MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 32

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Ji Yunyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, more tears flowed down the corners of her eyes, and the tails of her eyes were flushed.

She didn't expect Gu Jinghe to say that, and she was surprised for a moment, but she didn't show it.

"Mr. Gu... I really didn't..."

Gu Jinghe firmly pressed her lips with his thumb, so that she could no longer argue, "I said, whether you are clean or not, I will check myself tonight."

She wanted to use tonight to test Ji Yunyan to see if he had a system.

Ji Yunyan thought about it in her mind, finally nodded slightly, closed her eyes, and let the tears overflow from her eyes.

She seemed to be so wronged that she didn't even have the strength to explain, because Gu Jinghe's fingers pressed against her lips, and her words were blurred.

"I listen to you."

After Gu Jinghe got her answer, he let go of her lips, pointed down, and hooked Ji Yunyan's collar.

She pulled down fiercely, Ji Yunyan's neckline opened wide, and the deep and shallow traces inside were also exposed to the air.

Gu Jinghe sneered, she lowered her eyes to look at Ji Yunyan, with an extremely indifferent expression on her face.

"Don't forget who left these traces."

Speaking of which, the two of them were still hugging each other in the morning, and Ji Yunyan called her sister in a soft voice, but she didn't expect it to become like this in the afternoon.

Gu Jinghe only felt that today was a very exciting day, both the president and He Xiaohe had experienced a great event.

Ji Yunyan knew better than she how these traces came from. She looked at Gu Jinghe's cold eyes, but she thought of He Xiaohe in her mind.

This morning, she pressed He Xiaohe's hand, forcing him to touch the marks on her body, and even left a strawberry on her wrist in front of He Xiaohe.

Ji Yunyan thought that she hoped that these marks on her body were left by He Xiaohe, rather than the system imposing on herself what should only exist on Gu Jinghe due to a momentary mistake.

The two had different thoughts, and for a while, neither of them noticed the other's ecstasy.

After a while, Gu Jinghe let go of his hand first, "Let's go."

"I'll have my assistant pick you up in the afternoon."

Ji Yunyan stood up obediently. She squatted for too long and stood up suddenly, not only her legs were numb, but her head was also a little dizzy.

Ji Yunyan couldn't help supporting the table with his hands, and took two steps back with his legs, as if he was about to fall over.

Gu Jinghe stretched out his hand subconsciously, but suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly pressed down the document beside him with his hand, pretending that he was going to take something.

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, "Sorry, Mr. Gu."

Gu Jinghe frowned slightly, with a little dissatisfaction on his face, as if he disliked her uselessness.

"You go out."

After Ji Yunyan went out, Gu Jinghe breathed a sigh of relief, propped his elbows on the table, and massaged his temples with his fingers.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly just now and didn't really hold her with my hands."

Otherwise, it would be a broken person. After all, the president has a cold personality. Even if the little lover fell in front of her, she would not reach out to help her.

She will only feel that the other party is useless, and she can't even walk steadily.

Gu Jinghe just stretched out her hand just subconsciously, but she didn't recover for a long time, and she played back the scene just now over and over again in her mind.

She would never have made such a mistake before, even if the heroine was bullied by others in front of her, she could still sit still without frowning.

But now, when it was time to use her identity as the president to speak harshly to Ji Yunyan, she was always unable to do so.

Even her tone of voice when she spoke to Ji Yunyan, and her little gestures when getting along with her, have undergone subtle changes.

She seems to have brought He Xiaohe's character into the identity of the president.

Gu Jinghe's face was not very good-looking, after thinking for a long time, he sighed slowly.

The system didn't understand what she was thinking, and wanted to ask, but the host seemed to be in a bad mood, so it couldn't ask.

Forget it, wait until the next time the host feels better and ask again.

The pure system doesn't know how important an important piece of news it has missed.

Gu Jinghe gave up, thinking about the things that gave him a headache, and asked his assistant to enter the office.

After the assistant knew the president's secret, he was worried all the time. He chose to tell Mr. Gu, but he was very worried, and Mr. Gu fired him because of this.

After all, being green is not an honorable thing, let alone someone as proud as Mr. Gu.

He knew about the embarrassment of the president, so he wouldn't really lose the job, would he?

Gu Jinghe told him to go in without saying a word, but just looked at him with serious eyes, and the assistant almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Could it be that Mr. Gu is really going to become angry from embarrassment and take it out on him?

Gu Jinghe did it on purpose. No matter who found out that he might be cheated, he would not be too happy, let alone the always cold and arrogant president.

