MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2125 Shake the morale of the army

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Wen Rensheng naturally saw this scene by checking Huang Taiji's movements.

He did not go north to direct himself.

When he gets a large ship of more than 2,000 tons, he will not sail on the ocean.

It's just sailing offshore in the * Gorge.

After all, with his physical training, he can swim for 100 kilometers with a piece of wood in the warm waters of the south.

If it is in the northern sea area, unless the mysterious seed can take effect.

He directly passed the news through the Clippers again.

It takes about 7 to 10 days for the Clippers to go, provided that everything goes well.

He remembered a super fast boat that could reach 60 knots per hour, or 100 kilometers per hour, with the wind and the water flowing.

It only takes less than 2 days to arrive.

There is an urgent need for a way to deliver messages quickly.

Carrier pigeons can do it.

The premise is to hold the harbor and start nurturing now.

The homing pigeons that have been raised locally are regularly transported to each other every month.

The principle of homing pigeons is homing.

Better homing pigeons can fly at a speed of 90-150 kilometers per hour.

It was used until World War II, which shows its value.

But it needs to broadcast more than one, and it needs to be prepared for being shot and killed on the road, being caught by an eagle, dying of illness, getting lost... and being intercepted, so the encryption method needs to be replaced regularly.

In short, the price is relatively high.

But do it now.

So Wen Rensheng began to order to find folk pigeon breeders.

This pigeon breeds very quickly, once it is successfully raised, it will be easy to handle.


This moment.

Before Wen Rensheng's news arrived, Yi Zijia also knew about the red-haired soldiers that Huang Taiji wanted to buy him off.

He laughed.

"This barbarian chief doesn't know about the arrangement of our red-haired people, so he wants to bribe them. It's ridiculous." Yizi Yi laughed.

"Yes, we formed a team of 100 people, commanded by a red-haired officer and a red-haired drummer, and then went up to be directly responsible to our people. He couldn't find a target to bribe." Yi Yi Zi Bing followed.

"Wait, we can do whatever we can, with 1 million taels, we can forge a red-haired leader." Yizi Yi had an idea.

"Well, that's right." Yi Zijia nodded.

Soon the five of them began to discuss how to win the trust of the other party, how to design the details of the withdrawal of money, and how to arrange internal responses so that the other party lost the money and lost the army.

After the son B finished discussing, he returned to his tent.

He spoke to his staff again.

The staff system is a system with many disadvantages.

But in this case, since Wen Rensheng couldn't use advanced methods, such as the staff group system, he could only allow private staff to exist.

Come to help the chief officer solve a lot of chores.

At this moment, the staff member had an idea.

"Proprietor, have you ever thought about making a fake show for real? That's one million taels." The staff member rolled his eyes and said immediately.

In his opinion, if he gets 1 million, he will share 50,000, and return to the south of the Yangtze River to become a rich man, so he doesn't have to wander at sea.

This is the result of failing to see the general trend of the times.

Ran to the south of the Yangtze River, and within 20 years, the Qing Dynasty went south to slaughter again.

Adopted son B was furious when he heard the words, he pulled out his knife and put it on the other party's neck: "You are so disgusting, you are my adoptive father."

However, the aides were not afraid: "Even my own father, 10,000 taels of silver is enough to turn against each other. To buy an old man with real power in the court, that is 5,000 taels. The emperor can borrow 3,000 taels once, but now it is 100 taels." Ten thousand taels."

That's right, one million taels is definitely a huge number.

Liao's salary is four million, and more than a dozen generals, military leaders, large and small, as well as the cabinet and the household department are all distributing the fat.

It can support 50,000 soldiers. As long as everyone can get it, they are good soldiers who can fight in the field.

Adopted son B was silent.

The staff had already seen through the proprietor.

In the beginning, he was very loyal to his adoptive father, but after a long time, when others changed their minds in five years, he changed his mind in two years.

Short for no perseverance.

This is very common.

How many similar things in later generations.

To be able to persist for two years is to say that Wen Rensheng's skill of knowing people is not bad.

Many small soldiers were still fighting hard in the field, and they were very brave. After entering the city, their feet were soft and their hands were soft in less than half a month, and they couldn't hold on to the fierce battle.

It's Li Zicheng's old camp.

After entering the capital, he couldn't resist the attack of Man Qing and Wu Sangui, so he was chased and beaten all the way until he died, but he failed to fight back.

Of course there are many factors.

It's not as good as the Daxi Army, Zhang Xianzong also contributed a Li Dingguo, and there is still a little hope of a comeback in the late stage.

People's hearts are like this, and they have not changed since ancient times.

