MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 54

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ps: the first chapter.

Chapter 98

In this way, Naruto finally lived back in the courtyard of the Fourth Hokage, which originally belonged to him.

Four generations of assets during his lifetime were also transferred to his name. In the blink of an eye, he successfully became a small rich man.

And now walking on the road has become His Royal Highness Konoha Prince respected by everyone.

It's just that all this made him very uncomfortable, and he really wanted to escape. The scene he had always imagined that everyone recognized him had come true, but it was not the kind of realization he had imagined.

So he was a little confused, and a little afraid to face this fact.

So he went to find Bai Feng and told him about his troubles.

After listening to Baifeng, he touched his chin. He probably understood Naruto, because in the original book, Naruto was not recognized by the ninja step by step until the later stage.

At this moment, Jiraiya knocked on the door and walked in, saying that he was going to take Naruto to travel around the Ninja World.

Bai Feng agreed, because there was no important plot to speak of in the follow-up for a long time.

Naruto just took advantage of this time to go out for a walk, to change his mood, and when he came back again, he would be able to accept it all.

In this way, Naruto and Jirai also left, and came on an instant trip. When he came back again, it was already time for Shippuden to start.

Then isn't this period of time boring for me, I can't spend this time happily just by training Sasuke and a few of my apprentices.

How about going around the world of group friends? Naruto travels around the ninja world, and I travel around the world.

Well, this idea sounds great at first, let's do it, the big deal is to leave a wooden clone for emergency like last time.

Now it's time to see which group of friends needs me in the world, Bai Feng opened the chat group happily, brothers, do you miss me?

As soon as he entered the chat group, he saw Chang Wei hitting Laifu, bah, no, it was Limulu hitting Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan: Limulu, you bastard, aren't we in the same group? Why did you backstab me.

When Bai Feng saw this, he was shocked.

Bai Feng: What, Limulu, you actually **** Zhang Chulan from behind.

He took a look at it just now, and it was nothing more than two diapers preparing to join forces to do something, but Limulu rebelled, and took the initiative to expose Zhang Chulan's contemporary stinky youth behavior.

Limulu: I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense, which eye of yours saw me **** him from behind, I like girls.

Bai Feng: Oh, but that's what Zhang Chulan said just now.

Zhang Chulan:? ? ? ?

At this time, Zhang Chulan's head was full of black lines. Believe it or not, I'll give you a big bidou, oh, so I can't beat you, so I bid farewell.

The spicy chicken chat group is full of bullying bullies. I, Zhang Chulan, will not wait for this broken group.

Rimuru: Didn't he mean the backstab? When did I **** him from behind.

Bai Feng: That's right, stabbing him in the back, stabbing him in the back, isn't that the same as **** him in the back?

Seeing Baifeng's explanation, Limulu's whole body went numb. Don't think that I don't know what he means if I haven't learned this word.

You are making too much sense, shit, this chat group is full of discrimination against illiterates, the air is shaking and cold, what did the illiterates do wrong.

At this time, Limulu felt that the soft girl under her body was not fragrant.

Cough, don't get me wrong, he is now in the form of a slime being hugged by a girl.

No one in the huge chat group dared to speak at this time, and all this happened within a few minutes of Bai Feng joining the group.

This shows Baifeng's status as a bully in the group.

But at this time, some people could not understand his behavior and vowed to fight the evil forces to the end.

Who is this person, the respected and beloved Venerable Dijia, the partner of justice, Dagu.

Dagu: Cough, Baifeng, you haven’t been online for a long time, why did you suddenly change your body this time?

When Bai Feng saw this, he suddenly sighed in the group.

Bai Feng: Oh, Dagu, I think it’s probably because I’ve been in the house for a long time, and I feel empty anyway. I looked towards the chat group, and one was not a person, and the other was not a person either.

Bai Feng: I also want to change this state, so I opened the chat group, walked in, saw the group full of Mao Mao, and found it lively. All in all, this chat group also has a cute side.

Dagu watched Bai Feng's speech full of screens, hesitated for a while, and finally sorted out a message: It hurts to be idle.

Good guy, now the chat group has to use this way to express that they are bored, I'm sorry, I'm the one who embarrassed the chat group, I don't deserve to stay in the chat group, I'm leaving now.

Three kills.

In a short period of time, Baifeng has already knocked down the veteran members of the three chat groups.

His strength is so terrifying that he really deserves to be the number one person in the chat group.

Yakumo Zi: So what do you want to do now?

Bai Feng: Oh, I just want to ask if any of you have interesting plots in the world, can you take me over there to have fun.

Yakumo Zi: Thank you for the invitation. I'm in the flower field and I'm fighting. I have a lot of acquaintances, so I'll hide for now. Don't disturb me.

Yakumo Zi is a little speechless, I thought what you want to do, the co-author wants to travel across the world, but can I let you come to my world to play.

That must not be the case, what if you, a sand sculpture like you, come here and infect my lovely harem.

Bai Feng looked at two group members who abandoned him, and felt a little lonely for a while.

I'm just a 16 year old kid, I just want to travel through the world, what did I do wrong, what's wrong with me, you all ignore me.

Tanjiro: Well, Mr. Hakukaze, would you like to come to my world to play.

Hakukaze: Wow, thank you, my lovely Tanjiro, don't worry, I will take good care of your sister after I pass by.

Tanjiro was a little speechless, no, I just feel that you are a little pitiful when no one cares about you, why do you still miss my sister.

Damn guy, I shouldn't have talked to you if I knew it earlier, woo woo woo, my lovely sister, I'm sorry, it was my brother who sent you into the abyss with his own hands.

