MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 45

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Gu Jinghe moved closer, observing her expression carefully, with sincere concern in his eyes.

But soon, she realized that his wife was performing tea ceremony with her again.


Gu Jinghe stretched out his hand to touch Ji Yunyan's face, and accidentally rubbed his thumb against Ji Yunyan's lips, with a little vermilion lipstick on his fingertips.

Gu Jinghe: ...

It's over, no makeup, right?

Gu Jinghe couldn't help showing a guilty expression when he thought that Ji Yunyan's makeup, which had been worked so hard for more than an hour, would be ruined by her.

She withdrew her hand calmly, touched the tips of her thumb and index finger, and rubbed it slightly hard to ensure that the red marks were wiped off, before she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I can't see it.

Ji Yunyan didn't notice this small detail at all, but she saw clearly the unwillingness and anger on Ji Chu's face, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

Just now, Ji Chu couldn't help provoking Ji Yunyan by provoking him because he wanted to make him look ugly in front of Mr. Gu, but Ji Yunyan was so tolerant and just pretended not to see it.

Ji Chu could only endure the displeasure and anxiety in his heart, who knew that after Mr. Gu approached, before he had time to speak, Ji Yunyan was like a moth again.

He could see clearly just now that Ji Yunyan was alive and kicking, he couldn't be better, how could he suddenly feel uncomfortable in his heart?

This is clearly her little trick.

I'm afraid he deliberately pretended to be pitiful in front of Mr. Gu, so that Mr. Gu felt more pity for her.

Ji Chu kept staring at Gu Jinghe, and of course he could clearly see the care and tenderness in Gu Jinghe's eyes when he stared at Ji Yunyan.

He clenched his fist tightly until he felt the tingling pain in his palm, then he took a deep breath and let go of his clenched fingers.

Don't worry, anyway, Mr. Gu has already arrived today, and he still has a lot of time for the other party to get to know him.

As long as Mr. Gu takes a fancy to him, what about Ji Yunyan?

Thinking that the other party might be kicked out of Ji's house like a bereaved dog, Ji Chu was very happy.

Gu Jinghe didn't even pay attention to Ji Ming, and of course he wouldn't give his attention to someone like Ji Chu. She only had Ji Yunyan in her eyes, and even though she knew that the other party was acting, she still cooperated and said, "Let me accompany you to rest for a while."

Hearing this, Ji Yunyan didn't react at all, but Ji Ming's face changed slightly.

Because Ji Yunyan didn't often live at home, and Meng Lian always said in front of him that her daughter would marry off sooner or later, and Ji Yunyan didn't like the Ji family, so there was no need to prepare a room for her.

So Ji Yunyan's room has long been regarded as a utility room. There are so many things piled up in it.

Meng Lian's complexion is not very good either, she knows Ji Ming very well, if Mr. Gu really wants to care about it, Ji Ming will definitely push her out as a target.

She doesn't want to offend Mr. Gu, in case Xiao Chu gets hurt because of it...

Thinking of this, Meng Lian hurriedly said before Ji Yunyan opened her mouth, "Qianyan is not feeling well, and the family doctor is here, why don't you ask him to show you?"

She also concluded that Ji Yunyan was pretending to be ill. The family doctor of Ji's family, of course, listened to her and found out that there was nothing wrong with Ji Yunyan. Maybe Mr. Gu would hate Ji Yunyan's hypocrisy and affectation.

Meng Lian made up her mind, anyway, she must not remind President Gu of Ji Yunyan's room.

How could Ji Yunyan not know her plan, if Gu Jinghe was really that cold and heartless President Gu, maybe she wouldn't make such a move.

It is precisely because she knows that Gu Jinghe is her girlfriend, He Xiaohe, that she can be so unscrupulous.

She just wanted to anger Ji Chu at first, but after Meng Lian finished speaking, Ji Yunyan immediately said with a cold face, "That's not necessary."

She leaned close to Gu Jinghe's ear, and said coquettishly: "Sister, I don't want to rest either, the air here is not good, and people who stay here suffer from headaches."

