MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 284 New Year's Eve at Rival's House

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  Chapter 284 Going to the Love Rival’s House for New Year’s Eve

  The silkworm matter came to an end, and both Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi fell into a brief silence.

  In their past experience, they had a clear stand on too many things, especially things like subduing demons and eliminating demons.

  But this one contains too many complicated emotions.

  When the big silkworm spit out colorful leaves to die, the two actually felt a little sad.

  Zhao Chuang rushed back, earlier than they expected.

   "Boss, what about her?" Zhao Chuang asked in a daze.

   Ji Que pointed to a mulberry tree below, and said, "She's dead."

  Zhao Chuang walked over, looked at the big silkworm that had lost any breath, slowly squatted down, and hugged her.

   "She said she wanted to burn it clean when she left. If she had to choose again, she would rather just be a silkworm that spins silk for you, and when she died, it happened to be when the silk was exhausted." Ji Que looked at him and relayed.

  Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi could clearly see that Zhao Chuang's shoulders were shaking slightly, and his face could not be seen from here, but it was probably sad.

   "Thank you." Zhao Chuang said hoarsely.

  After that, Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi left.

   When they reached the hillside, the two stopped at the same time and looked into the distance.

   There, a fire was lit.

  The two watched for a while, Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help but leaned into Ji Que's arms, and Ji Que also hugged him, the two looked intimate and sad.

  Ji Que looked at Lin Xiangzhi's appearance and asked, "Why are you sad?"

   "They're all demons, will you do the same to me?" Lin Xiangzhi asked emotionally.

   "You are a demon? Are you not human?" Ji Que retorted.

   "But I have a demon body." Lin Xiangzhi frowned.

   "Then you are also a human being, you can't just be regarded as a demon, if you have to say, you are also a human demon, the human is in front, and the demon is in the rear." Ji Que explained seriously.

  Lin Xiangzhi heard it, and couldn't help frowning: "Shemale, why does it sound a little weird?"

   "What's weird, it sounds nice."

   A man and a woman were talking, and gradually disappeared into the mulberry sea.

  Inn, the oil lamp is shaking.

  The half of the colorful leaves are illuminated by the lights, and the whole body seems to be surrounded by rays of light, and there is a faint sense of immortality.

  Seeing this leaf, Ji Que and the others couldn't help but have the urge to devour it.

  Because there is only half of the leaf left, only half of the word "wu" can be seen remaining on the leaf, but it can still be deduced that the two ancient seal characters of "foreign matter" must be engraved on the leaf when it is complete.

  Since the leaf arrived, the jade head that Tang Yi had kept was shaking non-stop, as if about to dance.

  Seeing this, Ji Que said, "What is this? Opposites attract, or when fellow villagers see fellow villagers, they are so excited that they burst into tears?"

  Ning Hongyu saw it, and said: "At present, we only know that they are all left by the old master of the previous generation. They look both good and evil, but in fact they all make people feel evil."

  Ji Que nodded, agreeing with his point of view.

  From the old woman's jade finger to this colorful leaf, they can be said to be old acquaintances with the foreign body.

  These foreign bodies have the power to turn decay into magic, but they have not benefited the world once, but instead brought terrible troubles.

  Finger finger brings people back from the dead, with strong resentment, the jade head manipulates the shadow of the person, almost burying the entire Sangshui County, and this colorful leaf makes a silkworm take shape, brewing a bad relationship.

  It also has the function of extracting human memory, but it is not stable and is easily affected by the extracted memory. This is also the fuse of the tragedy of Zhao Chuang and Da Can.

   "Do you feel that whether it is a foreign body society or these foreign bodies, they seem to be uncommon, but they are always around us." Tang Yi, who has not spoken, said.

  Ning Hongyu frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

   "I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, or because we were unlucky, these things seem to be approaching us and want to swallow us."

  Tang Yi took a sip of the tea on his chest and said lazily.

  Her voice was lazy, but the meaning she expressed made Ning Hongyu and Lin Xiangzhi cautious.

  This feeling is like playing chess. They are white pieces on the chessboard, and there are black pieces surrounding them, trying to eat them.

   But when it comes to bad luck, the three women can't help but look at Ji Que.

  Ji Que hurriedly said: "Look at me, I'm lucky."

  Lin Xiangori thought about it: "It means, we should pay attention to the movements of the Foreign Object Society?"

  Ning Hongyu said: "No, from what Ji Que and I learned before, the Foreign Object Society has declined a lot, and they have some problems controlling the foreign objects. I am always more worried about the Tai Sui Ding."

