MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 140

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The two curries were served quickly, Matsuda Jinping completely relied on his body to pick up the spoon, and he didn't even notice that there was a child next to him during the process.

It stands to reason that Matsuda Jinhei's vigilance is not so low, but now that Hagihara Kenji is by his side, of course he will not specially guard against anything around him.

As a result, before he could eat it, Jinping Matsuda's brain shut down, and his head smashed onto the steaming curry little by little without any support.

Hagihara Kenji and Edogawa Conan were startled, and Hagihara Kenji, who had been paying attention to his friend, immediately stretched out his hand and stuck it above the curry, blocking the tragedy of his friend's face buried in curry.

Hagihara Kenji supported Matsuda Jinping's face with his palm, Matsuda Jinping himself seemed to be awakened by his actions, and suddenly leaned back like a cat with fried fur.

"—?" Matsuda Jinping stared at Hagihara Kenji for two seconds, as if to confirm something, and rubbed his temples: "Sorry."

Hagihara Kenji showed a worried expression: "Is it really okay, why don't you just go back directly?"

Matsuda Jinping shook his head: "I was shocked, and I almost woke up."

At this time, Matsuda Jinping noticed the children standing beside him, with a puzzled expression: "Conan? When did you come."

Edogawa Conan: "...I've always been here!"

The little detective also showed a worried expression: "Is it really all right, Officer Matsuda."

Matsuda Jinping watched the child stand all the time, and did not ask the other person to bring another chair over, but picked up the child's collar very naturally and put the person on his lap.

Under Hagihara Kenji's thoughtful gaze, Matsuda Jinping bent down and buried his head beside Edogawa Conan's neck, and said vaguely, "I'm not very hungry. If you don't eat, please help me eat."

Edogawa Conan, who was suddenly hugged: "...?"

Hagihara Kenji asked Edogawa Conan if he had eaten, and said, "If you don't mind, please ask Miss Azusa to bring another spoon over."

"Do you want to speak to Miss Lan?"

This curry Matsuda Jinpei hasn't moved yet, so of course Conan Edogawa doesn't mind, and he really didn't eat anyway.

He just cares more about the way he is being held by Matsuda Jinhei now.

But thinking of what Officer Matsuda had just experienced, Edogawa Conan couldn't say anything to refuse. He's just a kid anyway! Hug what happened!

Matsuda Jinhei was holding the child in a posture of hugging a pillow, but this time he didn't fall asleep, he simply kept this posture.

Hagihara Kenji complained: "If you want to hug, your dear Kenji-chan is right in front of you?"

"How old are you?" Matsuda Jinping said vaguely in a tone of disgust: "And it's still awkward."

Hagihara Kenji covered his heart with an exaggerated expression: "Wow, I'm going to be hurt, huh?"

Edogawa Conan was beside the two of them, and he didn't care about other things. He just noticed the repressed aura on Officer Matsuda. When he saw Kenji Hagihara before him clearly, Kenji said that in Hagihara. After the paragraph, most of it disappeared naturally.

Although there were a lot of doubts about the conversation just now—but, at least Officer Matsuda seems to be relaxed, so it’s okay to relax a little... right?

Edogawa Conan restrained his doubts and looked at Hagihara Kenji with a smiling face in front of him.

What was more surprising to him was the importance of Mr. Midorikawa in Officer Matsuda's heart.

It was obvious that when I got along with each other before, I felt like I was just an ordinary acquaintance.

Officer Matsuda is not very suitable for acting, Edogawa Conan's own acting skills say otherwise, but he has a mother who is an actor, and he can tell whether others are acting.

Thinking back carefully, when Mr. Midorikawa got along with Officer Matsuda, he did notice that the atmosphere between the two was quite relaxed.

Because Matsuda Jinhei mentioned that they had known each other three years ago, they seemed to be a little familiar, and Edogawa Conan didn't care about it before.

But that feeling of sadness and depression... Mr. Midorikawa seems to be really important to Officer Matsuda.

But on the other hand, the importance of Hagihara Kenji was once again highlighted in front of his eyes. With just two simple sentences, Officer Matsuda, who showed such emotions, was relaxed...

