MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 947 I am a good person

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"Xinghui, do you really want to go with us?" Hu Yan's ruler is finally in a hurry, although they can break free with strength, but once Starlight Void God has identified one of them, then that person will never escape!

"If you resist, I will certainly not be able to kill you three, but it is absolutely no problem to kill one. Whoever wants to escape first, who will kill it!" Xinghui Void God is cold and authentic.

Tianzhu dominates, Ling Xiao dominates and Hu Yan dominates each other, no one dares to break free.

They don't want to be the target of the first attack by Xinghui Void.

Seeing the arm of the illusion of the vain god, the three people can't help but scream, this guy is really a madman!

In the realm of the void, most of the strong unless they say that for some extremely exciting things, such as the ball of the Holy Spirit, they will occasionally start a war. Under normal circumstances, they will never fight with their lives.

They are gods, can enjoy eternal life in the gods, why dying?

Like the **** of the glory of the glory, the **** of emptiness that is going to be with others is really rare!

A few vain gods on the outside of the trapped dragon locks are facing anxious colors.

"Master, don't!" The two disciples of the Nether God class under Xinghui are anxious.

In addition, the two empty gods who followed the three masters were also very anxious.

Starlight Void God will not really want to go with the three masters.

The clan of the coffin cries crying sadly.

"Xinghui, I believe that the ball of the Holy Spirit is not on you. We are besieging you, but for the sake of temptation, thinking that you will take out the ball of the Holy Spirit to deal with us..." Tianva dominated and stared straight at the star in front. Demon emptiness, "Remove the battle, unless you really want to die!"

Starlight Void God does not want to die, this is for sure.

If the three dominators are bullying their heads, will Xinghui Nether God be willing to go with them?

"I said that the ball of the Holy Spirit is not in my hands. If you still don't believe it, then I have to fight with my life!" Xinghui Nether God is cold and cold, he slowly withdraws the trapped dragon locks against the three masters. Bondage, but he is still able to spur the trapped dragons.

The Tiancai master took a deep look at the starry sky, and the figure slowly dissipated and left the Tianshui Mountains.

The other two masters are also relieved. They are definitely not willing to die with the Xinghui Void God. After thinking about it, they will slowly dissipate.

The three masters took two empty gods, but they did not suppress the star god, but they retreated.

This time, all the strong people in Cangyi Shenzhou can't help but look at the starry sky.

Xinghui Void God is indeed a sly character. If you don’t have it in the future, you can’t provoke this guy!

From the starry sky, the gods will use the array method and the three masters to return to the same. It can be seen that the ball of the Holy Spirit is really not in the body of the star god, otherwise the star gods will push the ball of the Holy Spirit. The three masters must not be The opponent of Xinghui Void God!

Of course, it is also possible that the glory of the glory of the glory of God, knowing that taking the ball of the Holy Spirit will certainly lead to people, leading to greater trouble, it is better to fight back to kill the three masters, but this possibility is relatively small.

No matter what, they will not give up looking for the ball of the Holy Spirit!

The ball of the Holy Spirit is also weird. Every time it appears, it will surely cause some **** rain, but there are still countless people who are crazy about it.

Throughout the Cangzhou, countless powerful people are looking for the ball of the Holy Spirit. If they find the trace of the ball of the Holy Spirit, they will certainly not hesitate to **** it.

That is the super holy treasure that was born at the beginning of the universe. There are endless secrets in it!

Xinghui's Void God disappeared and entered the Dongfu. It is estimated that he was healed. He was seriously injured in this battle.

All the creatures of the coffin are delighted, their patrons are fine!

Seeing the glory of the glory of the gods, Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. If the glory of the glory is not enough, the battle may not be able to escape.

Everyone is looking for the ball of the Holy Spirit. If it is known that the ball of the Holy Spirit is on Ye Chen, then Ye Chen will definitely die very badly.

Must not let people know the trace of the ball of the Holy Spirit!

Next to the exquisite Supreme reveals a little deep thought, just the news of the ball of the Holy Spirit, even so many strong people are so crazy, even at the expense of life.

"Let's go!" Linglong Supreme silenced for a moment, the figure moved, turned into a meteor, passing in the air.

Yu Ming glanced at Ye Chen, and he followed the exquisite and swept away.

Jiang Yuelian smiled at Ye Chen, and his figure flew forward.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yuelian, A raccoon whispered unhappy, she obviously did not like Jiang Yuelian this woman.

Ye Chen smiled a little, touched the head of A raccoon, and also took a few stars to the peak level of the men, and swept away in the direction of Linglong Supreme.

