MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 53

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Kakashi was speechless, this familiar feeling, it seems that Bai Feng himself was right, but: "Fuck off, I like women too."

ps: Chapter 2, alas, brothers, it is said that I can’t even afford food recently, is there any rich woman who can see through my stubbornness.

Chapter 96 A Failed Life

At this time, Bai Feng suddenly remembered one thing, what the hell, he forgot to start the live broadcast to pretend to be aggressive, bah, and interacted with the group of friends.

It's over, it's over, my heroic appearance just now must have been recorded.

Bai Feng quickly opened the chat group, and found, well, there is really no screen recording, alas, what a pity, it will be a long time before we find a similar opponent next time.

It is impossible to go directly to the moon to dig Kaguya's grave, and then arrest him and beat him up, that would be too wicked.

And I also suppressed most of my strength this time, otherwise I would just slap the Naruto World with a slap.

There is no way, who knows that there are too many cheats, and the strength rises quickly.

What he didn't notice was that his series of face changes were noticed by others.

Sasuke pulled Naruto back a little, and asked quietly: "By the way, is Hakuka-senpai a little bit?"

As he spoke, he pointed to his head. Naruto felt that Sasuke couldn't look down on his elder brother, so he explained: "Don't talk nonsense, Brother Baifeng just looks a little bit wrong."

Sasuke nodded knowingly, so that's the case, then if I succeed in apprenticeship, will I suffer cruel torture.

On the other side, Kakashi saw his colleagues looking at Baifeng with strange eyes. He felt that his good brother should not be discriminated against like this.

So he coughed twice, pointed to his head and explained, "He's always been like this, you don't mind."

However, it's okay if you don't explain it, but when you explain it, the others suddenly look at Bai Feng with pitiful eyes.

Bai Feng looked at this scene, a little confused, what's the matter, why is he looking at me with such eyes all of a sudden.

Also, Sasuke, what's the matter with the eyes of the little ones, do you know what a bully character is?

Bai Feng was speechless, and decided to go to the chat group later to hang Zhang Chulan up and beat him up.

At this time Kakashi stepped forward: "White Wind, the third generation of him, sacrificed."


Bai Feng nodded, there was no surprise, after all, the consequences of what had been decided had already been seen.

Naruto, on the other hand, couldn't accept the news. After all, when he was growing up, the third generation was one of the few people who treated him well.

He lowered his head and muttered to himself: "What, how could the third generation grandpa die, he is the strongest Hokage."

Bai Feng went over and patted him on the head, and didn't say anything to comfort him. Although the third generation was a positive person, some of the things he did when he was in office were indeed very dishonest.

A group of people walked towards Muye Village, leaving only the deep pit on the ground.

According to reliable sources, a passer-by who witnessed the environment here named it White Wind Abyss.

As for who this passer-by is, no one knows, and no one has seen his true face.

Back in Konoha, the whole village fell into a gloomy atmosphere.

Although there were no casualties among ordinary residents because of the preparations made by the three generations, the fact that their homes were destroyed is undeniable.

Although now all the invaders have subdued the subdued, kill the kill.

Baifeng found Jiraiya, who was holding a bottle of wine at the moment, sitting next to Sandai's corpse with a downcast expression.

The whole person looks older than ten years old, no wonder, the friend who has been chasing for many years died, and the teacher also died, and the death of the friend was because of the teacher, and the death of the teacher was because of the friend.

Bai Feng came to Jiraiya's side: "Master Ziraiya, are you all right?"

"Ah, it's you kid, I'm fine, don't worry, who am I, I'm the Immortal Toad from Mount Miaomu."

While talking, he suddenly sighed: "In retrospect, my life so far has been a capital failure."

Bai Feng was not polite, and nodded in affirmation of Jiraiya's statement. After all, the person he liked was taken first, the best friend betrayed the village, and the apprentices he took in twice died. (I don't even know that Xiaonan and the others are still alive)

Although there is a reason to go out of the village to travel the ninja world to find the Child of Destiny, who knows if there is a reason to escape from reality.

