MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 44

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When Ji Yunyan pushed open the door, he saw a person sitting on the boss chair, staring at the computer screen. She put her hands on the keyboard and typed with a crackling sound. Even when she heard Ji Yunyan come in, she never raised her head.

Ji Yunyan hooked her lips, and walked forward quickly, "Sister."

The man looked up at her with a blank expression: "What's the matter?"

This look was very different from the one that blushed when she touched her just now. Ji Yunyan raised her eyebrows, walked around the desk, walked to Mr. Gu, put her hips on the desk, and looked at her with a smile.

"Sister, I don't have a dress."

Mr. Gu still had a cold look on his face, and he didn't even look at Ji Yunyan.

"You contact the assistant and he will arrange it."

Ji Yunyan tentatively stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the cheek of the person in front of her, but Mr. Gu was even faster, and suddenly stretched out a hand to grab her wrist.

"what are you doing?"

This was not the reaction Gu Jinghe would have at all, even before she found out that Gu Jinghe was He Xiaohe, Gu Jinghe would not have rejected her so coldly and rigidly.

Ji Yunyan smiled tentatively, and let Mr. Gu grab her wrist, "Sister, I like you."

However, upon hearing these words, Mr. Gu didn't react at all, he just let go of her hand and continued to work.

She didn't seem to hear it.

Ji Yunyan thought, carefully observing the eyes of the person in front of him. Then she noticed that when working seriously, this person's expression would become particularly dull. At first glance, she seemed indifferent, but upon closer inspection, her eyes were not focused at all.

The system also looked at it for a while, "This is also normal. A body without a host soul will be taken over by the system. The system can only guarantee that the human design will be maintained, and no one will notice the abnormality, but in terms of small details, it is naturally impossible to be like a real person."

Coupled with Mr. Gu's cold nature, when ordinary people talk to her, they dare not observe her expression carefully like Ji Yunyan.

Naturally, she couldn't find anything wrong with her.

Ji Yunyan snorted slightly, "That's why she relied on the fact that I never doubted her. Every time she is in front of me, she has a body with a soul. As soon as I leave, she immediately switches numbers."

The system thought, isn't this an obvious thing?

However, the host has suffered enough stimulation today, the system really doesn't want to stimulate her anymore, so it can only keep silent.

At this moment, Ji Yunyan suddenly noticed that Gu Jinghe's body swayed slightly in front of her. She rubbed her head, and when she looked up at herself again, her eyes were obviously much more lively.

Tsk, is this switched back?

Gu Jinghe had just switched back from the trumpet when he saw Ji Yunyan leaning on the desk, looking at him with a smile on his face.

! !

This is comparable to the fright of hitting a ghost in the middle of the night.

Gu Jinghe's heart was beating violently, and the expression on his face was almost tense.

Why don't young people use Wude.

The system also looked scared, "Fortunately, you reacted quickly, otherwise it would be over."

Gu Jinghe shrank her fingers on the table, she avoided Ji Yunyan's gaze, "Why are you back again?"

Ji Yunyan laughed lightly, and she reached out to brush Gu Jinghe's hair, and it really didn't happen again.

"Sister, have you forgotten? I told you just now that I don't have a dress."

Gu Jinghe: ...

She forgot to read the body's memory.

It's a little embarrassing.

Fortunately, she didn't ask anything else.

"I'll let my assistant arrange it." After Gu Jinghe finished speaking, he suddenly frowned again, "Forget it, I'll try it with you then."

The brand's gowns will be delivered to Gu Jinghe's home, and she will just ask for a few more sets to come over.

Ji Yunyan heard a subtle difference from this sentence.

If it was the real president, she must have said that you are with me instead of me with you. Although the meaning is similar, the priorities shown are quite different.

It really was He Xiaohe.

Ji Yunyan snorted softly, and before Gu Jinghe looked over, he smiled and said, "It's all up to you."

"elder sister."

Gu Jinghe's back felt a little cold when he heard this sentence of sister, and he always had a bad premonition.

She cleared her throat, "That's it."

Ji Yunyan still stood there without moving, Gu Jinghe glanced at her suspiciously, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Why don't you leave?

Ji Yunyan stood up straight, "I'm fine, sister, work hard."

Gu Jinghe deliberately waited for a while this time to make sure that the other party would not come back, and then switched back to the trumpet.

