MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 139

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Zhu Fu Jingguang stayed in the apartment for more than a week, and after the two sides dealt with it almost, he was thrown out after the disguise and left to fend for himself.

Scotland's original liquidity was inconvenient, but after being in the dark world for so long, he always had one or two prepared in advance.

It's just that both parties were worried that there would be loopholes in this plan, so none of Zhu Fu Jingguang's original preparations were sent, and Bourbon used it as evidence to confirm that Scotland was indeed dead.

That is to say, for more than a week, there are still new identities to be processed, because they cannot be reimbursed from the police (the police were also concealed), and the identity of Bourbon is inconvenient to use (some people may notice the outflow of funds), Therefore, it is completely using the huge sum of money that Matsuda Jinping is inconvenient to use.

In this regard, Jianggu Ling also said: "Don't worry, the public security will reimburse you after the end." After all, it is impossible for Zhu Fu Jingguang to fake his death forever, but his identity is temporarily sealed.

Matsuda Jinhei: "...In fact, this kind of thing is not that important."

Matsuda Jinping has no extravagant expenses, just as a police salary and subsidies, it is enough for him to save a lot of money. The price of renting a house is not high because of the long-term rent and personal sharing, but this low rent is already the biggest expenditure on weekdays.

It can only be said that the police are really very lucrative professions, especially when they face danger from time to time, and there are countless other subsidies that ordinary people envy, not to mention that Matsuda Jinping has a very good boss.

Matsuda Jinpei, who is really not short of money and does not need any high expenses on weekdays, has never regarded another public security salary and the so-called intelligence fee as his own. For that line of deposits, he only looked at it as a number.

He is also very happy that he can still use it on Zhu Fu Jingguang.

"...Finally sent Zhufu away." Matsuda Jinping put the notebook on his lap, leaned lazily on the back of the sofa, his fingers tapped on it, "I always feel that he will stay longer. Go down, and you'll shut yourself up soon."

"Because there is only one person, is it related to Zero's absence?" Hagihara Kenji lay on the back of the sofa and said with a low smile: "Xiaozhufu said more than once that if Zero was there, he would never lose—"

"What is there to compare to this kind of thing." Matsuda Jinping complained.

"I can't help it. After all, Xiao Zhufu is quite boring during this time. You have contracted all his work. This is probably a rare time for him to take a break from work, right?"

Because of the previous abandoned genius bombing case, because human body debris was found in the ruins - because a body was placed in advance, so the scene was like a real person was blown up by the bomb - and because it was impossible to find out The relationship between the identity of the corpse, so it is considered a headless unsolved case. With Matsuda Jinping's character, it is impossible not to care about this case.

Even if Matsuda Jinping clearly knew the real situation inside, he had to make the appearance that he wanted to investigate.

Not to mention that he was also put on a doll by his friend, "he knows who died, and he has to show sadness" setting.

It just so happened that Matsuda Jinping has been busy with follow-up processing recently, and he is helping Rei Kutani behind the scenes. Therefore, Matsuda Jin showed his tiredness in a fair and bright manner, and he didn't even plan to cover up the dark circles under his eyes from staying up late and working overtime.

Colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department thought that he was simply concerned about the bombing. After the police took over, the group of stupid colleagues who also hated the police on weekdays even breathed a sigh of relief.

Also because I know Matsuda Jinhei's character, I asked Hagihara Kenji, who is acting as usual, to stare at Matsuda Jinhei and not do stupid things. This silly thing includes the possibility of the assassination(?) of their dear police officer Matsuda threatening the police.

Matsuda Jinping, who was suspected of doing stupid things: "What exactly do I look like in their eyes?"

"Is it the image of punching the police directly?" Hagihara Kenji said: "At that time, everyone was ready to stop you."

"...Although I do know how to beat me, I don't think so." Matsuda Jinping thought for a while, and complained in his heart that he always felt the atmosphere was weird at the time: "So that Kagami, I remember that it was Jiang Gu's hand? It was also deceived. It's on, isn't it?"

"To be honest, with that high-level attitude, it's natural for me to hate the police. I almost got punched."

"—So everyone's worries are not unreasonable!" Hagihara Kenji moved his arm and looked at a bunch of incomprehensible codes on the screen: "So, is it almost over?"

