MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 948 Encircled

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At the entrance to the trial site, there are thousands of people walking in the trial area of ​​the team.

There are so many different races, some are very tall, some are spiritual, and the most people are the golden horns, the golden horns the above.

The team of Linglong Supreme, Yechen and others are very low-key on the edge, ready to enter the trial land.

Not far away, a tall, golden horned strongman is sternly glance around.

His name is God, and it is the peak of the Golden Horn family. Although it is only a sub-god level, it has already roughly understood the first power. His gaze fell on Ye Chen and his body, and the pupil narrowed slightly.

“Is it a group of human beings?” The face of God’s face is covered with frost, and the battle between the Terran and the Golden Horn family has been in existence for a long time. The Golden Horn family was one of the races that expelled the Terran from the world of the gods. From then on, But where the human race appears in the world of the gods, kill!

Even the gods themselves have slaughtered dozens of strong people.

In his opinion, the Terran is no different from the animals that are raised!

The Terran still dare to appear in the domain of God?

As a member of the Golden Horn family, he will never let such a situation happen.

"Since you are going to the land of trials, solve them in the land of trials!" God's mouth twitched a cold smile.

Each figure entered the trial site from the entrance.

Ye Chen, Linglong Supreme and others entered. At this time, they are already in a horrible genie's lair. The genius is like a bee colony. It has a long horn on its head, looks very ugly, and has a red body. Hair, sharp claws are like a sickle.


Ye Chen and his entourage suffered a group of strange sieges, all of which were sub-god-level.

Exquisite Supreme lightly sighed, and there was already a transparent sword in his hand. This sword was crystal clear, revealing the chill of Sen cold, and a terrible force filled the air.

This is the sword of the Supreme Alliance, the sword of the true spirit!

The sword of the true spirit illusion of millions of virtual shadows, exquisite and supreme swords, the illusion of the sword of the true spirit goes to the front, hehe! Countless monsters in front of them were annihilated, and they screamed and turned into ashes.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen can't help but feel a bit shocked. The strength of this woman is still quite strong. Although it is only the peak of the star, it is estimated that even the general domain gods may not be exquisite opponents, especially she holds true hands. When the sword of the spirit.

Linglong Supreme is very close to the realm of the gods. As long as the gas transport is suppressed, the exquisite Supreme will be able to advance to the next level!

White hunting, that peerless style, is amazing.

Except for the ancient people who survived, the exquisite Supreme is the highest level that the current human race can reach.

Yu Ming looked at the back of Linglong Supreme, and could not help but sway. When he saw the exquisite and supreme, he decided to let the exquisite supreme be his woman.

More than sixty people, all the way to the trial land to kill.

Countless genies are falling like rain.

Leading the front, is Ye Chen, Linglong Supreme, Yu Ming and others. Yu Ming seems to be deliberately competing with Ye Chen. The sword in his hand flies and kills a **** way in the spirit.

Yu Ming’s strength is also very strong among the stars.

However, Ye Chen did not take any action at all. He only followed the exquisite Supreme, waving the sword of the shadow from time to time, killing the Linglong Supreme Missing.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ming couldn't help but sneer a sneer, just relying on Ye Chen, dare to open half of the treasures with them? what!

A raccoon is on the shoulder of Ye Chen, a little bored look, ten tails swaying gently, the beautiful eyes are slightly squatting, there is a kind of lazy that can't be said. She seemed to think of something, raised some interest, and a illusionary force flowed around her body.

Far away from the raccoon, the two singular monsters suddenly seemed to be gusting, rushing toward other singers and biting them up.

A raccoon grinned and was obviously very satisfied.

Then, the third genie, the fourth genie...

A raccoon finally controlled six monsters.

Ye Chen looked at the raccoon in a different way. These geniuses are all sub-god-level. The illusion of A raccoon has grown to such an extent, and it can control six ghosts of the second-level gods!

As he cultivated for improvement, A raccoon also continued to grow.

At this moment, the gods with a group of more than 500 strong people of the Golden Horn family, surrounded by Ye Chen and others.

Linglong Supreme noticed something, and sighed at the people inside the team: "Go!"

Ye Chen also noticed the strangeness of those who are strong in the golden armor. They flew and swayed. The stars and stars of Ye Chen’s masters were all blended with the spirits. They had a spirit with Ye Chen’s heart. At the moment of Ye Chen’s departure, they immediately Followed up.

More than sixty figures, rushing in the void, avoiding the group of locusts.

"It is the Golden Horn family, it is estimated that we want to do it to us!" Linglong Supreme Xiu Mei is close to the road, the Golden Horn family has always been the enemy of the human race.