The pedestrians are only flying at low altitudes. If the sub-god-level powers dare to fly at high altitudes, they will be known by the domain gods and the gods. They will certainly be shot down by a slap. The division of the world ranks of the gods is very strict. If you do something that rules beyond the rules, it will be considered disrespectful to the strong, and the strong can kill it at will.

Of course, some of the strong races in the world of the gods are no one dare to provoke, such as the Golden Horn family, the Star Soul family.

But there are some races, such as the Terran, that should be as low-key as possible.

About tens of thousands of kilometers west of the Tianshui Mountains, there are ruins of palaces, and the entire area is shrouded in a huge imperial enchantment. Here is the place of trials left by the cosmic god. At the entrance to the trial land, a team of people is coming and going.

All are strong in the sub-god level, and the regional gods and the powerful gods of this trial are inaccessible.

It is said that this place was once the place where the cosmic **** cultivated disciples, but after the cosmic **** was killed by the enemy, it was abandoned.

It has become a great place for the subliminal powers to improve their cultivation. It is said that there are many treasures left by the cosmic gods to the disciples, but since this trial land has not been managed for a long time, it is dead every year. There are also a lot inside.

Ye Chen and more than sixty people flew down and looked ahead. The entrance to the trial land was crowded with strong people of all ethnic groups.

Linglong Supreme has become the leader of this team, because most of the people are brought by Linglong Supreme, the only one who can compete with Linglong Supreme for the position of leader is Ye Chen, but Ye Chen does not have to be with Linglong Supreme. The meaning of contention.

Exquisite Supreme has always been one of the best. In the Tianhe Star Field, it was the leader of the Supreme Alliance. It was also the leader of the Terran in the world of the gods.

She is proud and standing, graceful and graceful. There is a kind of beauty that cannot be said.

However, her look was cold, and the people next to him felt a bit of chilling chill. I didn't dare to rely on the exquisiteness to be too close. Even Yu Ming couldn't help but be three steps away from Linglong.

Ye Chen stepped forward and stood side by side with Linglong Supreme. He turned to look at Linglong Supreme and asked: "Have you ever been there?"

Linglong Supreme looked at Ye Chen, Ye Chen did not seem to be afraid of herself, she said faintly: "Going in twice, the cosmic **** left a lot of powerful genius in the trial land, we found a The place is estimated to contain treasures, but we are not enough!"

"So I found me to be your helper?" Ye Chen smiled.

"Not bad!" Exquisite Supreme does not deny, "If you want to go, you can always go!"

"Since there are treasures inside, then I must go in, but if we get treasures, we have to split in half!" Ye Chendao, he also had more than 30 people here, thought about the Dantian world, and even There are more, so taking half is a must!

"What do you count, actually have to split in half, do you think we must need you?" Yu Ming heard Ye Chen's words, can no longer resist, and said angrily.

Ye Chen shrugged and said: "You have more than 30 people. We have more than 30 on our side. Isn't it too much to take half?"

"On strength, do you think that these people are our opponents?" Yu Ming glanced at the people behind Ye Chen.

"Otherwise, you can give it a try!" Ye Chen's eyelids flashed a cold light, and it was swept by Ming.

"You..." Yu Ming was angry and ready to start.

Jiang Yuelian came out from the side and blocked Yu Ming. He smiled and said: "Everyone is their own, and there is something to say."

"You let it go!" Yu Ming angered, want to push Jiang Yuelian.

I saw the exquisite Supreme side nod and nodded: "Yes, all the treasures you get can be divided into half of you, but there is one thing I have to take!"

Ye Chen looked at Linglong Supreme, and did not know what Linglong Supreme wanted to take, but Ye Chen would not fight with Linglong Supreme, saying: "Which, you can pick one in all things, and the rest we divide. ”

At the time of the Extreme League, Ye Chen was still a different day from her, but now she has been on an equal footing, and there are some unaccustomed to Linglong Supreme.

Linglong Supreme looks up to the void, in fact, her talented lineage is very remarkable, if it is not the suppression of the human race, her talent may have been cultivated to the gods, but now she is still at the peak of the star Go ahead.

As the exquisite Supreme, I hope that more powerful people in the Terran will emerge, and with her, break the ban on their heads and rebuild the glory of the Terran.

"Exquisite, what qualifications do they have to get half?" Yu Ming is unwilling, he is full of hostility towards Ye Chen.

"What qualifications?" Ye Chen's eyes squinted at Yu Ming, Yu Ming annoyed him, it seems that he did not clean up this guy, this guy really took himself as a root?

Linglong Supreme looked at Ye Chen with a sigh of relief. "Yu Ming has been following me for a long time. I have done a lot of things. Don't mess around!"

Ye Chen shrugged and smiled and said: "How come, I am a good person, never bully!"

~~Thank you for the children's shoes to become the forty-third ally of the nine stars! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

Read The Duke's Passion