"Well, I won't be able to help after that, so I have to figure it out by myself." Matsuda Jinping rubbed his eyes, he has stayed up a lot lately, and the dark circles under his eyes are more obvious than working overtime all night before, "But now this The image doesn't need to continue acting?"

"...I still want to act." Hagihara Kenji suggested with a smile.

Matsuda Jinpei did not refuse, after all, this is a reasonable request - and when he really acts, he is most concerned about this guy in front of him.

Since Hagihara Kenji can accept it, Matsuda Jinhei has no other ideas. After all, he himself accepted it very early, and even this time can be pushed forward to the previous life.

Matsuda Jinping's character from childhood to adulthood is completely inconsistent with the character preferred by Japanese society. If there is no Hagihara Kenji, he will definitely be isolated—or is it a setting that he actively isolates others.

Maybe there will be one or two friends who take the initiative to greet him, and because of his appearance, there are a lot of girls who like him, but it is difficult to make friends.

Therefore, the people I met in the police academy, who can keep up with his thinking, and in a sense, can also accommodate the various scenes that his character and his mingle with, are quite important friends.

It can only be said that the existence of the young domestic dye is still different. Even if the setting of 5-4=0 as the background of the knife was spoiled by the bullet screen, Matsuda Jinping did not have any extra filters when watching the valley zero.

Even if Matsuda Jinping himself showed a little distress, Matsuda Jinping himself didn't feel it, and Jiang Gu Ling would look at him strangely with goose bumps, wondering if he had taken the wrong medicine.

Even if he encounters Zero Valley, who really lost everything, what Matsuda Jinhei does the most is to accompany the other party for a drink and pass a cigarette, and there is nothing left.

The reason why he said this suddenly was because Matsuda Jinhei was thinking about how Zhufu Jingguang would behave if he really died.

It should be a little heavier. It is different from the death of others that I see because of the case in peacetime, and it is also different from the sacrifice of colleagues I know.

Because it is a rare friend who has a good relationship and keeps in touch with each other all the time.

But he can't do what he did with Hagihara Kenji, and he has always insisted on avenging the other party.

- Reasonably knows what kind of state he should show, but Matsuda Jinhei can't act it.

He couldn't control that degree, either he would just immediately reveal that the other party wasn't actually dead, or he would appear a little exaggerated.

Acting skills are only suitable for being an experiential curly-haired police officer. The real feeling that he can recall and show is probably the departure of his dear friend who has never been forgotten.

The transition of this period of time was enough for Conan Edogawa to get the answer from the mouth of the FBI. He could hardly believe that he learned the news of Hikaru Midorikawa's death from the mouth of Subaru Okiya in disbelief.

The exposure of Midorikawa Hikaru's identity was not because of Edogawa Conan. Because Shuichi Akai saw Matsuda Jinping handcuffed to Scotland's wrist three years ago, and during that time he received the kindness of Scotland and owed him a favor.

At that time, he ran into his sister while undercover. The appearance of the two was difficult to ignore. Even his sister exposed the title of "Brother Xiu" in front of Scotland.

As long as Scotland has the heart, he can easily rely on this to speculate on the investigation and know the true identity of his "Akai Shuichi" from his sister's cliché.

At that time, Akai Shuichi was ready to evacuate when his identity was revealed and his sister was sent away. It was just unexpected and as if to be expected, Scotland didn't say anything, and even blocked Bourbon's intention to investigate.

Bourbon's expression was indifferent at the time, probably because the three still had to partner, and because, as a mystic, he habitually increased his chips on himself. Most likely, he wanted to use this matter as their handle, and he did not disclose it to the organization.

Then Akai Shuichi was exposed.

Because of these relationships, after noticing that the atmosphere between the curly-haired officer and Scotland was different from what he expected, Shuichi Akai used the FBI channel to investigate a little.

This is an easy answer. What Edogawa Conan can find, Akai Shuichi also has the ability and channel to confirm, and it is even easier to know than Edogawa Conan.

But it would lead to the death of Scotland - something that Shuichi Akai didn't expect at all.

Therefore, after Edogawa Conan learned the news through Judy, he did not give the little detective the answer he wanted.