  Tai Sui Ding, the product of the creation of human beings by the old emperor of the previous generation.

  For example, the reason why there are immortals and Buddhas in the world today, and Laojun, and the Foreign Object Society on the ground, is inseparable from Laojun's creation of human beings.

  The people of Changdao Kingdom consider themselves descendants of Laojun. This statement is actually true, but they should not be born by Laojun's blood, but created, so the people of that country will be so easily deformed.

   What I didn't expect was that the people of Changdao Kingdom actually found the location of the Heavenly Palace. After discovering the disappearance of the Immortal Buddha, they gradually digested the resources left by the Immortal Buddha and replaced it.

   This made Ji Que feel the danger, because the long-necked woman repeatedly mentioned a word—distortion.

   There are good and bad distortions, but they often represent instability.

  If this instability increases, it will bring disaster sooner or later.

  Ji Que only hopes that everything left by the previous generation of immortals and Buddhas can restrain the possibility of distortion, so that they can all be immortals.

  The gods are far away, and the heavenly palace is far away, but they are not out of reach.

  Because whether it is the Foreign Object Society or these foreign objects, they are more or less connected with them.

  The real body of Goddess Fenglian had come before, if Ling Qianhu hadn't been present at that time, I'm afraid it wouldn't have ended.

  At this time, there was a crisp knock on the door.

   "Objective, the small hot pot you want is ready."

  Everyone has been doing things for so long, especially Tang Yi, who actually said two carefully analyzed words. He was already hungry, so he asked people to bring them in quickly.

  The owner of the inn hurriedly cleared the table with a few waiters, and brought in an iron pot that was burning firewood.

  The oil in the iron pan was tumbling, and a strong spicy aroma came out. Looking at the ups and downs of the meat inside, several people couldn't help swallowing.

  Unknowingly, winter has come.

  The poor hate winter the most. They don’t have enough to eat, they are cold, and their clothes are thin. Life is made worse, while the rich like winter.

  Because in winter, you can wear elegant and luxurious robes, wear a scarf with fine hair, enjoy the snow while eating hot pot in a warm room.

   Now Ji Que has already become a rich man.

   It can be said that the largest industry in Qingping County is owned by him and Ning Hongyu.

  Yes, it is reasonable and reasonable for him to save the world while saving the world from demons, and at the same time earn some money.

  The heroic and righteous should not be poor.

   There was already cooked mutton and pork belly in this pot, and the aroma was overflowing.

   Originally, the people here, except for Ji Que, were all born in wealthy families. The three women originally wanted to keep a little reserved, but unfortunately they are too fragrant.

  Lin Xiangori started first, and picked up a piece of pork belly, which was so delicious that it almost meowed.

   Seeing that Ji Que was about to turn into a storm, Ning Hongyu also joined the battlefield.

  Tang Yi lay there, complaining: "You can't serve me a bowl, just put it in front of me, and don't let you feed it."

   As a result, the three of them turned around holding the bowl at the same time and looked at her.

  While looking at it, she ate with a "huh huh!", as if she was talking to her, but also as if she was just eating.

  Finally, Tang Yi still didn't sit still, got up and came to the dinner table, and started to eat.

  The room was as warm as before, everyone was eating in full swing, and the coldness and horror of discussing the immortals, Buddhas and foreign objects before all dissipated.

  The guys outside looked at this scene and couldn't help being envious.

  They were envious not only because Ji Que ate well, but also because Ji Que ate alone with three extremely beautiful women.

  The guy felt that if one of these three women was with him, it would be a golden pie in the sky, but this time three women came at once.

   "This young man is lucky."

  Finally, the guy came to such a conclusion.

  If Ji Que heard this sentence, he would definitely suspect that the young master had someone else.

   Is he lucky?

   But he was really lucky today, eating pigskin without encountering a pile of long hairs on it.

   Obviously, every time he solves a relatively big problem, his bad luck will subside for a while, as peaceful as a sage.

   In the middle of eating, Ning Hongyu couldn't help talking about the Chinese New Year.

   "My father sent a letter asking you to come back to my house for the New Year." Ning Hongyu put down his wine glass and said calmly.

  Lin Xiangzhi retorted: "Why should he go to your house for the New Year?"

  Ning Hongyu frowned and said, "Your father also asked him to go back to celebrate the New Year?"

   "Of course, my dad"

  Lin Xiangzhi herself didn't even know where her father was and what was going on, so she suddenly lost her confidence.