But she couldn't really do anything to Ji Yunyan, nor could she take action against He Xiaohe, after all, she was herself.

She can only scare the assistant, lest the other party stare at her little lover every day.

The assistant's face became paler and paler, and just when he was about to be unable to withstand the pressure and was about to say that he didn't know anything, Gu Jinghe finally spoke.

"I know you are faithful."

"You shouldn't care about Ji Yunyan's matter, so don't care about it."

Gu Jinghe said the same thing last time, and the assistant blamed it on the fact that there was no actual evidence, but this time it has been confirmed, and Mr. Gu still said so.

The assistant had to sigh in his heart again, Mr. Gu really liked Miss Ji very much.

Knowing that the other party betrayed him, he can still suppress this matter and pretend that nothing happened.

Although he felt that Mr. Gu was too aggrieved by this, after all, Gu Jinghe was in charge of how to deal with it, so he could only nod his head.

"do not worry."

Gu Jinghe hummed, "You don't have to report to me in the future."

The assistant felt more and more emotional, Mr. Gu was really going to wear this green hat to the end.

Ms. Ji is also really capable. She was able to tie the cold and ruthless Mr. Gu firmly. Even when she cuckolded Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu was able to bear it. It must be such a deep feeling.

Gu Jinghe didn't know what he was thinking, but he breathed a sigh of relief, "At seven o'clock in the evening, go to her and take her to the bank among the clouds."

Who she is, there is no need to say it, the assistant knows it too.

He became more and more sure that Ji Yunyan was really favored, because the other party was resting on the bank of the water among the clouds last night, and Mr. Gu couldn't help calling her over today.

It seems that we should be more cautious about Miss Ji in the future.

The assistant responded, and after he walked out of the office and closed the door, Gu Jinghe asked the system to switch the trumpet.

Because of drinking, when Gu Jinghe returned to the trumpet, his head was still dizzy.

She was still lying on the sofa, covered with the thin blanket that Ji Yunyan gave her, her little face was flushed from sleep, and it was hot when she touched it casually.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help yawning, mist appeared in his eye sockets, and his eyes were also blocked by the water, so he couldn't see clearly.

But she heard the sound of the door opening, and it was Ji Yunyan who had returned.

Gu Jinghe closed his eyes, stretched out his hands and rubbed his own eyes, making the red corners of his eyes even redder, with an unknowingly charming look on his face.


Her voice was slightly hoarse, with a strong nasal tone, as if she was acting like a baby.

Ji Yunyan squatted down in front of her, in the same posture, facing different people, her mood was completely different.

When Gu Jinghe asked her to do this, she was angry and humiliated, but when facing He Xiaohe, she just hoped to get closer to him, and it didn't matter what posture she used.

Ji Yunyan stretched out a hand, gently stroking He Xiaohe's cheek, and moved her lips closer to him, "Xiaohe, are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

People with poor capacity for alcohol drank too much wine and their heads were dizzy, and He Xiaohe drank too much, Ji Yunyan was surprised that he could wake up now.

Gu Jinghe grasped Ji Yunyan's hand with his own fingers, and her body temperature was higher, sticking to Ji Yunyan's skin, with a scalding heat.


When Ji Yunyan faced He Xiaohe, her heart was full of tenderness, wishing to give her the best. Seeing that He Xiaohe frowned, she quickly kissed him on the forehead.

"I should stop you and let you drink less."

Gu Jinghe rubbed his cheek against the other's finger, like a small animal coquettishly, "Ning Yan, it's good to have you here."

Ji Yunyan smiled softly, her voice full of indulgence, "From now on, I will always be by your side."

However, when she thought of what had happened recently and where she was going tonight, she couldn't help but feel a little worse.

She still doesn't know how to tell He Xiaohe, after all, she didn't go home last night, and she will go out again tonight, they just confirmed their relationship today, would Xiao He feel that she is irresponsible?

Ji Yunyan licked her lips, "Shall I make you a hangover soup?"

Even though Gu Jinghe's head was still dizzy, she also remembered that the heroine didn't know how to cook at all. Is the hangover soup she made really drinkable?

The desire to survive made Gu Jinghe shake her head quickly, but it was too blunt to refuse directly, she said in a soft voice and coquettishly: "I don't want hangover soup, I just want to let Xingyan accompany me."

Ji Yunyan was also very happy. Before, He Xiaohe was timid in front of her. Even if he had a little temper occasionally, he still restrained himself and kept suppressing himself.

But now, she can finally act like a baby in front of her.

