MTL - Number of People-Chapter 2607 The meaning of the scroll in Guizi is moving, everything is perfect

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  Chapter 2607 Guizi scroll intention, perfect

   Entering August, the weather in Liaodong has turned into the rainy season, which has also had a certain impact on the war between the two sides, but as the rainy season slowly passes, the flames of war will reignite.

  Some disputes in Beijing have also been transmitted to Liaodong, and Feng Ziying has been paying attention, but he doesn't think it will affect his deployment.

  Nurhachi will definitely use some means, even if it is to create some rumors and public opinion in Beijing, this is all within his expectation.

  Faced with such years of tug-of-war, the Jianzhou Jurchens relied on their own accumulation to deal with it, and the difficulties can be imagined.

  They tried to break through in various ways, or form a joint battle, but Feng Ziying did not give them this opportunity.

Whether it is Liaodong Town and Ganning Town on the northern line, or Dongjiang Town, Denglai Town, and Datong Town on the southern line, they all strictly follow Feng Ziying's intentions. They are not 100% sure. Winning or losing doesn't affect the overall situation.

On the contrary, relying on the power of firearms, especially the combination of tiger squatting guns and heavy artillery, the frontier armies of various towns have become more and more adapted to firearms warfare, and have continuously evolved more tactics to deal with the cavalry and infantry of the Jianzhou Army. A combination of cavalry tactics.

  However, the frontier troops in Ganning Town and Datong Town did not perform very well compared with Shanxi Town and Denglai Town, which may have a lot to do with the fact that the most elite troops in the two towns were not participating in this round of battle.

   But for Feng Ziying, it was enough. He didn't expect to rely on this method to completely win the first battle.

  For Liu Dongyang, such a battle seemed a bit boring. Although he also knew that this should be the best strategy, as the new commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town, he was still a little unwilling.

   "Why, can't sit still?" Feng Ziying had already seen the expression on the face of Liu Dongyang who was hesitant to speak, "Isn't this the strategy we discussed before? Steady and steady, sure to win, isn't it?"

   "My lord, it's not wrong, but don't you feel the meaning from the court?" Liu Dongyang couldn't help asking.

   "That's my business. I'm the governor. I'll deal with the court's attitude, so you don't have to worry about it." Feng Ziying said lightly, with an attitude of not taking it seriously.

   "That's what I said, my lord, the general thinks this may be an opportunity." Liu Dongyang finally confided his thoughts.

   "What do you mean?" Feng Ziying frowned.

"The Jianzhou side probably couldn't bear it anymore. They felt that if this continued, they would be exhausted to death, so they jumped the wall in a hurry and came up with all kinds of means. The people in Neikha refused to take the bait, and the people in Chahar were stern and unbearable. No, they have used all their routes to the middle of the capital, and you don't need to guess to know that the turmoil in the middle of the capital is due to Jianzhou's efforts in it,..."

   Liu Dongyang's analysis is reasonable, and Feng Ziying already knew it, but what does this guy mean by saying this?

   "Dong Yang, just tell me, what do you want to do?"

"My lord, they worked hard in Beijing, and then threw Chu Ying to take the line. What is their purpose? Isn't it just to hope that we can follow their preset path to fight a war as they wish?" Liu Dongyang's eyebrows revealed A bit fierce and fierce, "They feel that we dare not fight a big battle with them, or we may suffer a disastrous defeat, so they would rather adopt this small-scale tug-of-war and keep bleeding them until the They burn out and eventually fail,…”

  Feng Ziying nodded, "That's right, that's what I thought and did, and I did it very well and successfully."

"But I think that after more than a year of tempering, including the armies of Datong and Ganning, they have undergone radical changes. If they really want to have a battle, I don't think so. We will fail, and at the end of the day, we feel that if we arrange well and use our tricks, our chances of winning this game will be great,..."

Liu Dongyang's eyes showed a bit of desire, "There are still more than 60,000 people in the Jianzhou Army on the northern line, and according to intelligence, the number of newly added Jianzhou Army is about 20,000, which means that its elite veterans There are still about 40,000 people. If we continue to fight like this, the general estimates that it may be delayed until the middle of next year at least, and the general does not think that Nurhachi will be so unwise. Once this winter, Nurhachi finds that there is no chance. He will firmly advance our own strategy. He may retreat, abandon Shenyang, Tieling, and even Anle Prefecture, and return to his original territory to deal with us and fight a tug-of-war there, but that may not be good for us. Already..."

  Liu Dongyang is right, this is also Feng Ziying's biggest worry.

