MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 281 lover

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  Chapter 281 Lover

   A night of tossing is only a matter of one or two hours.

  When he got up in the morning, he looked at the woman lying next to him with a look of fear, feeling tired all over his body.

  Who would have thought that such a terrible thing would happen to him who thought that times would turn around.

  The girl he loved suddenly turned into a monster, but Xiao Yunshi, whom he really loved, turned into that poor silkworm.

   For a moment, hatred appeared in his pupils, thinking about hacking the monster next to him to death.

   As a result, "Xiaoyun" suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, which scared him almost out of his wits.

   "Xiao Chuang, what's wrong with you, your face looks so pale?"

   "Xiaoyun" asked with concern.

  Zhao Chuang quickly explained: "No, it's just a little cold in the morning."

   As he spoke, he put on his clothes.

  "Xiaoyun" looked at him with a ruddy face, and said with a charming smile, "I'll cook for you later."

  In front of the simple stove outside the silkworm house, there is a curl of cooking smoke.

  The scene that was so warm in the past is already terrifying at this moment.

  Zhao Chuang suddenly remembered some details. For example, Xiaoyun had been calling him "Brother Chuang" before, but this time when "Xiaoyun" approached him, he kept calling him "Xiao Chuang".

  He has been dazzled by the sudden happiness, and now he feels more and more wrong.

  Thinking about it carefully, "Xiaoyun" is indeed more like a stranger.

   Involuntarily, Zhao Chuang looked at the silkworm house in the back room.

   "I'm Xiaoyun, help me."

   That line of small words was deeply imprinted in Zhao Chuang's mind, making him feel palpitated.

  Xiaoyun has turned into a big silkworm, no wonder he feels at ease every time he stays with the big silkworm.

  For a while, he couldn't help but feel that Li Daitao's stiff "Xiao Yun" was even more hateful.

  But he knew very well that he would not be the opponent of this monster, and he might have to report to the authorities, or even go to the rumored Qingqi Division and Jiangmo Tower for help.

  At this time, "Xiaoyun" came over with food.

  The food that used to be fragrant and delicious is now tasteless and even disgusting.

  Especially the porridge mixed with white radish looks like it is mixed with fat insects.

  The other party kept calling him "Xiao Chuang", which made people feel that there was a very old monster under Zhang Xiaoyun's skin, and thinking of the lingering last night, he couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body.

  Zhao Chuang pretended to be very natural.

  He has already decided that as soon as the monster leaves, he will report to the police.

  According to the habit, the other party doesn't like this mulberry forest very much, nor does he like the work he does, so he should leave soon.

   But what made Zhao Chuang terrified was that today "Xiaoyun" not only had no intention of leaving, but also looked into the silkworm room from time to time.

  Zhao Chuang is very clear that the reason why the real Xiaoyun's silk-woven line is so small and secretive is because she is afraid of the stiff Li Daitao monster in front of her.

  If it finds out that the real Xiaoyun has leaked the secret, he doesn’t know if he can survive, but Xiaoyun who has become a big silkworm will definitely die.

  The weather today is very dark, with dark clouds piled up overhead, looking gloomy and depressing.

   It seemed that the monster was not going to leave, so Zhao Chuang could only pretend to be busy as usual.

   Looking back several times, I found that "Xiaoyun" was looking at him and smiled.

  Her gums are so red!

   Zhao Chuang endured the fear in his heart and thought to himself.

  Seeing that noon was approaching, Zhao Chuang always felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, as if he had fallen into a big spider web, and the hunting spiders would come to eat people soon.

  So he could only bite the bullet and say: "Xiaoyun, I'm going to the city later."

   "Xiaoyun" asked in confusion, "Aren't you finished yet?"

  Zhao Chuang only felt that her face became gloomy, and quickly explained: "The Ning Dong's family is coming over, and all the benefits this time depend on her."

   "Xiaoyun" said: "It's the Ning family who only has one eye open. I heard that he is a great beauty."

  Zhao Chuang quickly shook his head and said: "I haven't seen it, but it is indeed Dong Ning's family who gave me such a little career. Xiao Yunni will always be the prettiest in my heart."

   As he spoke, he hugged each other.

  Under such circumstances, there are still some sweet words, but Zhao Chuang still has some great perseverance in order to survive.

   Speaking of this, "Xiaoyun" naturally couldn't say anything more, so she decided to go with Zhao Chuang.

  Hearing the other party's intention to go together, Zhao Chuang couldn't help having a headache.

   He thought that it would not be safe to leave the real Xiaoyun alone in the silkworm house, so he no longer hesitated, and took her to the city.

