MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 85

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After receiving the alarm, two policemen rushed over quickly, took photos of Tang Junhe's desk to collect evidence, and took away the physical evidence of the amputated finger.

Tang Junhe followed the police to check the hospital's surveillance. Surprisingly, the one who entered the office holding a cardboard box was just a seemingly ordinary boy about ten years old.

"It might be someone who hired someone to let it in," one of the policemen said while looking at the surveillance camera. "The suspect didn't dare to show his face."

"Could it be a medical trouble?" Another policeman looked at Tang Junhe, "Can you think of your experience in this regard?"

Tang Junhe thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I only started to be the chief surgeon in March this year, and the operations performed by the chief surgeon were not major operations, and no one was killed. I have been assisting Director Xue before. Normally, even if If something goes wrong, the patient's family will blame the chief surgeon, and very few people seek responsibility for the first assistant."

"It's strange to say that..." the policeman thought for a while, "Well, you can recall if there is anything suspicious, and call me any time you think of clues, and we will also investigate at the same time."

Another policeman said: "There are quite a lot of people coming and going in and out of your hospital. Be careful when eating, drinking, etc."

Tang Junhe nodded and said, "I know that."

After the police left, Tang Junhe sat at the desk and finished writing the medical records in his hand, went to the cafeteria to have dinner, and then went to the oncology ward to help Tang Xiaonian to the garden downstairs. In mid-April, the garden is full of spring, and the weather is slightly cooler in the evening, but there are still many family members accompanying the patients to relax in the corridor.

Tang Xiaonian felt tired after walking a few hundred meters, sat on the promenade in the garden to rest, panted and asked: "When did Yang Xuan come back?"

Tang Junhe said, "I don't know."

"Didn't he stay abroad all the time? What are you doing back this time?"

Tang Junhe said "I don't know" again. He really didn't know what Yang Xuan had done in the past ten years, and why he came back this time, he didn't know anything about it.

He only knew that Tang Xiaonian was still opposed to him being with Yang Xuan, otherwise she would rather accept that he "looked around" with other men than accept that he and Yang Xuan would reunite in ten years—it was just a reunion, she would It has been so jittery.

Sure enough, after a long while, Tang Xiaonian looked at the acacia tree not far away, and sighed: "You were all young and ignorant before, no matter what you did, it's over. Now that you've grown up, what can you do? What can you do?" If you can’t do it, there should always be something in your heart.”

Tang Junhe was silent for a moment and said: "Don't think too much, he just happened to be sent to the Thoracic Surgery Department of Puji Hospital."

But Tang Xiaonian acted as if she had never heard of it, and continued to say: "Don't talk about anything else, you are brothers after all, if others find out..." She stopped herself in the middle of the sentence.

The two of them stopped talking for a while, and after a while, the sky darkened, and Tang Junhe helped Tang Xiaonian back to the ward.

As soon as Tang Xiaonian was helped to lie down, someone poked his head in from outside the ward: "Tangtang."

Before Tang Junhe could turn his head, Tang Xiaonian said first, "Mai Ze is here."

Mai Ze walked in with a smile and called "Auntie".

"I saw you on TV last time." Tang Xiaonian said, standing sideways to pick up fruit. She has always been warm to Tang Junhe's college classmates, and Mai Ze has been Tang Junhe's roommate for eight years.

Mai Ze’s experience is legendary. He formed an out-of-campus band when he was in college, studied clinically for eight years, got his Ph.D., but signed a record company before graduation, changed his career to a rock singer, and never knew medicine.

Mai Ze took an orange: "Don't mention Auntie, it was lip-syncing that time."

What else did Tang Xiaonian say, the doctor came to make rounds, and the little doctor who followed him was the "new boy from the oncology department" she had mentioned a few days ago.

Tang Xiaonian looked at Tang Junhe intentionally, but Tang Junhe pretended to turn a blind eye: "It's time for duty, I'm going to the office."

The little doctor was very polite, and called "Doctor Tang" to him, and Tang Junhe nodded in response.

After leaving the ward, Mai Ze followed: "Your mother's eyes were weird just now."

"She wants to introduce a boyfriend to me," Tang Junhe walked towards the office with his head down, "the one who greeted me just now."

Mai Ze thought about it for a while, and then laughed loudly: "No way? I can't beat you just by looking at it!"