It is not a problem to regain Shenyang, Tieling, and even the earliest lost Anle Prefecture. He is also sure to push the battle line back to the side wall, and even regain the six forts of Kuandian lost by Li Chengliang, forming an encirclement trend against the Jianzhou Jurchen, forcing the Jianzhou Jurchen to retreat to them. Go to the initial range of activities.

However, if you want to completely defeat and annihilate Jianzhou Jurchen, you will face great difficulties. You need to go deep into the area east and north of Hetuala, and that is an area that has never been touched by Da Zhou before. Guaranteed to hit that unfamiliar area, you will be able to win all, if there is a slight accident, it may be a failure.

It would be best if all the active forces of Jianzhou Jurchen could be wiped out in the existing area. However, if a small number of people escaped, it would not matter much, but if all the main forces of Jianzhou escaped to Hetuala Going to the old nest will undoubtedly bring great difficulties to the future suppression. It may even form a situation like Bei Yuan being exterminated and fleeing back to the grassland, but it still poses a threat to Daming for dozens or hundreds of years.

  But will Nurhachi continue to spend with himself like this? Once he finds that there is no chance, will he turn around and run away?

The reason why he has not retreated now is because he is reluctant to part with the large fertile land of Shenyang, Tieling and Anlezhou, the cities, towns and a large number of people and supplies above it. Once he escapes, he can only leave all these behind. It means that these twenty years of struggle have been wasted, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

But with Nurhachi's heroic heart, in the end he found that there was no chance, and he would eventually make a decision to cut off his wrists. He would rather get out to save his strength and try to make a comeback. Before making up your mind to withdraw, it is an option worth considering to plan a battle that will determine the outcome of both sides and completely wipe out the living forces.

   "Dong Yang, your consideration is not unreasonable, but you should be clear that what you think is what Nurhachi wants." Feng Ziying did not directly deny it, but raised this concern.

"My lord, it's up to the Eight Immortals to show their magical powers across the sea, but the general always feels that we have the initiative. No matter how he designs traps or sets up ambushes, there are only so many troops in his hands on such a large territory. We can choose the most suitable time, or when we think it is more certain to enter the game, or even when he has no choice, and we still have enough reserves to invest. Of course, this requires a careful planning,..."

  Liu Dongyang is not such a reckless person. He knows that if he wants to fight this battle, he must have a good chance of winning.

  Feng Ziying fell silent.

   This matter is no small matter. If you really want to fight this battle according to Liu Dongyang's words, you must make quite thorough preparations, and you must not let the Jianzhou Jurchens see the truth.

  However, the news from Chaoli and Chu Ying's seduction can indeed be seen that Nurhachi is eager to achieve a result in this battle. If his side pretends to be tricked, it is really possible to plan this battle.

   "Dong Yang, if we really want to fight this battle, what do you plan to do?" Feng Ziying asked slightly.

   Liu Dongyang was excited, and the coach finally moved his heart.

It is said that this person is younger than anyone else, and the reasoning should be that he is eager for success. Who knows that he is so old that he is more calm than those old men who have been immersed for decades. It is a little risky. Fighting, not fighting at all, would rather fight against each other and consume each other, this is the most boring for generals like them.

But it can't be said that they are wrong, after all, the general situation is dominant, and it is the safest way to use it. However, a good fighter has no great achievements, and this is the highest level, but for generals like them, there is no point in fighting such a dull battle. How interesting.

"My lord, even if we want to fight this battle, with the idea of ​​the last general, we must do everything perfectly. We must make Nanurhachi think that we can't stand the pressure from Beijing and the temptation of Chu Ying, so we will take the bait, but Even so, we must fight like a lion against a rabbit, and strive for full success..."

Liu Dongyang knows that to impress Feng Ziying, this alone is not enough, so there must be a perfect strategy, especially after the war starts, there must be enough backup and reserve teams to be invincible, so that Feng Ziying can be persuaded make up your mind.

  Now Feng Ziying is only a little moved by her own assumptions, and it is not enough to really make up her mind.

"Well, it's hard to do a surefire solution, but we need to have a backup, that is to say, if the situation is unfavorable, we must have enough reserves to turn the tide and turn the situation around. This kind of battle is worth fighting, otherwise I don't need to take such a risk. risk." Feng Ziying said carefully, "Dong Yang, you have to make a plan, come up with a strategy, and I will think about it first."

  Liu Dongyang was already very satisfied with these words, he nodded again and again, and he had already started to think in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)