  He only hopes that the other party will not follow him too closely, so that he can find opportunities.

  The gloomy sky soon began to rain heavily.

  Because of the rain, the people on the streets of Qingping County were also sparsely populated, which seemed deserted.

  "Xiaoyun" has been staying close to each other, saying that she wants to follow him to see and see, so as to share his labor in the future and save him from hard work.

   If there was no incident last night, Zhao Chuang would definitely be very moved, but now he is a little afraid to move.

  He waited anxiously for his turn, but it finally arrived.

  A man in black robe found him at home in the county seat and said that his employer wanted to see him.

   "Xiao Yun" followed up and said to go, Zhao Chuang just said, "I'm afraid this is a bit abrupt." Then the man in black said: "Don't worry, our boss is very easy-going, Miss Yun can go together."

  Hearing this, Zhao Chuang wished to tear the young man's mouth open.

  On the way, Zhao Chuang realized that the person who wanted to see him was not the Ning Dong family, but a Dong family named Ji.

   After questioning, he found out that Dong Ji's family is a good friend of Dong Ning's family.

  But now it's not his concern.

  He had to send the news out today, otherwise he might die suddenly.

  He felt that the "beautiful woman" next to him was getting more and more wrong, especially when he made excuses several times and wanted to leave alone, there was a glint of sinister in the other party's eyes, which was very scary.

  He didn't know if he had been seen through, but he knew that he couldn't hold on for too long.

  His heart was beating like a drum, and a few drops had already dripped from it, which was considered slightly wet.

  In the Tianzi room of the only inn in Qingping County, Ji Que and Tang Yi were inside.

   Ji Que was sitting, Tang Yi was lying down, Ning Hongyu went to the weaving workshop, so he gave Ji Que the task of meeting silkworm farmers.

Lin Xiangzhi was also waiting here, but seeing the carts of socks coming in and out, compared to the black and white in the past, there are more purple and red now, which caught her attention immediately. .

  As a cat and a female cat, Lin Xiangzhi likes shopping very much, so she couldn't sit still and decided to go out for a stroll.

  Before leaving, she couldn't help asking: "What color do you like?"

   She asked, of course, what color socks Tang Yi likes.

  Tang Yi thought for a while and said, "Whatever, purple?"


  Speaking, Lin Xiangzhi hopped away, with a face of secret joy, as if she had picked up a big bargain.

  Who likes to do such boring things as talking about business.

  After Lin Xiangzhi left, Tang Yi couldn't help but said: "She is so simple, sometimes I can't bear it."

  Ji Que: "."

   "Could she be pretending to be stupid on purpose?" Tang Yi thought seriously.

  Ji Que replied: "No, she doesn't have that much thought."

  Tang Yi: "."



   After a while of silence, the two spoke at the same time and shut up at the same time.

  Tang Yi moved his neck, which was lying a little stiff, and said, "You talk first."

  Ji Que looked at her slender and round legs, and said, "I like purple."

   Tang Yi suddenly understood what he meant, and said angrily, "Get lost!"

   Just as the two were arguing, a voice came from outside—"Master, Zhao Chuang is here."

  Ji Que said: "Please come in."

  Nv Shangfeng has explained that Zhao Chuang should be the silkworm farmer with the best products and the most products here, and he was also the first to join them, so he should be treated preferentially.

   As a result, another girl came in with Zhao Chuang.

  Zhao Chuang introduced them to them, and Ji Que understood the relationship between the two of them at once, and couldn't help but smile and said: "It's best if the husband and wife are in the same heart."

   Afterwards, it was relatively boring business matters, and Tang Yi fell asleep listening to it.

  Zhao Chuang and Miss Xiaoyun left, for some reason, Ji Que always felt that this brother Zhao Chuang looked at him with a bit of reluctance.

   Can't be bisexual?

   That's just too evil.

  At this moment, Tang Yi opened his eyes and said, "There is a problem."

  Ji Que was puzzled and said, "This head moved."

  Tang Yi casually took out the jade skull from under the chair that caused the shadow disturbance in Sangshui County before, and found that it was shaking slightly, and its eyes kept rolling.

  Zhao Chuang walked out of the room with a face full of despair, only lamenting that his life was not long.

   It should be his last chance to come out to negotiate with the owner this time, but this "woman" still followed him.

  Zhao Chuang figured that it would be best for him to die with the real Xiaoyun, that is, the big silkworm.

   As a result, at this moment, the door behind him opened, and the Jidong family suddenly said, "Brother Zhao, there is something wrong that I haven't figured out, so come here first."

