MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 33

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Gu Jinghe didn't know how to react for a while, so he could only stare blankly at the door.

Ji Yunyan's cheeks were slightly flushed because of nervousness, but seeing that He Xiaohe inside the door did not respond for a long time, she couldn't help laughing.


Gu Jinghe seemed to wake up suddenly, her face was flushed, even the tips of her ears were red, but her eyes were shining with a smile.

"Ning Yan, you are..."

She thought that Ji Yunyan had gone down to get takeaway, but who knew that the other party was standing at the door holding a bouquet of white roses.

When she approached, Ji Yunyan handed her the bouquet in his hand, "Happy Love Anniversary, my baby."

This is the first time Gu Jinghe has received flowers from others in two lifetimes and three identities combined.

She was so excited that she hugged the rose in her arms and took a deep breath. The flower itself didn't have much fragrance, maybe because of the perfume, she could smell a quiet fragrance when she got close.

Seeing her happy, Ji Yunyan also smiled, and when Gu Jinghe took the bouquet, he found two large boxes behind Ji Yunyan.

The restaurant's logo is printed on the box, which is indeed their takeaway.

Gu Jinghe was stunned, and the hand holding the bouquet couldn't help but tightened. She looked at it for a few seconds, and suddenly asked in doubt: "How did you bring so many things up?"

It's amazing.

Ji Yunyan chuckled, "Look at me for a long time, is this the only sentence?"

"Is there nothing else to say?"

Gu Jinghe was really in trouble for a while, should she have something else to say? Is the hostess implying that she should help move things?

Gu Jinghe thought about it carefully, and was about to put down the bouquet and move in the takeaway behind Ji Yunyan.

The system couldn't stand it anymore, "You're going to be stupid."

"Usually so smart, why is it like my head is muddled today?"

"The hostess sent you flowers and wished you a happy anniversary. Shouldn't you hug her and give her a sweet kiss?"

It was only then that Gu Jinghe realized that she was so happy to receive the flowers, she couldn't turn her head around, she couldn't even think of such a simple thing.

Gu Jinghe held the flower in one hand, hooked Ji Yunyan's neck with the other hand, and pushed his lips up.

Ji Yunyan was not polite, put her arms around her waist, and unconsciously pressed the back of her head with the other hand, and had an intimate relationship with her.

After a while, Gu Jinghe let go of Ji Yunyan's neck, hugged the flowers in his arms and gasped for breath.

Ji Yunyan licked her lips, recollecting the feeling just now, and then turned around and moved the takeaway in the back into the house.

Gu Jinghe realized later that they actually kissed without closing the door.

Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise it would not be embarrassing.

After the things were brought in, Ji Yunyan put the dishes into plates and placed them on the dining table one by one. Gu Jinghe stood behind her and looked, and even saw a few candles in the box.

It's really a candlelight dinner.

"How about I come too?"

Let the hostess busy up and down alone, she stood by and watched, it didn't seem very good.

Ji Yunyan turned her head and pecked at the corner of her mouth naturally, then as if she had received a huge benefit, the corners of her eyes and brows could not hide the smile.

"No, just sit and wait for a while."

Gu Jinghe groaned twice in his heart, startling the system, what's going on, its always smart and wise host is stupid? ?

Gu Jinghe sniffed, "I'm bent, can this be my fault?"

It's all because the enemy is too sweet, and no one can resist it.

Gu Jinghe was very happy. It should be said that in the sum of her two lifetimes, she was rarely so happy. The flower in her arms was reluctant to put it down, and there was still a silly smile on her face, no wonder the system thought she was stupid.

She had longed for the warmth and love for more than twenty years, but she never expected that it was actually given to her by Ji Yunyan.

Ji Yunyan was also very happy, but she was more restrained than Gu Jinghe, only a faint smile could be seen on her face, but when her eyes fell on Gu Jinghe, she couldn't hide the tenderness inside.

After the dishes were arranged, Ji Yunyan lit the candles and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet.

"Really drink less tonight."

At noon, she deliberately indulged He Xiaohe to drink more, but tonight is different, tonight she can't let him get drunk again.

