MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 265 True Honest Man Ji Que

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  Chapter 265 The True Honest Man Ji Que

"come on in."

  After hearing the sound from the room next to him, Ji Que leaned over while bouncing more than a dozen monsters.

   Before Ji Que could stand still, a snow-white arm stretched out and pulled him into the room with a swish.

  Boom boom boom!

  Those evil things that had been knocked in the air fell to the ground, some of them stood up shaking their heads, while others were so hot that it was difficult to stand up.

  The strength of these evil creatures can be seen from this.

  But the current Ji Que can't see this. The moment he was pulled into the room, the first thing he noticed was his arm, and the second was the other's chest.

  Seeing the towering chest, Ji Que relaxed.

   He knows who it is without looking at his face.

  If there is another woman with such a perfect figure in this town, it can only be said that even though the house is full of demons, it is still a good place.

   "Shangfeng, it's you." Ji Que couldn't help sighing.

  Ning Hongyu was dressed in red, with broken sleeves, and she looked stunningly beautiful.

  After hearing Ji Que's words, she couldn't help but said: "Why, it's me, not other women, are you disappointed?"

   "No! Absolutely not!"

   Papa Papa.

   That was the sound of an unwilling demon hitting the door and window.

  Ji Que looked out through the crack of the door, and immediately found more than a dozen eyes staring at him.

  Those eyes were wide open, squeezed against the door frame, covered with bloodshot eyes, and looked extraordinarily hideous.

   But in the next moment, those eyes disappeared, and turned into beautiful pupils.

   Behind the pupils is a disheveled beauty with tears on her face.

   "Help me! Save me!"

"I can not make it!"

   Her voice was as seductive as her whole person.

  If it weren't for the fact that there was a more tempting female peak beside him, and Ji Que wasn't too lonely at this time, I'm afraid he would have wanted to open the door to play.

  Seeing that the women outside the house were about to take off as paid items, Ji Que quickly looked away, and couldn't help complaining: "This trick is too low-level, what are they?"

  Ning Hongyu shook his head, and said: "It can only be said to be a kind of evil spirit. It seems that it only appears at night. It likes to deceive and seduce the townspeople here, and the townspeople rely on this kind of stone for defense."

   As she spoke, she pointed to a colorful stone hanging on the wall of the house.

  Afterwards, Ning Hongyu told him the story of her coming here.

  Same as Ji Que, it was almost dusk when she, Chen Laoshi, and two officials from the Qingqi Department came here.

  The people here don't seem to see her, even though she is beautiful and has a proud figure.

  She, Chen Laoshi and the others decided to search separately, and quickly sent out a signal after finding them. After all, the two enemies were seriously injured.

Immediately afterwards, before dark, all the townspeople who wandered outside the town returned to their houses at once, only a little girl in a green skirt came over and told her in a hurry, asking her to find an empty room with this small stone. room and hang it on the wall.

  The little girl ran while talking, and quickly disappeared into the town.

  At that time, she was the only one on the road, but soon a few scattered shadows appeared.

  These shadows gradually approached, and then turned into individual "people".

   These people kept tempting or tricking the people inside to come out, and at this time, they also discovered the existence of Ning Hongyu.

   It wasn't until the first person turned into a monster that Ning Hongyu understood why the little girl wanted her to hide.

  Because of this reminder, she found this empty room and hung this colorful stone, and escaped the catastrophe.

  Ning Hongyu has experienced countless dangers in her life, and rarely uses jie to describe them, but this time she used jie, which shows that there must be dangers everywhere.

  Her arm, which looked white and flawless, was actually bleeding profusely at that time, but it was cured by the elixir she carried with her.

  She thought that the two officials of the Qingqi Department were more than auspicious, and even Chen Laoshi might not be able to get through it safely.

   "Don't you feel that after dark, your own realm is suppressed?" Ning Hongyu couldn't help but said.

  Ji Que touched the sword bracelet on his wrist and asked in confusion, "Do you have it?"

  Because he had bumped Tianxin pig too many times before coming, he saw those "people" jumping up, so he instinctively jumped up, without thinking too much.

  At this moment, Ning Hongyu narrowed his opened right eye, and asked in surprise, "You have entered the fifth realm?"