Zilai was also swallowed, and gave Baifeng an angry look: "You boy, can't you say something nice?"

"No way, my biggest shortcoming is that I can't tell lies."

Bai Feng looked at Ziraiya: "Master Ziraiya, there is something I want to ask you for help."

"whats the matter."

"About Naruto's life experience, I think you know it, I want to make it public at the follow-up Hokage succession meeting."

Hearing Baifeng's words, Jiraiya nodded and didn't have any other thoughts. After all, Konoha was really wrong about Naruto.

The parents sacrificed themselves for the sake of the village, and even sacrificed their newborn child as a pillar of support. As a result, the child did not receive the treatment it deserved, and was abused all the time.

Ji Lai also looked at Bai Feng: "What do you want to do?"

Baifeng responded: "The most important node of Orochimaru and Sha Yin Village's plan this time is with Sha Yin's Izuo Jinchuriki, but because Naruto stopped it in time, no greater loss was caused this time. "

On this point, Bai Feng did not lie, after all Gaara was indeed stopped by Naruto.

Looking at Jiraiya's thoughtful eyes, Baifeng continued: "Before he died, the third generation said that he was going to let you take over the fifth Hokage."

Ji Lai also shook his head: "He knows my temper."

Bai Feng nodded: "Indeed, that's why he said again that he asked you to find Tsunade and take over as Fifth Hokage, and you need to tell her when the time comes."

What to say is naturally Naruto's business.

As for Tsunade's location, Baifeng believed that Jilai could not have known about it. After all, an older single woman and an older single licking a dog, how could they not pay attention to each other's news.

After talking with Jiraiya, Baifeng left. After all, the damage caused this time was neither big nor small, and ninjas like them were needed to help in many places.

And after all this is done, a mourning meeting for the victims of this incident will be held tomorrow.

ps: Chapter 3, after reading for a long time, I didn't see the rich woman who belonged to me, so sad.

Chapter 97

(Some people mentioned the problem of reincarnation in the dirty soil. In fact, I changed it a little bit. I don’t know. After all, the first performance of the original work is too spicy.)

A busy day passed, and during the process of repairing Konoha, a ninja performed brilliantly.

Because he used the legendary wooden dungeon used by the first generation to conquer the world, he has built many wooden houses in an instant, saving Konoha a lot of manpower and material resources.

But within a day, Konoha's destroyed house had almost recovered.

The next day, just after dawn, there were already dense crowds of people on the street, wearing black clothes, walking slowly towards the place where Konoha buried the hero.

Tailumon stood on Baifeng's shoulders, followed by Naruto, walking towards the tombstone amidst the crowd.

Like everyone else, their style today is black.

Everyone walked on the street, forming a black torrent, constantly surging.

At the destination, there are already many people present, Asma, Hong, Kakashi, Kai, Konoha Xiaoqiang, and the students of the ninja school.

At this moment, their expressions were the same, with their heads bowed and their faces sad.

At this time, the sky also gathered patches of dark clouds, and it started to rain lightly. It seemed that God was also crying for this scene.

Bai Feng looked left and right, and saw Jiraiya's figure in the crowd.

At this moment, he didn't know whether it was tears or rain falling down his cheeks.

Bai Feng shook his head, although Konoha was in a state of sadness, but he didn't have much sadness.

It's not that he is too cold-blooded, it's just that all this has been expected.

But when he looked at the inexplicable emotion in the depths of these people's eyes, he couldn't help thinking silently, Sandai, it seems that your idea has come true.

Your death has indeed aroused the heart that has long been decayed in peace, and it has sounded a wake-up call for the people in Konoha.

Time passed quickly, and people began to disperse gradually. After all, they still had a lot of things to do.

Jilai also found Baifeng, and told him that he would take Naruto with him when he went to find Tsunade this time.

