MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 978 Time rule

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After discovering Ye Chen, the corner of the file showed a sly smile. He did not expect that he would meet Ye Chen here.

A vast **** of power rushed toward Ye Chen.

This is the power of the Void God level, and the sickle is a strong man of the Nether God level!

Ye Chen’s heart is dark and he feels that a stock of power is coming from all directions. Ye Chen understands that with his current strength, it is impossible to fight against a void god.

Have to hurry!

Ye Chen flew in the void, "嗖嗖嗖", and took back a Dantian world.

"Want to run?" The sickle snorted, and if he was run away by a domain god, then he would be a white god!

The sickle moved, and it condensed a void, and enveloped Ye Chen.

Ye Chen suddenly felt that he was trapped in a void and could not escape. He felt that thousands of divine powers were bombarded from all directions. Ye Chen’s palms moved and the body slammed into the ball of the Holy Spirit.


A violent divine power bombarded the surface of the ball of the Holy Spirit. The ball of the Holy Spirit kept turning, and the light was dazzling, but it was unharmed.

"What happened?" The sickle frowned. The ball didn't know what the treasure was, and it actually resisted his attack.

Although the sickle is also a deserted man, when the holy monarch is in the wind, he is only a little-known boy in the nephew of the Ye family. Later, the Terran was destroyed. He was escaped from the world of the gods by the people. After he woke up, he was on the Tianyuanxing. The sickle was cultivated in the star realm in Tianyuanxing and became a disciple of Jiuli. Later, he left Tianyuanxing to venture out and entered a place called the void boundary, where it is the most marginal zone of the universe, where the suppression of Tianyunqin is the weakest. After nine deaths and a lifetime, he broke through the stars. Lord, reached the realm of domain gods.

Since then, the sickle has traveled one by one, and has gradually cultivated into the realm of the void. What made him somewhat dissatisfied was that the Jiuli old man was always reluctant to transfer the human race to him. He is very reluctant, why he is only a nephew of the Ye clan, and the Holy Jun, but the orthodox royal lineage, why his cultivation progress so fast, but can only become a foil of the Holy King!

He is not convinced, can't he master the aristocratic air transport?

Therefore, the sickle must take the human race from Ye Chen!

Although the sickle reached the realm of the void, the old Jiuli people seemed to have some reservations about the sickle, so there are not many things about the world of the gods, and they don’t know the gods and the six holy treasures. Things. After all, there are not many people who know all kinds of messages in the world of the gods. No one is willing to tell the sickle's message.

For the sickle, the Divine is a very mysterious place, with a hint of childhood memories.

"Is it the inheritance treasure of the Ye's royal family? Why? Why are you a reincarnation of the Holy King, royal blood? And I am a nephew, all the good things are passed on to you! I have to see, this thing can When you are sheltering for a while!" The sickle looks stunned, and the power of God continually blasts toward the ball of the Holy Spirit.


Divine power is constantly stirring on the surface of the ball of the Holy Spirit, but it is impossible to break the ball of the Holy Spirit.

The defense of the ball of the Holy Spirit is not a vain **** that can be broken.

When I heard the sickle, Ye Chen turned a blind eye. This ball of the Holy Spirit is not the inheritance treasure of the Terran! If the Holy King had the ball of the Holy Spirit in the past, he might have defeated the Holy King and became a strong ancestor!

Ye Chenpan sat in the ball of the Holy Spirit, although the sickle could not break the ball of the Holy Spirit, but in this way, he could not come out in the ball of the Holy Spirit.

Fortunately, the exquisite Supreme, A raccoon, Ye Meng, etc. have been withdrawn, and the nine golden beasts have been collected. Some of the domain beasts that were later recruited are outside, and those domain beasts can take them away and cannot take them away. That's it.

"There is a void **** outside? What kind of race?" Red emptiness looked at Ye Chen, who was sitting in the center of the ball of the Holy Spirit.

"..." Ye Chen was a little depressed, "Human."

The human race is now inferior in strength. It is hard to have a strong human being, but it is against him. Can Ye Chen not be depressed?

"It seems that you have some masters left in the Terran. If you think about it, the Terran is a Six-level race. It is normal to survive some masters. Although you are a human leader, it seems that the Terran does not listen to you." Smiled slightly.

Ye Chen shrugged and said: "The Terran is not just a leader, and some people who are speculative are always ready to take it."

"When the Terran was defeated at this point, I did not expect that I have not been taught yet. I want to be a member of the Red Gold Beast. There will always be only one leader. All the Red Gold Beasts are united to the outside world. Unfortunately, they are still defeated!" Sigh.