Ji Yunyan couldn't help showing a smile, and sucked He Xiaohe's cheek, leaving a faint red mark.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Gu Jinghe was a little distracted for a moment, watching her for a long time without reacting.

In fact, apart from gender, the heroine is really in line with the perfect object in her heart. When she should be considerate, she will never be domineering, and when she should be domineering, she will never compromise.

Not only has the strong side of the domineering president, but also has the intoxicating tenderness.

If it wasn't for their identities lying in the middle...

Gu Jinghe thought about it until Ji Yunyan gently pinched her cheek before she came back to her senses.

"Xiaohe, what are you thinking?"

Why did Ji Yunyan even feel that she saw endless sadness in the other's eyes when she looked at her absent-minded expression.

She likes He Xiaohe, and He Xiaohe also likes her, why should she feel sad?

Ji Yunyan didn't understand, but she always felt that this was very important to her.

So she pinched He Xiaohe's cheek and asked again: "What were you thinking just now?"

Gu Jinghe licked her lips. Of course, she couldn't tell the heroine what she thought, and she couldn't even let the heroine know what she was thinking.

"I was thinking, if Anyan is so good and good, will she really like me?"

Ji Yunyan remained silent, looked at her for a while, then lowered his head and bit her chin gently.

Gu Jinghe didn't expect that the other party would bite him, let alone that she would bite on her chin, covered her cheeks, and looked at Ji Yunyan tearfully.

Ji Yunyan let go of her mouth, and licked it lightly again, "You are very good, you are beautiful, smart, considerate and gentle, why don't I like you?"

"Xiaohe, you can only see the good points in me, but not in yourself, okay?"

"It's a great honor to be liked by such a good you."

Gu Jinghe was stunned for a moment, Ji Yunyan's expression at this moment was too serious, her eyes were full of affection, when she spoke in a low voice, Gu Jinghe had the illusion that she was speaking to herself.

It wasn't He Xiaohe, nor the president, but the real Gu Jinghe.

She didn't know how surprised she looked at this moment, and she didn't know that her eyes were already red. Gu Jinghe only knew that her heart was beating very fast.

In the past, she could still resist because she had never felt Ji Yunyan's unreserved love.

It turns out that being loved is such a feeling, even if the other person does nothing, she can still see countless affection in the other person's eyes.

Gu Jinghe has been alone since she was a child, and everyone praises her for being strong and independent, but they don't know that the reason why she does everything by herself, never cries when she is tired, is because she knows that no one will condone her willfulness .

Because no one would laugh and pamper her when she was acting like a baby, she was forced to learn to be calm and composed in the face of everything, learned to read people's eyes, and knew how to adjust her state so that she could adapt to the environment as soon as possible.

It's because she can't meet in reality, so she always loves to fantasize that she can also meet such a domineering president in the novel. Domineering is not important, what is important is that no matter how bad he is to others, he is special to herself , Will indulge all my little tempers.

I didn't expect to have such a girlfriend in the novel without meeting him until I died in my previous life, but the premise of this love is deception. If Ji Yunyan knew the truth, would he still like her as much as he does now?

Gu Jinghe burst into tears suddenly, she didn't seem to know that she was crying, and the expression on her face was blank.

Ji Yunyan was taken aback, at first she thought He Xiaohe was too moved, but the other party's expression was not right, it didn't look like moved, it looked more like panic.

Why was He Xiaohe so panicked after hearing her confession?

Ji Yunyan couldn't figure it out, and the current situation didn't allow her to think too much, she hurriedly reached out to wipe the tears on He Xiaohe's face, frowning tightly, "Xiaohe, don't cry."

Ji Yunyan, who has always been calm, also showed a panicked expression. In love, no matter how cold and indifferent people are, they will be nervous because of their lover's tears.

"What's wrong with you, tell me, okay, don't cry."

The last time Ji Yunyan saw He Xiaohe's tears, she felt only pity and sympathy for what happened to her, but this time she just felt heartbroken, and wanted to kiss He Xiaohe's tears away one by one, and then let the other party show a beautiful face. smile.

Gu Jinghe stretched out his arms to hug Ji Yunyan, and while letting the tears fall, he murmured, "What should I do..."

Ji Yunyan landed soft kisses on her cheeks one after another, "It's okay, no matter what difficulties we have, let's solve them together, shall we?"

"do not be afraid."

How could Gu Jinghe tell her the difficulties in his heart, he just choked and said: "You are so nice, I can't control my liking for you, what should I do?"

Ji Yunyan didn't know how difficult it was for Gu Jinghe to say these words. She knew that He Xiaohe liked her, but she only thought that the other party was uneasy.