The villa was cleaned regularly, not to mention that for this banquet, Ji Chu had someone tidy up the inside and outside of the villa. It was as clean as when it was just bought, and it was impossible for the air to be bad no matter what.

Ji Ming's face was stiff, and he gave Ji Yunyan a veiled look, and then said with a smile: "Nianyan doesn't like living at home, probably because she hasn't come back for a long time, and you can't talk nonsense in front of Mr. Gu."

In the past, Gu Jinghe had to take his identity into consideration. In order not to let Ji Yunyan notice the strangeness, no matter how uncomfortable he felt, he could only watch in silence, unable to say a word for Ji Yunyan.

It's different now.

She thought, how dare she bully my wife in front of me.

When I am dead.

Gu Jinghe immediately broke free from Ji Yunyan's holding her hand, and when the other party was in a daze, he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around her waist, "Yanyan can do anything in front of me, Mr. Ji, you don't need to say anything."

The muscles on Ji Ming's face trembled, he tried his best to control his expression, and smiled embarrassingly, "What Mr. Gu said is true."

Ji Yunyan is his daughter, why can't he say it?

But the person who said this was Mr. Gu, and Ji Ming couldn't refute it, and he didn't even dare to show his displeasure. He could only show a flattering smile to Gu Jinghe.

But while he was angry, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

Has Gu Jinghe's affection for Ji Yunyan already been this deep?

Not only did he call the other party Yanyan, but he even defended Ji Yunyan directly in front of her, without taking his face into consideration at all.

From this point of view, the plan Meng Lian mentioned may not be very likely to be realized.

Ji Ming thought about it in his heart, and couldn't help but look at Ji Yunyan several times.

This daughter, whom he has always looked down upon, has now become his greatest support. Only when she is more favored in front of Mr. Gu can he get more support from Mr. Gu.

It's a pity that this daughter is not close to him.

As long as Ji Yunyan respected him a bit, Ji Ming would not quarrel with him again and again, let alone treat his own daughter as an enemy.

What Ji Yunyan cared about the most was his cheating, but which man wouldn't bother?

As a daughter, Ji Yunyan didn't know how to be considerate of her father. After her mother passed away, she quarreled with her father many times, and even contradicted him.

It is really unfilial.

Gu Jinghe didn't bother to talk to these people. The reason why she agreed to come to Meng Lian's birthday party was because there was still a plot here today. The president would be caught in bed by the heroine.

In fact, this was not the president's original intention, she was also framed. But in the plot, the heroine was very disgusted, and the president couldn't bear to explain it for a while, so he simply followed the heroine's words and gave her a scolding.

He even said a lot of embarrassing and sad things.

Gu Jinghe secretly thought, the plot must go, but how to go through this plot perfectly without hurting his wife is worth thinking about.


Gu Jinghe didn't expect to be upset by tonight's plot, and when he saw the undisguised thoughts of the people in front of him, he became even more impatient.

It's still good for my wife, fragrant and soft.

Gu Jinghe thought about it, tightened Ji Yunyan's waist, and walked inside with his arms around him.

Ji Ming originally wanted to follow in, but Gu Jinghe gave him a sideways glance, his eyes full of coldness, he immediately stopped, and he no longer dared to follow behind Gu Jinghe, he could only watch people disappear into the in front of you.

Outside the door, Ji Chu was still complaining about Meng Lian.

"I wanted to talk to Mr. Gu just now, why did you stop me?"

Meng Lian took a deep breath, looked at her son's face full of complaints, and said in a low voice, "Didn't you see that Mr. Gu didn't even look at you just now?"

"I know you're impatient, but rushing forward may annoy Mr. Gu. Although Mr. Gu is young, don't underestimate her IQ."

If Gu Jinghe really couldn't see through this little trick, then she wouldn't have become the leader of a group at the age of twenty-five.

What's more, now that Gu Jinghe's all attention is on Ji Yunyan, Ji Chu's approaching at this moment will only make Mr. Gu feel that he is ignorant.

What's more, Ji Yunyan has always disliked Ji Chu, maybe he has spoken ill of Ji Chu in front of him before.

There is no rush for this matter.

After listening to Meng Lian's explanation, Ji Chu finally felt less angry, but he was still very unwilling.

