MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 283 That year, the silkworm

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  Chapter 283 That Year, That Silkworm

   That silk was obviously planned for a long time, and it seized the opportunity to sneak attack, and it was only separated by a bed board, which caught Ji Que by surprise.

   With a chisel, when the sharp silk stabbed Ji Que's heart, his whole body slid out like a piece of paper, and stuck to the bottom of the bed with a click.

  Suppressed the stab, but the silk seemed to be alive, chasing Ji Que under the bed.

  The Qianji Sword sensed Ji Que's intentions, slipped out from the wrist with a swish, and cut the tough and sharp silk.

   But even though it was cut off, the half of the silk was still alive, and it slammed into Ji Que's heart.

  The moment the clothes were pierced through an eye again, a gap suddenly appeared on the Qianji Sword, and when it closed, it bit the half of the silk like a mouth.

  Ji Que took advantage of the situation and slipped out of the bed.

   On the other side, Qianji Sword has automatically cut that section of silk to pieces.

  In the dimly lit room, the sight of two people wriggling together, with strange patterns, looks weird and terrifying.

  The next moment, he just wanted to get close to Zhao Chuang and rescue him, but only heard "Mine!", Ji Que couldn't help but swayed and fell to the ground.

  Almost at the same time, the silkworm's body suddenly expanded, and countless silks shot out.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi!

  Lin Xiangori rolled over and hid.

  A lot of silk came out from the roof, and they passed through the walls and tiles, as easy as a needle piercing tofu.

  In just an instant, the whole room was covered with countless silks, which exuded a cold light and were as sharp as a blade.

   "Mine, Xiao Chuang is mine!"

  The silk around it began to spin around, making a shrill sound of piercing through the air.

  For a while, the originally quiet silkworm house seemed to turn into a terrible meat grinder, trying to grind the things inside to pieces.

   There are very thin traces on the wall, if it weren't for the smoke and dust, it would be difficult for you to see these gaps.

  But they were indeed cut open. The whole room, no matter hard or soft, was cut open like a knife cutting hot oil.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi!

   There was a harsh friction sound, and sparks flew.

  The Qianji sword turned into a three-dimensional protective ring, blocking the attacking silk.

  The silkworms continued to stir, and the big silkworms on the bed were agitating, as if they were panting violently, or giving birth.

   "Xiaoyun" turned her head, seeing that the silk hadn't been able to do anything to Ji Que, her eyes narrowed into a slit!

  It seems to be full of vicious steel needles hidden inside, trying to sieve those it hates.

   "Mine, no one can take him away from me!"


  It sounds like the sound of silkworms devouring mulberry leaves.

  At this time, the eyes of the silkworm also revealed a vicious light, and more silk came out from the mouth and body of the silkworm, but these silks did not choose to attack, but gathered.

   It is to entangle Zhao Chuang.

  Zhao Chuang's eyes were empty and confused, but his breathing was steady.

   Soon, his body was covered with dense silk, as if a silkworm chrysalis was devouring it.

   "Xiao Chuang, we are going to be together!"

   "Xiao Chuang, we are going to be together!"

  At this time, Zhao Chuang suddenly woke up, looked at the big silkworm on his body, and said in panic: "Xiaoyun! Be sober!"

  But the big silkworm remained unchanged, and continued to spit out silk, covering the two with one silkworm, as if as long as they entered the silkworm chrysalis, they could be together forever.

   Seeing that the only remaining head of Zhao Chuang was about to be covered, at this moment, a hand reached out and grabbed the spreading silk.

   That hand is naturally Ji Que's.

   Seeing this, "Xiaoyun" yelled sadly, "Get out!"

  The big silkworm opened its mouth, and countless silk shot out from it, directly hitting Ji Que's face.

  Chick! laugh! laugh!

  Ji Que stood there without even moving his brows, while countless brilliant sparks bloomed in front of his eyes.

  The Qianji sword lay across in front of him, blocking the silk that was coming at him very tightly.

  Ji Que now has absolute trust in Qianji Sword, maybe this is the surplus brought by his natal realm.

   But although his brows didn't move much, the sparks were too bright, which made his eyes a little dry.

  The next moment, Ji Que's right hand surged with Tai Chi strength, and he pulled it aside like a hammer.

  The cocoon that wanted to close was torn off a large piece.

   "Xiaoyun" took a bite of the big silkworm, and the silk spread faster again, trying to swallow Zhao Chuang again.


   Ji Que raised his hand, and an elbow hit the hilt of Qianji Sword.

  A clear sword sound resounded, like the sound of running water rushing through rocks.

  The Qianji Sword turned into a brilliant streamer in an instant, shooting up in the whole silkworm house, like a fish swimming fast.

