MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1132 Change tactics

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The security team also carried out an investigation and arrested a large number of suspects this time. At least 30 prisoners were suspended on the gallows during the period, and they were able to withdraw parts of the staff while they were urgently searching for the escaping slave boy Claire. To deal with the attack on the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, one is that the three giants, Yunochia and Phillips, have been secretly told, and the other is that the attack is obviously a bit excessive. For the big brothers, this kind of incident that caused the public to panic in the city must be quelled, and the public must guarantee to the public that the upper part of the free city is a safe image. Otherwise, who dares to trade in the free city. . Fastest update

The factional struggle in the upper stratum has apparently begun quietly because of this attack. Many people who originally held out to solve the problem by throwing out the dead ghost suddenly found that the tried-and-tested trick had no effect this time. With the instructions of a group of big men above, the security forces and the city defense forces carried out a series of arrests on the chambers and forces involved in the attack. Those who have a backer can also use the power of the backer to pay a considerable price to escape the prison and kill the dead, but the abandoned children who have not backed up have all become a part of the 'commodities' in this city.

The assassination, destruction, and abduction are not impossible, but they cannot be done in the upper districts. Even if they are done in the upper districts, they must be quietly operated. They cannot fail like this time to the upsurge and even affect the city. Image.

The clean-up was going on quickly. After the clean-up of the abandoned nephews and the poor insects that had not backed up and misjudged the form, their legacy was also divided up by the top men. After all, the mosquitoes were too small. A piece of meat, but the top-level big brothers did not forget to appease. A chamber of commerce with assets of about five or six billion rien was judged to be the main initiator and participant of the attack, and its owner was sentenced to slavery The latter's chamber of commerce was transferred to Lelouch after collecting a 20% tax, as compensation for the damage caused by the attack.

For this compensation, Lelouch thanked the municipality.

As for the loss of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, in fact, members of the security team responsible for conducting investigations and explorations after the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce notified the security team of the incident said that the real damage was probably caused by the incoming assassins. Few of the corpses piled up in the back warehouse after being sorted out are intact. Most of the corpses are cut off or cut into two from top to bottom, so that the security officer in charge of the autopsy can see the whole body. It was shrouded in coldness.

More than twenty attackers were beheaded and killed in such an exaggerated manner, if enough evidence had been collected from these corpses to prove that these assassins were indeed preparing for the pharmacy workshop of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce Destruction, I'm afraid it's really hard to tell who attacked who!

At least on the surface these assassins seemed to have been attacked and attacked by a terrible soldier named Gus!

This night's attack also inexplicably made the original name of Gus completely famous in the free city, carrying a steel prosthetic arm carrying a giant one-handed sword that was so tall that even a Philip barbarian might not be able to use it. As if the fighters returning from **** had killed more than 20 assassins by one person, and cut them with people and weapons, all the armor and shields in front of the great sword were like paper toys. No effect, according to the speculation of some well-known mercenaries and military attachés in the free city, the fighter named Gus may have reached the level of the blue knight!

The information leaked from the security team is spreading in the free city. As for the eight soldiers who fought alongside Gus, they have been forgotten gorgeously, even if occasionally someone is reminded of the quiet identity and strength of Gus. People in them, the powerful fighters in their hearts were not fighting alone, but this voice was quickly suppressed, and even the waves could not be turned under the mainstream voice.

Because of various reasons, the speculation about Guth's identity and strength was quickly transferred to Lu Ruxiu. There was another speculation that the young Chairman of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce, His Excellency, was a descendant of the royal family of Perlas. Put forward, and there is still arrogant momentum.

The identity is mysterious and generous, and at a young age, he has become a president of a chamber of commerce and has become increasingly fierce. It has also developed rapidly, and there are also fighters such as Safiros and Gus who are escorted by this. All the combined elements will inevitably make people think about it, and after the destruction of the Perlasian empire, the royal family members have indeed transferred a large amount of wealth under the cover of the royal guards and have been hidden. The liquidation of the insurgents, and the descendants of the royal family of the Perlas Empire have been a mystery for many years. From time to time, there have been people on the mainland who claim to be descendants of the Royal Family of the Perlas Empire, but most have also been proven. Just to be a liar.

But from time to time on the mainland, some treasures of the former Perlasian Empire have flowed out, but even if someone has deliberately studied its source, it has not been found. The descendants of the former imperial royal family must still be hidden on the mainland, but for many years No one has been able to confirm their whereabouts.

