MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 977 Ancestors

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The ball of the Holy Spirit is the holy treasure that was formed at the beginning of the birth of the universe. Its power is absolutely amazing, and it is also spiritual.

But until now, Ye Chen has never felt the spirit of it.

It is very likely that the spirit of the ball of the Holy Spirit is also observing Ye Chen. Only when it agrees with Ye Chen, the ball of the Holy Spirit is likely to recognize the Lord.

With the ball of the Holy Spirit, many of the strong people of the Terran can break through the air transport of Tian Yunqin.

"The people who drive us out of the Red Gold Beasts are mainly the Golden Horn family. The ones that drove you to the Terran were mainly the Star Souls, but the Golden Horn family also participated. The Golden Horn family will not let the Terran rise, so we have a common enemy. "Red is looking at Ye Chen, Shen Sheng said, "In addition, I will tell you a secret."

"What secret?" asked Ye Chen.

"About the secret of Tian Yun Qin, the holy treasure controlled by the Star Soul." Red True Road, "Several peaks of the Star Soul family can actually mobilize the Tian Yunqin, suppress the Terran of the universe, true and false The same is true, it is one of the six holy treasures. But it is only a holy treasure after all, the power is limited, the power of the universe contained in the holy treasure can not be compared with the ancestors, which is why the holy treasure has been The gods are circulated, and the ancestors did not take the reason."

It turns out that the idea of ​​the ancestors spread throughout the universe. It is easy for them to obtain the holy treasure, but they did not take the holy treasure as their own. The original holy treasure is not the same for the ancestors.

Although the holy treasure is of no use to the ancestors, it is a peerless treasure for ordinary gods and even the gods of the universe.

"Is it true that the predecessors of the Red Devils know what to do, and restrain the heavenly piano?"

"Tian Yun Qin this thing, if used by the Star King of the Holy King, its power is very amazing, if you can create a strong man who can rival the Holy King, it is best to break the Tian Yun Qin!" The imaginary road, glanced at Ye Chen with deep gaze, he felt that after the Ye Chen Jin domain god, the air movement between the universe was rapidly gathering toward Ye Chen.

"How can we break the Tian Yunqin?" Although Ye Chen does not believe that after hundreds of thousands of years, he can have the strength to fight against the Holy King, but knowing how to break the Tian Yun Qin, there is no harm.

"The sound of Tian Yunqin has the power of incompetence. I heard the predecessors of the Red Gold Beasts say that when the Terran Saint was confronted with the Star King, it was also injured by Tian Yunqin. Later, the Holy King used Tian Yun. The piano suppresses the air transport of the Terran, which is the most crucial!"

"Please also tell the seniors!"

"Tian Yunqin suppresses the human race in the whole universe, and it also bears a huge load. You are promoted to the realm of the domain gods, Tian Yunqin will not suppress you anymore, but will still suppress other Terran strong. When you The Terran has a certain number of stars and peaks, such as hundreds of millions of people. These stars and peaks are also under the suppression of Tian Yunqin, and the strings of the Tianyun piano will be broken! Such things as Shengbao, once damaged, even if it is a holy king, it is more difficult to repair it, unless the ancestors shot!"

After hearing the explanation of Chi Xu, Ye Chen stunned and nodded: "I understand!"

Ye Chen understands a lot, including the previous Tianhe Star Field. The Heavenly Demon Saint takes away some of the Terran genius every year and kills it, in order to kill all the powerful people who have the ability to attack the peak of the Star.

In the past, the spirit of the stars was able to tolerate the existence of the weak people. They drove the people to guard the eternal kingdom, fool the people, and let the people become their slaves. They only killed the talented geniuses of the human race every once in a while, but I don’t know. For what reason, the Star Soul family suddenly made up their minds to completely destroy the Terran.

It is estimated that the Terran has touched the interests of the Star Soul in some aspects, or the Star Soul feels the threat.

"I am a member of the Red Gold Beast. After all, I was once one of the Divine races. I have nothing to ask for. If you rise to the Terran, you only need to have a place in the world of the gods of the Red Gold Beast!" Red is not expected. The extent to which the Red Gold Beasts can rise, but the Divine Realm is their homeland. If the descendants of the Red Gold Beast cannot survive on the land of the Divine Realm, then his generation will be a sinner forever!

"I promised the Red Emperor, if my Terran had a rising day, the Divine will also have a place for the Red Gold Beast!" Ye Chen said, his heart flashed, and in the vast universe, many races were strong. However, when he was defeated in the domain of the gods, he finally left the domain of God. As long as he promised to help these races return to the gods, these races will be the objects of unity.

Ye Chen took the ball of the Holy Spirit and looked away. The battle has become more and more fierce.

Although the number of pioneers of the Star Soul family is hundreds of millions of giants, there are only a few strong ones in the domain **** level, but there are more than 8,000 domain gods on the side of Ye Chen. There is no problem in defense. Only the golden domain beasts constantly slammed the Star Souls, and the blood stained the void.