Ji Yunyan must have done it on purpose just now, to show off in front of him on purpose, she just wanted to let herself see how much Mr. Gu doted on her.

Ji Chu clenched his fists, just wait, when Mr. Gu likes him, he will make Mr. Gu take revenge on Ji Yunyan severely.

He was sure he would not let Ji Yunyan go easily.

At this time, Gu Jinghe was also walking inside with Ji Yunyan, and she asked in a low voice as she walked, "Why did you deliberately pretend to be uncomfortable just now?"

Ji Yunyan held her arm tightly, her voice was soft and soft, "How did my sister know that I was just pretending?"

Gu Jinghe laughed in his heart, thinking, do I still not understand you?

With your little appearance just now, it's just a fake.

"Is there anyone you didn't like just now?"

Gu Jinghe thought for a while, and besides Ji Ming, Ji Yunyan's stepmother and stepbrother were also there just now. It is estimated that they were the ones Ji Yunyan disliked, but the two did not speak just now.

It's really not to blame Gu Jinghe for being careless, because she focused on Ji Yunyan from the beginning to the end, and didn't have the heart to look at others at all.

Not to mention that Ji Yunyan had exchanged eye contact with Ji Chu several times just now.

Ji Yunyan didn't want to mention Ji Chu in front of Gu Jinghe at all, even though she knew that Gu Jinghe would despise Ji Chu, how to put it, she hoped that Gu Jinghe would not even hear Ji Chu's name.

"It's nothing, sister, just treat me as hypocritical for a while."

Gu Jinghe didn't ask any more questions, but he thought in his heart that someone still made Ji Yunyan unhappy.

The Ji family has a special banquet hall, which is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people. At this moment, quite a few people have gathered in twos and threes.

Just as Gu Jinghe walked in with Ji Yunyan, many people noticed her and came up with wine glasses.

At times like this, if it was in the past, Ji Yunyan would walk away by herself, because she is not interested in business matters, and she doesn't like staying by Gu Jinghe's side.

But it's different now, as soon as she walked into the banquet hall, she found that many people were staring at Gu Jinghe.

Even if her affection for Gu Jinghe is not as deep as that for He Xiaohe, she will never allow anyone to rob Gu Jinghe from her.

Even when she thought that before she didn't know, there might have been many people trying to hook up with Gu Jinghe, she felt sour in her heart.

Forget about the past, from now on, Gu Jinghe can only have her by her side.

Gu Jinghe also doesn't want to hang out with these middle-aged men, she just wants to kiss me and me with her girlfriend, if only the system can take care of her body at this moment.

Gu Jinghe imagined it in his heart, of course, this is absolutely impossible.

She chatted with her business partners for a while, then turned to Ji Yunyan and said, "If you are tired, go and rest for a while, you don't have to stay here with me."

The main reason is that even if she has the skill points of the original owner, she still finds this kind of thing very boring, let alone Ji Yunyan.

Thinking about it, Ji Yunyan should feel very tired, and the other party probably didn't want to accompany her and stood here.

Ji Yunyan shook her head slightly, and showed her a bright smile, "I'm not tired, I just want to be with my sister, and my sister doesn't care about me."


It's so sweet too.

So this is the difference between love and not love?

I still remember that in the past, Ji Yunyan always had a cold face towards the president, or else he was acting, how could he be so obedient as now, with eyes all on himself.

Gu Jinghe couldn't control it, and showed a smile, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of smiles.

When the partners around him saw it, they immediately laughed too.

"Mr. Gu, it's almost a good thing, why don't you introduce it to us?"

This was the first time that Gu Jinghe brought Ji Yunyan in front of his partners, but before that, many people had heard of Mr. Gu's little lover.

But before, everyone always thought that Mr. Gu was just playing around, but now that he saw him, he seemed to be serious.

Little lovers are different from lovers. They hope to hear a clear answer from Gu Jinghe so that they can adjust their attitude towards Ji Yunyan.

Upon hearing this, Gu Jinghe held Ji Yunyan's hand, and said with a smile, "Let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend, Ji Yunyan."

