MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 79

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From the first time Yan Chuyu saw Song Nianying, his eyes couldn't help chasing after her, unconsciously being nice to her.

From the moment she was kissed by her, the Seventh Princess thought of many things in the future. She wanted to hold Song Nianying's hand for the rest of her life as said in the storybook, protect her well, and see her happy face.

If you want to have a daughter with her, it is best to grow a pair of peach blossom eyes like her, so that when the two lose their temper and the seventh princess doesn't know how to coax others, the daughter will sit on her lap and hug her. her neck, coquettishly telling her mother not to be angry.

I also want to walk through the mountains and rivers with her, to accompany her to see the prosperity and decline, and to accompany her to eat all the delicacies in the world.

I even want to be able to hold hands with her and walk on the forest path when the hair is gray, smell the birds and flowers, and feel the beauty of the world.

The Seventh Princess had already thought about it a lot, and it was all about Song Nianying.

Once, her world was pale, turning like a machine, lifeless.

But Song Nianying was like that flash of brilliant color, breaking in without hesitation, lighting up everything about her.

Seeing his daughter like this, the Dragon King was silent for a long time, and he said slowly: "For her, you don't want anything?"

He knew how much his daughter cared about being the heir.

Yan Chuyu was startled when she heard this, she looked at her father hurt.

Since childhood, she has been obedient, no matter what her parents say, even if she is unwilling, even if she cannot persist, she will remain silent.

Is what she really wants to be the heir of Nanhai?

Do not.

Everything she did and endured, she did not want her parents to be sad, and she did not want her family and sisters to be hurt.

But who ever asked her what she wanted?

Have you ever been tired?

When you are wronged, when you are sad, do you ever want to shed tears?

Now, this is the only thing she thinks of, will the father want to be angry with her?

Seeing his daughter like this, the Dragon King sighed heavily, "Do you know who she is?"

Yan Chuyu stared blankly at the Dragon King, she knew that Song Nianying was definitely not an ordinary person, she was kind-hearted and powerful, but she just didn't use it, otherwise, she would be a very strong fighter.

The Dragon King looked into his daughter's eyes: "You have read a lot of poetry and books, you should have heard of the word "God Shadow"."

Yan Chuyu's heart turned cold, she took a step back and instinctively shook her head.

no, impossible...

Many chaotic words flooded into my mind from all directions.

——The shadow of God is a shadow left by God in the world.

It is simple and kind, ignorant of worldly affairs, and sympathetic to the common people in the world.

Help others even if you hurt yourself.

The Dragon King looked straight at her, took a step forward, and said aggressively: "Whether she is, you know. So, daughter, let yourself go before the relationship is deep." His words changed: "Let her go too .”

——Love begets worry, and love begets fear.

The gods and shadows cannot be lingering on the love with the world. If their hearts belong to each other, they will definitely have nostalgia for the heaven and the earth.

In this way, her catastrophe will come.

This is the veritable scourge of heaven.

Dragon King: "If she survives the catastrophe, even if I try my best in the South China Sea, I won't be able to help her."

Tears welled up in Princess Seven's eyes. She thought of Song Nianying's smiling eyes and her words.

——I don't want you to go, Chu Yu...

With such a bright smile and such clean eyes, how could Yan Chuyu be willing to let her be hurt.

Dragon King: "Do you have the heart to see her being hurt because of love?"

"You can't protect her."

"Let go of her, she is a shadow, she does not belong to anyone, she cannot be owned by anyone."

The Dragon King paused for a moment, seeing that his daughter was about to shed tears, his tone softened a bit: "Of course, if you can rest assured that you are just in love with her, Father King will not hinder you."

After all, only the daughter would benefit from that.

Look at the daughter in front of her, how powerful the aura is, without the tiredness before, everything should be the effect of the shadow, right?

Yan Chuyu shook her head, she bit her lip, tears fell, "I'm going to find her."

She is going to find her.

She promised that Song Nianying would accompany her.