"Capture those domain gods, one can't let go, and the domain beast!" Ye Chen said, the two golden beasts seized an adult domain beast in the Star Soul Legion, making it impossible to move, Ye Chen stood up Grabbed, fell on one of the domain beasts, and smashed the spirit into the body of the beast.

The field beast screamed and was encroached by Ye Chen’s spirit.

Looking at the endless battle line, Ye Chen’s eyes are stunned, and the Star Soul Legion must not enter the Tianhe Star Field. Otherwise, I don’t know how many Terrans will be slaughtered.

First control those domain beasts and say that when the army is fighting, the domain beast's combat power is the most powerful. There are almost hundreds of domain beasts in the entire Star Soul Legion. If you can control them all, then Ye Chen can organize a counterattack.

A raccoon kept performing illusion, and a group of star lords and peaks were captured. Ye Chen took all these prisoners into the Dantian world. Once they entered the Dantian world, they will surely merge with the spirits and slowly become part of it. Man is transformed into his men.

Exquisite Supreme did not think so much, she is like a sword of a sheath, waving a sword into the Star Soul Legion, killing all the way.

Ye Meng and others also spurred the troll **** ship, constantly counterattacking the Star Soul Legion.

"Ye Chen, the elder brother of my demon spirit, found that the east side of the outer domain did not know what had happened, and a shadow shrouded over it!" Ye Meng said to Ye Chen with some concern.

The soul of Ye Chen plunged over there, only to see the endless void of darkness. A huge cloud shrouded over it, and contacted the Star Soul Corps. The two sides had a fierce exchange of fire.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was amazed, because that cloud, it is actually a group of tens of millions of ancestors!

After the two sides contacted, there was a fierce scuffle.

"It is the ancestral army, there are several ancestors of the gods level!" Linglong supreme voice to Ye Chendao, "we have to hurry!"

Ye Chen never imagined that the ancestors would actually help the Terran in the Tianhe Star Field? Or, this is not what the help is, but the two strong fights! In the world of the gods, the ancestors are also a strong race, belonging to the six-level race, and a strong contender for the seven-level race, just like the position of the Terran.

The Tianhe Star Field is very close to the border of the Demon God Kingdom. The Stars and Souls are so large-scale corps mobilization, and there is no reason for the Heavenly Devil Kingdom to be unresponsive!

Ye Chen’s heart is moving, and the two powerful races are in conflict. The Terran may barely have a chance to breathe!

"I am going to tame those domain beasts there, and you immediately evacuate!" Ye Chen Shen Sheng, gave orders to everyone.

Under Ye Chen’s command, Ye Meng’s squadron was withdrawn first, and then Ye Chen’s army was responsible for the break, and the entire regiment slowly retreated.

Ye Chen’s spirit rushed toward the front, and the Star Soul Legion discovered that the flank was attacked by the ancestral army, and immediately began a counterattack. Two super-large corps fought in the void, a group of ancestors and stars under the spirit of the stars Like raindrops, they fall into the depths of the void.

Such a spectacular army battle is simply amazing.

The ancestors also had a powerful ability, and their magical powers controlled some of the strong powers of the various families under the spirit of the stars, and made these strong families become their embarrassment.

The front line of both sides spread thousands of kilometers, like a huge meat grinder. Every tens of thousands or even dozens of millions of strong people annihilate every moment.

In the face of such a huge army, Ye Chen can only turn up a little bit of small waves.

"Tian Tian help me too!" Seeing that the army under his team completely withdrew from the battlefield, Ye Chen smiled slightly. He directed the golden field beasts of his men to kill all the way, and seized a domain beast. Ye Chen flew and fell. In these domain beasts, the spirits are blasted into the bodies of these domain beasts.

In addition to the nine golden beasts, Ye Chen's spirit controls more than 30 domain beasts.

made money!

Such a domain of the beast army is constantly rushing in the Star Soul Legion.

The three domain gods rushed toward Ye Chen, and wanted to kill Ye Chen. Ye Chen’s right hand moved, and the virtual sacred screamed out, and the majestic power came out.


The three domain gods were splashed with blood and flew out.

At the peak of the star, Ye Chen dared to confront the domain god. After the promotion of the domain god, Ye Chen was almost invincible in the same order. Ye Chen held the virtual sacred tyrants, and the three ordinary domain gods were strong. After being unable to get close, after defeating the three domain gods, Ye Chen did not pursue, and plunged into the head of a domain beast, and banged the spirit into the body of the domain beast.

The domain beast was unwilling to obey, and the soul was torn and died. Just as Ye Chen was preparing to absorb the essence of the beast, a dark shadow flew in the distance.

The soul swept over the shadow, and Ye Chen was shocked. The figure was the one that was once encountered in the Imperial Tomb of the Avenue, and was later defeated by the scorpion. The sickle was originally a disciple of Jiuli. It was sent by Jiuli to the Emperor's Mausoleum to wait for Ye Chen, but he did not expect to betray him. He wanted to capture the air transport of Ye Chen.

I did not expect that the sickle actually joined the ancestral army!

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

Read The Duke's Passion