MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 133 The next wave of means

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Vicious competition has been used to exclude opponents. Generally, this method is mostly a tactic that kills the enemy and also requires self-harm. An ambitious businessman will not use this tactic that is detrimental to one's own self. Now in the world, in order to regulate the economic order of shopping malls, various regulations are strictly introduced to restrict or prohibit the use of this method.

Of course, there is no such rule in the other world, or from the beginning, every big businessman dreamed of using every means to completely monopolize a market and let himself harvest the fruits he wanted without competition.

Reduce the price of potions and fight forever to completely defeat the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce!

There is no 'Industrial and Commercial Bureau' in the free city, and there is no hard and fast unified market price. The prices of goods and goods are completely fluctuated by business people according to market demand. The pharmacists' association present was prepared to use this The Silverwing Chamber of Commerce conducts a battle of attrition. Although the purity cannot be compared with the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, which has no known number of senior pharmacists and master pharmacists, at least the pharmacy produced by the Pharmacists Association is also genuine and of high quality. A few shortcomings can be fully compensated in terms of price. After all, the Pharmacists Association has accumulated a deep foundation in the free city. The amount of money is definitely not comparable to the commercial association that has just taken root for a long time.

Even if it is a loss, it is also necessary to end the advantage of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, and squeeze it into a dead end in terms of price!

The current president of the Pharmacists Association, Bethune Figo, has made up his mind to completely destroy the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce within the limits allowed by the rules. It was just a tentative attempt that such a large leak would have occurred, in accordance with past practice. Even if the rules are overshadowed, usually these newly settled chambers of commerce can only choose to swallow their patience, either leave or just regain their wealth after accumulating wealth to adapt to the rules of weak meat and strong food, but the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is unexpectedly showing off. On the one hand, the chamber of commerce established by a talented boy is not a lamb at all. On the contrary, it is a monster who does not know how many evil beasts lurk in it, and this monster naturally will not tolerate it but will bite it back.

There are so many senior pharmacists who can't breathe. At least one of the powerful fighters of the aqua blue knight rank is as extraordinary as the eight. At least they have guards ranging from knights to big knights. They have the same unknown strength. Master, the smooth development of this chamber of commerce from its initial entry into the free city is not just for luck. These hidden strengths should be the real reason for the miracle of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce.

Bertorn and everyone here have to consider re-evaluating the support of Miss Yunokia and Sir Phillips to the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce in the Big Three in the Free City. If you think about it in other places, Bettor I believe that I will try my best to keep the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce small in scale but its influence is already good, and more importantly, the Chamber of Commerce with amazing potential is firmly grasped in the hand, even if it cannot be swallowed, at least we must ensure that Have a mutual interest in forming a close relationship.

One failed temptation has warned one side not to engage in a second such venture.

In a free city, rich people can indulge themselves to the fullest, but they can't reach the bottom line of the city. After all, no one in this city can say that he is the same. You must know that even the top three The giants are also the separation of three powers to restrain each other. If you are trying to destroy the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce by violence, the three giants who have captured the handle of the Pharmacists Association may be very happy to take this opportunity to destroy the market defense established by the Pharmacists Association. Maybe Will directly destroy the Pharmacist Association and completely divide the loot.

"Decrease the price and defeat the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce in the price war. Their foundation is still too shallow to compete with us."

"Do you still have to use this method in the end? Your Excellency the President."

"The temptation has come to the end. It is impossible to yield the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce with violence and force. Even if we can destroy the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce to win, but we are not better at losing our own losses than there. Not to mention that two of the Big Three are now intentionally sheltering the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, and we can only do so within the limits of the rules. "

Betoun is also a little helpless. The price war is completely a tactic that hurts others, but to put it plainly is to fight each other to see who has more money to consume. In the end, neither the enemy nor us can get the benefit. In the end, there is only a cheap third party. Moreover, as far as the pharmacist association goes, the price is very simple, but in the future it may be difficult to improve it. It is not easy to open this mouth and think about blocking it.

But there is really no way. Whoever called the boy named Lelouch Lamperucci created so many miracles when he came to the Free City. In addition to the wealth and force he possessed, he was also talented, although silver The Wing Chamber of Commerce seems to be small, but many of the businesses involved are not small, and such a 17-year-old teenager can handle these tasks with ease, and many people praise him for his skill and sophisticated methods.