Thinking of what might happen tonight, Ji Yunyan couldn't help but licked his lips again, his eyes became darker and darker, with deep longing hidden inside.

When everything was ready and the lights were turned off, the room immediately became dark, only the candlelight was emitting a faint light, and a faint fragrance filled the room.

Gu Jinghe's heart was beating fast, her cheeks were burning red, her eyes were filled with water as she looked at Ji Yunyan, and under the dim light, her expression became more and more alluring.

Ji Yunyan changed her sitting position, "Xiaohe, I'm very happy."

Ji Yunyan's emotions are not revealed, she is actually a very indifferent person, but when facing He Xiaohe, she is always very straightforward, hoping that the other party can understand all her feelings.

Gu Jinghe smiled and rolled his eyes, "I am also very happy, thank you, Anyan."

The dim environment made people more sensitive, and she didn't know if it was Gu Jinghe's illusion, but she always felt that Ji Yunyan's eyes were full of aggression when looking at the past through the candlelight.

The other party's gaze on him seemed to have warmth, making Gu Jinghe feel his body was burning, and even had a tingling and numb feeling.

how to say?

Ji Yunyan's gaze at this moment was full of eroticism.

Gu Jinghe had a hunch in his heart that perhaps neither of them would use the system's functions tonight, but some things would definitely happen naturally.

She knew that the chances of her taking the initiative against Shang Ji Yunyan were not high. But Gu Jinghe found that he was not panicked, and even had some expectations.

It seems that she is really planted.

Before it was clear, she could do whatever she wanted with Ji Yunyan, but she would rather use the system's functions than do it herself.

Gu Jinghe believed that at that time, she was really not interested in Ji Yunyan, and the reason why she wanted to kiss Ji Yunyan was only because of her appreciation of beauty.

Since when did her feelings for Ji Yunyan change?

Gu Jinghe couldn't figure it out, but she wasn't surprised. What Ji Yunyan gave her was what she wanted most, so it's not surprising that she would be tempted.

What she is most worried about now is the identity of the two of them.

Gu Jinghe remembered her mission again, and remembered what the system said. She stared deeply at the smile in Ji Yunyan's eyes, and took a big sip from her wine glass.

Forget it, never mind.

Tomorrow's matter, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Ji Yunyan didn't pour wine for her anymore, she hoped that He Xiaohe would be sober tonight, and that the two of them would be intimate voluntarily, instead of one being drunk and the other having plans.

But Gu Jinghe was happy in his heart, and still pestered her to drink a lot of wine. Whenever Ji Yunyan wanted to refuse, she would stare at him with those watery eyes, and Ji Yunyan could no longer utter the words of rejection.

He Xiaohe ate her to death.

Ji Yunyan sighed, so what can she do, this is the first time she likes someone so much, so she is willing to indulge him.

The dishes on the table didn't move much, but the bottle of wine was almost finished. While drinking, Gu Jinghe suddenly stood up, which surprised Ji Yunyan.

"What's the matter, Xiaohe?"

She thought it was because she didn't look at He Xiaohe, and he was drunk again, so she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Gu Jinghe's head was still clear, but her thinking speed was much slower than usual. She reached out her hand to Ji Yunyan, "Let's go see the stars!"

Ji Yunyan raised her eyebrows, "Now?"

Although she had some doubts, she still stretched out her hand and shook hands with He Xiaohe.

Gu Jinghe pulled her to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the two sat on the carpet with bare feet, because neither of them felt cold after drinking.

Gu Jinghe held Ji Yunyan's arm and pointed to the sky.

Her voice was very soft, like a whisper, mixed with a hazy drunkenness.

"Look, stars."

Ji Yunyan followed her finger to look over, and indeed saw a little bit of starlight.

The apartment has a high floor, and through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the colorful lights under your feet and the stars hanging in the sky.

The lights in the room were still not turned on. Thanks to Ji Yunyan's good eyesight, she saw a happy smile on He Xiaohe's face, but soon, the smile faded.

Ji Yunyan was keenly aware that He Xiaohe was not happy at this moment.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand, and put her arms around the other's waist from behind, her lips moved closer to the other's cheek, and smelled a faint scent of wine from the other's body.

"Xiaohe, what are you thinking?"