  Zhao Chuang came out of desperation for a while, and while promising "Okay! Okay!", he walked quickly to the house without giving "Xiaoyun" time to react.

   When "Xiaoyun" came to her senses, Ji Que couldn't help showing her a nice smile, and said, "Wait, girl, let me ask your husband-in-law some questions about silk."

   As he spoke, he closed the door.

  Zhao Chuang inside the room was both excited and terrified. He looked at Ji Que and Tang Yi, and then looked outside, not knowing what to say.

  Ji Que sat down and said, "Brother, something happened? Is it hard for the girl to speak?"

  Zhao Chuang didn't expect this boss to be so smart, tears were about to fall, and he said hoarsely, "She's a monster."

  Ji Que narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "A monster?"

  Zhao Chuang quickly nodded and said: "The master can help me find the Yamen, no, it's better to ask the master of Qingqi Division or the expert of Jiangmolou for help?"

  Ji Quadro nodded and said, "Tell me what's going on first?"

  Zhao Chuang said in horror: "This monster doesn't know how deep it is. I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with it, my master. As long as I can invite an expert to help me, I'm willing to help you."

   Before he finished speaking, he saw Ji Que take out a token.

  The token seems to have the word "subduing the devil" written on it.

  Ji Que put away the signboard and said, "As you can see, I'm barely the expert you're looking for."

  Zhao Chuang was so excited that he was incoherent, and said: "Silkworm, she was transformed from a silkworm, and the real Xiaoyun is in the silkworm room."

  At this moment, the silhouette of a woman suddenly appeared outside.

  Ji Que patted Zhao Chuang's hand at once, and said, "Okay, that's all, Brother Zhao will try to deliver as much as possible. If it's getting colder today, those ladies are thinking of Jia Si."

  At this time, a line of ink words written with tea appeared on the table - "Don't startle the snake, I will save people behind you.".


  Zhao Chuang stood up, quickly adjusted the expression on his face, and returned to normal.

  He went out, and immediately saw "Xiaoyun" waiting for him with a smile.

  He laughed too.

  Although he was desperate, he gave birth to a little hope, after all, there are more professionals behind him.

  As soon as Zhao Chuang left, Ji Que found his subordinates and asked, "Where is Zhao Chuang's residence?"

  The subordinate said: "He usually lives in the silkworm house."

   "Do you know the way?"

  The subordinate nodded.

  The next moment, the subordinate found himself flying.

  Because the master caught the hand under his arm and rushed out from the other side of the inn at an extremely fast speed.

   As soon as he leaned out of the window, he was suddenly short, as if he was swimming against the roof tiles, and he was startled.

   It took him a while to realize that it was the Master Ji who was taking him on a swim.

  He worked with the Ning family caravan before, so he knew some methods of practitioners, but he had never seen this method of swimming fast on the roof tiles or on the ground.

  I haven’t heard of it before, so it’s a little weird.

   No, very weird.

   "Which way to go?" Ji Que asked while swimming.


   Qingping County in the rain is hazy. From time to time, vehicles loaded with goods pass through the wet streets, as if flowing in an ink painting.

   Relying on his incomparable swimming speed, Ji Que led his subordinate out of the county town, passed through the mulberry forest, and quickly arrived at the silkworm house.

  After confirming that this is Zhao Chuang's silkworm house, he couldn't help saying to his subordinate: "Go back by a detour, the more remote the road, the better."

  The subordinate didn't dare to delay, and continued to walk down the mulberry forest without looking back.

  Ji Que arrived at the door of the inner room of the silkworm house with two brisk leaps, without picking up any dust.

  Afterwards, he tore off a strand of hair and poked it, and the door of the house there was unlocked.

  He walked into the room nimbly, in order not to leave any traces, he looked like a Tom cat walking on tiptoe.

   The information provided by Zhao Chuang was not perfect, but he understood what the other party meant.

  His real lover is here. What he has to do is not only to slay the devil, but also to save his lover.

  He was still wondering along the way that his real lover was hiding in the silkworm house.

  Until seeing this silkworm as fat as a piglet, Ji Que gradually understood what he meant.

   "Are you Xiaoyun? If so, just squirm a few times, not too much, not too little. I am the Demon Faller, and it was your friend Zhao Chuang who asked me to help you."

   As he said that, Ji Que took out the demon token again.

   I have to admit that this token is as useful as a certificate.

  The big silkworm as fat as a pig squirmed twice and stopped.

   "How did you become like this?" Ji Que continued to ask.

  The big silkworm continued to squirm, sometimes faster and sometimes slower.

  Ji Que had a headache and couldn't help but said, "Well, I don't quite understand, can you write?"


  (end of this chapter)

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