Edogawa Conan suddenly felt that the posture of the person holding him changed, Matsuda Jinping pressed his head and sat up a little: "What are you thinking? Or the curry is not good."

Edogawa Conan said obediently, "No."

The little detective turned his head and met Matsuda Jinping's half-drooping eyes. He noticed that there were some red blood in them. But before hugging him, it wasn't so obvious.

If there were no water stains on the clothes, Matsuda Jinping looked normal, and Edogawa Conan suspected that the other party was holding him to cover up the existence of tears.

"Brother Matsuda, how long has it been since you slept well?" Edogawa Conan didn't ask anything, just asked worriedly.

"There is a job, but it's almost there." Matsuda Jinping yawned and moved the child's head back, "don't worry about this kind of thing, kid, eat."

Edogawa Conan held a spoon and puffed out his face.

Kenji Hagihara, who had finished eating a long time ago, took a candid photo (?) with his mobile phone, and asked Azusa Enomoto to make another dinner to be packed, put on the mobile phone and said with a smile, "When did the two of you have such a relationship? All right?"

Matsuda Jinping snorted and laughed: "Envy? I'm a 'brother', and you are still a 'police officer'. Officer Hagihara?"

He suddenly reacted and called his brother's Edogawa Conan again: "!!"

Hagihara Kenji was immediately dissatisfied: "Conan - you are so unfair! Why can Xiaojinping be a big brother?"

Edogawa Conan blushed, and after a long while he said: " two don't play!"

Hagihara Kenji, who was trying to trick the kid into calling his brother and then recording, showed a regretful expression.

Seeing the bad taste of his friend, Matsuda Jinping raised the corner of his mouth, and the curvature of the curve was not too obvious, but the aura of the whole person was obviously relaxed.

In fact, he really didn't wake up very much just now, so he almost thought he had hallucinations.

He is probably really not very suitable for acting. In those official words, it is probably that he is too easy to get into the drama, not to mention that he has never appeared in a drama.

Moving forward and not forgetting are not in conflict.

However, Hagihara's thoughts and actions were completely received by him.

Once upon a time, in those long and short four years, he seemed to see the phantom of someone's existence around him from time to time.

When complaining about lunch in the police station cafeteria, the other party seems to be sitting across from him and echoing with a smile, or complaining that Xiao Zhenping is too picky.

When the bomb was finished, the person leaning against the wall would also bite a cigarette, indicating that it was him, and it was done within three minutes.

Or after waking up from a nap, half asleep, half awake, seeing the reflection of the past sitting in front of him, holding his face and looking at him, saying sorry for the frivolous look with a usual smile.

There is sometimes only a fine line between illusion and reality. Matsuda Jinhei faced the real world soberly and never let his illusions affect him.

But this time, the guy who didn't dare to apologize to him in person seemed to have made up his late apology.

After Edogawa Conan finished the curry in front of him, Matsuda Jinhei put the man back on the ground and waved his hand with his back to the child: "Then let's go back first."

Edogawa Conan opened his mouth: "That, Officer Matsuda—"

Matsuda Jinpei turned his head in confusion.

The little detective paused, shook his head, and smiled: "I mean, take a good rest!"

Matsuda Jinping raised his eyebrows, nodded nonchalantly, and left his position.

Having been busy for so long recently, and working overtime from time to time, Officer Takahashi waved his hand and let Matsuda Jinping take an extra two days of vacation.

Then Matsuda Jinhei spent the whole day sleeping in his room, calmed down after a whole day, and reset his biological clock back.

Unlike the blond **** who made staying up all night as a daily routine, Matsuda Jinpei's biological clock is always on time, which is why he looks so tired.

By the way, when Rei Furutani, who had been busy for a while and ended his phased work, was back in Poirot, he was tricked by Matsuda Jinpei. He said some specious words in his tone, and was frightened to visit the apartment in the middle of the night.

Frightened (not frightened) Matsuda Jinping punched directly with his fist, and then the two of them hung up together.

