MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 68

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But now, he was going to use magic to defeat magic.

Ping pong pong, the two collided together, the movements of the hands were fast, and the phantom had already collided dozens of times in just a moment.

Countless sparks stirred up in the air, and in the last second, Shirou's weapon broke and projected again.

In the next second, Hong A's weapon broke and was rebuilt.

In just a few minutes, the two had changed several weapons and fought all the way from the ground to the roof.

Surrounding trees were cut down and houses were destroyed. (Huh? Where did the trees come from.)

Rin Tohsaka was shocked and inexplicable looking behind him. It turned out that Shirou didn't use that strange magic, so he was so strong?

The body of a mortal is comparable to that of a heroic spirit. It turns out that there are really people who can do it.

(Bai Feng: Look at me, look at me.)

The two sides collided, their eyes collided with each other, and their eyes sparked violently in the air, neither of them convinced the other.

"I didn't expect your physical strength to be so strong."

"Hehe, there are many things you don't know."

You must know that his body has been poured with the essence of Baifeng twice, and his ability to withstand it is no longer what it used to be.

Sure enough, Baifeng is reliable only in this respect, Shirou silently gave him a compliment in his heart: Baifeng, yyds.

Hong A pressed hard, took the initiative to distance herself a little, and looked at Shirou.

"I used to think that you were arrogant if you didn't use magic. Now it seems that ordinary means can no longer kill you. Next, it's time to get real."

Shirou also responded: "It's exactly what I want."

The two raised their right hands at the same time, opened the poss, and began to chant.

"I am the bone of the sword I hold, this body is the bone of the sword, the steel is the body, the flames are blood, the blood tide is like iron, and the heart is like glass... Therefore, this life is meaningless, so as I pray, the infinite sword system, then This body is destined to be born for the sword."

Red A and Shirou looked at each other and shouted at the same time: "Unlimited Sword System!!"

The moment the words fell, a shocking scene happened.

Things around are fading away, replaced by a desolate desert.

And there are countless broken soldiers and broken blades inserted on it, introducing to the world the tragic past here.

The barriers of the two kept colliding, and in the end they merged together strangely, and all they could see was the desert.

Red A looked at Shirou: "I didn't expect you to even learn this trick."

Shirou looked at Hong A calmly: "You can do it, I can do it, you can't, I can do it too, what will you do to win me?"

Although you are the future me, the current me is a cheating player.

"Battle sees more than these things."

Although Red A was a little surprised, but with his rich battle experience, he was still confident that he would be the one who won in the end.

In an instant, countless weapons inserted on the ground flew into the air with the control of the two, shooting towards each other.


The battlefield on Baifeng's side is not far from here, so when the barrier opened, it also enveloped the four people here.

The sudden change caused several people to stop their actions.

Bai Feng looked at this scene leisurely: "Wow, it's so spectacular."

Lancer was quite surprised at first, but when he saw Bai Feng's exaggerated expression, he couldn't be surprised at all: "You look like this, you can't see a little surprise."

"Oh, I like to be exaggerated, it's okay, you surprised you."

Damn, if it wasn't for this guy, Lancer really wanted to shoot him in the body.

On the other side, Jin Shining looked at this scene with surprise in his expression.

"Not bad. It's really surprising that a group of miscellaneous cultivators can make such a commotion."

Saber glanced at the two Shirou who were fighting over there, then stopped paying attention, and continued to watch Jin Shining vigilantly.

In the battle just now, she did not cause any effective damage to Jin Glittering.

Although this person behaved very annoyingly, his strength was indeed powerful.

Jin Glitter also looked away, looking at Saber with a playful expression.

"What, do you still want to continue? You should know that you can't cause any harm to me, or you want to release your treasure to please me."

Saber clenched the hilt of her sword and said calmly, "You are too arrogant, King of Heroes."

In the battle just now, the two of them had already determined each other's identities.

"So what, isn't the king aloof, King Arthur, in my opinion, you are the one who is arrogant."

Saber didn't answer, her sword body was gradually revealed, and there was a huge energy fluctuation around the sword body, stirring up a gust of wind in the air.

Facing this power, Jin Glitter also became serious. It seems that the next attack will not be easy.

ps: Chapter 2, let’s talk about Death God next, I’ve read everything you said, well, Guoman can’t be written, for fear of being blocked, although I also want to catch the popularity of Riman, but I am I really haven't watched a few episodes, and I'm afraid of being sprayed after writing it, so forget it.

Chapter 125

At the same time, a strangely shaped sword also appeared in Jin Glittering's hand.

If Saber's sword is gorgeous, then his sword is peculiar, and people will believe that it is a stick.

But Saber felt extraordinary pressure from it, she knew that this sword was not simple, it was a sword comparable to or even surpassed her own Noble Phantasm.

Jin Shining looked at Saber, her tone still arrogant.

"Although I don't agree with you in terms of character, but Saber, in terms of strength, I agree that you are a qualified king."

Now that he has been recognized, he is not a stingy person. He immediately raised his sword and prepared to use the strongest force to send the king away.

"Accept it, saber, this is my ultimate power, the time of punishment has come, the sword of my deviance that splits the world! Accept this, the heaven and earth leave the star EnumaElish!"