Seeing his daughter's stubbornness, the Dragon King frowned, a dark green halo lit up on his dragon's horn, and grids like iron wires fell down, directly covering Yan Chuyu, with a gloomy green glow shining on it. Light, as long as it is touched, no matter how hard the object is, it will be turned into coke by electricity.


Song Nianying suffered from insomnia all night.

She tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep, touching the jade pendant Yan Chuyu gave her, unable to put it down.

She knew that Chu Yu had a lot of official duties to deal with, so she was careful not to rub the jade pendant accidentally.

The jade pendant was vividly engraved with the shape of a dragon. The dragon was arrogant and domineering, with a long and slender tail, and the scales on its body seemed to be glowing.

She had never seen Yan Chuyu appear in real body, and she felt a little itchy in her heart.

If one day, you can take a look, how good it would be to let her carry you on your back?

Lang Rouyi, who was lying on the side to guard and was woken up by her, said angrily: "The dragon family is proud and will not be tamed by anyone. You like that girl, and she is the pride of pride. She will not let you ride."

Song Nianying looked at it happily, "You don't understand love."

Purple Wolf: ...

"Chuyu...Chuyu treats me differently."

Thinking of the two kisses today, Song Nianying's cheeks flushed red, she lowered her head, trying to hold back.

Zilang rolled his eyes, turned around, and pointed his tail at her.

"Hey hey."

The moment it turned around, Song Nianying laughed out loud.

Purple Wolf: ...

Early the next morning, she didn't even drink the morning dew, and couldn't wait to run to the waters managed by the Seventh Princess.

She wove a ring out of straw last night, breathed a sigh of relief on it, and the ring immediately became bright and lovely, and it would not fade no matter how long it was worn.

Song Nianying squatted by the lake, calling softly: "Chu Yu, I'm coming~"

"Chu Yu, I brought you something good."

"This time, it's not dew."

She yelled for a long time, but the lake didn't respond, it was as quiet as stagnant water.

Song Nianying frowned, she thought for a while, took out the jade pendant Yan Chuyu gave her, and was about to rub it, when a man in a navy blue robe and a jade crown came out beside him, he looked at Song Nianying and smiled slightly: " She won't come out."

Song Nianying was stunned, she turned to look at the man, "Who are you?"

How did he know what he was calling?

The man smiled slightly. He straightened his clothes, stretched out his hand, and his eyes fell on Song Nianying's face like fire: "I am the prince of Xihai, Longaoba."

Song Nianying looked at his hands and pursed her lips without moving.

West Sea...

She once remembered that she saw information about Xihai in the snake letter of the big python, saying that they had been at odds with Nanhai.

Why is he here?

Could it be that Chu Yu is in danger?

Song Nianying stood up suddenly, she took a few steps back, the cold wind blew, and her long hair fluttered, she looked at Long Aoba warily, "Why are you here?"

Feeling her aura, Long Aoba was not only not afraid, but secretly pleased in his heart, he said with a smile: "I was invited to a banquet in the South China Sea, the Seventh Princess will be engaged to the Prince of the East China Sea soon, but you were also invited?"

——The seventh princess will be engaged to the prince of the East China Sea soon.

The Seventh Princess will soon be engaged to the Prince of the East China Sea...

In this way, the cycle was surging in Song Nianying's mind. She didn't go into the water, but felt that the tides from all directions were rushing towards her, filling her ears, nose, mouth and tongue, making her unable to breathe.

She is so simple.

Never out of this forest, never deceived.

Long Aoba: "I've met the prince of the East China Sea. Yushu is facing the wind. He's a handsome man. He's an attractive appearance. It's just that he's a little worse than me when it comes to swordsmanship."

He looked at Song Nianying from the corner of his eye, and had a panoramic view of her despair.

"I heard that you like dragons, I can show you."

After speaking, his dragon horns changed.

The dragon horn was mighty and domineering, glowing with blue light.

It is completely different from the aura of Seventh Princess.

Song Nianying didn't even look at it, she stared blankly at the lake, no way...Chu Yu only promised her yesterday...