"How is the tightening of the material supply going?"

"The following chambers of commerce are already preparing to tighten the supply of materials to the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, but some small and medium-sized chambers of commerce will refuse to do so."

In addition to the supply of prices, Bethune still intends to follow some old tactics, such as the tried-and-true trick of giving food to the other party. After all, the Pharmacists Association has a deep foundation in the free city and has a lot of cooperation with many medicinal material suppliers, although the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce The sudden rise of the army has also attracted many suppliers to come to ask for cooperation, but at least the output of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is not enough to eat so many goods. As a big pharmacist association, they can control these chambers to a large extent. Otherwise, in the end, all the goods in the hands of these merchants will rot in their hands.

However, it seems that some chambers do not buy the accounts of the Pharmacists Association.

Betorn was not surprised to ask: "All recorded, blacklisted after the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce has been resolved."

However, at this time, the herb trader who is not only influential in the free city is indifferent: "If it is a small business association of this level of the Kingsall Chamber of Commerce, it is naturally no problem, but it also involves Wester * Family Chamber of Commerce. "

"The Wester family?" Bethune hesitated. "Do you mean the family of merchants in the kingdom of Belama?"

"Yes, Your Excellency President! In the trade of medicinal materials, the Wester * family also occupies a part of the market. If they refuse to stop providing medicinal materials to the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, a huge gap will appear in the entire blockade. The Wester * family is now fully available. "

Bertorn frowned and asked, "Have the West * family recently traded with the Silverwing Chamber of Pharmacy?"

"Yes, sir! And the volume of transactions has made the West * family a lot."

"Have you told the Wester * family of the conditions for our dismissal? Go and tell them not to lose greater benefits in the future for a little immediate benefit. The Silverwing Chamber of Commerce can give their pharmacist association more, who is more There is potential, who will be the master of the future to let them understand this, for the benefit of the present is to lose all the benefits in the future. "

Bertorn's attitude is very firm. Those who view the use of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce to take the opportunity to bargain with the Pharmacists Association must make them understand how pathetic they are. Choosing the Offensive Pharmacists Association is tantamount to setting up a huge enemy for yourself in the future.

The Pharmacists' Association is the biggest dominator of the pharmacy market in the city. It was, is now, and it will be!

"We told them, but the Wester family ignored the warning and they still insisted on maintaining trade with the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce. I'm sure the Wester family must have reached an agreement with the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce in advance. Their attitude is very Be firm. "

"Very well, then add me the Wester Chamber of Commerce, too."

Although the Wester * family also has a place in the upper chamber of the Free City, Bethune decided to 'kill the monkeys and pheasants' to give a warning to the following chambers that did not take a stand, annoying the Pharmacists Association What the end result is.


Tiredness ~ Tiredness like never before!

When the night came, Betoun returned to the mansion and finally rested tiredly on the sofa lined with precious Warcraft fur. Several gangsters, who were very interested in the house and the maids, took off the clothes and left. Respectfully stood aside and stood by.

I took a sip of just the right black tea ~ ~ Betorn finally took a sigh of relief, until the steward brought someone to push the trolley to deliver today's dinner.

"You have been having a lot of heart lately, sir." In this mansion, the only housekeeper who has been able to chat with Bethune so peacefully has been dressing here for nearly thirty years.

"A growing giant with a great threat suddenly appeared before him, and it was impossible for anyone to change his mood."

Bertorn took the spoon and drank the seafood soup in the silver tableware. Even the thick and fragrant soup did not make him feel better.

The old butler stood and inquired deeply: "Sir, in fact, I have always been curious. In the past, many chambers of commerce and forces tried to squeeze into the pharmaceutical market to take a share. The Association of Pharmacists would choose to absorb and annex, or even You can reach some cooperation agreements with the other party to let the other party follow our rules. Why is your attitude so determined in the face of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce this time, and even if no negotiation or rapport is held, you are determined to expel it completely. "

Betoun froze, then put down the knife and fork, took the napkin, and wiped his mouth. "Actually, the reason is very simple, because I knew from the beginning that it would be impossible to win the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce."

Read The Duke's Passion