After confirming that Ji Yunyan hadn't come back, Gu Jinghe hurriedly took out the ingredients and prepared them.

Last night, Ji Yunyan said that he wanted to eat hot pot, and the two went out to buy a lot of ingredients, all of which Ji Yunyan liked to eat.

While Gu Jinghe was peeling potatoes, Ji Yunyan came back, and when Gu Jinghe poked his head out of the kitchen, he saw that the other party was bending over to change his shoes, with a cake in his hand.

Gu Jinghe's heart tightened slightly, "Yanyan, why did you suddenly buy a cake?"

Ji Yunyan put down the cake in her hand, and smiled at her, "Because something very meaningful happened today."

Ji Yunyan thought a lot along the way, she had probably confirmed that Gu Jinghe was He Xiaohe, and there was a reasonable explanation for what the other party had done before.

There is only one point, why doesn't Gu Jinghe take his mobile phone when he goes to a meeting.

The other party knew that she was going to the company, but still carelessly put the phone on the desk, as if deliberately luring her to look at it.

And before, Gu Jinghe was scared even when her cell phone rang, but behind her, she carelessly put the book with her own handwriting on the bedside...

Ji Yunyan vaguely remembered that He Xiaohe's handwriting was definitely different from Gu Jinghe's handwriting at the beginning, but when she saw it last time, the other party's handwriting was almost the same as Gu Jinghe's...

Ji Yunyan thought and thought, and felt that this was actually Gu Jinghe hinting at her.

Maybe the other party did have ulterior motives in approaching her at the beginning, and he didn't have any special feelings for her, but later on, I believe the other party also had feelings for her.

Ji Yunyan exhaled lightly, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Gu Jinghe was cutting potato chips, Ji Yunyan poked her head out to take a look first, letting the other party notice her existence, then reached out, hugged Gu Jinghe's waist from behind, and put her forehead on the other party's shoulder.

Gu Jinghe seemed to hear her sigh lightly, she kept cutting vegetables, and asked in a soft voice: "You went to find Mr. Gu today, is everything going well?"

Ji Yunyan hooked the corners of her lips, "Don't you know?"

Gu Jinghe froze for a moment, what do you mean, is Ji Yunyan going to tell her clearly?

She didn't know how to answer, but Ji Yunyan didn't seem to be surprised by her silence, she explained to herself, "You always attack, and there are times when you don't succeed?"

Gu Jinghe: ...


"It's good to succeed, so when will you go to her birthday party?"

There was a faint smile on Ji Yunyan's face, in fact, both of them knew it well, but they didn't pierce this layer of window paper. Since Gu Jinghe wanted to pretend to be with her, she didn't mind acting with Gu Jinghe either.

"In three days, but I'm going to have a dress fitting tomorrow."

On the way back just now, Gu Jinghe's assistant had already sent her a message to confirm the time for the dress fitting.

Of course Gu Jinghe is very clear, because she arranged these things, but she can't take the initiative to reveal this matter, she can only wait for Ji Yunyan to say it first.

Otherwise, it will be too deliberate, and the system can tell at a glance that she has been deliberately falling off.


Gu Jinghe sighed in his heart, it was difficult to cover the vest, and it was also difficult to take off the vest, in short, life is difficult.

But Ji Yunyan kept silent, knowing that the other party knew everything, but she just wanted to act with her.

All right, just act, as long as she doesn't get angry with herself.

Gu Jinghe thought so in his heart, but his subordinates kept moving, and the ingredients were quickly prepared.

The aroma of the hot pot bottom filled the room, and Ji Yunyan took a deep breath, "Xiaohe's craftsmanship is really good, it smells so good."

Ji Yunyan couldn't help thinking in her mind, wondering what kind of person the real Gu Jinghe is and what kind of past he has.

It is impossible for the CEO to do these things, and He Xiaohe is the vest that Gu Jinghe assigned. She can only show that the real Gu Jinghe can do these things.

Ji Yunyan faintly sketched an outline in her mind, and she began to imagine what the real Gu Jinghe looked like, she should be pretty too, right?

I don't know if anyone has chased her before.

Ji Yunyan thought a lot in his mind, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He felt that he had eaten a big pot of vinegar, and couldn't help but bite the slender neck in front of him.