Seeing that she didn't respond, Long Aoba intensified, and directly transformed into a dragon's tail. The dragon's tail swayed, bringing out gusts of treacherous wind.

The dragon tail of the dragon tribe, besides the ability to deter attacks, is also used for courtship and mating.

Song Nianying sniffed that smell. She was fascinated by Chu Yu's smell before, but now, she turned her head and frowned at Long Aoba: "It stinks."

The breath on his body and his magnetic field made Song Nianying a little nauseous, as if he wanted to vomit.

She could even feel countless undead crying beside him.

Such a person must be full of evil, and there will inevitably be great disasters.

Long Aoba: ...

No one can resist his aura. Among the three thousand in his harem, which one smelled it, didn't they beg him to be together?

Her heart was in a mess, and Song Nianying couldn't care less. She poked her head and wanted to jump into the sea to find Chu Yu.

But this time, the sea water was different from the past, Song Nianying only felt a gust of cold air coming to her face, so strong that she was photographed out of the way.

Song Nianying was staggered and fell to the ground. She looked at the sea in disbelief, silent for a long time, a line of tears fell down her cheeks.

The moment she got up to leave, a tear turned into her favorite firefly, flew to the beach, and fell slowly.

There was a blue light in that sea area, like someone's tears, which made people feel distressed.

But Song Nianying, who turned around, could no longer see all of this.

Her soul seemed to be emptied, and she walked slowly all the way into the cave. Next to her, Long Aoba kept following, talking non-stop, trying to get her attention, but Song Nianying frantically waved her sleeves, Bringing up a huge whirlwind, moved by his thoughts, the wind changed into the shape of a big hand, clamping his neck, making him unable to move, the howling wind blowing into his mouth, making him speechless, crushing him Everything is shielded out.

Although his force value is not the strongest in the four seas, but he has never been so weak like a chicken, caught in the wind with a wave of his sleeves, unable to move.

His ambition has always been great, he is not reconciled to being just a prince of the first palace, and wants to rule the world.

Even, he wants to fight against the Heavenly Court forcefully.

Why, their dragon race is an ancient beast, and they should have walked with the **** race, but they have to obey the orders of the heavens all the time, and are restricted by various rules and regulations.

For the other future heirs of San Gong, Long Ao Ba has always arranged eyeliner by their side.

At that time, when the spies reported that the ghost was haunting, he still didn't believe it. After taking a sneak peek, he was ecstatic.

It's just that many things are just words and ink recorded in books after all, no matter how they are rendered, seeing is believing.


If he could get even a piece of her flesh and blood, it would be enough for him to rule the world.

His octopus guardian quickly arrived and rescued the prince. Long Aoba waved his sleeves and said coldly: "She just looks innocent, but actually knows everything and is very hostile to me. "

Thinking that he is suave and charming, he has fascinated many girls from the sea tribe and the world, and he came to deceive this little girl who is not familiar with the world with confidence.

Who knew that Song Nianying didn't even give him a look.

The octopus protector thought for a while, and said slowly: "The prince knows that the **** shadow is sympathetic to all living beings, and cannot bear to hurt all the animals around him."

Long Aoba's eyes lit up, he looked at the octopus, "You mean—"

Octopus nodded, with cold eyes: "Since she is super capable and can't get close, let's attack her weakness."

"What's going on?"

The elk was lying on the ground, grinding its antlers, and looked at her sister worriedly.

Zilang snorted through his nostrils angrily, "It's not because of that dragon clan."

It said that my sister shouldn't just listen to other people's coaxing. Now, she was deceived and lost her mind for most of the day.

The two of them were discussing, when in the forest, there was the sound of "dong dong dong" from Tongluo.

Zilang stood up angrily, "What time is it, the big python is still making trouble? Do you want to practice the art of war again?"

Ever since he was attacked by an outside group four years ago, the boa constrictor has been very worried. From time to time, he dragged the small animals to practice and beat the gong every day to wake everyone up, saying that he was born in sorrow and died in peace. Although with the help of my sister, I have resisted a strong enemy, but what if there is another time? We must rely on our own strength to become stronger.

