MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 280 night silkworm language

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  Chapter 280 Night silkworm language

  In Qingping County, the mulberry trees all over the mountains and plains form a mulberry sea.

  Some of the silkworm houses distributed among them are lit in the night, just like the fishing boats in this sea, which set off the night more deeply.

  When the wind blows, the mulberry forest rustles, as if countless silkworms are devouring the mulberry leaves.

  Since the owner surnamed Ning expanded the weaving workshop here and expanded the size of the surrounding mulberry forest by nearly ten times, many people in Qingping County have lived a good life.

  Zhao Chuang is one of the beneficiaries.

  He was living a normal life at that time, he could only say that he barely had food and clothing, and his life was numb and boring.

   But what made him sad at night was that she, his childhood sweetheart in his hometown, was getting married.

  Although the two of them didn't make a private life, they were close.

  He left that remote town and came to this seemingly bustling county town, thinking he could stand out.

   But it's too slow.

   She was so slow that she couldn't wait to go back by herself.

   He looked at the wooden hairpin sent by Xiaoyun and told him that she had already engaged in a marriage, and tears almost fell down.

   While Zhao Chuang was in a daze with grief, the news came that Ning Dong's family planned to expand the weaving workshop and needed more people to plant trees and raise silkworms.

  At that time, people in the county town were quite cautious, and there was a local snake who threatened that anyone who dared to do business with outsiders without permission would have no good fruit, and even fewer people responded.

   It is said that at that time, the people who raised silkworms were changing hands, and they must have encountered some troubles.

  Zhao Chuang is in the pain of losing his beloved. He feels that there is nothing to lose. He even has a bad mentality of "I just did it, and I will see who will make me eat bad fruit."

  Who would have thought that this has become the luckiest choice he has made since his birth, bar none.

  What others didn’t want to do, or dare not do, he took out all his savings and became one of the first few people to respond to that Ning Dong’s family.

  He was just going to give it a go, and he was already ready to be approached by local snakes.

   Unexpectedly, this matter went surprisingly smoothly. Those clamoring local snakes seemed to disappear all at once, melting like ice and snow, and there was even more support from the county magistrate behind them.

   Only then did Zhao Chuang know that the Ning family had tricks.

  When the county residents reacted and joined in one after another, it was naturally incomparable to him who entered the game early.

  East Ning’s silk is of the highest quality, and other silkworm farmers are still reluctant to part with the original silkworms. When thinking of mixing some middle-grade silkworms, he, the newcomer, will never mix half of the fake silkworms.

  Honestly speaking, before the first batch of silk came out, he was very worried. If the "best quality" in the mouth of the Ningdong family is just talk, and the price is not enough, then he will lose money.

   He also heard that the boss had only one eye open, so he couldn't help feeling even more disturbed.

  Luckily, this Ning Dong’s family knew the goods, and he gave a sincere enough price for his silk, while some of the other adulterated ones even refused to accept them.

  Although he earned the first sum of money by raising silkworms, the taste of it is really good. If the momentum continues to be good like this, then the little dream of getting ahead can be seen.

  Unfortunately, when he thinks of Xiaoyun who is about to marry someone else, he feels uncomfortable and bored again.

  Even if he gets ahead in the future, he will eventually lose his beloved.

  But who would have thought that since he started raising silkworms, his luck would become better and better, and Xiaoyun would come running.

  He was surprised and terrified at the same time, and asked: "Xiaoyun, you."

   "I've called off the engagement, we won't be separated in the future."

  The beautiful things that happened in this year and a half are like a dream.

  Zhao Chuang felt that this was really a blessing from God, so he cherished everything in front of him more and more.

  In order to raise silkworms better, he even lived in the silkworm house in this mulberry forest.

  Zhao Chuang carried a lantern and walked in the forest, his steps were as brisk as ever.

  In fact, during this period of time, he encountered more than the above few good things.

   I don’t know if he was born to raise silkworms, or because he was lucky enough to pick up top-quality silkworm eggs. One of his silkworms grew very well, as fat as a piglet, and produced good and abundant silk.

  To be honest, he was a little scared when he first saw the silkworm grow so big.

   After all, I have never heard of anyone raising such a large silkworm.

   But after staying with this silkworm for a long time, he found that it was not only no different from ordinary silkworms, but also produced a lot, and he felt a sense of intimacy instead.

  Every time he stays with this big silkworm, he always feels at ease.

   This big silkworm is his secret, a secret that even Xiaoyun doesn't know.

  Ahead, the silkworm house in the night is very close.

  Push the door and light up the oil lamp, and the dark room becomes warm.