As soon as she finished her sentence, the system said in her mind: "Isn't it good for you to introduce it like this? It seems a bit out of character, after all, the president only takes the heroine as his lover."

Gu Jinghe's expression remained unchanged, and he replied to the system in his heart: "Didn't you say it in the plot? The CEO gradually fell in love with her during the process of getting along with the heroine. I have been abusing her before, so I have to show my love now." ?”

Makes sense.

But the system still feels wrong.

"Then you can't admit that she is your girlfriend in front of outsiders. This is not something the president can do."

Gu Jinghe became more serious, as if it was all for the task.

"Have you forgotten? The hostess may have discovered my identity. I have no choice but to please her now. Even if our affairs are revealed, I can discuss it with her."

system:? ? ?

"What are you discussing?"

Gu Jinghe was serious, "Of course we discussed it with her and asked her to cooperate with us in the task."

Still have this kind of operation? ?

This is the first time the system has heard that the task can still be discussed with the hostess. In its thinking, once the host's trumpet is exposed, the hostess will definitely turn her face and deny her. At that time, the task is to forget about it. It is impossible for the heroine to cooperate with them.

But now, its host actually said that he would discuss with the hostess and ask the hostess to cooperate with them in doing tasks!

"You really dare to think."

Is this an idea that ordinary people can come up with?

Sure enough, he was worthy of being the host who played with the heroine in his hands.


"The task is as fast as the man's boldness."

"The so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger."

However, although…

The system wanted to refute its own host, but it had to admit that perhaps this method was the best.

You can establish a good relationship with the heroine before the heroine finds out, and if it is exposed at that time, you can still ask the heroine.

I hope the heroine is not ignorant.

If the hostess insists on not agreeing, then it will let the host ask the hostess one more time.

Thinking of this, the system happily sold its host.

"Well, I admit that what you said makes sense, but you still have to pay attention to your sense of proportion and don't collapse your character."

Gu Jinghe fooled the system again, and suddenly felt that he was really a little clever ghost.

In fact, the system was wrong, she didn't play the heroine in the palm of her hand, she played the system in the palm of her hand.

Poor system, it still doesn't know that it has been fooled countless times by the host.

One person and one system all felt that they were hiding the truth from the other party, and at the same time, their hearts were filled with a strange sense of guilt. For a while, no one spoke first, and the matter passed so easily.

On the other hand, the people on the side heard Gu Jinghe say that Ji Yunyan was her girlfriend, and the expression they looked at Ji Yunyan changed immediately.

Ji Yunyan wanted to laugh, because since her mother passed away and Ji Ming treated her coldly, she hadn't seen these people treat her kindly for a long time.

There were even a few people in it. She used to call her uncle a lot. After her mother died, she never saw these people again.

The same is true between people.

Ji Yunyan thought about it, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Gu Jinghe. Fortunately, she still had Xiaohe by her side, and Xiaohe loved her.

What Xiao He likes is not her identity, nor her money, but Ji Yunyan.

As long as Xiaohe doesn't leave her, it's fine.

When Meng Lian brought Ji Chu in, she happened to hear Gu Jinghe's words, and both of them had the same ugly expressions.

Ji Chu's heart is filled with unwillingness and resentment, what's so good about that Ji Yunyan?

Why would Mr. Gu rather like a woman than even look at him?

He thinks he is not bad looking, and he was often praised for his good looks before, and he is much more obedient than Ji Yunyan, if Mr. Gu is willing to be with him, he will obediently listen to Mr. Gu.

Why, why is Mr. Gu unwilling to look at him?

Meng Lian turned her head and saw Ji Chu's expression. This was her son, how could she not guess what was going on in his heart.

"I know you are very angry now, but you must not show it in front of Mr. Gu, and you must not let her see that you don't like Ji Yunyan, understand?"

Ji Chu reluctantly nodded, "I understand."

Only then did Meng Lian take a deep breath, a smile appeared on her face, and she led Ji Chu towards Gu Jinghe.

"Mr. Gu."

Ji Yunyan turned her head back faster than Gu Jinghe, her eyes swept over the faces of Meng Lian and Ji Chu, and she saw their expressions in her eyes, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised, revealing a sarcastic smile.