  Ji Que nodded and said, "I just joined here not long ago."

  Even if there is no one in a million, Ning Hongyu, who is good at crossing borders, couldn't help but gasped, and sighed: "How can you be so fast as a man? Faster than me."

  In terms of cultivation qualifications, Ning Hongyu seldom feels frustrated, even when facing a mountain like Ling Qianhu in the cultivation world.

  Because even Ling Qianhu was not necessarily stronger than her when she was young.

   But facing Ji Que, she was suffering from this kind of frustration.

  When we first met, although Ji Que had a variety of strange abilities, such as swimming on the ground and playing with bricks, but there was a big gap with her in terms of strength.

  Later, although she was rapidly becoming stronger, the guy in front of her didn't give way, and even faintly had the momentum to catch up with her.

  Among her peers, Ning Hongyu has always surpassed others, and later on, she even looked down on her peers. Even if Ling Qianhu's son Xiao Qianhu wanted to fight her, she didn't have much interest.

  Ji Que was chasing after her, and had a faint tendency to run side by side with her, even though she had several hole cards.

  Now, the other party simply and rudely surpassed her and rode on her

   This guy is really fast.

   Facing Ning Hongyu's praise, Ji Que could only reply: "It's okay for a man to be faster sometimes."

   Afterwards, he shared with Ning Hongyu his story of cooking and eating Tianxin pigs.

  After Tang Yi's arrival, Ning Hongyu has been busy with other affairs, and only knows a little about Ji Que, the "brother" with big chest muscles, from Lin Xiangzhi's few words.

  She took it to heart, but she didn't take it too seriously, because Lin Xiangzhi said that although the other party's **** were big, they were not as big as hers.

   But Ning Hongyu read something profound from what happened to Tianxinzhu, and couldn't help but pay more attention to this "brother with big breasts".

   This is definitely not the big-breasted, brainless, and surprisingly lazy woman that Lin Xiangzhi said.

  A person who can "accidentally" know Tianxin pig, and who "accidentally" gets the recipe for cooking Tianxin pig, can be an ordinary person with **** and no brains.

  So she couldn't help asking: "Is your brother beautiful?"

  Ji Kuang nodded, and said, "He was very beautiful when he was a man, but now he is also very good-looking when he is a woman."

  Ning Hongyu clasped her arms around her chest, and the red cloth couldn't help being stretched even more, and asked, "Then who looks better, me or her?"

  Ji Que replied without any hesitation: "The styles are different, and each has its own beauty."

  Ning Hongyu raised his eyebrows and said, "You are really skilled in answering this, haven't you said it many times?"

  Ji Que said with a righteous face: "Absolutely not!"

   He obviously only practiced in private, and didn't tell many women.

  Seeing that the female leader had a bad look on her face, Ji Que quickly changed the subject and said, "Those things will disappear during the day, why didn't you come back to shake people?"

  Ning Hongyu replied: "That hole disappeared at dawn."

   "Disappeared?" Ji Que asked in surprise.

  Ning Hongyu analyzed: "After so many days of investigation, I think this should be a small world."

   This is the second time Ji Que heard this statement.

   The first time I heard about it was when Ning Hongyu told him after he entered the blood pool where he got the Tianxin pig.

  This can probably explain why people in this place "do not know the Wei and Jin Dynasties", because they are trapped inside.

   "Is this small world too perfect?"

  When Ji Que entered the blood pool, he felt that the place was very **** and terrifying, but it looked like a huge dark cave after all.

   And the small world in front of me is a real town, with both the sun, the moon and stars, and the smell of fireworks.

  If it weren't for these weird things at night, this could be said to be an exceptionally normal town.

  Ning Hongyu said: "The small world has its own rules. It is said that the real abode of many gods was the small world. Some gods could open up the world in a fairy pot and achieve immortality."

  Ji Que couldn't help but said: "The exit has disappeared, how can we get out?"

Ning Hongyu said: "The most direct way is naturally to find those two escaped people. They are able to escape here because they are familiar with this place. If this way doesn't work, we can only stay here and try to understand the place. , in order to find a way to break the situation.”

At this time, she suddenly smiled slyly, and said: "You said we'll stay here for ten or eight years to avoid loneliness, make love with each other for a long time, and maybe have children when we go out. Your cat and that brother were at that time What will be the reaction?"