Why was he so happy just now, but suddenly lost?

Gu Jinghe could stay awake just now, but now she seemed to be really drunk. She hugged Ji Yunyan's waist tightly and put her head on his shoulder.

"There have been countless dark nights before, and I hope that there is someone who can accompany me like this."

"Even if we don't do anything, just sit by the window and look at the stars, I will feel very happy."

A sense of pity rose in Ji Yunyan's heart. She knew that He Xiaohe had a very bitter and lonely life in the past, but it didn't matter. In the future, she would cover the other's pain with sweet memories, reminding He Xiaohe that when he was young, it was all about her Happiness.

"I'll be with you from now on."

Gu Jinghe's eyes gradually dimmed, and she didn't even seem to be talking to Ji Yunyan, but rather talking to herself.

"I've been waiting for a long time, but I just didn't find such a person."

"I know those people don't really love me. They only see my body and skin, and they don't want to love my soul and everything about me."

As Gu Jinghe was talking, he suddenly turned his head to look at Ji Yunyan, his voice was very soft, but what he said made Ji Yunyan feel a chill in his back.

She said, "Ning Yan, have you ever experienced the feeling of death?"

It was really painful and uncomfortable, but at the last moment, what she felt was relief.

It doesn't matter if she just died like that, she just felt a little regretful in the end, after all, she still couldn't have someone who only loved her.

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, and her face became more serious. She thought that He Xiaohe thought of committing suicide when she was in despair. In addition to her heartache, there was also pain.

"No, not in the future."

I will give you the love you want most, and will not make you feel lonely again.

Gu Jinghe shook his head, "It's okay, I'm already dead."

Seeing Ji Yunyan's stunned expression, she couldn't help but get closer to him, as if she was talking about a secret, her voice was still mysterious.

"But I think death is very good. It not only frees me, but also allows me to meet you."

The system was so anxious that it was almost messed up in her mind, and she wished she could attach herself to her and gag her mouth.


How could the host tell the heroine about this?

This is no longer a horse that can be described!

In case the heroine guesses it, the host is actually a soul from another world, and the purpose of transmigrating into the novel world is to do tasks...

Ahhhhhh, what kind of fake wine did the host drink!

Why don't you say anything? !

Ji Yunyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at He Xiaohe fixedly, trying to see something from the other's face, but she only saw excitement in He Xiaohe's eyes.

Seeing that she was silent, Gu Jinghe couldn't help leaning over and pecked her cheek lightly, full of flattery.

"I told you all my secrets, and you are not allowed to tell them."

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay."

In her mind, the system clicked twice, "No wonder, no wonder."

"No wonder there has never been a character like He Xiaohe in the plot. It turns out that she is wearing a book!"

Wait, the system snorted again, "If she is wearing a book, it means that she knows the plot, so she approached you, maybe she has ulterior motives?"

Ji Yunyan reached out and touched He Xiaohe's cheek, with imperceptible excitement in her voice, "What do you think?"

"If she knows the plot, it means that she already knows who you are, so isn't she lying when she said that she admires you?"

As soon as the system finished speaking, Ji Yunyan grabbed He Xiaohe's chin violently, forcing him to look up at her with water in his eyes.

Ji Yunyan licked her fangs, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaohe, are you lying to me?"

There were two tears in Gu Jinghe's eyes, his face was full of confusion, "Nian Yan, you are Nian Yan..."

"It's my favorite smoke..."

Gu Jinghe didn't seem to see the cold and stern expression on Ji Yunyan's face, but threw himself into the opponent's arms, wrapped his arms around the opponent's neck, and wrapped himself tightly around the opponent's body.

Holding her soft body in her arms, Ji Yunyan couldn't help but buried her head and took a deep breath on her neck.

"I like Xiaohe too..."

The system looked at it silently for a while, "But it's not certain, maybe she was reborn."

After all, He Xiaohe's performance was perfect, and he talked about it as if he had experienced it in the past. Besides, the other party didn't mention wearing a book just now, or even mentioned any content about the book.

The more the system thought about it, the more likely it was that He Xiaohe would be reborn.

"She was just an ordinary female college student who died alone in her previous life and had no contact with you, so she didn't appear in the plot."

