MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2124 buy red hair

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Adopted child A understands very well.

The weakness of their team is that they only have infantry and artillery, but they lack cavalry, the most critical strategic force.

In fact, any team that wants to ride on foot must have some cavalry to counter it.

There must be at least 1/5 of the number of cavalry of the opponent.

In this way, after defeating the opponent, cavalry can be used to harvest and expand the results of the battle.

Otherwise, they can only defeat the enemy, kill some at most, and then most of the wounded soldiers can escape with the help of horses.

After training, those strong ones can survive again.

Only musket wounds and arrow wounds are different.

The gun shot into the body is small and deep, and it is not easy to dig out. It is easy to get inflammation and high fever, and finally die.

It is easy to pull out the arrow, but it is really impossible to dig it out.

Then Yi Zijia, for the sake of safety, once again ordered the form of a hollow phalanx to retreat alternately while maintaining a defensive posture.

This marching mode requires a very strong degree of training and organization.

Fortunately, their training and organization can still reach this level.

Otherwise, the Ming army is doomed to be defeated.

Then Amin, who was in pursuit, saw a strange scene from afar.

Enemies are alternately falling back.

The defenders retreated first.

Forward phalanx defense.

Then the two sides exchange tasks,

The guard defended on the spot, and the muzzle was aimed at the cavalry in the distance.

The striker retreats.

So one by one alternate.

Amin observed carefully, if he charged hard now, he should be able to defeat one or two phalanxes.

But at this time, other teams will quickly follow up, using muskets, giant shields, and cannons to bombard and outflank his intensively charging cavalry.

And if the cavalry scattered and harassed, they would be beaten to death by the opponent's skirmishers with strange muskets.

This took him by surprise.

I didn't expect the opponent's firearm to be so sharp.

If the opponent uses all the firearms with a long range, can his cavalry still fight?

Amin's heart was heavy.

For the sake of safety, their cavalry must stay at least one mile away from each other.

In order to ensure that they are not killed, otherwise they will be killed by the opponent.

This distance can't tire the enemy, deter the enemy, or reduce the morale of the enemy.

On the contrary, the opponent is getting more and more confident as he retreats.

The pace is more steady and fast.

They even started singing strange songs.

"I have a lamb, and I took it aboard."

"The nasty first officer took a fancy to it, so I took the knife and chopped him down."

Those red-haired men sang popular ditties and laughed.

They are laughing at the "Tatar" people, yes, the red-haired people at this time call all the barbarians of the East Tatars.

They still treat the Eastern Ming people as civilized people.

Of course, they were also afraid of the reclamation activities of the Ming people, so they repeatedly launched massacres.

After Wanli heard about it, he still wanted to conquer, but he died before he had time.

A Min just looked at the other party, and the other party retreated slowly.

The distance to the harbor is getting closer and closer.

In this way, the fighter was gradually lost.

In the final analysis, Amin did not want to lose his precious people.

Besides, his task is to hold the rear, not to kill many people.

Among them, Amin's son, and several young Belle children, all repeatedly asked for a rush.

But Amin sternly rejected them all.

At this time, Huang Taiji was already close to the battlefield.

In fact, he also thought about it at this time, and quickly sent a letter to let Amin delay the other party.

However, he was afraid that sending the letter would leak the news, which would cause his roundabout attack to fail.

In fact, Huang Taiji overestimated the courage of this sea invasion team.

He thought that the opponent would successfully defeat A Min by relying on cannons and guns, and then attacked Liaoyang, and settled his troops under the fortified city.

The most fundamental reason is that Huang Taiji, from the perspective of a player, thought that this kind of sea army must be very powerful if it could come from thousands of miles away.

He subconsciously brought it to the time when John State was fighting the Qing Dynasty, thinking that the opponent's guns and cannons were very powerful, and 7,000 people could easily defeat the 10,000 people left by him.

That's why he didn't send a letter to Amin quickly.

But he didn't expect that the opponent was so timid, facing only 2,000 cavalry, he was about to retreat, and he retreated step by step.

Back all the way to the temporary harbor.

At this time, Amin was awake enough, and his 5,000 infantry and coats had already arrived.

He immediately ordered the infantry and the coat to dig a long trench near the harbor to besiege the opponent's harbor.

Patrol with cavalry.

But the opponent has a fighting spirit.

Use skirmishers to hunt them down every day.

At this time, they will send dozens of cavalry to kill these skirmishers.

There were casualties on both sides.

In the end, the cavalry stopped killing.