  Ji Que replied: "We won't know until we have children."

   "Then choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun?"

"I also believe so."

   As he spoke, he took Ning Hongyu's hand.

  Who would have thought that in this eerie place, a man and a woman would have such thoughts.

   It can only be said that the nerves of the two are as thick as thighs.

   As a result, at this moment, the two looked sullenly at the window and near the crack of the door.

  This empty room is a bit dilapidated, so it's impossible for it to be completely flawless, but the group of things outside like to peep and spoil people's interest.

  As if they had a tacit understanding, the two shot at the same time.

  Only two slaps were heard, and the two eyes in the crack of the door were poked out.

  Although the things outside are not human, they have human characteristics, so Ji Que and Ning Hongyu had no choice but to temporarily stop Shangfeng and his subordinates from thinking about being shy, after all, they don't like being watched.

  One night passed quickly.

  When the sunlight shone into the single room, the men and women who were suffocating could not help but push open the door.

   There are already a lot of townspeople on the street outside, and even at the corner not far ahead, there are already some vendors selling breakfast.

  After dawn, this place becomes peaceful and peaceful, just like the Peach Blossom Spring.

  Just passing by an empty room, the black blood stains on the floor and walls that hadn’t been cleaned in time, and the scene of countless blowflies hovering there reminded the danger here.

   That was the result of the people in the town opening the door hastily.

   will be eaten by the group of monsters at night until there are only bones left, and sometimes there will be no bones left.

   Just then, a little girl in a green skirt ran over.

  She combed a flat bangs, with some baby fat on her cheeks, she looked beautiful and cute.

  After seeing Ning Hongyu, the little girl said happily, "Big sister, is this your husband?"

  Ning Hongyu smiled and said, "Barely count."

  Ji Que knew without thinking that this was the little girl Xue Linghua in Ning Hongyu's story last night, but he didn't know when he became the top peak in the mouth of female top peak.

   This town is just like an ordinary town during the day, Ji Que and Ning Hongyu even ate tofu nao.

   "Didn't see Senior Honest these two days?" Ji Que said while eating tofu nao.

  Ning Hongyu shook his head and said, "If he's fine but didn't come to see me, maybe it's because he knows more than me."

  There is still a wide area outside this town, and I don't know what there is.

  The daytime here is not long. According to Ning Hongyu's guess, it is only two hours at most, so the time to explore is very limited.

  Night came again, Ji Que and Ning Hongyu nestled in that small room again, their eyes facing each other.

  Lonely men and widows like this, Shangfeng’s subordinates are in the same room, it’s really boring not to do something.

   "Let's do double cultivation." Ning Hongyu said suddenly.

   During the previous journey abroad, Ning Hongyu painted for Ji Que, and also performed mysterious and simple double cultivation.

  She prefers to draw Ji Que without clothes, but since she doesn't have a pen and paper by her side, she can only give up.

  As a result, the two had just taken off their outer clothes and were about to start practicing when there was a cry of panic.

"help me!"

   "Sister Hongyu, big brother, I am Xue Linghua."

   "My mother sleepwalked, opened the door, she's already... woo woo"

   "Here they come!"

   "Here they come!"

  Ji Que and Ning Hongyu looked at each other in blank dismay, because during the day the little girl in the green skirt reminded them not to be fooled at night.

   But outside, the little girl in the green dress was desperately calling for help.

   "Don't lie to us."

  Inside the room, Ji Que's voice came honestly.


   "Please, save me, save me!"

  The little girl's voice was full of tears.

  At this time, the door opened a crack, Ji Que looked at it for a while, and said in surprise, "It's really you! What's wrong with your mother, come in quickly!"

  The little girl entered the house.

  With a bang, the door was quickly closed.

   Involuntarily, "Xue Linghua" looked at the ground, and a greedy smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

  She turned her head and looked at Ji Que and Ning Hongyu. The bones of the upper and lower body pierced the skin together and emerged from it, looking horrified.

   She remembered the experience of meeting an old guy who was slipped out by oil, and she couldn't help looking carefully at the oil lamp, and moved a little away from the door.

  Ji Que said with a look of astonishment: "You are not easy to lie."

