MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 264 Why is this sword so flamboyant?

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  The broken ice layer turned into flying snowflakes, which is very beautiful.

   It's just that the Tianxin pig is still sleeping, as if everything that happens around it has nothing to do with it.

  But when Ji Que made his first punch, he opened his eyes involuntarily, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

   It's just that this confusion was quickly replaced by strong desire.

  The ingredients of this desire are extremely complex, including greed, appetite, lust, and violent desire.

  If the eyes of Tianxin Pig are like a well, at that moment, it seems that all the desires are gushing out of its eyes, like the abyss of sin, trying to **** people in.

  But with Ji Que's punch, its originally extremely complicated eyes of desire were suddenly filled with sadness.

   It is the Aeon Cookery that causes its sorrow.

   Immediately afterwards, another punch came down, and Tianxin Pig flew into the sky, his eyes filled with peaceful joy.

  As Ji Que kept flipping it up in the air, various expressions appeared on Tianxinzhu's face.

  Its seven emotions and six desires were dissipated by this domineering emotion, and it showed a sad expression from time to time, and the complex desire in its eyes dropped sharply.

  Cooking Tianxin pig is like testing poison, it may still be the most poisonous kind in the world.

  Even the master who moved the mountain, if he swallowed the Tianxin pig rashly, he might be driven mad by its terrible desire, neither human nor ghost.

  Wangugu cooking method is to get rid of the poisonous desire of Tianxin pig and make it natural green and healthy.

  Lin Xiangzhi and the others couldn't remember how many punches Ji Que had thrown. They just felt their heads go up and down with Tianxin Pig, and their necks were numb.

   Arriving at the back, Tianxin Zhu already had the expression of a sage on his face, like a holy monk who has forgotten the **** in the world.

  Ji Que was overjoyed, and seeing this situation again, he couldn't help humming while shaking: "Quietly ask the holy monk, is my daughter beautiful, is my daughter beautiful?"

   A song ended, and Tianxin Pig floated down on the plate in the kitchen.

  It has long since died, with a strong roasting aroma on its body, and a sage-like expression on its face, as if it had never suffered a single bit of pain during its lifetime.

  Ji Que shook his spoon so much that his clothes were burned.

  He found that the more he shook the spoon recently, the hotter the hot energy in his body became more irritable, so that he was very undressed.

  Does he think it's time to find an opportunity to vent his anger?

  So he couldn't help looking at Lin Xiangzhi, Lin Xiangzhi seemed to understand his thoughts at once, and said, "I'm afraid it will be hot."

   Immediately, he looked at Tang Yi, who was lying on the wicker chair, and said, "I'm too lazy to move."

  Ji Que couldn't help but think of Nushangfeng at this moment, but found that Nushangfeng had disappeared into that weird town with Chen Laoshi.

  So it is very urgent to enter the town after becoming stronger.

  Ji Que looked at the roasted pig that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, took a deep breath, and said, "Brother Pig, thank you for your hospitality."

   As he spoke, he bit the pig's nose.

  For a moment, the wonderful taste of roast suckling pig bloomed in his mouth, stimulating his taste buds crazily.

  Ji Que can be sure that this is definitely not a taste that Qiankun BBQ can match.

If you have to compare, the Qiankun Roasted Goose is at most the red lady in the brothel, and the Roasted Suckling Pig can be said to have fallen from the sky to satisfy your various desires, both pure and lustful. When you think of her as pure, she is extremely pure and holy. When I think of her, she is a perfect fairy who is even more cloudy than Wushan Yunyu.

  So, this not-so-big Tianxin pig was eaten by Ji Que in just a few mouthfuls.

   Until now, Ji Que still has the urge to swallow his tongue.

  Chen Zhu burst into tears, and said, "He really didn't give me a hair."

  Yes, Ji Que promised him before that at least one hair would be left for him.

  It's a pity that Mao was completely burned when he flipped the spoon. This pig is small and delicious, so Ji Que naturally wouldn't leave him a bite.

  Ji Que seemed to see his thoughts, patted his shoulder and said, "You can't handle this pig, I feel my whole body is full of strength."

   As soon as the words fell, Ji Que sat cross-legged on the ground and remained motionless, like an old monk in meditation.

  The next moment, steaming heat emerged from Ji Que's head, like the mist of the fairy mountains overseas.

  A moment later, the transpiring mist turned into colorful colors again, just like the colorful clouds in the sky, which is very beautiful.

  Chen Zhu couldn't help but exclaimed.

   As a result, his exclamation that he had never seen the world had not yet fallen, and the colorful mist turned into three colorful flowers.

  Three flowers gather on the top of the head, like a dream.

   With a bang, the three flowers gathered one by one and entered Ji Que's head.