Gu Jinghe hissed, and the bottom of the frying pan paused, why should he be bitten before falling off the horse, and even more after falling off the horse?

Ji Yunyan, what kind of broken habit is this?

too difficult.

After Ji Yunyan bit it, she stuck out her tongue and licked it lightly, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back just now, did it hurt?"

You've already bitten, what's the use of saying these words now?

Gu Jinghe thought in his heart, but there was a smile on his face, "It's okay."

Looking at her expression, Ji Yunyan felt his teeth itch again, wanting to take another bite.

I don't know what it feels like to bite Mr. Gu's neck.

Might give it a try next time.

Thinking about it, Ji Yunyan touched the cheek of the person in front of her, "Xiaohe, why don't you come with me tomorrow."

Gu Jinghe:? ? ?

Mr. Gu will accompany you tomorrow, are you still not satisfied?

She swallowed hard, "I won't go, Mr. Gu will be here tomorrow, so it's inconvenient for me to go."

Ji Yunyan smiled, put her lips against her ear and said, "What's the inconvenience, Mr. Gu knows you, and I've already told her about it."

Gu Jinghe:? ? ?

When did you say that I was dreaming?

Oh, woman.

"Forget it, I don't know Mr. Gu very well. Besides... I will be a little embarrassed if I go to such an occasion. I have something to do tomorrow and I want to go to the library."

Ji Yunyan seemed to be waiting for her to say this, because after Gu Jinghe said that he was going to the library, Ji Yunyan immediately said: "That's just right, actually, I also have a few books to buy, can you buy them for me? ?”

Gu Jinghe turned his head and looked at her silently.

Do you want me to die!

I want to accompany you to try on clothes, how can I buy books for you at the same time?

But Gu Jinghe couldn't say this, because after he said it, the system would know everything.

She could only attribute this to the fact that Ji Yunyan still had resentment towards her in her heart, so she tossed her in different ways.

Since the other party can know that she and Gu are always the same person, the system must have told her that two identities cannot appear at the same time.

Sure enough, Ji Yunyan wanted to **** her!

Gu Jinghe smiled weakly, "Okay then, what book do you want to buy? It will be sent to my mobile phone later."

At worst, she asked her assistant to buy it, and she bought it and sent it over.

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, "Actually, I don't really remember its name. I just remember it's about finance. Why don't you take a photo for me when you go tomorrow and I'll have a look."

Gu Jinghe: ...


Dog woman, hum.

The two had their own thoughts, but they still looked like a loving couple. During the meal, Ji Yunyan even cooked a lot of dishes for Gu Jinghe.

After eating, Ji Yunyan went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Gu Jinghe finally had time to sit on the sofa and rest for a while.

The system said in her mind: "I still think she has found out."

"Tell me, how can I do this?"

If you come, you will be safe, what else can you do?

"Don't think about it, don't scare yourself."

The system was very worried: "If she didn't find out, why would she say that to you today?"

This is abnormal, very abnormal.

Ever since the host came out of the meeting, the heroine's behavior has been very abnormal.

Could it be that the hostess discovered something during the meeting of the host?

The system guessed: "Did she find something in your office, but I remember that you didn't seem to put anything in the office?"

Gu Jinghe felt guilty for a moment, she not only let go, but also let go of key evidence.

Fortunately, her movements were natural at the time, and the system did not notice anything unusual.

Shouldn't you think of this now?

Sure enough, the system thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out what the reason was.

In the end, she could only remind Gu Jinghe, "In short, you must be careful now, and don't be discovered by her. I think she has discovered it now, but it's strange, why didn't she say it?"

Gu Jinghe also wanted to know, why didn't Ji Yunyan say it out, if it wasn't true, he wanted revenge?

Because she had been acting to deceive the other party before, so Ji Yunyan wanted to tease her in the same way?

Thinking about it this way, I feel that it is indeed something the other party can do. But Gu Jinghe thought that Ji Yunyan would be very angry when he found out about this.

She even thought about it, if Ji Yunyan wanted to quarrel with her, how would she explain it, and how would she coax him.

As a result, none of the well-thought-out methods were used.

I really don't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

The feeling that this kind of thing exceeded expectations really made people feel a little flustered.

Gu Jinghe thought casually, it would be a big deal to make up for Ji Yunyan in a certain way, last time the other party suggested to her that she wanted to play with some small toys, but Gu Jinghe refused at the time.

