MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 6 Everyone's going to hit the rabbit

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In a word, we are not short of money, only you!

Instantly showed his wealth.

Ordinary members start at 10,000, and they are willing to pay regardless of whether the game of the heavens is true or not.

This is more than other guild cattle.

In an instant, the messages below exploded, and one message after another started: "I'm joining!"

"Please accept me!"

"Cute girl, please take it in."

"Ten years old online game player, please accept me!"

Swipe, swipe like crazy!

Chen Hao looked at the time, there were ten minutes left.

No wonder everyone is in a hurry. After a while, if the game of the heavens is fake, then this money will be missed.

If it is true, they will enter the game as soon as possible and miss the first time to join the guild, and time is salary is money!

"Rat, what are we doing?" Fatty and Li Juan asked.

Chen Hao said, "Are you short of money?"

Fatty and Li Juan: "You must be an ordinary member when you first joined the club. There is no shortage of 10,000 yuan."

"Then don't join. We are savages. As long as we develop well in the later stage, we will enter the middle class! Even, if we have good expectations, we can completely develop our own power." Chen Hao has his own ambitions.

So the trio reached a resolution not to join any forces, go in and work hard to create their own world.

And there are obviously a lot of people who have the same idea as them, so although there are many people who sign up, more people still go their separate ways.

At the same time, in a villa somewhere in Hong Kong City, the three of them were sitting beside the bed, with a flyer for the games of the heavens glowing in their hands, and a mobile phone in the other hand.

"Fang Ling and the others are really willing to spend money. Ordinary members are only 10,000. Whether they are successful or not, they will be given a month's salary. Crazy, crazy!" The man sitting in the middle shouted through gritted teeth.

"Okay, Zeng Shao, stop shouting. You can also see that although Fang Ling and the others have paid a high price, the number of people who actually join the club will only be more than us. Most people still have their own ideas. I have counted Now, there are currently 3,000 active people on the entire website. The current income of the major guilds is about 1,000, and the rest are retail investors.

Some are ambitious, some are up for grabs.

In the initial stage, they did not draw too much distance from us. "An elegant woman raised her eyes and analyzed.

"Sister Mei, I know, I'm just not convinced, why is their old man so willing to give money!" Zeng Shao complained.

A well-proportioned man with a wooden sword on his body said slowly: "The poor raise a son and a rich daughter, you are a son, of course you are poor. Come on, calm down, it will be really open in a while, that's the only way Our battlefield! Remember, our steps, the first step to upgrade every possible way!"

Zhang Mei said: "I have carefully analyzed all the information on the flyer. Our first hunting target is..."

"Rabbit!" At the same time, three girls called out at the same time on the top floor of a high-rise building in the magic capital.

Among them, the gentle woman nodded and said: "Yes, it's a rabbit! The map on the flyer is clearly drawn. Behind the chicken is a river, and in the river is a crocodile. The crocodile is a monster of level 3 and 4. If you choose the chicken killing route , we have no transition to level 2 monsters, and it is not worthwhile for us to face level 3 monsters directly.

Cong Xue and Beibei, this time we have poured in all the money from the bottom of the box over the years. As long as the heavens are true, I hope you will give me a life-threatening rush forward! "

Cong Xue is a sports girl with a ponytail and a wheat complexion. At first glance, she looks like a sports girl who exercises all year round. He has thick eyebrows, Ruifeng eyes, and eyes like knives.

Bei Bei is a little loli who is only over 1.5 meters tall. She is only 14 years old this year. She has big eyes, a small nose, and double ponytails.

Hearing the words, the two girls said in unison, "Don't worry, Sister Ling!"

"Rabbits! Our goal is only rabbits! In any case, we must get ahead of everyone and clean up the rabbits! These rabbits are the best stepping stones on our way!"

In Sijiucheng, a burly man slapped the small map on the flyer and shouted.

"Yue Wei, take it easy. If the flyer is damaged, you won't be able to enter the heavens." The old man with serious eyes said next to him. His name is Wang Mingchen, and he is always smiling, but no one knows who is behind the smiling what to think.

"Yunying, what do you think?" Wang Mingchen asked.


He punched the sandbag, and the well-proportioned Yun Ying retracted his fist and said slowly: "This time, the old men seem to ignore us and let us fool around. In fact, they are also betting that if the heavens become a reality, it will be the New World. No, something greater than Columbus' discovery of the New World, the New World!

As for leveling, wasn't it already discussed? Kill the rabbit first and then the snake, why ask?

I don't worry about anything else, I just worry that other people will choose to attack the rabbit. At that time, there will be more monks and less flesh..."

Wang Mingchen said with a smile: "I have considered this, and then I will send people to surround a venue and drive the rabbits inside. The rabbits that are refreshed inside are all our three. After the three of us are upgraded, UU Reading www.uukanshu .com, they are going in and leveling up one after another, so that we can ensure that our level is leading the way."

"It's done, that's it!" Yue Wei clapped the table again.

"When you hit a rabbit, you must hit a rabbit! These rabbits look stupid. Sprinkle a handful of peppers and roast them. It's not too bad!"

In a small building in the southwest, a girl with particularly big eyes shouted excitedly with a spicy rabbit head tied in her hands.

"Wang Meng, you... you sit down and talk and wipe your mouth." On the side, Ren Shang handed over a tissue. Ren Shang, who was in a white suit, exuded a mature charm.

Wang Meng wiped her mouth and said, "The point is, those rabbits look delicious, okay?"

Chen Chuanwen said: "I don't know if the rabbits in the game world can be made into spicy rabbit heads, but it is necessary to fight rabbits. Big rabbits, and then fight snakes, all the way to level up will be smooth. The chickens at the back door of the village are different. Going in a circle will delay our progress."

Wang Meng said, "Yes, yes, just hit the rabbit!"

At the same time, Chen Hao, Luo Cheng, and Li Juan also set their goals.


At this time, I don't know who it is, and made a post in the forum: "The best upgrade route is to fight the rabbit first, then the snake, walk along the snake's territory, fight it, and just hit the river to level 3. The little crocodile, then the big crocodile…

That's all I can help you with.

Please remember me, I am a good person! "

Seeing this, many people's faces are darkened. Although they believe that many people will think of this route, there are also some people who will choose the route of fighting chickens, and will be diverted to some extent.

Well now, everyone is going to hunt rabbits this time...

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