  The next moment, Ji Que opened his eyes, and there seemed to be colorful rays of light blooming in his pupils.

   With a buzzing sound, the Qianji Sword that was originally placed in the bedroom had an induction, flew out, and entwined around Ji Que.

  It is obviously a sword, but its entwined posture is like a snake.

   Soft snake.

  It was wrapped very thoroughly, from the top of Ji Que's head to the bottom of his feet, not even missing the key parts.

   At this time, Chen Zhu once again let out an exclamation that had never seen the world.

  Because of this time, the sword body was also covered with that colorful glow.

  The glow was very brilliant, and the Qianji Sword also changed for a while.

  If it was entwined like a snake before, it is now like a beautiful snake, entangled very coquettishly and enchantingly.

  Qian Ji turned around faster and faster, and faster and faster, the surrounding air became distorted and turned into a twisted mist.

  If Ji Que could describe this distorted fog, it would be a colorful mosaic.

  Yes, Ji Que and Qian Jijian are now in this mosaic. From the perspective of Chen Zhu and others, Ji Que seems to be taking a bubble bath, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

  It lasted for half an hour, only to hear a clear sound of the sword, the "mosaic" on Ji Que's body disappeared, and the flowing Qianji Sword also disappeared.

   After a while, Chen Zhu discovered that there was a silver and white bracelet on Ji Que's wrist at some point. From a distance, it looked like a coiled snake, giving people a coquettish feeling.

  Chen Zhu was speechless for a long while, and after a long while, couldn't help complaining: "Why is it obviously a sword, why do I feel more tempting than junior sister?"

   "It's over, junior sister lost to Jian."

  Ji Que sat there still dressed in rags, after a while of silence, he said, "I'm done."

   "Master Ji, I'm done!"

  Ji Que punched the sky, and the air above his fist suddenly twisted and changed, sometimes like a big sword soaring into the sky, sometimes like a spreading rain flash, sometimes a pillar supporting the sky, sometimes soft like a white cloud

  On the way, the Qianji Sword turned into a sword bracelet was twirling around his wrist, really like an elegant little snake.

  At this point, even Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help complaining: "Why is his natal creature so flamboyant?"

  Yes, looking at the endlessly winding sword bracelet, the only word "Sao" came to her mind.

  Because it reminded her of snakes mating.

  Tang Yi was still lying there, casually said: "Don't worry, it won't turn into a woman, you don't care if it's flirty or not."

   Hayashi Xiangori thought it made sense for a moment, so she couldn't help but nodded.

   At this time, Ji Que stood up and said, "Take me there."

  He looked at the sword bracelet on his wrist, felt the surging power in his body connected to his natal object, and never felt so beautiful.

  If it is said that before, his power still came from his own true qi and essence, which had little connection with the world, but now it is completely different.

The connection between the natal object and the heaven and the earth is very close. If the sky and the earth are a sea, the natal object is like swimming and breathing between the heaven and the earth anytime and anywhere, and he is affected by it, as if he is integrated with the heaven and the earth, and he can use some of the energy between the heaven and the earth. strength.

  It turns out that the feeling of the five realms of life is so wonderful, no wonder so many people want to practice and keep climbing to the top.

  This is not the scenery at the top, but at most halfway up the mountain, but it has distanced itself from the scenery at the foot of the mountain.

  Green valley, full of pines and cypresses.

  This forest seems to have no other tree species except pines and cypresses. It looks like a green ocean at a glance, and at the same time it gives people a sense of solemnity.

  Chen Laoshi and Ning Hongyu were members of the Foreign Object Chasing Society and chased them to this valley.

  Following an official from the Qingqi Division leading the way, an inconspicuous gap appeared behind the lush forest.

  This gap hangs obliquely on the hillside, surrounded by pines and cypresses or weeds, it is difficult for people to find.

   Even if found, it is not surprising that there are hundreds if not dozens of such gaps on a mountain.

   But it was this gap that led Chen Laoshi and his party to an isolated town.

  Ji Que got in without any hesitation.

  This seam is very narrow at the beginning, and only then can it pass through people. Go back hundreds of steps, suddenly see the light.

  Standing on a hillside, Ji Que always felt that he came to the other side of the hillside through a gap in one hillside, but he saw a very strange scene.

   It’s like the Peach Blossom Spring that the fisherman strayed into in the story of Peach Blossom Spring.

  The land is flat and open, and the houses are like houses. There are fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry and bamboo. The traffic in the rice paddies, chickens and dogs meet each other. Among them, the work and the clothes of men and women are all like outsiders. Yellow hair hangs down, and he is happy.

   This is the town that Qingqi officials said, it looks self-sufficient, peaceful and beautiful.

