MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 86

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Mai Ze turned to look at Tang Junhe's reaction. But Tang Junhe just looked at Yang Xuan in a daze, without blinking his eyes, and said after a while: "I still have papers to take."

Immediately, Mai Ze burst into laughter, "Hey, is he your brother?"

Tang Junhe didn't make a sound, but raised his chin slightly to look at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan asked calmly, "Where is the paper?"

"in office."

"I'll pick it up with you." Yang Xuan clasped Tang Junhe's wrist with his fingers, and pulled him towards the elevator.

"Hey—" Mai Ze stopped shortly, and suddenly a voice of surprise and joy came from behind: "Are you Mai Ze?!"

He turned his head and saw that it was a girl—judging from the overly excited expression, it should be a fan.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here," the girl raised her hand to cover her mouth, "I'm so happy, can you sign me?"

"Oh, yes." Mai Ze said, turning his head to look in Tang Junhe's direction - they had already turned to the aisle in front of the elevator door.

"I really like your band's songs, especially the album "Whale Falling". I like every song..." The girl looked down and flipped through the paper and pen in her bag.

When the elevator door was halfway closed, a little nurse hurried in. Seeing Tang Junhe, she greeted timidly: "Doctor Tang."

Tang Junhe nodded, a little unsteady after being drunk, he moved back, his back against the wall.

Maybe it's because it's rare for Tang Junhe not to wear a doctor's uniform. The little nurse looked at him frequently, and then secretly glanced at Yang Xuan next to him—Dr. Tang and the handsome guy who came to the emergency room that day were half brothers. It's not good, I haven't seen him for many years, this is a gossip that everyone in Puji Hospital knows.

Tang Junhe's gaze lowered and fell on Yang Xuan's hand holding his arm. His bony index finger touched the skin of his wrist. They only needed to lean a little further, and they could hold hands.

The elevator stopped on the third floor, and the little nurse walked out. There were only the two of them in the cramped elevator room, and no one spoke. Tang Junhe withdrew his gaze, staring at the clean elevator wall opposite him in a daze.

The elevator door slowly closed again, Yang Xuan let go of the hand holding his wrist, probed down, held Tang Junhe's hand, then tightened his fingers, and put Tang Junhe's fingers together In the palm of my hand.

Tang Junhe felt that he was very drunk, his heart was beating fast, but his brain was chaotic, and the blood in his whole body seemed to rush towards that hand.

He let Yang Xuan pull him down the elevator and walked to the office. It was very late, and there was no one in the dark office. Yang Xuan raised his hand and fumbled for the ceiling light switch on the wall.

The switch was not by the door, it had to be closer to the inside. Tang Junhe took a step forward, one of his hands was held by Yang Xuan, and he could only use the other hand to touch the switch. When he turned sideways and faced Yang Xuan, his body swayed a bit. Just as he was about to stretch out his hand to support the desk next to the door, Yang Xuan raised his hand to embrace him, and held him, his palm fell on the Behind his head, he sighed slightly in his ear: "Growing taller..."

Tang Junhe's raised hand fell down again, it was too close to Yang Xuan, he was reluctant to move. He raised his chin slightly to look at Yang Xuan, and looked at him through the thick night.

What has become more than just height? He wanted to call him "brother" again, but the word rolled up and down in his throat, and he still didn't have the courage to say it.

The youthful courage seemed to flow down the tears at the moment of parting ten years ago.

He lowered his head weakly, resting his forehead on Yang Xuan's shoulder. Courage flinched, but desire and obsession came back without hesitation, everything seemed to return to ten years ago, when the door closed at that time, he couldn't wait to hug Yang Xuan, just like the current posture.

He wanted to put his arms around his waist like before, but before he raised his arms, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and the voice of the corridor staff immediately sounded: "Why don't you close the door..." Then the auntie walked over quickly, leaned in Look around, "Is anyone there?"

Tang Junhe was a little panicked, as if he had returned to Yang Xuan's room ten years ago, they hugged, and then Tang Xiaonian found out. He subconsciously searched for reasons in his mind, whether to take homework or textbooks?

"Come and get something, and lock the door later." Yang Xuan's calm voice brought him back to his senses—it turned out that it was not ten years ago. After regaining his sanity, he subconsciously broke away from Yang Xuan's hand, took a step back, and opened the distance between them.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" The aunt still didn't go away.

Tang Junhe barely woke up, raised his hand and pressed the switch on the wall: "Auntie, it's me."

"Oh... Doctor Tang," the aunt let down her vigilance, "I thought the door wasn't closed, and someone from outside came in."

After the aunt left, Tang Junhe bowed his head and walked to his desk, opened the drawer and searched for the paper. After searching for a while, he realized that he didn't put the paper in the drawer in the morning, but put it in the folder on the desktop.

He took the paper out of the folder, and Yang Xuan asked, "Did you find it?"

"Yeah." Tang Junhe said. He didn't dare to look at Yang Xuan. In his youth, Yang Xuan was a person who was afraid of trouble, and there was always a faint look of impatience between his brows. He deliberately avoided looking at him, afraid of seeing Yang Xuan again on the face of Yang Xuan today. to that look. Although in the process of rummaging, Yang Xuan didn't urge him, but kept looking at him.

Mai Ze wore a mask and sat on the metal chair in the hall waiting. When he saw them coming out, he pulled off his mask and stepped forward to ask Yang Xuan, "Are you taking him home?"

Yang Xuan said, "Yes."

"Okay." Mai Ze replied somewhat helplessly. He has been in the same room with Tang Junhe for eight years, and he knows that he has always been wary of others. In the past, even when he was drunk, he didn't like to talk to strangers. Today is really abnormal. He looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Do you know where his home is? Go straight along the road at the door, turn right at the first traffic light, and it's very close. This is the neighborhood. Let me show you..." He looked down on his phone Find the navigation on the Internet and show it to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan zoomed in on the map on the screen and returned the phone to him: "Understood, thanks."

"There's nothing to thank," Mai Ze was a little worried, looking at Tang Junhe and told him, "Remember to call when you get home and report that you are safe."

Tang Junhe nodded.

"I really don't know if I'm drunk or not." Mai Ze muttered in a low voice.

Yang Xuan opened the car door, helped Tang Junhe into the passenger seat, and then got into the car from the other side door.

Tang Junhe stretched his hand behind to touch the seat belt, and when it reached his shoulder, Yang Xuan sat still, turned sideways, and stretched out his hand to help him pull the seat belt over. Tang Junhe, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Who is that person?"

Yang Xuan was lowering his head to help him buckle his seat belt, and asked casually, "Which one?"

"The woman who took care of you."

Yang Xuan paused for a moment and looked up at him. Tang Junhe was looking at him steadfastly, his eyes had been lowered for the past few days, deliberately avoiding him, but now he was staring at him for a moment, black and smooth, he looked no different from ten years ago .

"Brother-in-arms." Yang Xuan said, looking straight into his eyes, and then raised his hand to rub his hair.

Tang Junhe's eyelashes trembled slightly, he blinked, and turned his head to look out the window.

Yang Xuan withdrew his hands, leaned back on the driver's seat, started the car and started on the road.

The whiskey has a lot of stamina. Sitting in the car, the neon lights on the street gradually become dizzy, and are stirred into chaos by the shaking tree branches.

Tang Junhe suddenly felt like he was dreaming—in the middle of the night in Yancheng, his brother Yang Xuan drove him home. I have never dreamed so whimsical.

Read The Duke's Passion