"In this life, she was reborn, met you, and fell in love with you."

Ji Yunyan didn't say anything, she was actually more inclined to the latter possibility.

Because when He Xiaohe hugged her and cried before, and told her that he was bullied by the school, those feelings were too real, and Ji Yunyan couldn't believe that they were faked.

There are traces of what He Xiaohe said. If she is said to be wearing a book, these are not her experiences. Ji Yunyan thought, then He Xiaohe's acting skills are too good.

She would rather believe that He Xiaohe is innocent, what the other party said is true, at least loving her is true.

Ji Yunyan slowly licked He Xiaohe's cheek, her voice hoarse, "Xiaohe, how many secrets do you have?"

He Xiaohe seemed to be very drunk, leaning into Ji Yunyan's arms, "I like Yunyan, and I want to be with her forever..."

"I don't want to be separated from Ning Yan..."

The tyrannical mood in Ji Yunyan's heart was calmed down by her few words, she hugged He Xiaohe without letting go, and her voice softened, "Okay, we will never separate."

It doesn't matter whether He Xiaohe is transmigrated or reborn, as long as the other party loves her forever, she will keep He Xiaohe by her side and prevent her from escaping.

Gu Jinghe smiled, and said in a bewildered voice, "Never leave Anyan..."

The more the system looked, the more strange it became. Is the dog host drunk? She said she wasn't drunk, and she said everything she shouldn't have said, and said she was drunk, and what she said was very specific, and it couldn't be seen that she was talking nonsense.

The system thought about it, and was more willing to believe that the host was drunk. She didn't think about what she said just now. If the host was pretending to be drunk...

The system has a cold war, what does the dog host want to do?

This is too scary...

Gu Jinghe's cheeks were flushed, and he shook Ji Yunyan's arm, "Looking at the stars..."

Ji Yunyan followed her words and said, "Well, look at the stars."

Gu Jinghe looked at it for a while, then suddenly pouted again, "I won't watch it."

She was so moody, turning her face over faster than a car, Ji Yunyan hugged her tightly like coaxing a child, "Why didn't you watch it again?"

Gu Jinghe was silent, and suddenly said a very emotional sentence, "There are countless stars in the sky, and there are thousands of lights in the world, but none of them belong to me."

Ji Yunyan touched her cheek, "You forgot again, what did I tell you just now?"


Gu Jinghe stared at her blankly, and saw Ji Yunyan curl her lips, "You also have your own star."

Gu Jinghe was about to ask where her stars were, when she saw Ji Yunyan's head moved back a little, and the lights were reflected in those peach blossom eyes, like bright starlight.

At the same time, Ji Yunyan's voice sounded in her ear, his tone full of tenderness.

"Your star is here."

The tense tendon in Gu Jinghe's head broke with a snap.

She flung herself into Ji Yunyan's arms, and kissed her lips tremblingly.

In the dim room, the two hugged each other tightly, savoring each other's warmth and sweetness.

After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the room came on again, and there was the sound of dripping water in the bathroom, accompanied by faint panting.


Waking up the next morning, Gu Jinghe first felt his waist sore and his legs weak, and then he felt a burst of pain, which was mixed with a tingling electric sensation.

She moved her legs and buried herself in the bed, her cheeks flushed with heat. The memory of last night came to mind, Gu Jinghe covered his lips and let out a low cry.

Was that active and crazy little fairy last night really her? ? ?

It's all the fault of fake wine.

The system has nothing to love, "You finally woke up."

"Do you remember what you did last night?"

"You actually told the heroine such an important secret, do you think you and I have lived too long?"

Gu Jinghe's expression calmed down a little, and he replied casually: "Anyway, it will happen sooner or later."


? ? ?

The system was shocked, "What do you mean by that? Tell me clearly, were you drunk last night?"

Gu Jinghe quickly pouted, "Of course I'm drunk, don't you suspect that I told the hostess on purpose?"

System: That's not impossible.

The host has many thieves, it is almost impossible to guard against.

It sighed, "I know you like her, but you should also hold back, there are some things you really can't say."

The expression on Gu Jinghe's face was very natural, and there was no trace of lying.

"I was really drunk and said it accidentally."

