there are only two forces left in the whole world, all the high-level people realize that the conflict between the two sides is only a matter of time.