  The air is full of afterimages, swords collide with silk, and sparks splash like rain.

  If Dangchun looks at this picture, there is even a sense of romance.

  The stretched silk broke one after another, and when the broken wires were ejected, holes were opened in the walls and roof, smoke and dust filled the air, and the whole house seemed to be boiling.

  Lin Xiangori jumped left and right on top, using the big cat to scratch and pat the broken wires.


   A big hole was knocked open in the roof, and a thick cocoon flew out.

  When the cocoon fell, there was a punch.

  The silkworm cocoon flew up again, and Lin Xiangzhi saw the painful faces of the two people at the same time.

  The cocoon fell again, and there was another punch, this time, even with fire.

  Lin Xiangzhi raised her head again, and this time she saw the painful faces of a woman and a silkworm, while the man was crying bitterly: "Xiaoyun, my Xiaoyun, wake up!"

   As he spoke, he was about to kiss that fat silkworm.

   As a result, at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up, and punched out another angry fist, forcibly breaking the kiss.

  The silkworm cocoon flew to a better place.

  Don't think about it, this figure is Ji Que.

   Before Lin Xiangzhi could react, the falling Ji Que bounced again, chasing after him to a higher altitude.

   This time, she could even see Ji Que's real energy training like fire behind Ji Que.

   No, she even felt that Ji Que was burning with flames.


  Ji Que used Lushan Rising Dragon Ba, and the airflow from the True Yuan training went up and penetrated into the silkworm cocoon.

  At this time, there was a smell of stir-frying in the air.

  The silkworm cocoons were burnt to pieces and fell one after another, either black or white, like snow mixed with ashes.

  The scorching force of the fist caused Da Cang and "Xiao Yun" to suffer terribly, as if they were suffering some kind of torture, they uttered hoarse screams.

  Seeing this, Zhao Chuang shouted in horror: "Master, don't hurt Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun is innocent!"

  His body was covered by silk, only his head could move, so without any hesitation, he went straight to kiss the big silkworm's head.

   There was a sizzling sound, like the sound of iron grilling meat.

  Zhao Chuang's mouth was swollen from the heat, and he let out a painful cry.

   And at this time, Ji Que bumped the whole silkworm chrysalis higher and higher, and Lin Xiangzhi always felt that there was a fire dragon going up and down here.

   With a bang, the silkworm chrysalis, which was originally invulnerable to water and fire, was destroyed.

  The two people who were wrapped together were about to be separated, "Xiao Yun" floated in the air, and said with tears streaming down her face, "Xiao Chuang!"

  Ji Que, who was in the air, looked at this scene, and had the illusion of sadomasochism when the white lady was separated from Xu Xian before she was completely suppressed in "Legend of the White Snake".

  The "Xu Xian" here is crying, and only sees the fat big silkworm in front of him, adding a third party to this unforgettable sadomasochism, as well as complex elements that are not just human.

  Ji Que saw it, and was very moved for a moment, and then raised his sword and fell, separating the affectionate Zhao Chuang from that one person and one silkworm.




  Zhao Chuang looked at the big silkworm, and "Xiao Yun" looked at Zhao Chuang, and the big silkworm rolled his eyes, and uttered this cry in unison.

  The moment he landed on the ground, Ji Que swept across his leg, and the strength of a Taijiquan lifted up the fallen leaves, rolling up Zhao Chuang to avoid injury.

  The "Xiao Yun" and the big silkworm smashed a mulberry tree with a snap and fell heavily to the ground.

  At the same time, the silkworm house was finally overwhelmed, and collapsed into ruins with a bang, filled with smoke and dust.


  Zhao Chuang fell to the ground, his mouth was swollen, and his lungs were piercing.

  His whole body was still entangled in silk, wriggling like a silkworm, approaching the big silkworm that fell to the ground and was emitting white smoke.

   At the same time, tears flowed down like no money.

  Ji Que was sure that this was a love species, so he coughed and explained: "Well, they should be a 'person', or a demon."

   Zhao Chuang was taken aback when he heard this.

   Immediately, he understood what Ji Que meant, and couldn't help shouting: "Impossible! She is Xiaoyun, the real Xiaoyun! It was that ugly monster who made her like this."

Ji Que shook his head and said, "I can't tell the difference anymore. I hid it well, but it could quickly find me and attack me. It can only be said that the big silkworm has informed me. Or it can be said that this goblin can extract the memory of the big silkworm. They all have the same eyes, so I'm leaning toward them being the same."

   "No, no, how could Xiaoyun be a monster? It's all the monster's fault." Zhao Chuang didn't dare to answer.