But it didn't seem to be completely like this, Ji Yunyan couldn't tell, so she could only hug He Xiaohe, coaxing her gently.

"Xiaohe, don't be afraid, time will tell everything."

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, I will prove my feelings with actions."

"Xiao He deserves it, and you deserve the best."

Gu Jinghe cried even harder.

Ji Yunyan felt more and more uncomfortable, and even wanted to dodge Mr. Gu, Xiaohe couldn't do without her now, **** him Gu Jinghe, she won't serve her anymore!

"Xiaohe, don't cry, I'll stay here with you."

Gu Jinghe was sobbing and crying so hard that her head became even more dizzy. She used her last bit of rationality to understand Ji Yunyan's words with difficulty.

? ?

From what the other party said, it seemed that she was planning to stay with her all the time and not go to the bank of the clouds tonight.

Gu Jinghe:!

How about that?

Her head, which was confused by emotion, immediately sobered up. All these love affairs can be put aside, and the tasks that should be done are still to be done.

While trying to control his crying, Gu Jinghe asked cautiously, "Xianyan, will you really stay with me all the time, even tonight?"

Ji Yunyan let out a breath slowly, and the hesitant expression just now became firm.


Gu Jinghe: Play off!

It never occurred to her that Ji Yunyan's affection for He Xiaohe could overwhelm her fear of the CEO.

If you say a good thing, you push it.

Gu Jinghe suddenly felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have been too emotional just now, and Ji Yunyan lost his mind as a result.

Is it possible to push the things that the president has decided?

Ji Yunyan pressed her forehead against He Xiaohe's, with a smile in her affectionate peach blossom eyes.

"Xiaohe, don't you want me to accompany you?"

Gu Jinghe: ...

Gu Jinghe immediately hesitated again. It seems that it is not impossible to slow down the probing or something. The important thing is not to make the heroine suspicious, right?

She moved her lips, "I think so."

Ji Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief, "Today is our official day together, so we won't cook for ourselves tonight, can we order food outside?"

Four big words flashed in Gu Jinghe's mind: candlelight dinner.

She sniffed, her eyes were still sore from crying just now, "Is there any candlelight?"

"Yes." Ji Yunyan pressed her lips against He Xiaohe's lips, her voice was barely audible, "You have everything you want."

Gu Jinghe was satisfied, since he had decided not to test the heroine tonight, he had to tell his assistant in advance not to pick her up.

At the same time, Ji Yunyan also thought in his mind, since he decided not to go, he had to find a reason to deal with Gu Jinghe.

Or say her aunt is here?

Gu Jinghe can never be interested in her in this special period.

While thinking about it, Ji Yunyan backed away a little, "Xiaohe, then you can order food."

She took out her IPAD from the room and handed it to He Xiaohe, while she held her mobile phone, organized her sentences, and prepared to send a message to Gu Jinghe.

Holding the IPAD in his arms, Gu Jinghe took advantage of Ji Yunyan's head down to type, quickly switched to the WeChat account, and first sent a message to Ji Yunyan.

"You don't need to come over tonight."

She was about to inform the assistant again, but before she finished typing, Gu Jinghe glanced at Ji Yunyan guiltily, but unexpectedly saw that the other party was also looking at her quietly.


Gu Jinghe was so frightened that she almost threw the mobile phone out of her hand. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and stabilized the expression on her face, pretending that nothing happened.


Ji Yunyan smiled, "It's fine."

She was just a little surprised, so she thought about putting off what happened tonight, but who knew that Gu Jinghe said there was no need to go.

This was a bit too coincidental, almost like it was intentional, Ji Yunyan raised his head to look at He Xiaohe, but it was just a subconscious action.

But when she lowered her head again, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

Why does it feel like Xiaohe is panicking?

Speaking of it, she doesn't seem to be looking at the iPad, but at the phone...

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, put away her mobile phone, and walked towards He Xiaohe.

She was originally standing at the door of the room, and He Xiaohe was sitting on the sofa. The distance between the two was not far away. When they were walking, she kept staring at He Xiaohe's hand, and she didn't see him tap the phone screen.

She sat next to He Xiaohe with a natural expression, glanced casually, paused for two seconds, and saw clearly what was on the other's screen.

"Can cabbage be eaten with mushrooms?"

Ji Yunyan couldn't help showing a faint smile, "Xiaohe, is the order ready?"

Gu Jinghe smiled softly, with two small dimples on his cheeks.

"I'm still struggling..."

She was extremely thankful that she reacted quickly enough and the system did not lose the chain. Even if she didn't have time to switch the content on the phone screen under Ji Yunyan's gaze, the system can help her hide it.