Edogawa Conan clenched his fists - unlike other people who can express their regrets in a regretful tone, for Edogawa Conan, Midorikawa Hikaru was one he knew, unilaterally confirmed, and never intended to use it. 's companion.

Moreover, although Mr. Midorikawa has few opportunities to meet, he also takes care of those children and is a very gentle person.

After finally confirming this from Akai Shuichi's mouth, Edogawa Conan immediately began to worry about the curly-haired police officer he knew after venting his emotions.

He didn't notice Akai Shuichi's thoughtful expression as he watched his back running out.

- Shuichi Akai doesn't think Scotland will die for such a reason, whether it's his own expectations or his trust in Scotland's ability.

So maybe the boy can notice details that others can't and discover the truth.

Then I arrived at Poirot's Edogawa Conan, and I realized with hindsight that Officer Matsuda didn't come to Poirot every day - and he hadn't seen each other at all in the last week.

Edogawa Conan hesitated to contact Matsuda Jinping, but when he opened the door, he noticed Matsuda Jinping who was lying on Poirot's table to catch up on sleep.

—So you are really here, Officer Matsuda!

Matsuda Jinping buried half of his face in his arms, and the exposed part could easily feel tired. Hagihara Kenji sat opposite him looking at the phone, noticed Edogawa Conan's gaze, put his finger in front of his mouth, and made a silent motion.

"Be quiet, I've been too busy with work recently, and it's rare for Xiao Zhenping to take a break."

Edogawa Conan hesitated for a while, worried that he had gained the upper hand, completely forgetting the suspicious point that he had suspected Hagihara Kenji, and asked: "... Is Officer Matsuda okay?"

After all, when it comes to understanding Matsuda Jinping, Hagihara Kenji, who has been by his side, is definitely the clearest.

Hagihara Kenji said gently, "Don't worry."

It's a pity that even with such a low voice, Matsuda Jinping struggled to sit up, and Matsuda Jinping was blindfolded and said vaguely: "Well... I fell asleep?"

Hagihara Kenji said, "Will you not sleep for a while? Curry hasn't come up yet."

Matsuda Jinping pinched the bridge of his nose, propped his face with his arms, and squinted his eyes from sleepiness and said, "...Well, it's almost time anyway."

Edogawa Conan froze in place, he couldn't ignore the indescribable feeling of oppression on Matsuda Jinhei, the heavy feeling that the little detective who has always been easy to empathize with seemed to also feel it, that part seemed to have lost the most important part. sadness of things.

It's just that Matsuda Jinping suppressed everything in his body, and only one or two of them were revealed.

Edogawa Conan felt his tongue dry up and couldn't speak for a while.

However, Kenji Hagihara seized this opportunity - the reason why Matsuda Jinhei came to play, no, it was not even an acting skill.

Hagihara Kenji knows what kind of person his friend is, Matsuda Jinping is open-minded but paranoid, he believes that one thing will go ahead, but he doesn't care where ordinary people should care.

No matter the reputation or the opinions of others, they are all unnecessary to him.

So it seems that the things that Matsuda Jinpei cares about are even more special.

Hagihara Kenji is the one who left the most thick ink.

The reason for doing this is because—

Hagihara Kenji looked at the friend in front of him, and his tone was gentle and peaceful: "I'm sorry, Xiaojinping."

He wanted to apologize to Matsuda Jinhei like this. Matsuda Jinping never cared about these, just because he didn't care, he could show it at will.

But Hagihara Kenji cares, cares very much—he cares very much.

He wants to apologize to Matsuda Jinhei who has become like this because of his relationship, and he even wants to be a little more greedy, and overwrite the memory of the present to the past - the memory of the four years of losing the young taming dye, more of his existence .

Matsuda Jinping probably didn't really wake up, half sleepy and half awake as if he really thought it was the past, and smiled indifferently: "What are you apologizing for, it's not the controller you pressed."

Hagihara Kenji seemed very serious, whether it was because of his past self or the past seven years: "But, I'm still in front of you now, and I'm still alive."

-I just want to say to that little Zhenping, I have always been by your side.

Matsuda Jinping may have guessed his plan long ago, so he cooperated like this. Or simply want to let friends let go of the previous accident, or it may be that they really haven't woken up.

The curly-haired police officer also smiled lightly: "I know."

Read The Duke's Passion