  But because Chen Laoshi and Nu Shangfeng disappeared in this town, and the members of the Foreign Object Society who escaped were also in this town, for a while, this town gave people a strange feeling.

  The Qingqi Department official stood there a little timidly, because several of his colleagues also disappeared here.

  The seemingly peaceful and peaceful town hides unknown dangers.

   Ji Que waved his hand to tell him not to go in, but chose to enter alone.

  Before entering the town, he couldn't help but look at the sky, feeling that the time was wrong.

  When he and the officials of the Qingqi Department entered the gap, it was obviously not before Shen time (four o'clock in the afternoon), and the scene in front of him seemed to have reached dusk.

  The seam was obviously not long, so it didn't take much time.

  For a while, this town, which outsiders don't know, has a little more bizarre meaning in Ji Que's eyes.

   And when he swaggered into the town, the bizarre atmosphere became stronger.

  The townspeople all looked fine and normal, but no one paid him any attention.

  In a town isolated from the rest of the world, an outsider suddenly came. He was so handsome, but he didn't attract crowds and appreciation, not even his little sister.

  Is he not as good as that fisherman?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

  It can only be said that there is something wrong with this town. These normal-looking townspeople wearing costumes of unknown ages are like putting on a show.

   Acting very normal and weird.

  A round of setting sun hung in the sky, covering the mountains and forests around the town and the whole town, as if smeared with a layer of blood.

  Ji Que soon discovered that these townspeople had all returned to their houses without knowing it.

  The streets of the whole town suddenly became quiet, surprisingly quiet.

   What made Ji Que's eyelids twitch the most was that the windows of some houses were sealed with wooden strips, as if a monster was locked inside.

   Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

  There are no people lighting lamps in the town, and the world is dark.

  Occasionally, there are lights burning in a house, and Ji Que couldn't help but go up to knock and take a peek, only to find that everyone in the house looked scared and stayed away from the door and window where he was.

  Especially those in the battened windows shivered at the sight of him.

  Before, Ji Que felt that there was some kind of monster closed in this window, but at this moment, he felt that he had become a monster, and others were afraid of him.

  As soon as this idea appeared, Ji Que felt a creepy feeling, and couldn't help touching the sword bracelet on his wrist.

   Touching the "Qian Ji Sword" made him feel at ease.

  After a while, Ji Que found that there were quite a few people similar to him on the street.

  He doesn't even know how these people came to be.

   Some of them were knocking on the door, some were talking to the room, trying to get in, but the people in the room didn't respond, and some even hid far away.

  They, like themselves, were treated as monsters by the people inside?

  Under the moonlight, the bluestone slabs of Long Street seem to have been washed by water, reflecting a cool brilliance.

   As a result, Ji Que quickly discovered that people who were similar to him had gathered here.

  They are male and female, tall and short, fat and thin, and they dress up differently.

  Some of them are dressed in silk and satin, fair-skinned, rich and powerful, while others are wrapped in tattered cloth and don't even have a pair of decent straw sandals on their feet.

  People of different colors stand together, but the expressions on their faces are exactly the same.

  They were all laughing, but the smile seemed to be pulled only by the skin, which seemed particularly false and weird.

  At this time, a man in brocade clothes suddenly rushed over.

   After this disagreement, he rushed over with a smile. Ji Que was so frightened that he punched him.

   As a result, this not-heavy punch smashed the man's head into pieces.

  The man fell obliquely on the ground, and in the next moment, thick, earthworm-like fleshy whiskers appeared from the broken neck, like a mouth that wanted to swallow people.

   "Fuck! So you are all monsters." Ji Que couldn't help complaining.

   A gust of strong wind suddenly blew from behind, Ji Que didn't need to look back, he knew something was coming.

  At this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, only a fire surged up in his body.

   Without any hesitation, turn around and shoot!

   Boom! Boom! boom!

  At least five or six people rushed over this time, but they all flew into the sky.

  These people were normal at first, but after being turned upside down, they quickly changed.

   Some of them turned into corpses, some had branches and flowers growing on their faces, and some white bones kept protruding from their bodies.

  The more excited they are, the less human-like they are, and the more terrifying their strength becomes.

  Ji Que tossed up six monsters like a cook stir-frying, which immediately attracted the attention of the "people" around him.

  So involuntarily, more and more monsters rushed over.

  Ji Que moved his hands faster and faster, and there were more and more monsters flying over his head.

  He really couldn't figure out why all the ghosts nearby rushed like moths to a flame, since he was just throwing a spoon to save his life.

  Young master is not a flame in the night, why should you be so eye-catching!

  Ji Que's fists had already turned into a phantom, and there were more than 30 monsters flying above his head, some of which were one or two feet high, making people's scalp numb.

   At this moment, a door next to him opened, and he said to Ji Que, "Come in!"

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