Ji Yunyan discussed with her and ordered a lot of He Xiaohe's favorite dishes. If Gu Jinghe hadn't pressed her hand in the end and said enough was enough, she would have ordered more.

After ordering, Ji Yunyan took the ipad and did not know what to do on it, but Gu Jinghe didn't care.

After the other party finished, he threw away the tablet, hugged her in his arms, stroked her cheek with his hands, and comforted her softly.

Gu Jinghe's heart was bubbling with beauty, even if she talked with Ji Yunyan about some very unnutritious things, she would still feel happy.

About half an hour later, Ji Yunyan suddenly received a call. Gu Jinghe clearly saw that she covered the receiver with her hand to avoid herself.

Ok, a little secret so soon?

Without saying a few words, Ji Yunyan hung up the phone.

"Xiaohe, the takeaway guy can't seem to come up, I'll go down and get some food."

Gu Jinghe remembered that the two of them seemed to have ordered quite a lot, and it might be a bit laborious for one person to hold it.

"I'll go with you."

Ji Yunyan pressed her shoulder, "It's okay, I'll just go, you wait for me obediently at home."

The feeling that something was wrong in Gu Jinghe's heart came again, and the heroine was hiding it from her.

If you don't go, you don't go.

She sat on the sofa angrily, and after Ji Yunyan went out, the system that had been suppressed for a long time finally came out.

"Monster, quickly hand over my host!"

Gu Jinghe:? ? ?

"you are silly?"

The system snorted, "It's you who are stupid, not me."

"Look at your eyes with spring water and flushed cheeks, is this really my host who would rather bend than bend?"

"Who said he was straight?"

Gu Jinghe was silent, "You don't even think about what channel we are on."

She has been pulled to Lily frequency to do the task, isn't it normal to bend?

The system had nothing to say, and after a long time, it asked her in a low voice, "Aren't you joking this time?"

The smile on Gu Jinghe's face gradually faded, and her tone became more serious.

"Probably not."

"Why did you..." The system didn't know what to say, although it always wanted to eat melons, and also wanted to see the host turn from straight to curved, but that was because it knew that the host was straight, and it was just joking.

Why didn't the host hold on? ?

"Didn't you always want me to have a real show with the heroine?" Gu Jinghe laughed, "Why are you still so unhappy?"

The system was silent for a while, "That's because I didn't expect that you would really like her."

"Don't forget our mission."

In fact, if I have to say it, it doesn't want the host to fall in love with the heroine.

After all, when the host has no feelings for the heroine, he can open a trumpet to approach her because he sympathizes with her. If he really likes this, the host can still cruelly abuse the heroine physically and mentally. Is Tianliang broken?

Gu Jinghe breathed out, "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten our mission."

"How much is done now?"

The system looked at the progress bar, "It's half done. The task ahead is relatively easy, and the next step is the highlight. Don't forget, the Ji family is about to go bankrupt when the Tianliang era breaks."

After Ji's family went bankrupt, the homeless heroine had no choice but to rely on the president. She was humiliated by the president, but indulged in the occasional tenderness of the president.

Gu Jinghe leaned back on the sofa, staring at the ceiling without focusing.

"I see."

Seeing her sad and disappointed look, the system couldn't bear it, and persuaded: "I'm not forcing you, as long as you cover your vest well to ensure that the president's plot doesn't collapse, you can use the trumpet as you like."

Gu Jinghe didn't answer, and asked after a while: "I just need to complete the plot that the president should complete. As for how this plot will develop in the future, it has nothing to do with us, right?"

The system nodded, "In theory, it is."

So why, Ji Yunyan used the system to mess up the plot, but the host can still pass the judgment.

She just needs to make sure that she has done that. As for the subsequent development of the matter, it has nothing to do with her.

Gu Jinghe nodded, "I remember at the very beginning, you told me that after finishing the task, I can go home, right?"


At the beginning, it used this condition to reach an agreement with the host, the host completed the task, and it helped the host to resurrect and go home.

Gu Jinghe was silent for a longer time this time, "Do I have to leave?"

The system paused, "That's not true. You can stay if you want, but you can only choose between going home and staying, and you can't go back on your word."

Gu Jinghe didn't speak, the system vaguely understood her thoughts.

"You want to stay?"

Gu Jinghe opened his mouth, "I..."

She didn't say a word, suddenly there was the sound of a key unlocking the door, and then someone opened the door.

Gu Jinghe raised a smile, but the next second he saw the other party, his expression froze.

That is…

Read The Duke's Passion