Upon receiving Tanjiro's invitation, Baifeng happily decided immediately, "Demon Slayer, I'm going to enter your body."

ps: Chapter 2, alas, I have been looking for a rich woman all night, but after all, I did not find it and paid by mistake.

Chapter 99 The Rejected Baifeng

After finding the world, Bai Feng made a wooden clone and prepared everything before entering the world of Ghost Slayer.

Then, the next second, he sat on the bed in a daze, staring at the ceiling with suspicious eyes.

He was rejected, to be precise, he was rejected by Ghost Slayer World.

Here's the thing.

Bai Feng: Be good, little rabbit, open your legs, open them quickly, I want to come in.

Ghost Slayer: I don't want to open it, I don't want to open it, and I don't want to open it until the money is brought.

Bai Feng slowed down for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and finally came to the conclusion that Xiao Poqun hadn't dealt with the opponent.

Good guy, Bai Feng was very angry and went to the chat group to argue immediately. Thanks to me, you believe in you, trust you, and regard you as my closest partner, but you let me lose so completely.

Then the chat group replied like this, don't harass me, I am competing with a colleague.

Bai Feng was puzzled at the time, why did he rob someone? Could it be that the world that person lives in is very advanced.

Regarding this, the chat group said that high-level is not high-level, but the little **** on the other side dared to provoke him. This is something he can't bear.

Okay, okay, this chat group is still a strong chat group, yes, it is indeed a chat group that brings us together, and it fits well in terms of personality.

However, you went to fight with that colleague, so what should I do, I still want to travel to other worlds.

Bai Feng instantly felt that the world was so indifferent, with no warmth at all. He looked at the wooden clone and said, "It's over, Barbie is locked up, and I can't go there anymore."

The wooden avatar thought for a while: "Since this world is so indifferent, I'll treat you to something warm."


A few minutes later, the wooden avatar happily came back with two sausages, and handed one to Baifeng.

"Come on, this sausage is still freshly baked and it's still hot."

After finishing speaking, he started to eat, and Bai Feng looked at the wooden clone expressionlessly, and then at the sausage in front of him.

The wooden avatar asked while eating: "Eat, why don't you eat, don't you know that the intestines must be warm to be delicious?"

Eat your uncle, Bai Feng is speechless, with your terrible lines, who would want to eat it.

Reluctantly, he took back the wooden avatar. Who did he learn this kind of hairy personality from?

Opening the chat group, Aite checked Tanjiro.

Bai Feng: Ah, Xiao Poqun went to fight with someone, I can't go to your world now.

Tanjiro: Ah, that would be great.

Tanjiro retracted a message and guess what it was.

Tanjiro: Ah, that would be such a pity.

In the world of Ghost Slayer, Tanjiro secretly blamed himself for being careless, why he accidentally said what was in his heart, what if this group of bullies come to settle accounts with him in the future.

But there is no way, who told this guy to miss his lovely Nezuko.

Bai Feng: ...

Good boy, don't think that I can't see, I can see everything, and when I pass by in the future, I will kill Wu Mi for you, so that you can't find someone to take revenge on, and see if you are angry.

Let you know that my reputation as a bully in the Baifeng Group is not based on it.

At this moment, White Beard came online.

White Beard: Ah, time flies so fast when playing Conquer the World, two years have passed before you know it.

Bai Feng was a little surprised, why are you so fast, White Beard.

Bai Feng: Is there any change between that and the original memory?

Whitebeard: Ah, when I think about it, it seems that except that I am still alive, Akainu is dead, Blackbeard is dead, Aokiji is still in the navy, and Ace is alive, the plot has not changed much.

White Beard: But I didn't expect that guy Luffy could really reach the level of the Four Emperors in just three years.

White Beard sighed a little, could this be the power to cheat? Damn, I want to hang up too.

In this life, I hate cheaters the most. If I see those cheaters, I will beat them one by one.

Bai Feng: So how many forces have you subdued, do you need me to help you with the world government.

Bai Feng thought of something, at least he was someone who had entered the world of pirates in front of him, and he could be regarded as a regular customer.

Facing old acquaintances, One Piece World should not be as ruthless as Ghost Slayer World.

On the Moby Decker, Whitebeard looked at Bai Feng's words and thought for a while. If the time comes to fight the World Government, the Five Old Stars, the Navy, the CP Organization, and Im.

Alas, it's really troublesome, it's just trying to pull the Tianlongren from the throne, why do we have to deal with so many forces.

However, from the current point of view, his side is not bad, not to mention his crazy development of power in the past two years, his current power is not so much a pirate group, but an empire.

White Beard: Not for now, but if there is a need, I will definitely not be polite.

Seeing Baibeard's answer, Baifeng was disappointed for a while, alas, he lost another world of travel.

Could it be that I can only spend this boring time in the ninja world?

Blame this broken chat group, I want to create a world without chat groups.

At this moment, Xiao Poqun had a new movement.

"Ding, welcome partners of justice to join the chat group."

Um? Didn't Xiao Poqun run to fight? Why did newcomers join so quickly? Could it be that they won the battle.

Then he called the chat group, well, there was no response, it seems that this is not the person who was robbed by the small group, but recruited by the automatic recruitment function.

Zhang Chulan: Welcome newcomers, newcomers burst photos, men's and women's clothing, women's black silk.

Limulu: Welcome newcomers, the upstairs is the biggest villain in the group, don't trust him.

Seeing Limulu's speech, Zhang Chulan was furious. Didn't she want to get along with me? She knew it was against me every day.

Li Xiaoxi: Welcome newcomers, I am the owner of the group, newcomers can introduce themselves, and I will upload your life trajectory based on the information.

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