Their men dug deeper trenches to avoid the hunting of skirmishers.

Above the harbor, an earthen wall has been built.

There was also a long trench ahead of them.

There are many cannons placed behind the earthen wall.

Therefore, the entire harbor is very firmly established.

There are matchlock guns in the back, and there are wooden sheds on the walls that are waterproof, arrow-proof and fire-proof.

Even if it rains, it can be fired smoothly.

On the contrary, when it is raining, the bow and arrow cannot be used, unless you want to use up the precious bowstring.

Amin could tell that this was a seaport that could be defended for more than a few years.

The opponent has a sea-going ship, so they can't stop their support at all.

This kind of place can't be beaten at all.

Unless you fight desperately.

Little did he know that the enemy was still behind them, building a second castle.

While A Min was observing the harbor, Huang Taiji finally rushed over with 6,000 cavalry, including 2,000 white armored soldiers and 4,000 red armored soldiers.

When Huang Taiji led the army to see the harbor, he showed a complex expression of extreme disappointment.

When Amin saw Huang Taiji's team, he immediately understood Huang Taiji's intentions.

He immediately went to the opposing army and knelt down to plead guilty.

"Great Khan, I didn't hold them back, I lost the opportunity to fight, let Khan bring the army back to rescue in vain, please punish the Khan."

Player Huang Taiji was of course very depressed.

But he also understands that this is the real war.

The battlefield is ruthless, and it is impossible to develop in the direction you imagined at any time.

Just like this time, the enemy originally wanted to take advantage of the absence of his main force to come to Heihu to dig out his heart, but he didn't get it.

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They just burned and killed some villages. It is estimated that the other party still wanted to train soldiers, but the soldiers were not really trained. Instead, they consumed a lot of food and carried out a lot of useless marches.

Of course, this kind of march is also a valuable training experience.

The other party can say that the purpose of military training has been partially achieved.

He was very annoyed, and originally wanted to take a detour to catch the other party.

As a result, more than half of the horses ran to death. Due to the long journey, 10% of them fell ill due to excessive fatigue, and hundreds of people died of illness.

You must know that these are some of the most elite fighters who are very tough and able to endure hardships.

If it was replaced by ordinary Eight Banners, half of them would have collapsed long ago.

After all, this is a raid of thousands of miles.

The ancients never did it.

Even the white armor soldiers couldn't bear it anymore.

He couldn't help cursing: "Damn these bastards, I will kill them all sooner or later."

But he soon calmed down again.

"Amin Baylor, you have also seen it. Tell me that the opponent is obviously weak and dare not face it head-on. Why did you dare to attack us?"

"Because they have sea ships, they can't beat them. They can escape directly by sea ships. This is the same as the Dongjiang River. They are on the island. As long as they don't freeze, they won't be afraid of us." Amin replied immediately.

"Yes, so if we want to completely defeat them, we must also have our own sea ships."

"If we also have sea ships, we can blockade the harbor now and besiege and defeat them!"

Amin was taken aback for a moment.

"So I want to give you a task. You have to find an inland river nearby that can lead to the sea. First, build an inland water army. After practicing, then occupy the estuary and use the cannons we captured to build a fort at the estuary. , and then rely on the fort to build a port and defend the port.”

"Then we also need to build shipyards and train sailors. Our Eight Banners children not only want to be kings on land, but also kings at sea."

Amin suddenly felt dizzy. He was originally a hero on horseback.

Now let him supervise the construction of the navy.

How did he know that this was Huang Taiji's well-intentioned effort, and he wanted to give him a big responsibility.

Huang Taiji wanted to change the strategic goals of the Eight Banners.

After all, he knew that the five-hundred-year empire must occupy the ocean.

Otherwise, they will be overthrown and killed by others in the end.

But in A Min's view, this is Huang Taiji trying to suppress himself again.

The other party must want to separate himself from the familiar army.

Let yourself master the unfamiliar water army.

After a few years, I couldn't control the original team.

Even his original inlaid blue flag would follow him to fight at sea, and gradually no one followed him.

At that time, after losing his influence, the other party can easily find his own son and grandson to replace him as the banner owner of the inlaid blue flag.

A Min thought of this and hated it deeply.

But there is nothing I can do.

Because under the leadership of Huang Taiji, the Eight Banners are thriving and becoming stronger and stronger.

The surrender of the hearts of the people is no longer something he can fight against.

This human heart is very subtle, and many people have grasped it on the surface, but they have not grasped it in reality.