Tang Junhe glanced at him: "What kind of thing can stop me?"

"This... It's hard to say, anyway, this doesn't look very successful, just wait, I'll find you a good one in the entertainment circle later."

"Don't meddle in it." Tang Junhe said.

"I also think your mother should stop meddling. There is someone in her heart, so it's useless to introduce anyone." Seeing Tang Junhe looking at him in surprise, Mai Ze smiled, "I'm curious, how do I know? You smoked so much, and you went to see a psychiatrist every now and then, even ghosts could tell that you had just broken up. Let me say, it’s been ten years, so you don’t need to be in such a long relationship, right?”

Tang Junhe entered the office, sorted out the materials in his hand and said, "It's just that I didn't meet any more suitable ones. Why did you come to the hospital today?"

"I was on a variety show last week and was about to go into the water, and I accidentally got otitis media. Come and have a look... By the way, I came here to tell you that your high school classmate, Ying Hui, married Ding Li. The day before yesterday, Ding Li successfully proposed and said that tomorrow Let's all have a drink together, can you go? Ying Hui specifically asked you to go by name."

Tang Junhe thought for a while and said, "I'll rest tomorrow, I can go."


After coming out of the hospital, Yang Xuan kept thinking about the figure dodging at the hospital door. He has indeed had a lot of blood on his hands over the years, and he refused to accept media interviews at the time, largely to prevent someone from groping for revenge.

Unexpectedly, in order to create a gimmick, the reporter who took the sneak shot not only exposed his photo, but also exposed Tang Junhyuk's photo and their brotherly relationship. It would be fine if that person's goal was only on himself, but if Tang Junhe was involved...

Feeling vaguely uneasy, Yang Xuan called You Xin that night and asked her to check the monitoring system around the hospital.

The next night, just after Yang Xuan settled in his new residence, You Xin called back and said that the police in the area had reported a criminal case, and the person who reported it was his younger brother Tang Junhe.

"I received a severed finger, it's in the desk drawer," You Xin asked sharply on the phone, "Captain, could it be related to the person you saw yesterday?"

"It's a bit suspicious," Yang Xuan frowned and said, "Has the monitoring been tuned out?"

"Called out during the day to have a look. There was a suspicious-looking person, but that person was very vigilant, and the surveillance basically didn't show his face. Captain, do you want to come and take a look?"

"I'll be there right away." Yang Xuan picked up the car keys, got up from the sofa, and rushed towards the police station.

The car was left to him by Zheng Rui, and the house was found for him by You Xin in advance. Although he is a little unfamiliar with Yancheng, but because of the help of these two comrades who have been in arms for many years, he can quickly adapt to it. environment.

This time he came back in a hurry, and before he even had time to go to the Yancheng Police Station, Yang Xuan turned on the navigation on his mobile phone, glanced roughly at the location on the map, and started the car on the road.

At the time when there were many buses, I stopped and stopped all the way, and it took nearly forty minutes to walk the ten kilometers. After passing a traffic light three times, I could barely see the shadow of the zebra crossing. Yang Xuan felt a little regretful that he drove out. He could cover the 10-kilometer journey on foot. In this situation, he couldn't just leave the car on the side of the road.

Yang Xuan fumbled around in his pocket with his left hand, wanting to smoke a cigarette to refresh his mind, but he couldn't find it, and then remembered that he was in a hurry to go out and forgot to bring it. He stretched out his hand to pull the storage box in front of the car—Zheng Rui really put two packs of cigarettes and a lighter in it, which was pretty good.

He took out the cigarette case, opened it, and took out a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, he suddenly thought of the phrase "Don't smoke within half a month"—Dr. Tang's advice.

"Doctor Tang..." Yang Xuan looked at the parked vehicle in front of him and said these three words in a low voice, seemingly thoughtful. After a while, he threw the lighter back into the storage box, and stretched out his hand to draw the cigarette from between his lips. Throwing it back, closing the storage box, leaning on the back of the seat and sighing.

It took ten minutes to arrive at the police station. You Xin took Yang Xuan to look at the surveillance cameras. The man was indeed very vigilant. He wore a baseball cap that was pressed down very low, hunched his back, and intentionally avoided the surrounding surveillance cameras. It's work done ahead of time.

"Captain, do you have any impression?" You Xin turned around and asked.