Adopted son B walked back and forth.

Then he suddenly asked, "Where should I go if I get the silver?"

The staff were overjoyed when they heard the words: "You can go to the territory of the red-haired people, or the island country."

"No, the red-haired man's place is damp and wet, and there is a bad smell. The island country is full of ugly girls, all of them have white faces and black teeth, and they look like they're going to vomit."

"Then go to Jiangnan."

"My adoptive father was born as a civil servant, and Jiangnan is a land of scholars. I went there to live in seclusion. I can be a commoner, but I can't enjoy it wantonly. I can't spend my money casually. It's not as good as it is now. And I still I heard that foster father has a place under his command, called Sticky Rod, which is specially used to eliminate rape." Adopted son Yi retorted.

The staff had nothing to say.

He thought that he would go to a certain county in the south of the Yangtze River to become a well-to-do rich man, and just live a low-key life as a landlord and concubine.

But listening to the proprietor, he still wanted to show his face and spend recklessly, this request was difficult.

Except for Daming, there are really not many places in this world that are suitable for them to run.

The key is that the language is not fluent, and there are no acquaintances in the local area, and outsiders settle down, it is easy to be robbed of their wealth.

Adopted son B saw that the staff couldn't offer any solution, so he shook his head and said, "Oh, let's leave this matter at that, and don't bring it up again in the future."

The staff suddenly had an idea: "Then it is better to go to Donglu, at least there will not be infiltrated by Master Bingbeidao."

"Fuck you, if I go to Donglu, how can I keep the one million taels of silver I got? Isn't it sent back again?" Yizi Yi didn't say any more, raised his knife and dropped it, and the result was over. This aide who was motivated by money...

He killed the other party because he found that the other party was not qualified at all.

It's okay to do some chores, but when it comes to big things, it's cheating.

It is better to kill late than to kill early, and it is better to kill now than to kill early.

"Come here and bury Mr. Jiang. A spies came to attack him. Mr. Jiang fought bravely and was accidentally killed by the enemy." He called two soldiers and dragged him away.

It's just that the two soldiers looked at each other, kept silent, dragged him out and buried him.

Not long after it was buried, they wrote a secret letter and placed it under a flagpole somewhere.

After midnight, the flagpole came down and someone dug up the secret letter.

"Yezi Yi killed his staff in the tent."

Similar things happened more than once.

It can be seen that a million taels of silver is terrible.

The veterans of later generations enjoyed playing with this move, and it often took effect, and even defeated their opponents without moving a single soldier.

The chief of the army, the danger of the chief of the army is here, one person can take away a team.

The price of buying is not high.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng used the measures of this era early on to guard against this.

Supervising troops, hostages, logistics, military law...

Recruitment does not recruit bachelors, promotion must have three children.

This is why Huang Taiji first targeted the red-haired man.

Then this set of strategies was finally implemented.

They found a few red-haired middle and low-level officers, praised them for their combat effectiveness, promoted them, and let them lead 2,000 people.

They were not told the whole plot, however.

The more people know about a strategy, the easier it is to fail.

A total of five adoptive sons know the whole picture.

Although Yi Ziyi had a different heart, but this time he decided to wait and see.

After all, living with the adoptive father is quite comfortable, with pay, officials, houses, concubines and sons...

If you want to abandon these, unless you are captured or demoted to punishment, and other desperate situations.

It is impossible for ordinary people to make up their minds so easily.

Even Hong Chengchou stayed in prison for a while before giving up.


Huang Taiji's people quickly hooked up with the so-called red-haired senior officers, one chief and two officers, one major, two captains, and the red-haired men in charge of 2,000 people.

They were all temporary promotions.

When they heard it, there were millions of taels of silver to take.

"This is an insult to our honor!" Captain B said harshly.

He took out the short-fire gun and was about to kill the interpreter.

"No, please insult me ​​well, that's a million taels of silver, we can take the silver and become a baron as long as we go back!" Captain Jia immediately held him down.

"There is a lot of silver, but how can we guarantee it to be in our hands?" the major asked suddenly.

"That's right, one million taels is a lot." Captain Jia then asked.

The interpreter said: "It's not much. One thousand catties of silver in a cart can be exchanged for gold, ten to one, 100,000 taels of gold."

One hundred thousand taels of gold is 3125 kilograms, about 3 tons in weight, and more than 30 tons of silver.

This has to be transported on a big ship.

The major shook his head: "It's too difficult. You don't have a money order here, and your power can't reach the south. Although there is a lot of money, it can't be delivered to us. So much money, where should you deliver it? How can we get a ship? "

Captain Jia's fiery mind also turned cold.