Is this because I couldn't talk at the door just now, and now I'm here on purpose?

Gu Jinghe also turned around, "You are..."

This sentence is too hurtful, she came to Meng Lian's birthday party today, but asked who the other party was in front of Meng Lian.

Ji Yunyan let out a snort of laughter, now she has seen that there are people who don't utter a single swear word, and just say a single word, which can make them half-deadly angry.

In this regard, she is indeed inferior to Gu Jinghe, and should learn more from Gu Jinghe.

Meng Lian's face was about to freeze, she could clearly see that the other people on the side also showed mocking smiles, they were all laughing at her.

In fact, everyone knew her identity well, she was the junior mistress, even if others didn't say it, they would inevitably look down on her in their hearts. It's just because of Ji Ming's face, he didn't say it.

At this moment, seeing her take the initiative to talk to Mr. Gu, and even being stabbed by Mr. Gu, some people immediately couldn't control the smiles on their faces. Watching the excitement is not a big deal, and they didn't even think about explaining to Meng Lian.

"Mr. Gu." Meng Lian tried to comfort herself in her heart, Mr. Gu probably didn't do it on purpose, she really didn't know who she was.

"I'm Anyan's little mother, Meng Lian."

She thought to herself, Mr. Gu should understand if she said that, right?

After all, what Mr. Gu is attending today is his own birthday party.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Jinghe heard her say this, he didn't show a dazed expression on his face, and didn't even apologize for the sentence just now, but just replied very flatly: "Oh."

Ji Yunyan lay on Gu Jinghe's shoulder, smiling so hard that her eyes crooked.

Why didn't she realize that Xiaohe's mouth was so poisonous before.

This irritating ability is really unique.

Meng Lian didn't know what to say. The most annoying thing was that when she was about to introduce Ji Chu to Gu Jinghe, Gu Jinghe turned around and turned his side to her.

The other party had already skillfully chatted with others, and Meng Lian couldn't interrupt anymore, so she could only walk away resentfully.

Ji Yunyan moved her lips closer to Gu Jinghe's ear, "Sister, did you do it on purpose just now?"

When she said this, there was still a smile in her voice, which made Gu Jinghe's ears tingle.

Her expression remained unchanged, and she said solemnly: "I'm just telling the truth."


Ji Yunyan was very happy, Gu Jinghe was on her side, and he deliberately made things difficult for Meng Lian just now, probably because of her.

After all, Gu Jinghe had never met Meng Lian before this.

Ji Yunyan guessed that Meng Lian would not give up, but she didn't expect that Ji Ming would call her away before that.

"It just so happens that the lawyer is here today, so let's sign the contract by the way. The shops under your mother's name will be handed over to you."

Ji Yunyan turned her gaze to Gu Jinghe for a few seconds, thinking that if she just left for a while, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Besides, no one at the scene dared to shoot Gu Jinghe.

Thinking of this, Ji Yunyan confidently followed Ji Ming to the study.

Ji Ming did prepare the contract. Ji Yunyan read it carefully, and asked the system to scan it again to confirm that there were no problems before he was ready to sign.

She just took the pen in her hand when the system in her mind suddenly let out a snort.

Ji Yunyan thought there was something wrong with the contract, so she stopped signing immediately, the expression on her face remained unchanged, but she asked in her heart, "What's wrong?"

The system was silent, "I just received a new plot suddenly."

It can only know the content of the plot some time before the occurrence of a certain plot. It originally thought that what happened tonight was not in the plot, but it did not expect that it was received too late.

Ji Yunyan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"you say."

The system adjusted the plot to make it easier for the host to view.

Ji Yunyan scanned it once, her face suddenly sank, she almost gritted her teeth looking at that short paragraph of text.

[Under the ambiguous light, Gu Jinghe was half drunk and half awake, looking at the person in front of her eyes dimly. After a while, she tore off her collar and opened her lips slightly.

"come over."

Ji Chu smiled, and quickly took off his clothes, knelt on the bed, and crawled towards Gu Jinghe.

"Mr. Gu, I will take good care of you."

"It will definitely satisfy you."]

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