Just like now, by citing the excellent crops of the Ming Dynasty, Huang Taiji has made it very profitable to catch the crops.

In this way, 90% of the Eight Banners disciples are willing to support him.

If they wanted to rebel, those with blue flags would not take the risk of doing it, because there was almost no chance of victory.

He had no choice but to kneel down and said, "I would like to share my worries for the Great Khan."

"Very good. From now on, my disciples of the Eight Banners will cross the seven seas, and each of you can become king overseas." Huang Taiji came up and divided the pie.

As soon as he said this, the resentment in A Min's heart was reduced a lot.

A Min was lucky, if he controlled the navy and ran outside at that time, wouldn't he be able to escape from Huang Taiji's deterrence?

Before attacking the Eastern Dynasty, I didn't let myself go. If I went by myself, I could try to stand on my own.

"Thank you Khan for your kindness." Amin knelt down again.

In short, I don't know how long I have been kneeling.

However, only a few years ago, the two were equal big Baylor.

The co-governance of the four major Baylors has only been in the past year.

"Okay, brother, please." Huang Taiji smiled, "However, in this harbor in front of us, we still have to try to push him away, and we can't let this fishbone get stuck in our throats."

A Min nodded: "What Khan said is true, but the opponent is equipped with guns and artillery, and it is difficult to attack. Before Khan attacked Ningyuan, he retreated because he was worried about the heavy casualties."

"You're right." Huang Taiji thought to himself, no one knew more about the power of this than himself.

Forcibly attacking, more than half of my 6,000 people and Amin's 7,000 people will be filled in.

And the opponent finally retreated by sea boat.

Amin did not speak.

"But we can use time. Those red-haired people are the most greedy for money, and we have robbed a lot of silver this time. If I take out 1 million taels, do you think those red-haired people will open the door and fight back? "Huang Taiji said confidently.

"Ah?" Amin never expected to have such a move.

He had to sigh.

He didn't know anything about the red-haired man. If he had known this was the case, he would have tried it with one hundred thousand taels of silver!

"Don't worry, these Westerners are not our people. They have no faith and only talk about money. We will pay three times as much as the pirates who hired them!"

Huang Taiji's words can be said to have hit a weakness.

Will these red-haired people get cold feet?

In fact, Yizijia also considered this point.

So he has pulled the redheads off the harbor wall.

Instead, some more reputable mercenary officers were left behind.

Low-level mercenaries have no honor to speak of, and they will fight whoever pays the most.

Anyway, after this game, go home and get married, who cares about reputation?

But not mercenary officers.

They tend to pull a team to think about long-term credibility work.

You can't fight with someone else. If someone gives you money, and you hit your employer instead, no one will come to you next time.

Everyone is afraid of such gangs.

Is it cheap to spend money looking for a fight?

There are 2,000 red-haired musketeers.

He put it on board.

At the same time, I also understand why it is difficult for mercenaries to become the main force against barbarians.

Because it's ironic that the barbarians have money, but Daming has no money.

It's okay if the scale is small, and you can control the other party. If the scale is large, it will be difficult to trust.

If the other party turns against the customer, the problem will be troublesome.

Here comes the problem.

Why didn't the Eight Banners buy local soldiers this time?

Because the local soldiers have parents and children, the cost of buying them is high.

Of course it was bought later.

A full payment for the army turned many Ming soldiers into green camps.

The Ming army obviously cannot compare with these navies.

Their weapons and armor alone are very expensive.

Not easy to buy.


one day.

An interpreter found a red-haired man who was out hunting.

"Your, do you have the silver ones? Here is my scalp." Hongmao beat a wild boar, skinned the wild boar, and wanted to sell it to the other party.

For the sake of trade, they can learn the most awkward words.

"Do you speak Portuguese and Maori?" asked the interpreter.

"What are you talking about? Wait, I'll get someone."

Three red hairs came over, and one of them finally communicated smoothly.

In the end they learned that the Great Khan of the Tatars wanted to bribe them by giving them one million taels.

Several red-haired eyeballs popped out.

One million taels!

This is an unbelievable price!

They couldn't believe it! must be reversed, and it must be reversed if there are no conditions to create conditions.

It's just that they have 2,000 people, so each person gets 50 taels.

50 taels is not much.

Because the military salary given by the other party is 40 taels a year.

It's not worth betraying a good job all year round for 50 taels a time.

Unless it is not for the people below, only for these few people.

One hundred thousand taels per person is a lot.

Enough to go back and buy a knighthood and a castle manor, and become a nobleman!

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