The system didn't quite believe it, "Then why did you say you would never leave her last night?"

Gu Jinghe thought to himself, if he admitted this, wouldn't it be an indirect indication that she was not drunk last night?

"I was talking nonsense."

The system was dubious, "It's better to be like this, have you forgotten what you thought before? The vest must not be dropped!"

"Do not worry."

Gu Jinghe's perfunctory tone made the system very worried.

So did the host do it on purpose?

"It's fine for you to fall in love with her on the trumpet, as long as the big one's tasks are still being done, and it must not affect the big one's tasks."

The system reminded again: "You really scared me to death last night, if the heroine thinks about Tuba, can this task still be done?"

Gu Jinghe nodded obediently, "I see, it will definitely not affect the progress of the large task."

The system decided to trust her again, "Okay then."

Oops, the love brain host is worried about the system.

If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have knocked on the CP of the host and the heroine.

Gu Jinghe continued to lie on the bed, Ji Yunyan was not by her side, she didn't know what to do, but her mobile phone was still on the bedside.

Gu Jinghe reached for his mobile phone, but heard Ji Yunyan's mobile phone ring suddenly, and then the screen lit up.

Gu Jinghe swore that he really didn't want to check Ji Yunyan's phone on purpose, but that she put it next to her, and Gu Jinghe read the content on the screen at a glance.

Looking at it, her brows gradually wrinkled.

It was a WeChat message from the same person.

"GU: I heard you had a fight with her?"

"GU: You really have the guts to make her angry."

"GU: How dare you cuckold her."

"GU: Are you not afraid that she will attack your cutie?"

Under Gu Jinghe's gaze, the person named GU sent several more messages.

"GU: How about it, think about my proposal last time."

"GU: I know you don't like her."

The amount of information in these few sentences is very large, and Gu Jinghe's head is a little dizzy for a while.

She should be referring to the president. This person knows the relationship between Ji Yunyan and the president very well, and knows that Ji Yunyan has a close relationship with He Xiaohe.

GU also knew that Ji Yunyan had quarreled with the CEO, and the reason for the quarrel was that the CEO discovered the relationship between Ji Yunyan and He Xiaohe.

Gu Jinghe lay flat, staring at the ceiling in a daze, thinking about what he had just seen in his mind.

GU seemed to have said something to Ji Yunyan, but Ji Yunyan refused. This person knew that Ji Yunyan had angered the CEO, so he brought up the matter again.

Then what would be the suggestion that GU gave to Ji Yunyan? It might be something that Ji Yunyan would find it difficult to accomplish without being the president.

Gu Jinghe immediately thought of Ji Yunyan's mother's relic. This was what Ji Yunyan wanted most, and it was also the reason why she had to stay by the president's side.

Gu Jinghe understood, and she went through the general process.

It is very likely that this person told Ji Yunyan that if Ji Yunyan agreed to something, this person could help Ji Yunyan get what she wanted, but Ji Yunyan refused. This person did not give up, and only after Ji Yunyan had a conflict with the CEO did he persuade Ji Yunyan again.

But the problem is, Ji Yunyan is not favored in the Ji family, if what this person wants to do is related to the Ji family, it is useless to find Ji Yunyan.

The only possibility is that what this person asked Ji Yunyan to agree to was related to the president.

The more Gu Jinghe thought about it, if it was related to the president, who would it be?


Could it be someone who takes care of the family?

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't even know when Ji Yunyan came in. Gu Jinghe didn't come back to her senses until the other party sat on the edge of the bed and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

"What are you thinking, so focused?"

Ji Yunyan touched He Xiaohe's cheek, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Gu Jinghe asked her this sentence when he was the CEO, but she never thought that she would return it to him so soon.

She stretched out two arms from under the quilt, and acted coquettishly at Ji Yunyan, "It still hurts..."

Ji Yunyan leaned over and hugged her, "There is no class in the morning, so you can rest for a while."

She paused, then continued, "Or should we come and have a chat?"

Gu Jinghe had a bad premonition in his heart.

"What are you talking about?"

Ji Yunyan smiled, as if joking.

"Talk about what you said last night."

"Death made you meet me."

"What means?"

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