Yang Xuan leaned over slightly, supported the table with his hands, watched the monitoring screen carefully, and said after a while: "Back up."

"Here?" You Xin pulled the screen back a little.

"Back again."


"Well, zoom in." Yang Xuan tapped the screen with his finger, "It's not the face, here, see? There's a little reflection under the neck."

"Really, are you wearing something around your neck? But it seems that you can't see it in other frames..." You Xin pulled the progress bar at the bottom of the monitoring screen a few times, "Assuming it is jewelry, generally speaking, this kind of A suspect who hides his head and tail will avoid wearing such identifying items, so this thing may be very important to him.”

"Well," Yang Xuan nodded, "there is a high probability that this person came after me. If it is for revenge, that person must be very important to him."

"I have no idea at all... I will apply tomorrow to check the information of our former team, but I don't think it will be given to us."

"Try it." Yang Xuan said, turned his back and leaned against the edge of the table, took out his mobile phone and called Tang Junhe, but he frowned when he didn't answer.

"What's wrong?" You Xin looked up at him.

"Be careful here, I'm leaving first." Yang Xuan put the phone back in his pocket, and left the office with the car keys.


The lights in the bar are flickering, dark blue, on and off. People will have an inexplicable sense of security staying in such an environment, because no one can see clearly, and no one wants to be seen clearly.

In front of the field of vision, Ding Li sitting in front of the microphone is singing "Cinderella", which was suggested by Mai Ze just now.

Ding Li and Mai Ze have been in a band for eight years, and they have always been the drummer of the band. When it came time to sign a contract with a record company, he still couldn't let go of the medicine he studied for eight years and turned to a pharmaceutical company. Now he is doing scientific research very well. raw water.

Tang Junhe met Ying Hui again, it was the fifth year of studying medicine, and his roommate Ding Li suddenly came back one day and said that he saw his dream lover for many years in the hospital where he practiced, "I have to chase after everything." ".

In short, the process was tortuous, and the prospect was bright. Half a year later, Ding Li invited the other three people in the dormitory to have dinner. Only then did Tang Junhe know that the person Ding Li talked about in the dormitory every day was Ying Hui.

Tang Junhe was a little dazed. Yang Xuan also sang this song ten years ago, and the lights at that time also seemed to be faint blue. He looked at Ying Hui, Ying Hui was standing up to get drinks for the people around her, a circle of people booed her, she blushed a little, but her behavior was still decent. Now Ying Hui works as a product manager in a well-known Internet company and has been working for several years. Although she lacks the girly charm of the past, she is a little more gentle and intellectual.

When it was time to get Tang Junhe a drink, she put the glass of cocktail in front of him, then sat down next to him, looked at Ding Li who was staring at her affectionately on the stage, and suddenly turned to look at him: "Yang Xuan is back, yes ?"

She put on makeup, her eyes looked a little innocent, with sparkles at the end of her eyes.

Tang Junhe picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and after a while he said: "Yes." The short voice was lost in the sound of the music, and I wonder if it fell into Ying Hui's ears.

"I saw that news, it's been more than ten years, and I'm really moved, but... I have to say, my vision was really good back then," Ying Hui blinked at him, and the girlish charm seems to have returned Seeing that Tang Junhe was silent, she looked at Ding Li on the stage again, and said with a smile, "Of course it's fine now."

Inside and outside the words, they all look like they have been let go. Tang Junhe looked sideways at her, he suddenly envied Ying Hui, who could let go of someone so thoroughly.

However, he himself seemed to be addicted to drugs. After a painful withdrawal period, he knew how dangerous it would be to do it again, but he still couldn't help but relapse and relapse.

"I remember Yang Xuan also sang this." Ying Hui turned to look at him, as if waiting for him to speak.

The wine glass in Tang Junhe's hand reached the bottom: "Really?"

Ying Hui smiled and rolled her eyes: "You should remember better."

The song "Cinderella" was over, and Ding Li came down from the stage. Amidst the uproar, Ying Hui leaned over and whispered into Tang Junhe's ear, "Were you really just brothers back then?" Then he straightened up, He generously held Ding Li who came over, and interlocked his fingers.

A group of people drank and clamored to go to KTV to sing: "Here I can only watch Mai Ze dry howl, go to a place where everyone can howl."

