MTL - Number of People-Chapter 2606 Gui character volume political disputes, do not disturb

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  Chapter 2606 Guizi Juan political disputes, do not disturb

"Hehe, the people's reaction? The people in the capital have long been disturbed by the police training from the border areas. Over the years, who doesn't look forward to solving the threat of Liaodong earlier?" Huang Ruliang retorted with a sneer: "As for the people in Jiangnan, they will care about Liaodong. War? That’s even more of a joke. The imperial court didn’t raise Jiangnan taxes because of this. What are they worried about? Besides, merchants from Jiangnan are moving northward, and there are many in Liaodong. What I hear is the hope for a better future in Liaodong .”

  Li Sancai also expected that Huang Ruliang would definitely defend Feng Ziying.

Ye Xianggao elected Huang Ruliang to succeed him in the cabinet, which is considered a representative of Fujian scholars. Now Qi Yongtai and others are still in the honeymoon period with Gu Bingqian, Huang Ruliang and other Jiangnan scholars. It is very difficult to break their alliance, but he must To express their attitude.

"Tomorrow, Ziying is overdrafting the future of the entire Liaodong. Is it appropriate for him to mortgage the entire Liaodong to those merchants? The rights to ginseng, fur trading, and gold mining are all packaged and handed over to the merchants. Wouldn't Liaodong become a success?" The world of merchants?"

"Daofu, you are a bit too alarmist. What is the root of Liaodong? Isn't it land? As long as the court can collect taxes, is there a problem? And the port trade is still under the control of the court. In fact, we all know that there is no cattle. Zhuang, Jiulian City, and Jinzhou, Liaodong cannot develop. Why did everyone think that as long as Liaodong does not become too much a drag, everyone thinks it is acceptable. Now the merchants have entered, and the big hidden danger of the rioters has also been sent to Liaodong. We went, but we are still worried about this and that? Isn’t this not too contradictory?”

  Huang Ruliang knew that today he must have a clear debate on this issue, so he simply pointed it out.

"It's been less than two years since Ziyingcai went to Liaodong, and Jianzhou Jurchen has become increasingly weak. This is the best embodiment of the imperial court's strategy. In the past two years, in addition to the regular support for Liaodong, the imperial court has mainly supported the towns of Jiubianbian. The support of the military round battle, and I remember that the cabinet had a discussion on this point a long time ago. Although this kind of round war will cause casualties, it will be of great help to the improvement of the fighting power of Jiubian Town, and Jianzhou Jurchen is our Great Zhou. The biggest enemy, the Nine Frontier Elites are not used on them, where else can they be used? As for the development plan of Liaodong, I still have the same point of view. As the governor of Jiliao, Ziying has her own considerations for the situation in Liaodong. If the situation does not deteriorate Before the court needs to intervene, Ziying should let Ziying do it, and I also think that he is doing very well now and is achieving his preset goals step by step.”

Huang Ruliang's words were sonorous, and Guan Yingzhen also felt that he should help: "I agree with Ming Qi's point of view. Daofu is worried that Liaodong will be mortgaged to businessmen. During the past thirty years in Liaodong, has there been any mention of ginseng mining rights, gold mining rights, and fur trading rights? Isn’t it all the military men in the border towns secretly engulfed them, and the furs sold in Beijing are not the same and the price is amazing? Gao, how did the imperial court benefit from it? Now Liaodong is fighting fiercely and spending a lot of money, but Ziying did not ask the imperial court for more money, silver and materials. Basically, it is guaranteed by the merchants. Merchants value profits and do not give any benefits. Why do people send supplies for you to support you in the war? This is not the responsibility of the merchants, so it is natural to give them real benefits. There is nothing wrong with it. Besides, how much pressure can be relieved for the court after solving the Jianzhou Jurchen. It can even extend the entire Liaodong to Kuwu, that is, all the territory of the former Ming Nuer Gandusi, isn't this a good thing, isn't it enough to explain everything?"

  The two people's words followed one after another, which made Li Sancai a little overwhelmed.

  He underestimated Huang Ruliang and Guan Yingzhen's confidence in Feng Ziying.

   More importantly, he ignored the various conditions that Feng Ziying and the court talked about going to Liaodong at that time.

At the beginning, Feng Ziying took the initiative to propose to the imperial court that in addition to the normal and routine support for Liaodong, the main support was the military support of Jiubian Town. Others, he only needed the imperial court to give policies, and he could even help the imperial court to eliminate the pressure brought by the rioters. Others Everything was handled by him relying on the territory of Liaodong to cooperate with businessmen. This was a great relief for the imperial household department, which had been in financial constraints.

Now there is still more than a year before the minimum period of three to five years mentioned by Feng Ziying, and the battle report from Liaodong also shows that Jianzhou Jurchen has begun to fall into trouble. Is it that easy?

Before being pressed by the Jianzhou Jurchen Festival, the city was lost, and now Feng Ziying asked people to take back Shenyang immediately when he left. To a certain extent, it has been extremely difficult.