Although he said that he wanted to take Naruto out to increase his knowledge, but Bai Feng guessed that he didn't dare to meet Tsunade alone, so he had to take someone to strengthen his courage.

Jiraiya also left, took Naruto away to find Tsunade, and Baifeng also started to take his apprentices to do some tasks to help Konoha residents rebuild the village.

During this period, Sasuke also came to him, wanting to worship him as a teacher and learn how to become stronger.

Bai Feng thought for a while, it was boring anyway, teaching three is teaching, teaching four is also teaching, so he agreed, and by the way, he could satisfy his protagonist's habit.

Congratulations, the protagonist Kazuosuke has successfully collected.

People like Aizen have started to develop protagonists, so we can't lag behind, can we, and we still have two of them.

No matter how exciting you think, when you fight in the future, you will have Sasuke on your left and Naruto on your right. If someone is looking for trouble, you will wave your hand, and then your two boys will rush up.

To deal with a powerful enemy without wasting any effort, this is a force, just think about it.

In this way, Sasuke successfully mixed into Baifeng's eighth class and became a ninja boy who was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han.

In addition to teaching his four disciples ninjutsu, Baifeng also secretly stimulated Sasuke's Sharingan to make him upgrade faster.

It can be said that the sadness and selfless devotion of an old father is vividly interpreted.

In this way, not long after, Tsunade was brought back by Jiraiya and Naruto.

When the people in Konoha Village heard that the Fifth Hokage was the former Princess Konoha, they didn't have the slightest resistance.

It just so happened that the rebuilding of the wood industry was almost done, and Sandai's advance preparations were sufficient, and Danzo also went underground to accompany Sandai.

So Tsunade's succession ceremony of Hokage went smoothly very quickly.

At the ceremony, Tsunade first said something that would bring Konoha to prosperity, and then began to talk about the regrets of Shayin Village for this incident, and what compensation it would make.

Finally, looking at the smiling crowd below, she began to talk about the people who had made great contributions to Konoha in this incident.

"White Wind, stopped the first Hokage and the second Hokage, and prevented them from destroying Konoha's attack."

"Kakashi, blah blah blah blah."

"Kay, blah blah blah blah."


When she got to the end of the reading, she pulled Naruto up. Today's Naruto was dressed the same as the day of the exam, sunny and handsome.

"Naruto Uzumaki, in this incident, he prevented the most critical point of the other party's plan, and successfully prevented Izuo Jinchuriki from causing any damage to Konoha."

Tsunade glanced around, looking at the eyes of the group below who still had a trace of hatred and fear, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Teacher, what did you do to become what you are now? This child must be as big as the rope tree back then.

She said loudly: "And today, I want to explain his identity. He is not some demon fox, but the son of four generations of Hokage, the son of heroes."

Naruto looked at Tsunade helplessly, ah, is he the son of the Fourth Hokage? But, why has no one ever told me, but instead called me a demon fox.

The rest of the 12 Xiaoqiang were also shocked, that Naruto guy is real or fake.

And those residents, the smart ones had already guessed something from the day of the exam, kept silent, and the rest made unbelievable voices.

"How is it possible, that brat."

"Isn't he a demon fox?"

"Then why the village won't let us know his real identity."


Thinking of what they did to the son of the Fourth Hokage, these residents were full of guilt, uneasiness, and frustration.

Hearing the discussion below, Tsunade knew that it was almost over, so he stopped their discussion and continued to speak.

"As for the person who spread the rumors, we have also found out that he was one of the former Konoha elders, Danzo, but he has already died at the hands of the enemy in this incident."

How deep is the guilt just now, so how deep are these people's disgust for Danzo now, because they need an excuse to escape what happened in the past.

"Danzo, I f****** you a big******, you******"

"Danzo, you're fucked, the whole family is a big ****"



Thus, such a Hokage succession ceremony became an exchange of telegraph operators.

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