At the beginning, it was very fixed, and the gong must be struck every three days.

Later, after everyone stepped on the snake's tail a few times, it has become more restrained, and now it only hits once in a few months.

Now, it knocks in a hurry, in a panic, and the hearts of the people who knock are confused.

Song Nianying covered her ears with the quilt, and just wanted to be alone in peace, Zilang and Molu looked at her worriedly, and turned to go out.

In the past, Song Nianying would shed tears occasionally, but it was never for herself.

Her heart is soft.

Seeing small animals being injured or dying, they will be sad and sad, and they will cry when they are sad.

But this time, her tears were all for herself.

In my mind, it was Long Aoba's words for a while, and Chu Yu's smile for a while.

Everyone thinks that she is innocent and that she doesn't understand anything.

In fact, Song Nianying's own ability has already allowed her to distinguish by intuition, just like the animals she rescued, as long as they are willing to donate their flesh and blood to make husbands, they are all kind and conscientious.

She's never done that to anyone.

Once I saw it, I couldn't forget it.

It's not because she is from the Dragon Clan, no matter what her status is, Song Nianying will like her.

She touched her lips, and the tears flowed even more fiercely. The gentleness of yesterday is still in front of her eyes. Today, is Chu Yu going to be engaged to someone else?

Song Nianying didn't want to believe it, but when she was stopped by the breath of the sea just now, she understood everything.

That is the waters under Chu Yu's jurisdiction.

Everything follows her orders.

That breath is clearly written full of repulsion, full of don't see you again.

Song Nianying washed her face with tears, and fell asleep halfway through. In her dream, perhaps because she was too uncomfortable, she saw a sea of ​​bright red blood.

She was suddenly in it, bewildered.

Like a volcanic eruption, the blood seeped into the earth, and the sky and the earth turned pale.

And she walked among them, saying "don't" and "don't" in tears.

Beside them are the piled corpses of small animals.

There is also a shriveled dragon skin bag, with dragon tendons shining blue light beside it, which is still wriggling like twitching.

And walking forward, she saw Chu Yu, whom she was thinking of so much, lying on the ground, covered in blood, the dragon tail that made her love to touch it thousands of times, was cut off by something, and the blood flowed out one by one .

Song Nianying was so frightened that she woke up in a cold sweat. She sat up suddenly, and beside her, Zilang pushed the lotus leaf full of dew to her side: "Are you awake, sister?"

The elk was still grinding its antlers on the ground, and complained dissatisfiedly: "The boa constrictor is getting more and more unreliable, why does it smell danger, who does it think it is? A witch? It took us a long time to practice, oops, I It hurts all over."

Song Nianying was at a loss as if in a dream, she raised her hand and wiped the sweat off her body, "What time is it?"

"It's time."

It is the time when yin and yang alternate.

Molu raised his head and looked at Song Nianying: "Sister, did you have a nightmare?"

The one who kept shouting "don't" and "don't" must have been hurt by that bad dragon man.

Zilang felt a little distressed, "Let me tell you, sister, there are so many handsome young men in our forest, you can choose any one that is better than that ruthless dragon."

Song Nianying looked at it angrily, "I don't allow you to say that."

The elk "tsk tut" twice, "Sister, people don't want you anymore, why are you still in love? Otherwise, I will transform into a maid tomorrow and take you to the world for a while, don't you like girls? ? Let’s go to Lichun Courtyard and let you choose one you like.”

Purple Wolf jumped into a rage: "You dead elk, how dare you spoil my sister!"

Song Nianying looked bewildered, and asked suspiciously: "Li Chunyuan? Where is that?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a cold voice came from outside the door, "Don't go."

Upon hearing this voice, Song Nianying threw off the quilt and sat up.

The blue breath with the smell of sea waves pushed open the door with a "bang".

The purple wolf and the elk trembled together, and turned their heads to look at it together.

Under the moonlight, the heartbroken dragon who made Song Nianying cry all day finally appeared in front of her with his hands behind his back.

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