Too much money is also a trouble, and it can’t be shipped.

"Then you can do it in batches, how about giving 5000 taels of gold first?" the interpreter said cautiously.

"5000 taels is not a lot." Captain Jia said hastily.

"But compared with one hundred thousand taels of gold, it's too little." The major shook his head.

"How about this, you and I should cooperate with each other to defeat those people who are quick to write down the firm, so you can take away as much money as you want?" The interpreter said quickly.

"Oh, that's right." Captain Jia nodded quickly.

This is obviously a greedy mind.

"Nonsense, when I hunt, I only feed the hounds before I catch the prey." Captain B sneered there.

People are always different.

Just like how Ming Dynasty died, everyone reviled, everyone despised Chongzhen, and there was still a family of seventeen who died in the city.

Captain B felt that he had been promoted to captain now, and his annual salary had risen to 300 taels, as well as various benefits, which was already very good.

What are you doing for the one million troubles?

It's too tiring, why don't you hold the money safely, accumulate it for a few years, and then go back to be a landlord manor.

After a few years, all kinds of income can exceed 3000 taels.

The major also nodded.

"We must first give us a part, at least a 30% deposit, before we start."

"Thirty percent is too much, at most half percent, that's 50,000 taels of silver, 5,000 taels of gold." The interpreter gritted his teeth.

"Ten percent, don't talk about it anymore, ten thousand taels of gold, we have done this." The major said.

"Okay." The interpreter continued.

Then Captain B was picky again: "No, you are an interpreter, can you decide the matter of tens of thousands of taels of gold?"

"Our Great Khan gave me an order. As long as it is less than 200,000 taels, I will make the decision. Anyway, I snatched it from the Ming people." The interpreter said proudly.

The major nodded.


Two days later, in Huang Taiji's tent.

"Khan, they agreed, as long as they are given five thousand taels of gold, they decided to open the city gate, secretly take us in, and at the same time make two thousand red hairs defect." The interpreter knelt on the ground and said excitedly.

"Okay, you have worked hard, and I will reward you with 20 taels of silver. By the way, tell me about the communication process..." Huang Taiji smiled.

Then the interpreter explained everything in detail.

"Okay, go down." Huang Taiji waved his hand and said.

Then Huang Taiji called a Hanchen.

"Spread the news, just say that I spent a million taels of silver to buy the opposite person, everyone above the small flag is 100 taels, and the general flag is 300 taels... Put the silver box in front of the formation. If anyone wants to take it, you can buy it in the middle of the night." Come vote." Huang Taiji said immediately.

"Ah, Big Khan, isn't everyone aware of this?" Amin was startled.

Immediately, he understood Huang Taiji's intentions, no wonder he couldn't fix the other party, no wonder in that situation, it was Huang Taiji who became a profuse sweat, and gradually made the other three people kneel down to him.

"What we want is for everyone to know. I didn't know the inside story of the red-haired people before, but now I learned through the communication with the interpreter that they are also guarded everywhere inside. It is impossible to lure away a battalion of soldiers by just buying a few people."

"However, money touches people's hearts. With so much money, there will always be someone who will take refuge in the middle of the night. What we need now is the opponent's intelligence." Huang Taiji said.

"Khan is wise."

It is truly wise to be able to decisively admit mistakes and correct them.

If you refuse to admit your mistakes and let your subordinates take responsibility, you will become Chongzhen, and as time goes by, your subordinates will not be able to take responsibility.

Everyone is worried that crossing the river will destroy the bridge.

Of course, there are too many mistakes in decision-making and too many mistakes to admit. What if everyone finds out that you are a mediocre person?

That must be delegated power, through checks and balances to screen out those who have the talents of the prime minister, and let them do things.

If you don't delegate power and do wrong things, the emperor will soon lose his majesty.

No one is listening.

This is also the reason why the feudal system could not be implemented in the end.

It is not a stable system that can fix bugs in time and clean up redundant memory.

Sure enough, as soon as the news was released.

Seeing the white.*.flowers of silver, the soldiers on the harbor were all red-eyed.

Serving as a soldier is for Who will be a soldier without money?

In the middle of the night, someone sneaked down to the top of the city.

Then get shot.

It was soon overwhelmed.

"The money is all fake, it's all used to lie to you. And the military salary we pay is the real thing!" A person who claimed to have run over and back was talking back and forth to other people on the wall.

Most people believed it.

In fact, everyone has to believe it.

After all, many people are old and young, and soldiers who are reluctant to part with their families still account for the majority.

(end of this chapter)

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