MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 67

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Facing the approaching Saber, Bai Feng no longer fired bullets, but held Gatling in one hand and waved it like a long stick.

Saber struggled to resist Bai Feng's attack, every attack seemed to be hit by a small car.

The point is, apart from being powerful, she is also extremely fast. Even in terms of skills, Saber can't see any flaws.

Damn, no chance at all.

Saber cursed inwardly, she would be kited if she opened a distance, but she couldn't resist this force at all if she got close.

Do you want to liberate the treasure? Saber shook her head after thinking about it, the damage and range of her own treasure were too large, if released here, the damage would be uncontrollable.

Furthermore, she and Bai Feng are just discussing their relationship now, not fighting to the death. If the treasure is released, the nature will be different.

While thinking, the figures of the two moved back and forth so quickly that it was difficult for ordinary people to see their figures.

Clusters of sparks appeared in the air, and the sound of weapons colliding together matched the sparks, like a gorgeous musical.

Ping pong pong, Baifeng's big baby Gatlin collided with Saber again, and took the initiative to distance himself.

Bai Feng took Gatlin back, and smiled at Saber: "If this continues, there will be no result. Why don't we count it as a tie?"

"No." Saber shook her head calmly: "I lost this competition. Facing you as an acher, I can't make any effective attacks even when I get close."

You must know that Acher is best at long-range attacks, but when he is close to him, he is inseparable from him. It is conceivable that Baifeng must have let the water go.

"Hahaha, don't be so serious."

Bai Feng smiled: "We are allies anyway, aren't we?"

Saber thought for a while, then nodded: "You are right, I am impatient."

"Yeah." Bai Feng looked at the sky and waved his hands: "It's getting so late, so let's stop fighting, sit down and chat, and appreciate the night sky."

As he said that, he found a place to sit down on his own, and looked up at the starry sky.

Saber thought for a while, took back the armor and weapon, and sat down beside Baifeng.

The two chatted while watching the night.

"Your Excellency Baifeng's martial arts are truly admirable."

"I'm just a little bit luckier. I admire you, those of you who climbed to the top by yourself."

What Bai Feng said is the truth, although he is powerful, but he was obtained through cheating, and he will not look down on someone like Saber.

Saber didn't understand Bai Feng's words, but just shook her head: "Luck is also a part of strength. You don't need to be humble if you can reach this level. You just don't know what kind of master can hand over a powerhouse like His Excellency Bai Feng."

"The guy who made me strong?" Bai Feng thought about it carefully, and suddenly laughed: "It's a arrogant guy. In some respects, it's quite famous."

Isn't that right, the system, a well-known existence in the heavens and myriad worlds.

"Really, then your relationship looks pretty good."


The two gradually just looked up at the sky, and there was only silence in the night.

PS: Chapter 3

Chapter 123 Shooting Heroic Spirits With Mortal Body

The night gradually passed, and the two sat in the yard like this for a whole day.

Baifeng didn't want to go back and see Shirou with his hair in his mouth. As for Saber, Baifeng didn't know why he sat there all night.

The sky has just dawned, and Father Sun is showing his true face, spreading his essence to the earth, bringing a warm experience to all things.

Bai Feng stretched his waist: "It was really a pleasant night, you say yes, Saber."

"The feeling of getting along with His Excellency Baifeng is really good. I hope we won't become rivals."

"Ah, that's for sure, we're allies."

As for Shirou and the Holy Grail, what is that, sorry we are strangers, we don't know each other.

At this moment, Saber suddenly drew out her weapon, and the armor on her body also appeared, and slashed at a long sword shot from a distance.


Saber's eyes were serious, looking at the direction the long sword was coming from.

At this time, a figure gradually appeared from under the streetlight in that direction, with blond hair and an arrogant expression.

"You can actually detect my attack. It seems that you are indeed worth my shot."

The person who came was the King of Street Lamps, golden glittering.

Saber held her breath, realizing that the person coming was not easy: "Are you, Acher?"

Her tone was full of disbelief, how could it be possible, isn't Acher Baifeng, could it be that this person is the same illegal summoner as Sasaki Kojiro.

"It's really a fuss. With such a bearing, can he be called a king? Saber."

Bai Feng took a look, good guy, appeared, the street lamp king, the main body is a street lamp, and the treasure of Liberation Language is miscellaneous cultivation, and it is a treasure of the human level.

Jin Xingxing laughed loudly: "Let me show you my collection, King's Treasure!"

With a wave of Jin Shining's hand, dozens of golden vortexes appeared behind him, and all kinds of weapons emerged from them.

Was that how the long sword was launched just now? Saber narrowed her eyes, suddenly, she discovered an incredible thing.

These gradually emerging weapons are all precious treasures.

"Hahaha, did you find out, this is the gap between you and me who are both kings."

Damn it, the regret Saber most wants to make up for is what happened when she was king.

Now that it was mentioned again and again, a trace of anger surged up in her calm heart, and she suppressed her voice: "Your Excellency Baifeng, I hope you will not interfere in the battle between us."

Bai Feng just responded calmly: "Don't blame me if you die."

"Ah, that's natural. As a knight, it's not shameful to die in battle. What's shameful is not daring to fight."