   "Xue Linghua" sneered and said, "Do you know how people like you die?"

   Ji Que shook his head.

  The woman's voice laughed mockingly—"Stupid! Honest people have no skills, but they can't help their kindness. If they don't eat idiots like you, who will they eat?"

   "Hey hey hey"

  Wild laughter sounded, "Xue Linghua" has become a long insect-like monster with a human face.

  The lights in the house are flickering, and the shadows of a human and a demon are reflected on the snow-white window paper, which is extraordinarily weird.

   On the street, those wandering shadows reappeared.

  They approached the house with false smiles on their faces, as if they were watching a play.

  The next moment, the shadow of the long-worm monster on the window paper rushed towards the shadows of young men and women.

  The "people" outside leaned closer, and the smiles on their faces became more false.

  In the end, there was only a crackling sound, the candles in the room flickered, and the ghost shadow on the window paper suddenly flew up.

   "Xue Linghua" didn't even know why her body suddenly floated up.

   It clearly jumped at this young man with a look of astonishment and panic, and it seemed that he could bite off the other's neck in one bite, but he only felt his whole body floating in the air as soon as he turned his gaze, which was inexplicable.

  The next moment, "Xue Linghua" swayed her body and was about to fall to the ground, but there was another snap, and her whole body floated up strangely.

  At the same time, a feeling of shattering spread across her bones, with a tingling sensation.

   "Xue Linghua" couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

  In the house, the sound of crackling kept ringing, very rhythmic.

  "Xue Linghua" cried out in pain, and the "people" outside frantically flocked to the room, wanting to go in, but they couldn't, they could only watch helplessly.

   Their faces were stuck on the window paper, and they could only watch helplessly as their companions were heaved up and down inside, screaming in pain.

  The flames of the oil lamps in the house kept jumping, and the body of the long worm monster kept flipping and jumping in the air, never falling to the ground.

  The height of her flying has been controlled between the ground and the roof beams, which is very precise.

  From the outside, it looks like a cook is shaking a spoon.

  The long worm monster had a face of pain and fear, and kept making painful cries, like a woman giving birth.

   Several families next door were woken up one after another.

  A big chest-haired man in a red bellyband sat up from the bed, heard the slapping and yelling, and said with a painful face: "Who's big at night, do you want to be so intense?"

  At this time, the pot-stirring in the house has entered the next stage.

  The flame in the oil lamp suddenly rose sharply, and the whole body of the long worm demon suddenly burned.

  A smell of stir-fried meat gradually wafted from the house.

  The hairy-chested man was shocked and said: "Who the **** still fried meat in the middle of the night. Well, it's so delicious!"

  At the beginning, the long worm monster was still struggling desperately, but it became more and more unbearable later on, allowing the opponent to turn its body in every possible way.

   "Don't fry it! Don't fry it! It's mushy! It's a waste!" The big man with chest hair moved his nose and said with heartache.

   With a bang, "Xue Linghua" finally got what he wanted and fell to the ground.

  It was really mushy.

  Its face is only the size of a palm, with the facial features of "Xue Linghua", but the flesh on its body has turned into charred and smoking.

   Outside, those "people" have stopped moving.

  Ji Que stood there, wiped the sweat off his face, and said with a serious face: "If you don't agree with each other, you will pounce on me, it scares me to death."

With a few clicks, the scorched flesh of the long worm monster fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces, leaving only a long broken skeleton and a small face standing there, under the light of the candle, it looked like a specimen , full of horror.

  Ji Que thought for a while, with such a thing in the room, he was timid and would definitely not be able to sleep, so he picked up the monster skeleton with only one face left.

   With a creak, the door was opened again.

  Ji Que saw those "people" outside the house at a glance, and said innocently: "Please let me go."

   With a snap, the skeleton was thrown out by him.

   Then there was a muffled bang, and just as those "people" were about to rush over, the door was closed and bolted with lightning speed, all in one go.

  The group of "people" outside the house looked at the body of "Xue Linghua", and the fake smile on their faces froze, and it became uglier than crying for a moment.

  Ning Hongyu also looked at Ji Que, and couldn't help complaining: "You are much more 'honest' than I imagined."

  (end of this chapter)

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