The Golden Horn family is the first race, and there are many strong people in the race, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

When you hear the exquisite words, Yu Ming and others can't help but change slightly because they know that the Golden Horn family is difficult. The strong people of the Golden Horn family are often very proud, bloodthirsty, and fearless, and they have identified a target. Then they will not give up unless they die!

Exquisite Supreme, Ye Chen with the following people rushed all the way, hey, plundering in the depths of the trial.

The place of trials consists of palaces, but the space inside these palaces is enormous, and they are like tiny tiny dust.

Inside the palace space, there are ghosts everywhere.

The genius in the first palace space is only equivalent to the lower star master level. It is very difficult because of the large number. If you enter the second space, the genius there is equivalent to the middle star master level. The number is very large and it will be very difficult once it is caught in the siege.


Exquisite Supreme is like a meteor, scratching the void.

The speed of each figure is fast.

However, behind the Golden Horn family is faster, the characteristics of the Golden Horn family, in addition to brave, they are also known for speed, a golden figure, like the golden light of the sky, and soon will be exquisite Ye Chen and others were included in it.

More than five figures, surrounded by exquisite Supreme, Ye Chen and so on.

Hey! Exquisite Supreme two strong people tried to rush out of the encirclement, and were instantly killed, blood stained the void.

The **** looked at Ye Chen and Linglong Supreme, and his look was very proud, just like a **** overlooking the ants.

"You continue to run, why don't you run?" The **** looked happily, scornfully watching Ye Chen, Linglong Supreme and others.

Linglong Supreme's pretty cheeks showed some dignified color. When she was running away, if she left someone else alone, she could definitely run away, but she slowed down some speed in order to wait for the people behind.

Nowadays, surrounded by the strong people of these golden horns, it is more difficult to run away.

Looking down on these strong people, the gods smiled mockingly: "Several humans, do you want to turn over the waves? If you are willing to surrender and become a slave to my golden horns, I can put you in a path of life! Of course First of all, you have to drill down from my knees!" God looked at the steps and watched the strong people of the Terran laugh.

The strong guys of the Golden Horn family are also laughing.

"The horns of the Golden Horn family, come and have it. If we die, we will pull a few funerals!" Several elites under the exquisite Supreme Supreme cursed in anger.

Jiang Yuelian put away her feminine style, and a glimmer of ochre in her eyes, said: "The Golden Horn family, there are species to come and try, the deer dead who still do not know it!"

Ye Chen and the people under him did not speak, Ye Chen was thinking about something, his mouth was hanging with a touch of sneer, really want to fight? If you really want to go to war, you can't let the Golden Horn family run away, or the consequences will be troublesome.

Yu Ming looked at the Jinjiao family and looked at his side. The number of people was completely disproportionate. And the same level of strength, the strength of the Jinjiao family also exceeded the human race. How do you fight? He stood behind the exquisite Supreme, and did not know what he was thinking.

The gods snorted: "Sure enough, I don't see the coffin without tears!"

With a wave of hand, the strong men of the seven golden horns rushed toward Ye Chen and Linglong Supreme.

The Golden Horn family is very proud. They think that it is not easy to kill several strong people. The strong people of the seven Golden Horns are enough. The strongest of these golden horns are the second peaks of the gods. They are only one line away from the domain gods. Their strength is very strong, second only to the gods.

Although proud, but the eyes are not excessively underestimated, especially the exquisite and supreme, he feels that the exquisite strength is not inferior to him!

Moreover, in the exquisite hand of the exquisite, there is still a weapon of the level of the gods.

"It’s just seven people, it’s too small to look at us!” Linglong Supreme swayed the sword of the true spirit and prepared to shoot.

"Let me come, you give me a fight!" Ye Chen stopped Linglong Supreme, smiled slightly.

Linglong Supreme glanced at Ye Chen, after a moment, slightly decapitated.

"To deal with your garbage, I am enough!" Ye Chen shouted, plucking out, his right hand moving, the virtual sacred **** appeared in his hands, facing the strong of the seven Golden Horn family, he did not dare to care.

Earth soldiers?

Everyone was slightly shocked, including Jiang Yuelian, Yu Ming and others. The weapons of the level of the gods and soldiers are also very rare in the world of the gods. I did not expect that Ye Chen actually had a **** soldier who was not inferior to the sword of the true spirit.

On the other side of the Golden Horn family, the gods and other people are also frowning. What are the origins of these people, there are actually two gods in their hands!


At this moment, Ye Chen waved the illusion of the gods and smashed toward the strong men of the seven golden horns.

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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