MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 5 Humans ready to go

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In one year, not only have rabbits changed a lot, but chickens, snakes, wild boars, etc. are used as fitness equipment, but they have also benefited from training, and their attributes have greatly increased.

Now, even the eyes of the chickens are different. They are all murderous, their thighs are thicker, and their wings are shiny like metal...

As for the other animals, one by one, they are also very sturdy.

Yi Zheng analyzed the attributes of human players through 3 million deaths in his previous life. Their initial stats are much higher than level 1 monsters. The player's physique, strength, agility and other attributes are generally between 1 and 5 points, and the maximum will not exceed 5 points.

For each level up, all their attributes increase by 1 point, and they can get 3 free attribute points to distribute freely.

In this way, even if the player is level 10, the initial strength attribute is the highest 5, and all the free attributes are added to the strength, which is 45 points of strength.

And this attribute is only higher than the current ordinary rabbit...

But here comes the question, can they go up to level 10?

Holding the time, Yi Zheng knew that it was almost time, the players would arrive at 8:00 this morning!

"Come on, chickens!"

Yi Zheng smiled wickedly, but he has become more cute now, no matter how wicked he is, he can't be fierce. He was very distressed about this, but there was nothing he could do...

Looking at the big and powerful rabbits next to him, he could only sigh and sit there eating radishes.

At the same time, Chen Hao sat in the room, looked at the flyer in his hand, and muttered to himself:


On the flyer there are two big words, Gods!

This is the name of a game.

No one knew where this game came from, but suddenly one day, the streets were filled with advertisements from the heavens.

No one knows where the ad came from, as if it appeared out of nowhere.

All kinds of agencies have gone to investigate, but they can't find its source at all.

As for the headquarters of the game company Zhutian, it was even harder to find out.

The advertisement said that just by dripping a drop of blood on the advertisement, you can enter the game world of Zhutian on time when Zhutian opens the server, which is 12 noon today.

Most people don't believe it. After all, a three-no advertisement looks like a prank no matter how you look at it.

The only difference is that this prank is happening all over the world at the same time, that's all...

But there are always some people who leave this advertisement suspiciously, and Chen Hao is one of them.

Look at the time, at 11:30, another 30 minutes is the time when the game of the heavens will start.

"Fatty, how are you over there?" Chen Hao picked up his phone and asked in the WeChat group.

The fat man's full name is Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng grinned and said: "I'm ready, my parents are out to play mahjong, I'm at home alone. I'll wait for the heavens to start serving... But, you said this... can it be true? After all, major companies all over the world said that they did not develop this game."

"Luo Cheng, we all listened to your words before leaving the flyers. Now everyone in the school knows that a few of us left the flyers. If it's a scam, we'll become the joke of the whole school." Li Juan said.

"Juanzi, I'm not sure if this is true. It's just that this joke is too big. At the same time, these leaflets have appeared all over the world, in every city, no matter how big or small, and even some primitive tribes in Africa.

After leaving the flyers, the flyers that were not left on the next day disappeared.

Sanitation workers also said that they never cleaned any flyers.

Putting these things together, aren't you curious? "

"Curious, of course curious, so we messed with you. Let me tell you, as far as I know, although it is a scam outside, but some **** players have secretly left flyers! I heard, Luo Kang also got the flyer!" Fatty said.

"Luo Kang? Your distant relative? Luo Kang, known as a gamer?" Chen Hao asked.

Fatty said: "Yes, it's him! Not only him, but also some people who kept the flyers. These people were the big players in the game at the beginning, with a lot of resources and strong strength."

"Look at the Zhutian Forum!" Li Juan reminded everyone at this time.

Everyone immediately clicked the link to enter the Zhutian Forum.

This is the Zhutian Games discussion forum set up by some players at their own expense. Because of the unpopularity, the forum is not large and there are not many people. There were only so many hundred and eighty people discussing here before, but at this moment, the forum of the heavens exploded, and thousands of people were suddenly exhausted!

All kinds of billboards were erected.

"Xin'anmeng has recruited!"

"Tongxin Pavilion accepts people!"

"The world's guild collects people!"

"The Ten Thousand Laws Guild receives people!"

Suddenly, four large guilds appeared, plus a dozen small ones, and advertisements for many small families.

Chen Hao said: "I knew it, I knew they were all staring at the heavens!"

Chen Hao clicked on Xin'anmeng's post, which directly shocked Chen Hao.

"Members of Xin'anmeng, the monthly basic salary is 3,000!

Middle-level, with a monthly salary of 10,000!

High-level, monthly salary starts from 100,000!

Xinanmeng, a home that belongs to you, welcomes you to join us. "

"If you join the gang, there are still wages? Three thousand? I rely on it, this has caught up with our work money! It seems that they are going to make a big wave. UU Kanshu" Chen Hao After I was excited, I was relieved to think about it. If the propaganda of the heavens is true, it will be a technology that crosses the era, the power of the era, which is equivalent to the second world of mankind!

And these people who keep the flyers of the Zhutian games will be the first batch of people to eat crabs, and also the first batch of pioneers of the heavens.

No one knows when the second batch of flyers will be distributed, but even for a month or even a week at night, the pioneers will be far ahead and have an absolute advantage.

This group of people is the most precious resource, so these guilds will spend a lot of money to hire them.

Chen Hao clicked on the posts of Tongxin Pavilion, Tianxia Association, and Wanfa Association, and sure enough, all of them were fired for high prices!

And these posts are still being updated constantly. Every time they are updated, the price will go up. It seems that the four major forces are going crazy!

The following posts are also about to explode.

"Crazy, crazy, the four major forces are going to fight!"

"I heard that Xin'anmeng and Tongxinge have received a large amount of investment, at least 30 million!"

"What's that? The Ten Thousand Laws Guild seems to have received fifty million! It's still the initial capital. As long as the heavens are confirmed to be real, the subsequent funds will flow in like a stream of water."

"Let's go and see the World Conference!"

someone shouted.

Chen Hao immediately clicked over and saw that the content of the World Conference had changed.

"The World Association, we want to be the first association in the world, and the only big guild. For the first batch of members of our association, the monthly salary starts at 10,000, the middle-level annual salary starts at one million, and the high-level annual salary starts at 10 million!

As long as you sign up to join us now, even if Zhutian Games is fake, we will pay you a month's salary!

We are not short of money, only you! "

Read The Duke's Passion