Maybe she can buy some cigarettes behind Ji Yun's back, and give him a surprise when the time comes.

Gu Jinghe thought about it, but in the end she didn't wait until the toy was bought, because that night, Ji Yunyan had to make a fuss.

In the past, when Gu Jinghe cried out in pain and tiredness, Ji Yunyan would always show a flustered expression, and then carefully comfort her and ask her how she felt.

But last night, no matter how much Gu Jinghe begged for mercy, Ji Yunyan firmly held her waist, her nimble fingers flying around at an extremely fast speed.

Gu Jinghe's body trembled, and his thighs trembled intermittently, but was firmly controlled by Ji Yunyan.

Even at a certain moment, when Gu Jinghe turned his head to look at her, he saw a cruel expression on Ji Yunyan's face.

Just very scared.

The waist is also sore.

Legs are also sore.

If this kind of life comes a few more times, she really can't bear it.

Fortunately, Ji Yunyan was going to try on the dress with the president the next day, and Gu Jinghe didn't have to stay in He Xiaohe's body all the time, otherwise if this uncomfortable feeling lasted for a whole day, she would probably have a shadow of that matter in the future up.

The style of the dress was chosen by Gu Jinghe, because she didn't know what Ji Yunyan liked, so she chose several brands and waited for Ji Yunyan to choose.

The things were delivered to the shore between the clouds, and when Ji Yunyan arrived, Gu Jinghe, you first poured yourself a glass of red wine, and sat on the sofa to sip it slowly.

Ji Yunyan glanced at the half-empty wine bottle, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Still thinking about drinking, it seems that last night was too easy to spare her.

Maybe it's because the president doesn't feel uncomfortable, so the other party can drink early in the morning.

I don't know when, I can do something to Gu Jinghe with this identity.

Ji Yunyan licked her lips, recalling He Xiaohe's trembling under her hands, and looked at Gu Jinghe with darker eyes.

Gu Jinghe's heart suddenly tensed up, and he had the vigilance of a prey facing a predator.

She put down her glass, "You're here."

"Let's go."

The clothes were placed in the cloakroom, Gu Jinghe just glanced at them, then turned to Ji Yunyan and said, "Choose it yourself, if you don't like these, there is an album over there."

Ji Yunyan looked at the dress in front of her, but what she thought in her heart was that she didn't know what He Xiaohe would look like in it.

She probably won't have the chance to see He Xiaohe wearing these clothes.

But... It's not bad to see Gu Jinghe wearing it.

Although these two people are actually the same person, Ji Yunyan has always regarded He Xiaohe as her lover and Gu Jinghe as an enemy that needs to be guarded against. For the time being, she cannot treat Gu Jinghe like He Xiaohe.

At least she wanted to get close to He Xiaohe and do whatever she wanted with He Xiaohe, but when facing Gu Jinghe, this feeling was not so strong.

In fact, when Ji Yunyan discovered the identities of these two people, he had already asked the system.

If a tasker like Gu Jinghe who carries the system really wants to stay, she can only use her original identity.

In other words, there is a high probability that He Xiaohe will disappear.

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, she knew that after He Xiaohe disappeared, Gu Jinghe would still stay, just merged together, but she still felt very reluctant.

I don't want He Xiaohe to disappear.

And now, there is a more important question, is Gu Jinghe really willing to stay here for her?

Ji Yunyan doesn't know, she doesn't know what kind of situation Gu Jinghe is in another world, maybe the other party has family and friends who care about him, is Gu Jinghe really willing to give up everything there and stay in the novel world?

As soon as Ji Yunyan thought of these things, he felt like a big stone was pressing down on his heart, and he couldn't breathe.

Here is why, she has already found out that Gu Jinghe and He Xiaohe are the same person, but she still dare not break the matter.

In case, after explaining everything, Gu Jinghe's departure will be accelerated...

Gu Jinghe looked up, and suddenly found that Ji Yunyan had a disappointed expression on his face, and he didn't know what the other party was thinking, and his eyes were still a little red.

Gu Jinghe pursed the corners of his lips and walked towards her, "Is there anyone you like?"

Ji Yunyan came back to her senses, took a deep look at her, and casually pointed to one of the sets, "Just this one."

"Then try it on first."