Matsuda Jinping squeezed his shoulders afterwards and said, "Sure enough, people still need a little exercise."

With the bruises on his face, Jiang Guling twitched the corners of his mouth, and was helped by Zhu Fu Jingguang who came over in the middle of the night to apply the medicine, and said coldly, "Heh."

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked helpless: "So I'm really fine."

Furugu zero breathed a sigh of relief, while Matsuda Jinping was indifferent: "Oh, is that so."

So the fists of another pair of young taming dyed hard again.

However, Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "You have an alumni reunion recently, do you want to participate?"

"Do I have a chance to refuse?" Zhu Fu Jingguang said helplessly: "This is the reason why you have created so many stories for my identity."

It was easy to see that something was wrong with Subaru Okiya's single-person status.

But with the involvement of classmates and relatives, it is difficult to deny the authenticity of the identity.

There is no way to find relatives, so Zhu Fu Jingguang's identity was raised by his grandparents, his grandfather died when he was a child, and his grandma also died two years ago.

This grandpa and grandma also exist, and Zhu Fu Jingguang also went to visit the tomb specially.

Then Zhu Fu Jingguang appeared in the alumni reunion with a public face and black-rimmed glasses.

Because he read the relevant information early, Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled naturally and exaggeratedly, and looked for the person who was the squad leader: "Squad leader, long time no see!"

The class leader hesitated for a while, but did not match the classmate in front of him with the classmate in his memory, and at this time another person came to the door, Zhu Fu Jingguang said hello naturally: "You are Yamada, right? Long time no contact."

The Yamada-kun was stunned, trying to find the existence of this unfamiliar face in his memory.

Zhufu Jingguang naturally picked up: "Didn't we sneak out of class together back then! I'm Ichiro Sakamoto! Don't you remember?"

Yamada-kun immediately reacted. Although he had no impression at all, he definitely couldn't say such a thing! He immediately said, "Oh oh oh it's Ichiro! Long time no see! Of course I remember you!"

The squad leader also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Hahaha, Sakamoto? I haven't seen you for a long time, I almost didn't recognize it!"

"Hahaha, squad leader, you are the same!" Zhu Fu Jingguang laughed: "I did change a bit from when I was a child. After all, I was quite gloomy at the time, my health was not very good, and I often asked for leave."

"I didn't catch up with the graduation photo because I had a fever." Zhu Fu Jingguang looked regretful.

The squad leader also expressed pity for this: "Yeah, I also remember that you didn't come back then!"

So Zhu Fu Jingguang held this public face, and in such words, he chatted with the classmates in this class.

Even if everyone is unfamiliar with this face, but seeing that other people can talk to Zhu Fu Jingguang, call out their names, and say some gossip from that year, they all feel that it is their own problem. And when Zhu Fu Jingguang called out his name familiarly, he laughed and called Zhu Fu Jingguang's pseudonym.

Every class also has an existence similar to a class flower, and of course there is a class reunion in this class. Zhu Fu Jingguang scratched his hair and said embarrassedly, "Haha, I also had a crush on Hino back then."

The squad leader hooked his shoulders on the side: "Hahaha who is not! After all, Hino is the most beautiful person in our class!"

Hino-san blinked a little shyly: "But I have a boyfriend?"

Zhufu Jingguang immediately said, "Is it Yamada?"

Hino was surprised: "Eh? How did you know."

Zhufu Jingguang said: "I had this feeling back then! It really wasn't my illusion. I remember that Yamada worked hard for a long time to get into the same school as you!"

Everyone who was still vaguely suspicious at first: Hmm! Sakamoto-kun is our classmate, yes!

So Zhu Fu Jingguang exchanged contact information with everyone with a hearty smile.

Well, his identity is stable. Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled in his heart.

Then, Zhu Fu Jingguang was involved in the murder case of this alumni association and became one of the suspects.

Because the victim was the Hino classmate he had a crush on, the reason for the suspicion was that Ichiro Sakamoto (Kanako Zhufu) had done too much things because of his crush on Hino classmate.

Zhufu Jingguang: …

Zhu Fu Jingguang: Huh? ? ?

Read The Duke's Passion