   As he spoke, he stared at that "Xiaoyun", eyes full of hatred.

   "Xiao Yun" over there said with a heartbroken face, "Xiao Chuang, you hate me so much."

   "Hurry up, give me back my Xiaoyun!" Zhao Chuang said painfully.

  "Xiaoyun" shook his head, and the big silkworm next to him also shook his head, and said with a sad face: "What he said is right, the silkworm is me, and I am the silkworm, and there was no Xiaoyun from the beginning to the end.

  That **** is already married, she is happy with someone else, how can she still miss you, it's only me from beginning to end. "

   "I was originally a silkworm, but I suddenly became wise a few years ago. I was so terrified that I didn't know how to survive in this world until I met you.

  I think you are very good to me, I like you, I like to spin silk for you, see you happy, but you always feel sad for a woman. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I was going to find her.

  In the end, I saw that she was having a good time, so I took a risk to absorb a memory of her and put it in my mind, and then turned into her to come to you. "

   "Wait, what did you do to Xiaoyun!" Zhao Chuang said excitedly.

"Xiaoyun" said angrily: "She's fine, she'll be sleepy for a while at most, do you think I want to **** her memory? Sometimes I have a terrible headache, and I can't figure out if I'm a silkworm or hers." some fragment.

  I only found out today that my main body uttered those words unintentionally, and let you see it. I should have taken you away earlier. "

   "I should have taken you away earlier."

  When she said this, "Xiao Yun" looked a little crazy.

  Hearing this, Zhao Chuang stopped moving, as if he had lost his soul.

   "Fake! It's all fake!"

   "But our feelings are real."

   "Go away! You disgusting thing, why are you hurting Xiaoyun?"

   "Xiaoyun will be all right? Boss, help me untie it, I'm going to see Xiaoyun." Zhao Chuang looked at Ji Que and said eagerly.

   Ji Que swiped his sword, and Zhao Chuang struggled to stand up.

   With his mouth swollen, he stumbled and crawled out, and the direction he went was naturally his hometown.

  The place where he and Xiaoyun grew up together.

   "Xiaoyun" and Dacan watched him leave, their eyes gradually became very empty, without any emotion.

  Ji Que looked at this scene and felt it was very strange.

  In his previous life, he had read many stories about people and demons falling in love, and most of them ended badly.

   Later, I met Lin Xiangzhi and had feelings for him, but the other party was still human after all, not a natural demon.

   Today, he saw a living story of a transsexual love, a person and a silkworm, it seems that the end is not happy.

  Seeing Ji Que approaching, "Xiaoyun" said, "You kill me."

  Ji Que said: "If you lie to him like this, even without me, it won't last long."

  "Xiaoyun" said: "But I am willing, I don't want to see him sad and haggard."

  Lin Xiangzhi shook her head and said, "But you didn't ask him if he was willing."

  "Xiaoyun" looked at the white cat and fell silent.

   "Maybe you should just be yourself and let him fall in love with you instead of Xiaoyun." Lin Xiangzhi said.

  "Xiaoyun" shook her head and said, "He only has that woman in his heart, how can I compare with him? I was the one who was abrupt, and I thought he would be happy."

   As she spoke, she opened her mouth, and half a leaf emitting colorful light slipped out of it.

  "It changed me. If I choose again, I would rather just be a silkworm. A silkworm that only spins silk for him, and dies when the silk is exhausted."

   "Xiaoyun" said, the whole person gradually merged with the big silkworm.

  "After I die, please burn me clean, I don't want any trace of that woman."

   As he spoke, it gradually closed its eyes.


  Zhao Chuang is still struggling to crawl or run.

  He began to understand that what the thing said was probably true.

  The one who has been by his side this year is that silkworm.

   Xiaoyun has been here for so long, but her uncle and aunt didn't come to see her, or ask her, it can only be said that they didn't notice what happened here.

  Because the real Xiaoyun is still there, nothing has changed.

  He just has one more strange silkworm.

  Suddenly, Zhao Chuang stopped and looked down the mountain.

  There is his mulberry forest, his silkworm house, and a big silkworm that belongs to him.

   And now, it seems that they are gone.

  At dusk, Zhao Chuang, who was hiding at the corner of the street, finally saw Xiaoyun, the real Xiaoyun.

  Holding the baby in swaddle, she smiled sweetly and was very happy.

  Zhao Chuang looked at the man beside her, a little jealous, but gradually he felt at ease.

   But at this time, he couldn't help but think of someone.

   To be precise, it is a silkworm.

   A very big silkworm.

  He actually felt sad.

  He once, seems to have had a period of happiness.

   Yes, very happy.

   The last chapter has been released.



  (end of this chapter)

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