  Zhao Chuang walked into the innermost room and found that the room was already covered with silk in just one day.

  He gently lifted the white cloth, and a silkworm the size of a pig was lying there, its body wriggling slightly, as if it was asleep.

  He couldn't help but gently stroked the silkworm's back, the texture on it was very clear.

  Da Silkworm suddenly trembled and woke up.

   After a moment of silence, it suddenly raised half of its body, revealing its colorful belly, facing the roof, making a rustling sound, and seemed very excited.

  Silkworm has always been quiet, and this kind of situation rarely happens. For a while, Zhao Chuang was a little worried.

   After all, this big silkworm is his treasure.

   But fortunately, the silkworm quickly calmed down, as if falling asleep again.

  Zhao Chuang gently covered it with a white cloth, as if covering a sleeping lover with a quilt.

  After that, Zhao Chuang couldn't help feeling sleepy because he was too full for dinner, but it wasn't time to go to bed now, so he sat down on the chair next to him and prepared to take a nap.

   Squinting, Zhao Chuang was suddenly awakened by a gust of wind.

  He looked at the silk in this room, and then looked outside, and found that there was nothing unusual.

   But when he sat down again, he couldn't fall asleep, instead, the feeling of panic kept lingering in his heart.

   Involuntarily, Zhao Chuang remembered the way the silkworm lifted up just now, as if saying that there was something on it.

  Will there be rats, snakes, etc., that the silkworm will be afraid of and warn him?

  As soon as this idea appeared, it kept lingering in his mind and couldn't get rid of it.

   So Zhao Chuang picked up the oil lamp and came to the silkworm box where the big silkworm was.

  He raised his hand and looked at the roof, only to find that there was nothing on it except some floating silk sticking to it.

  He was still worried, picked up the wooden ladder outside the house, put it on the beam, and climbed up.

  Because of the big silkworms, there were a lot of silk scattered in the room. When Zhao Chuang climbed the ladder, he felt like he was seeing the fog through the clouds.

  Finally, he leaned on the top of the ladder and looked carefully. There was indeed nothing on the beams and roof.

  The beams were covered with a layer of fine ash, and there were no signs of mice or snakes crawling over them.

   Just as he was about to come down, he noticed a tuft of silk on the beam that was a bit eye-catching.

  It is a little thicker than the silk hanging from other places, and it just seems to be the direction the silkworm was facing when it raised its head.

  Zhao Chuang adjusted his figure and leaned over.

  The light from the oil lamp swayed from side to side in the room, making the nearby shadows very long.

   At this moment, Zhao Chuang narrowed his eyes slightly, because he found that there seemed to be a line of words mixed in the tuft of silk.

  He pushed aside the silk a bit, squinted his eyes to see, and murmured: "It's Xiaoyun, help!"

  The next moment, Zhao Chuang only felt a chill on his back, and goose bumps all over his body. He couldn't help shivering, and the oil lamp in his hand almost fell off.

  Because he saw this line clearly.

   A line of characters glued with silk.

   "I'm Xiaoyun, help me."

  Zhao Chuang got down from the ladder, terrified.

  For a while, the branches and leaves of the mulberry tree outside the house swayed with the wind, just like the evil spirits who came to arrest people.

  I am Xiaoyun, help me.

  Who is Xiaoyun, not

  Zhao Chuang couldn't help looking at the big silkworm covered by the white cloth, and felt that this idea was really ridiculous.

  How is it possible, he is living a good life, and the real Xiaoyun is in Qingping County.

   At this time, the big silkworm under the white cloth seemed to sense his gaze and squirmed.

   Looking at the trembling white cloth, Zhao Chuang was filled with fear for a moment.

   With trembling hands, he lifted the white cloth, and suddenly found that the silkworm was looking at him.

  Silkworm eyes are very small, even if placed on a large silkworm, they are not big, like two slits.

  But he didn't know whether it was because of the shaking of the oil lamp or something else, Zhao Chuang only felt that the crack was full of panic, as if he was asking for help.

  The next moment, the silkworm's eyes actually shed tears.

   "You, you are"

  Before he finished speaking, the silkworm suddenly closed his eyes, and his body stopped wriggling, as if he suddenly fell asleep again.


  Zhao Chuang discovered that the silkworm was not asleep, but was afraid.

  What is it afraid of?


  It was the sound of the wind blowing through the mulberry forest, like silkworms eating leaves, and walking on the ground.

  Zhao Chuang took the oil lamp and stepped back to the door. The next moment, he froze there.