No matter how lonely it is, more than 2,000 years have passed since the collapse of the Perlasian Empire. The descendants of the royal family should have accumulated a deep foundation in what they say in these years. Only forces like the descendants of the royal family can send powerful warriors like Gus as guards.

However, no matter what the outside world has been talking about, Lu Luxiu as a party has always remained silent. Such an incident can't affect himself anyway, no matter how the outside world guesses, the perfect escape of the Association of Pharmacists in this attack is somewhat surprising and in some cases. As expected.

As a powerful force in the free city, it is second only to the Big Three Pharmacists Association in terms of financial resources and influence. If it is said that it did not take part in this attack, it is estimated that only a fool with a head in the water will believe it. I usually have some but not faint. After getting the authorization of the Big Three, I am ready to use the power of the Pharmacist Association, which is a bit uncontrollable even for the Big Three, but I found out that the other hand and foot It is very clean, or it is cut perfectly in the outer area. Almost all loopholes that may leak information are blocked, and all possible insiders are eliminated.

Even the security team investigator who is in charge of investigating the pharmacist association must not scold the old foxes in the pharmacist association for doing things that are not leaky. The security team has grasped the clue, but at the end of the clue, it has been completely cut out. In the absence of clear evidence, the security team, except from time to time, used search to interfere with the operation of the Pharmacists Association as a warning to the Big Three, and the rest of the harsher penalties and sanctions could not be implemented without reliable evidence.

As for the public security team's failure to find evidence of conviction by the Association of Dossiers, the public naturally sticks the labels of incompetence and bribery on the head of the public security team, but strictly speaking, this time the public really misunderstood the security team's efforts. To paraphrase it is not that the security team does not work hard, but that the enemy is too cunning.


When the outside world was endlessly disturbed, in a private mansion in the upper part of the free city, many businessman giants from the pharmaceutical-related industries in the city are gathered to discuss some important matters, and a mage is on the side of the hall An image is being projected into the air with the help of the magic wizard, and in the picture is Gus, who held the sword cutting sword that night, wielding a sword beyond imagination. The sword cut the assassin into two pieces like a fragment.

Regardless of flesh and blood or metal weapons, there was nothing in front of the Dragon Sword as if there was nothing to stop it.

"Yi is really amazing in wrist strength, he can so easily wield such a huge two-handed sword."

"Hmm ~ look at the poor worms. The assassins in front of this man are nothing like a group of babies."

Many high-weight people sitting in the room watched the recorded picture frowning. Gus' fighting performance made everyone think of another person in unison. The undefeated champion in the Free City Arena, Gerkete Casa, in In the arena, Kate's posture with a tomahawk is almost the same as the opponent's. He has unimaginable power to overwhelm all enemies, and no one can take one of them.

"I said ~ If you let this man fight against Gulkate, who do you think will have a better chance of winning?"

"Do you still need to say that? It must be Gerkate, although this man is strong but obviously has not yet reached the level of Gerkate."

"This is not necessarily true. I think this man is more powerful. His combat style shows that he is also very experienced."

"Wait a minute ~ Today we are not here to discuss this issue."

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice sounded, and a man shrouded in the fantasy realm who was unable to see the true meaning of the seat at the table seated the mage to stop playing: "Everyone see it, Silver Wing The chamber of commerce has a little more than we expected. A tentative test left 20 corpses embarrassed and fled, including four high-level assassins who died. "

The people who were still arguing suddenly calmed down, and everyone couldn't help focusing their eyes.

"Before, we completely misjudged the strength of this chamber of commerce. At first we thought that the reason why the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce developed smoothly was because of good luck hitting the development needs of this city ~ ~ The aggressive offensive of the Chamber of Commerce is also because of the protection of the Big Three. As long as it can destroy his foundation and make the Big Three not value him, he can pull back the passive situation, but now we really think wrong. "

"This failed attack has shown us one thing. Even without the protection of the Big Three, the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is not a soft net persimmon that can be left to others. When money and sword are intertwined. Is the most terrible, and the most troublesome is that the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce has both, wealth, force, and increasing rights! "

The man shook his head and said helplessly, saying: "The impact of this attack is very great. We should temporarily stop at least for a short time to calm down the storm."

"But Your Excellency, wouldn't the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce be like this?"

"It's okay ~ let's make some losses. The president of Silverwing Chamber of Commerce Lu Luxiu now has a good card in his hand, but after all, the foundation is still submerged. We have a lot more chips than him, so The way the war has already been consumed is that the Silver Wings will wear away each other and see who can't bear it first. "

The man said with a word of his finger on the chair.

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