The social structure of the Red Gold Beasts is much simpler than the Terran.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "To tell a story about the young people of Chi Xu, two equally poor families, one family has a child, the child is very weak, this family can only try their best to raise this child. This child It was indeed grown up, but it was still weak. Another family gave birth to ten children. Because there was not enough food, the other nine died. The remaining strongest survived. The child became grown up and became A strong man."

"According to your statement, is the human family's internal consumption correct?" Red is somewhat incomprehensible, and Ye Chen's thinking really makes him somewhat puzzled.

"I can't say right or wrong, but this is the law of competition, not only within the human race, but also the competition rules of the universe. Only the strongest can survive!" Ye Chen looked deep, he did not hate the sickle, sickle It is normal to be unwilling, of course, Ye Chen will not bind.

Ye Chen sometimes thought that the laws of the universe set by the ancestors also had the same purpose. Comparing the gods to food, the strongest children can get food, so the star spirits, the Golden Horn and other seven-level races occupy the best resources of the gods.

Of course, the other nine children who can't get food are not reconciled. They are not willing to starve to death. Just like the current people, they are not willing to be killed.

With the power of a child, you can't grab food, so only join together!

There are some insights into the laws of the universe. Ye Chen’s thoughts overlook the Dantian world. In the Dantian world, a group of spirits began to fight each other and they fought constantly, just like the external universe. Only the strongest spirit can survive.

Every moment there is a birth of the spirit, and every moment there is a spiritual death, and some spirits become stronger by consuming other spirits in the constant battle.

The Dantian world suddenly became cruel, but it was full of vitality, and the power of the nine stars continued to grow.

At this level, the fifth heavy work of Jiuxing Tianchen is completed by cultivation, and it is possible to begin to cultivate the sixth heavy.

Chi Xu took a deep look at Ye Chen and sighed with sigh. Although he did not agree with the Terran, he had to say that Ye Chen’s words still have some truth.

"The other party is a void god. It will never let you leave so easily. What are you going to do?" Red is looking at Ye Chendao.

"Wait!" Ye Chendao, he is still safe in the ball of the Holy Spirit, unless the sickle has been kept outside the ball of the Holy Spirit, otherwise he will always find a chance to escape!

Ye Chenpan sits in the center of the ball of the Holy Spirit. At this moment, his Dantian world has been constantly evolving, and a more powerful spirit has been born. The power of a stockpile has stirred up in the Dantian world.

Since absorbing the atmosphere of the universe, Ye Chen discovered that his entire Dantian world has lived up, as if it was stimulated, and has continuously formed a cosmic atmosphere.

Dantian World can actually form the universe's own source of gas! This made Ye Chen feel very shocked.

Jiuxing Tianchen is definitely not just as simple as practicing the exercises. There should be some more important messages. The Holy King did not tell himself!

What a powerful existence can create such a practice and condense a universe in Dantian? I am afraid that even the ancestors do not have such ability!

Ye Chen’s heart is full of curiosity. What secret does the holy monarch conceal?

As the world of Dantian flourished and flourished, Ye Chen felt that his body was full of magnificent power. The "bang" sounded like a nebula, forming a rainbow of light, circled around Ye Chen.

It’s a "bang"!

Ye Chen’s cultivation is a breakthrough again, and he has successfully advanced to the realm of Jieshen!

Time and space flow, as if it has been thousands of years between the blink of an eye.

Ye Chen felt that the law of time was constantly formed. Around Ye Chen's side, the stars and the magic of the Taoist prints and the creation of the stars also began to evolve and merged into this time law.

It seems to be a mysterious connection with a certain god.

The voice of the teachings is around the ear.

Ye Chen knows that it may be an ancestor who is in charge of time. After reaching the realm of the gods, some of the power comes from the ancestor. To reach this level means that life expectancy is constantly prolonged. Even after thousands of years, it will not grow old.

Of course, the gods who master the rules of time will also die. In the lower bounds, the soul will continue to escape. After tens of thousands of years, life will still end, unless it can continue to break through! In the gods, the soul will not escape, and the strong powers of all races will last forever.

Shenmu Supreme used the line algorithm to calculate that Ye Chen’s life is very short, but it is estimated that Shenmu Supreme can’t count it. Ye Chen has cultivated to the realm of Jieshen in such a short time.

At this level, Ye Chen’s fate is not completely calculated by Shenmu Supreme.

"The law of time, it really is a mysterious thing!" Ye Chen smiled slightly, the time rule of the palm kept changing, like a cloudless cloudless, Ye Chen's time rule, the integration of Dantian world The origin of the universe is so strong, so it is more powerful than the time rule of the common gods!

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)