A torrent of energy directly hit Saber, its power was exactly as he said, like the power to split the world.

At the same time, Saber who was standing on the ground exhaled lightly, and the endless fluorescent lights shone on her body, making her look so holy and unattainable.

At this time, she finally looks like a king, and people can feel the huge gap between herself and her at a glance.

She held the sword tightly in both hands, and swung it vigorously: "Gather the breath of the stars in the sky, the torrent of brilliant life, take it! The sword of vowed victory (Excalibur)."

The golden torrent of energy that is as dazzling as the sun rises from bottom to top, and meets the tyrannical black-red energy torrent head-on.

boom! !

As soon as the two collided, Shirou and Hong A's infinite sword barrier began to shake.

The violent vibration made others have to wonder if the enchantment would collapse in the next second.

The collision of the two produced a violent gust of wind, blowing in all directions with bursts of sandstorms.

Even Red A and Shirou in the battle had to stop the battle to resist this powerful shock wave.

Lancer plunged his spear into the ground to prevent himself from being blown away.

He looked at the two people who caused the commotion, and couldn't help complaining: "This kind of power, it's a foul."

Bai Feng nodded in agreement with what Lancer said.

People with this kind of power won't be able to sweep Wushuang in the Holy Grail War.

Thinking about his own treasures, and then looking at other people's treasures, Lancer only had two words left in his mind.

Stop beating, stop beating, go home, wash and sleep.

At this time, in the center of the energy storm, both of them are trying their best to squeeze the magic power in their bodies to fight.

Saber's magic power is provided by Tohsaka Rin, but there is a small holy grail in the golden treasury.

One uses human power to provide magic power, and the other uses the Holy Grail, so it goes without saying that that side will win.

However, who is Bai Feng here? Just kidding, who would watch the beautiful girl get hurt, let alone the two of them are allies.

So without anyone noticing, Baifeng shot something towards Saber.

Then, the next second.

boom! !

The curry stick in Saber's hand instantly became several times thicker after being blessed, and it suppressed Jin Shining in an instant.

Ea's energy was helpless in front of this golden torrent, and was instantly submerged.

Jin Glitter also had unbelievable eyes, and under this energy, it turned into light spots and dissipated.

Before dissipating, he looked at Saber: "This power, among the kings I know, I, Gilgamesh, would like to call you the strongest."


Saber gasped heavily, even with the sword of vowed victory, her body was still crumbling.

Just when she was about to fall down, Bai Feng suddenly appeared beside her and supported her.

"It's okay."

"Thank you, it's just that the magic power is consumed a bit too much."

Saber did not refuse Baifeng's help, and Tohsaka Rin also ran over at this time to help Saber replenish her magic.

Well, the serious kind of tonic.

Bai Feng let go of Saber, looked at Lancer who was also looking over, and couldn't help scratching his head.

I seem to be a bit of a fisherman, Saber has solved one, and I still look at each other with love.

Lancer drew out his spear: "Go on, anyway, the winner of this Holy Grail War is already foreseeable, and it happens to be a good fight, give it your all, Acher."

"Then I won't be polite."

Bai Feng thought about it for a while, the two voices of Saber and Jin Shining had made his blood boil, now he decided to do the same for himself.

He mentioned his big treasure: "The caliber is justice, the range is the truth, and the place covered by gunfire is the realm where the truth reaches. Namo Bodhisattva Gatlin."

As the voice fell, the blue light gathered from the muzzle of the gun, getting thicker and bigger.

Whoosh! !

In the next second, the barrel kept rotating, and the blue lasers shot out continuously, and countless blue lasers converged into a blue light curtain.

Seeing this scene, Lancer's face turned green, bastard, you actually used modern weapons to hit me, an ancient person, you are not bullying an honest person.

People's archers are all playing archery, and you have skipped a few centuries and directly become the age of firearms.

After a symbolic resistance, Lancer was already submerged by the bullets, but before he died, he raised a **** towards Baifeng.

Looking at the dissipated lancer, Bai Feng couldn't help sighing.

"You can fight with me for so long and force me to use all my strength to solve it. You are worthy of it, Lancer. I, Baifeng, recognize you."

These words changed the eyes of Tohsaka Rin and Saber next to them. They looked at Baifeng standing there, and suddenly felt that Lancer's death was not worth it.

ps: The first chapter is here. If there are no accidents, the Holy Grail War will end today.

Chapter 126 The Last Heroic Spirit

At this moment, Berserker and Ilya are on their way.

Inside the barrier, Hong A who was fighting suddenly moved away, and the weapon in his hand was also withdrawn.

Seeing this scene, Shirou suddenly laughed: "Why, realize the gap between us, are you going to admit defeat?"

"I just don't think there's any point in fighting any longer."

After taking a look at Shirokaze and Saber, who had already dealt with their opponents, if the fight continues like this, even if Shirou can be defeated, it is impossible to kill him.

After all, there are two living beings, oh no, the living heroes are still here.

Defeating is fine, after all, it won't have any effect, but killing, wake up, don't dream.

Shirou looked at Baifeng and Saber, and also realized the meaning of red a.

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking flatteringly, the three of us, Bai Feng and Saber, joined forces to quickly eliminate the two heroic spirits.

Read The Duke's Passion