Mai Ze stood up and waved his hands and said, "I'm not going to howl, there's still a commercial show tomorrow," he said, turning to look for Tang Junhe, "Are you going? What qualifications do you have as a surgeon, you have to stand for surgery tomorrow stage?"

Tang Junhe put down his glass and looked up at him: "I'm not going either."

"Why are your eyes so innocent all of a sudden, are you drunk?" Mai Ze walked over to see the half bottle of whiskey left in front of him, "You drank all of it?" He said, calling Ding Li to come over and watch the fun, " Fuck Ding Li, come and see, the apprentice you brought out can become a teacher!"

Ding Li pulled Ying Hui over and shook the wine bottle: "Oh, our doctor Tang can do it." He raised an index finger and shook Tang Junhe in front of his eyes, "How much is this?"

Tang Junhe showed some tiredness between his eyebrows, and pulled his hand: "Stop making trouble, it's not high."

"Absolutely high," Ding Li straightened up and concluded, reaching out to pat Mai Ze on the shoulder, "I'll leave the job of sending people to you." Then he and Ying Hui helped Tang Junhe to the back of Mai Ze's car seat.

Tang Junhe was indeed drunk. He was always dragged out to drink by Mai Ze and Ding Li for eight years as a clinical student. His alcohol capacity was trained fairly well, but he did drink a bit too much tonight.

He didn't drink too much, but he didn't go crazy, and everything seemed normal, so that strangers couldn't tell whether he was drunk or not. But there will also be some changes, such as the eyes, the usual indifference has faded, and now they appear a little obedient, looking like a child.

When the car drove to Tang Junhe's rented place, Mai Zedu asked, "You don't need to go back to the hospital, do you?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Junhe said: "I want to go back and get a paper."

Mai Ze didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "No way, you've already drunk like this, what paper are you still taking?"

"I will give it to Teacher Xue tomorrow morning." Tang Junhe said.

"Oh my god, I was a bit regretful that I changed careers halfway," Mai Ze said, turning the steering wheel and turning to the direction of the hospital, "but seeing you like this now, I'm really glad."

When the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, Mai Ze unfastened his seat belt and jumped off, then turned to Tang Junhe in the back seat: "Where is it? I'll help you get it up, don't go down."

"In..." Tang Junhe tried to concentrate on recalling, but the alcohol made his brain's reaction very slow, so he could only give up in the end, "I can't remember, I will go upstairs with you."

"...You still want to continue writing your thesis at night with your current memory?" Mai Ze said, opened the car door and got out of the car.

Tang Junhe in the back seat also stepped down, shaking his body. Mai Ze stepped forward to support him: "You can always be careful, studying medicine can't save the Chinese."

The car door slammed shut, and Tang Junhe suddenly called out "Brother".

Mai Ze only yelled when he was too drunk, and responded: "Hey, don't be polite with brother," and joked, "Call Dad to listen again."

Unexpectedly, Tang Junhe remained silent, and stood motionless on the spot, staring blankly at a certain direction ahead.

"Let's go?" Mai Ze said, following his gaze, and saw a tall man standing not far ahead, walking towards them.

"Fuck, you won't get into trouble..." Mai Ze whispered.

As soon as the words fell, Yang Xuan had already walked in front of them, looking down at Tang Junhe.

"Hey brother, I'm sorry," Mai Ze saw that he was not easy to provoke, and smiled apologetically, "My friend is drinking too much, and he is screaming..." He turned to look at Tang Junhe, "I didn't realize that you were drinking too much before. Do you like to recognize your brother?"

"I'll take him home." Yang Xuan said.

Mai Ze was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Yang Xuan didn't say much, he reached out to take Tang Junhe, looked him in the eyes and asked, "Let's go?"

"Hey, no, buddy, who are you..." Mai Ze tried to stop him.

Yang Xuan glanced at him, his brows were a little indifferent, and his tone was also cold: "Didn't he tell you just now?"

His expression made Mai Ze feel a little familiar, and he seemed to be a bit like Tang Junhe... Mai Ze suddenly remembered the news a few days ago, so it was not fabricated... But he had never heard that he was the same My roommate for eight years has a brother!

"Wait a minute, I'm looking at the photos on the news..." Mai Ze reached out for his phone.

"It has been deleted." Yang Xuan said, looking down at Tang Junhe, "Say it yourself, am I your brother?"

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