  Tang Yi said at this time: "He went to your house for a year, so what's the point of keeping us?"

  From the very beginning, Ning Hongyu seemed to be saying something that seemed to be a matter of course, and her tone of voice seemed to be giving instructions to the little ones at home.

  But when the lazy Tang Yi spoke, the situation changed subtly, as if she was the hostess.

  From the beginning to the end, Lin Xiangzhi seemed to be following the crowd, a little one, or a maid.

   Facing Tang Yi's question, Ning Hongyu said rather straightforwardly: "You guys are also together."

   "You let the two of us go to your house for the New Year?" Tang Yi asked suspiciously.

   "Yes, there's nothing wrong with being lively during the New Year. Besides, if the foreign body you mentioned is approaching us unknowingly and wants to swallow us up, going to the capital is the best choice." Ning Hongyu said.

   "Why?" Lin Xiangzhi asked.

"The dossiers in the world are the most complete in the capital. We need to check the Foreign Objects and the Foreign Objects Society. It is easier to start from there. If we have been targeted by the Foreign Objects Society, the monks in the north are too scattered and lack the characters on the cloud, but the capital is not Same.

  To be honest, without us and Venerable Chen, the Jiangmo Building in the North would have been unable to hold on for a long time, and in the capital, there are not many masters similar to Venerable Chen, but they are not too few. "

"I heard a joke in the capital before, that is, a group of bandits wanted to rob a pawnshop, and that pawnshop happened to be a secret stronghold of the Qingqi Division. , and suddenly heard someone yelling 'Root! Otherwise I'll kill you all!'."

  Ning Hongyu shrugged and said: "You should be able to guess what happens next. If foreign objects want to surround us, it depends on whether they dare to act presumptuously at the feet of the Son of Heaven."

   "So out of emotion and reason, we'd better go to the capital, to my house."

  Tang Yi thought about it: "But there are relatives in my family who want to live in the same city as me."

   "Then let them all go to my house, ten or eighty of your relatives will be fine." Ning Hongyu said straightforwardly.

  Tang Yi nodded, and said with great interest: "My relatives are as lazy as I am. Are you afraid of losing money?"

  Ning Hongyu replied calmly: "Believe me, my family still has a little money to suffer."

   "Interesting, dragging the family to celebrate the new year at the rival's house, fine, but I have to lie down." Tang Yi also said happily.

  Lin Xiangzhi hesitated for a while, but Tang Yi over there agreed.

  Hmm, her opinion doesn't seem too important?

   "No problem, I will prepare more cars this time, or let this guy take one alone." Ning Hongyu replied.

  One month after winter, Ji Que and his party are preparing to go to Ning's house for the New Year.

   Ji Que, who used to pick and search, has changed a lot now. Facing those low-key and luxurious carriages, he only feels a little heartache.

   After all, he really made money.

  When the stockings became popular, money floated in lying down, as if there was a cornucopia.

  The Ning family has been able to be rich for so many generations, relying on these "cornucopias" to continue, but there have been some changes in the past few years, and only then did they start to pay attention to the things left by the ancestral God of Wealth.

  The real cornucopia has been in the hands of the Ning family for more than half a year, and it is unknown how much wealth has been conjured.

   Ever since, the relatively long convoy set off under the gaze of everyone.

   Chen Zhu saw this and said: "Brother Ji, I still want to go. I didn't feel much presence when I was a driver last time. I'm going to be a guest this time."

  At this time, Ning Hongyu rode over and said, "Then ask Junior Sister Wang for her opinion, and then call Master."

  Ji Que rubbed his head, thinking that too many people came to the door this time.

   Call a few more, and half of the mainstays of Jiangmo Tower can be pulled away.

   As a result, Chen Zhugang asked Wang Hua excitedly, and was taught a lesson.

"Do you want to be a guest? I don't even want to say it clearly, you just don't want to see my parents. Get out! Fuck you, I'll let my mother find a matchmaker and I won't be looking for you anymore." Hua said angrily.

   "What! Do you still want to marry someone else?"

   "How old am I, I can't get married yet, others laugh at me."

  Chen Zhu panicked, and immediately hugged Wang Hua's thigh, unable to shake it off no matter how hard he tried.

  Ning Hongyu knew he wouldn't be able to come, so he waved his hand and set off.

  Hearing what Wang Hua said, Ning Hongyu could only smile helplessly.

  Cultivators are human beings, they also have to live and marry

  (end of this chapter)

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