After finishing speaking, Saber rushed up with the long sword in hand.

Seeing this scene, Jin Shining's expression didn't change at all, but laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, that's it, try your best to please me."

After finishing speaking, the treasures on the back were shot out one after another, and each shot was comparable to a powerful cannonball.

Facing the overwhelming attacks, Saber is not afraid, just using the weapons in her hands and superb skills to block the incoming attacks.

The long sword in Saber's hand collided with the incoming Noble Phantasm, creating fierce sparks.

And the treasure that was blocked by the parry fell to the ground, blasting out countless potholes.

Looking at the potholed courtyard, Bai Feng was speechless.

Well, it looks like I'll have to plant trees after the fact.


In the courtyard not far away, there was that familiar passer-by again. Hearing the familiar explosion, he skillfully dialed the police number.

"Hey, hey, the police station, that's right, it's me again. There's another gas leak here, and the gas exploded. What? You said I was joking, **** it, believe it or not, I'll go to the scene right away."

A voice came from the other end of the phone: "Uncle, don't be joking, if it's true, you can try it and take evidence to report us."

"Baga, a group of idiots, try it and die, I will report you when I come back, a group of **** who have a good life."

As he said that, the passer-by took the boxed lunch he had ordered, and walked aggressively towards Wei Gong's house.


On the other side, Bai Feng watched the fierce battle between Saber and Jin Glitter, took a sip of happy water, ate a melon seed, and blocked the spear that came from behind.

"Hey, hey, is this really okay? Isn't Saber your companion? Just watching from the side like this is really cold-blooded."

Bai Feng turned to look at Lancer behind him, and smiled: "Cold-blooded animals don't get hot, but I can get very hot."

Lancer frowned, what nonsense are you talking about, he raised his spear without understanding the meaning.

"Although I don't want to do anything, but who told me that my master is an insidious villain, so don't blame me if you go to **** later."

No, Bai Feng is speechless, don't poke me with your cold and long thing.

Thinking this way, he has already taken out his big treasure. Although the strength gap between the two sides is too large, he is still a heroic spirit, so he still needs to respect it.

"Come on, let's fight hand to hand."

As Bai Feng said, he waved his big baby and stabbed each other.

A sharp sword, a sharp eye.

Bai Feng perfectly escaped the attacks one after another. On the other hand, Lancer was stabbed several times by Bai Feng with the barrel of the gun.

Bai Feng tilted his mouth, revealing a Nike smile: "Xiao Mian, you are such a short person, you still want to poke me, it's a dream."

Let's see how I, Bai Feng, shot and killed the heroic spirit with a mortal body today.

Damn it, Lancer cursed secretly, but he also had to admit that in terms of technique and length, Baifeng was slightly better.

ps: the first chapter.

Chapter 124 Unlimited Sword Control

At the same time, Shirou and the others who were sleeping were also disturbed by this movement.

As soon as they came together, they immediately rushed outside. This kind of movement must be an enemy attack.

Shirou and Tohsaka Rin stopped Sakura who wanted to go out together, because both of them have self-protection methods, only Sakura is too fragile.

Sakura also knew that she must be a hindrance if she went out, so she could only sit in the room and pray to the two of them silently.

It's just that the two of them just stepped out of the door when they were greeted with an attack.


Looking at the rising smoke, Hong A breathed a sigh of relief, luckily Sakura didn't come out with her.

Although I have to do it myself when I come out, but that's fine.

In the smoke, Tohsaka Rin was protected by Shirou in Susanoo, looking at the surrounding energy barriers, Tohsaka Rin had to admit it.

Although the person in front of him is a scumbag, his knowledge of magic is really terrifying.

As the smoke cleared, Shirou looked at the red a on the roof with serious eyes: "I didn't expect you to come now, I thought you would continue to wait for the opportunity."

"Oh, it sounds like you already knew I would come."

Red A really didn't plan to make a move today, but seeing that Bai Feng and Saber were stopped, there was no such a good opportunity again.

So the moment he saw Shirou appear, he had already made the decision to shoot.

Hearing Hong A's words, Shirou didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Ah, of course I know, the future me."


Tohsaka Rin was shocked at the time, and looked at Shirou beside him in disbelief.

The guy on the roof is him in the future, doesn't that mean that this guy will become an extremely famous existence in the future.

Only those who have left their names in history are eligible to be summoned as heroic spirits.

"As expected, you know, as expected, this time and space has undergone changes that I don't know about."

Red A wasn't too shocked, because he had already discovered this drastic change in time and space.

That development is completely different from what I remember, there are strange characters, and my previous self.

Looking at Shirou, Hong A was expressionless: "Then you should know what I'm here for."

"Ah, of course, kill me to veto your cowardly existence, you vetoed the existence of your own dreams."

"Whatever you say."

Hong A didn't say much anymore, two long knives appeared in both hands, and rushed towards Shirou directly.

Shirou narrowed his eyes, without looking back, and said to Tohsaka Rin beside him: "Stay here, don't run around."

After finishing speaking, two long knives appeared in both hands, and rushed towards the red a.

He already knows projection magic, but Xu Zuo is more comfortable with it.

Read The Duke's Passion