The dress is a close-fitting dress, with a tube top design on the upper part, which can reveal a large area of ​​snow-white skin, and an open design on the hem, so that when you sit down, you can see the slender and slender thighs.

Ji Yunyan has a good figure and can fully support this suit.

Because there were only two of them, Gu Jinghe helped her tidy up, her eyes were filled with undisguised surprise, and when Ji Yunyan couldn't see, she secretly swallowed her saliva.

How many people's eyes do you have to wear to go out?

Gu Jinghe was proud and jealous at the same time, with mixed feelings in his heart, he just wished he could hide Ji Yunyan.

For such a beautiful girlfriend, it is enough for her to appreciate it alone.

After the zipper was closed, Ji Yunyan suddenly turned around and approached Gu Jinghe, "Sister, does it look good?"

Somewhere in front of her was full and rubbed against Gu Jinghe's arm, and Gu Jinghe only needed to lower his head slightly to see a little exposed, bulging curvature.

! !

You really shouldn't be wearing this!

Gu Jinghe was silent, "This set is very beautiful, but maybe..."

Maybe not.

Before she finished speaking, Ji Yunyan smiled and rolled her eyes, and stretched out her hand to hold Gu Jinghe's arm, "My sister also thinks it's pretty, so I'll wear this suit, will my sister not allow it?"

You have said that, what else can I say?

Gu Jinghe could only nod aggrievedly, "Then you can wear this suit."

Ji Yunyan chuckled again, "What about my sister?"

Gu Jinghe took a set casually, even more perfunctory than Ji Yunyan.

That's all I have.

It turned out that after she changed it, she realized that her set was not much different from Ji Yunyan's set.

Seeing the slightly gloomy expression on Ji Yunyan's face, Gu Jinghe seemed to be in a good mood, as if he had pulled back a victory.

"Then I'll just use this set, which happens to be similar to yours, like a couple's outfit."

Ji Yunyan: …

She suddenly understood Gu Jinghe's mood just now, and wanted to refuse, but couldn't find a reason.

Meng Lian's birthday party was very lively. Ji Ming not only invited business partners, but also the media and reporters.

Just as Gu Jinghe got out of the car with Ji Yunyan, the flashing light flashed his eyes.

She was silent, thinking to herself, why is it so grand, like participating in some kind of celebration.

Ji Ming and Meng Lian greeted the guests at the door, and Gu Jinghe was the last guest to arrive at the scene. As soon as Ji Ming saw her from a distance, he hurried up to greet her.

"President Gu is here."

As Ji Ming said, he glanced at Ji Yunyan who was beside Gu Jinghe, seeing that he was holding Mr. Gu's arm with a very intimate look, his heart sank slightly.

Seeing Mr. Gu like this, he obviously likes Ji Yunyan very much.

Does Ji Chu still have a chance?

Gu Jinghe nodded slightly, his face was very cold.

She and Ji Ming have never had anything to talk about, and it is already a great honor to agree to come to this banquet.

As for Ji Ming, even though he wanted to get close, he was defeated by Gu Jinghe's cold face. He wanted to educate Ji Yunyan but was afraid of offending Mr. Gu, so his face turned blue from holding back.

Although Ji Yunyan was Ji Ming's daughter, she didn't say hello, she just stood beside Gu Jinghe silently, her gaze met Ji Chu from afar.

She found that Ji Chu first looked at Gu Jinghe for a while, and then looked at her with disdain, and made a mouth shape to her, as if he was talking trash.

Ji Yunyan didn't care about the other party's provocation at all, her attention was all on one thing.

Ji Chu wanted to rob Gu Jinghe from her.

Ji Yunyan's expression darkened as she followed Gu Jinghe inside.

She didn't care if Ji Chu robbed her of other things, but Gu Jinghe couldn't, Gu Jinghe belonged to her.

Ji Yunyan withdrew her gaze, pinched Gu Jinghe's waist, and turned her head to look at her silently.

Gu Jinghe kept walking, but turned to look at her with concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

While talking, the two had already walked in front of Meng Lian. Ji Yunyan caught a glimpse from the corner of her eye, and Ji Chu stared straight at Gu Jinghe without blinking.

She snorted in her heart, but there was a weak and pitiful expression on her face, her brows were slightly frowned, and she said tea-scented.

"I suddenly felt a little stuffy in my heart."

"elder sister."

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