  According to Guan Yingzhen's opinion, winning the Jianzhou Jurchen in five years is a great success. As for the franchise that Liaodong handed over to the merchants, what is it?

  Kuwu, Luzon, and Ezo, you are giving them away to the merchants for free, but the merchants are still not willing to go.

"Tomorrow, Dongxian, I think you are still too optimistic. Just look at the map and you will know that the situation in Liaodong may not be as good as we imagined. It is only a long distance from Gushan Fort to Alkali Field Fort, but it was already in June last year. There was a fierce battle there, but this year still failed to break through the front line of the alkali field fortress. However, from last year to this year, Shanxi Town, Denglai Town, Datong Town and Ganning Town lost more than 30,000 troops. The losses of Liaodong and Dongjiang Town itself, if they are all added up, will cost at least more than 50,000 people, but the battle has been delayed, and if this drags on, the newspapers will definitely criticize it again..."

  Li Sancai couldn't find too many reasons to refute. He could only question it on the ground that the battle situation was not going smoothly.

  Indeed, the Liaodong war has been in a stalemate since this year. Bloody battles and wars of attrition have occurred frequently on the northern and southern fronts.

  He has the support of the entire Great Zhou merchant group, and has the confidence to engage in a tug-of-war of attrition with the Jianzhou Jurchen. Judging from the current situation, the Jianzhou Jurchen is a little bit overwhelmed.

   It is inevitable to use all kinds of dirty tricks, which Feng Ziying vaguely mentioned in her letters with Qi Yongtai, Gu Bingqian and others.

The imperial court cannot intervene in the specific strategy of Liaodong, otherwise it will definitely fall into the trap of Nurhachi. This is what Feng Ziying mentioned repeatedly in the letter with Qi Yongtai. In five years, or even less than five years, he will be able to solve the Jianzhou Jurchen. This is Feng Ziying issued a military order to Qi Yongtai.

"So what about the criticism from the newspapers, the reason is not clear." Gu Bingqian also stepped in, with a calm tone, "Since the imperial court has decided to solve the Jurchen issue in Jianzhou, it cannot change its decision at will. Liaodong has an important status, and it is also adjacent to North Korea. This is what we have to fight for. Nurha Chilangzi is ambitious and Ziying has played very well for more than a year. The court must firmly support its current strategy and cannot be shaken. I think there are all kinds of rumors in Beijing. It’s not that Nurhachi jumped the wall in a hurry. Ziying also mentioned in the letter that Jianzhou Jurchen has many secret agents in our Dazhou territory, and spent a lot of money to bribe some people to cheer for them. I think the direction of this newspaper is A bellwether to watch closely,…”

  Gu Bingqian didn’t mention Li Sancai in his words, but Li Sancai’s face was already ugly. In name, he was newspaper-oriented, but he kept saying that the newspaper’s attitude was actually implying that there was a problem with his position.

   Gu Bingqian is not afraid of offending Li Sancai.

  He knew that there was no room for relaxation between himself and Li Sancai. He snatched the other party's second assistant position, which also blocked the other party's hope of becoming the first assistant in the future. It was impossible for the other party to shake hands with him and make peace.

   Besides, the other party is already in his sixties. After this cabinet, the other party should resign and leave. Why should I care about him like him, but I will not give in to the other party, there is no need.

   Tang Binyin didn't say much, just observed quietly.

  There has always been some disharmony in the cabinet, which is also normal. The conflict between Li Sancai and Gu Bingqian is unsolvable, which is more difficult to solve than the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife, and it directly cut off the hope of being the chief assistant.

  But it is impossible for Gu Bingqian to let go. If you let the second assistant, you will have no chance to be the first assistant. If you miss this appointment, who knows if you will have a chance in the next round?

  People like Huang Ruliang and Guan Yingzhen are not kind, and there are people like Cui Jingrong and Chai Ke who are eyeing them.

   Guaranteed that the next Ye Xianggao can make a comeback? Therefore, it is serious to hold on to what is in your hand. Looking at Miao Changqi's posture of pushing the wall down, it is estimated that this Minister of Rites will not be able to sit still.

  It doesn't make much sense for Li Sancai to vent his emotions now, he might as well leave some room for it, maybe it's really hard to restrain himself.

  After Qi Yongtai came in, it seemed that everything was over and nothing happened. Qi Yongtai also presided over the cabinet meeting as if he didn't know anything, and proceeded according to the established agenda.

  All kinds of previous debates were not put on the stage, but turned into a kind of "discussion" and "communication" in private. Similarly, there was no change in the policy towards Liaodong.

   It's just that these debates before the cabinet meeting were quickly spread to the people through various channels.

Whether it is Jiangnan merchants or Shanshan merchants, or scholars from all over the country, as well as various forces in the imperial palace and even the army, they all have their own news channels, and they are all using this debate to understand and detect this kind of situation inside the cabinet. Differences, and the possible impact on the Liaodong war situation.

  (end of this chapter)