  Because out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure standing outside the door of the silkworm house, with his eyes facing the crack of the door, peeping at something.

  Zhao Chuang only felt his heart beating so fast, his forehead was covered with sweat.

  Because he felt that the figure outside was Xiaoyun.

  Xiaoyun doesn't like living in the silkworm house. She always lives in his residence in the city at night and rarely comes here.

   But now she is outside?

  He couldn't help thinking of the line he saw on the beam just now - "I'm Xiaoyun, help me.".

  If this big silkworm is Xiaoyun, who is Xiaoyun outside?

  Zhao Chuang was terrified enough, but at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

   "Xiao Chuang, open the door quickly."

  Outside the house, it was really Xiaoyun's voice.

  The big silkworm in the depths of the silkworm room trembled slightly, as if afraid of the sound.

  Zhao Chuang swallowed his saliva, hurried to cover the white cloth, and said, "Yun'er?"

   "It's me."

   Outside Xiaoyun's voice was still gentle, but Zhao Chuang's ears were full of terror.

  He first closed the door of the inner room, then took a deep breath, resisted the fear and walked over, and opened the door.

  There is a moon tonight, under the moonlight, Xiaoyun's complexion is as pale as paper.

  Zhao Chuang resisted his fear and said, "Yun'er, why did you come here?"

  Xiaoyun picked up a bamboo basket and said, "I see that the weather is getting colder, and I'm afraid that you will be cold and hungry, so I will bring you some food and drink."

  Zhao Chuang quickly picked it up and said, "It's dark and the road is dark. Why do you need to go to such a trivial matter? If I fall somewhere, I won't feel at ease."

  Xiaoyun smiled and said, "It's good that you know."

  Zhao Chuang found that her gums were so red.

   I don't know if it was influenced by that line of writing, or what, Zhao Chuang only felt that Xiaoyun in front of him was so strange.

  At this time, Xiaoyun blew on her palm and said, "Idiot, don't you know let me go in and have a sit?"

   Zhao Chuang came to his senses and quickly let her in.

  After entering, Xiaoyun looked at the silkworm house inside and said, "What were you doing just now? I knocked for a long time before opening the door."

  Zhao Chuang quickly explained: "I took a nap and fell asleep."

  The outhouse where Zhao Chuang lived was not big, with only one bed, one bench, and not even a table.

  Xiaoyun sat directly on Zhao Chuang's bed and chatted with Zhao Chuang.

  Zhao Chuang was talking with the other party, but his heart was very frightened.

  Because he found that the other party's eyes would glance at the silkworm room inside from time to time.

   At this time, Zhao Chuang couldn't help but stood up and said, "Yun'er, it's getting late, I'll take you back."

  Xiaoyun sat there without moving, and blamed: "You want me to leave so much? Are you hiding someone?"

  Zhao Chuang hurriedly said: "How dare I, I am afraid that it will be too late and it will not be safe on the way back."

   "Then I'll sleep here tonight."


  Xiaoyun looked at him and said with a smile, "I've made it clear tonight. Since I want to marry you, I naturally want to share joys and sorrows with you. There's no reason for you to work hard here all night."


   "Xiao Chuang, let's sleep, I'm so cold."

  After Xiaoyun came here, the two of them had already settled down for life, so they had already slept together.

  Zhao Chuang pretended to be calm and walked over, pretending to be the same as usual and hugging the other party.

   After a while of tenderness, Zhao Chuang felt in a daze.

  In the past, he felt very comfortable and relaxed with this feeling, but this time, because of fear, he kept two points of clarity in his heart.

  When he fell asleep until midnight, he only felt Xiaoyun in his arms moving, like a fat long worm.

   No, it should be more like a silkworm that he stays with every day, but it is as big as a person.

  The other party squirmed on top of him, and Zhao Chuang got goose bumps all over his body.

   What the **** is this.

  But in order to survive, in order not to be found out, Zhao Chuang gritted his teeth secretly, as usual.

   When Zhao Chuang was terrified all night, Ji Que and his party came to Qingping County.

  They arrived later than expected, because the horses pulling the cart sprained their feet one after another, and the last one didn't sprain, but the carriage fell into the ravine.

  Ji Que came to the place where he was staying, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Unlucky, really unlucky."

   As soon as the words fell, the door plaque of the inn fell down with a swish, and he raised his hand to catch it.

   As a result, the next moment, he couldn't help but look ugly and said: "Fuck, why is there bird droppings on this plaque."

  As soon as these words came out, Ning Hongyu and the three couldn't help but move away from him, and even Tang Yi changed to a different place to lie down.

  (end of this chapter)

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